20:02:44 <ttx> #startmeeting tc 20:02:45 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jan 7 20:02:44 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:02:46 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:02:48 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tc' 20:02:54 <ttx> Our first meeting of 2014. how time flies 20:03:01 <ttx> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/TechnicalCommittee 20:03:32 <ttx> #topic Diversity as a requirement for incubation 20:03:37 <ttx> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2013-December/022546.html 20:03:49 <ttx> That one generated a long thread just before the holidays 20:04:02 <ttx> Consensus generally was that we should not *require* diversity before incubation, but require it for graduation instead (options 2/3) 20:04:20 <ttx> Steve Dake's email appeared to win the internet: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2013-December/022592.html 20:04:41 <ttx> What about 2 or 3 ? Some people prefer 2, some people prefer 3 20:04:58 <ttx> At this point I think requiring "letters of intent" from companies that they would contribute to project Y if it was ever incubated is a bit useless 20:05:06 <sdague> ttx: agreed 20:05:12 <ttx> If we think project Y is relevant, that matters more than a promise of support that might not be followed up 20:05:24 <ttx> So I think I'm going to propose option 2 20:05:31 <ttx> "2. Do not require diversity for incubation, but require it for graduation, and remove projects from incubation if they fail to attract a diverse community" 20:05:44 <ttx> I'll propose it as a patch to reference/incubation-integration-requirements 20:05:54 <ttx> comments / thoughts ? 20:05:58 <dhellmann> option 2 sounds best, but what do we need to change for the graduation requirements to reflect the diversity requirement there? 20:06:15 <dhellmann> and do we need some sort of "out" clause like what appears in option 3? 20:06:17 <mordred> I agree with 2 20:06:20 <ttx> dhellmann: we need to remove the diversity requirement from the incubation part, I think 20:07:10 <dhellmann> sure, I mean, how do we tighten up the graduation requirements to indicate that it is still a part of graduation and that projects that fail to attract a diverse contributor base won't graduation and may lose their incubation status (after some period of time) 20:07:15 <ttx> any project failing to meet graduation requirements can be out, no specific clause needed ? 20:07:58 <dhellmann> we've said projects won't graduate if they don't meet the requirements, but I wasn't aware that "not graduate" might mean "might lose incubation status" 20:08:00 <ttx> dhellmann: i think we can cover that as we visit incubation status more regularly 20:08:02 <dhellmann> or do we not want that? 20:08:10 <mordred> you know - we may not need to have a specific policy on that 20:08:23 <mordred> we could come back to a project that's not gaining diversity 20:08:31 <dhellmann> I wasn't thinking of a specific time frame, just to actually say that we may consider that action 20:08:35 <ttx> we want that, but I think we can cover it in the "incubation" explanation wikipage 20:08:36 <mordred> say "hi, we think you're not gaining diversity, and if you donm't by X, we're going to delist you" 20:08:48 <ttx> mordred: +1 20:08:54 <sdague> yeh +1 to that 20:09:07 * flaper87 sneaks in 20:09:12 <flaper87> that sounds reasonable to me! 20:09:16 <dhellmann> I guess I'm not being clear. 20:09:18 * mordred hands flaper87 a cookie 20:09:29 <ttx> dhellmann: that can be part of our "graduation requirements" feedback 20:09:30 <dhellmann> Does anything in the process document actually say that right now? 20:09:32 <dhellmann> ok 20:10:07 * flaper87 eats that cookie and the rest 20:10:10 <ttx> dhellmann: i'll make sure the docs cover the case and make it clear that incubation is not a permanent status 20:10:21 <dhellmann> ok, that's all I was looking for :-) 20:10:38 <ttx> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/NewProjects has an arrow pointing back up. 20:10:51 <ttx> but I'll add a sentence there :) 20:11:04 <dhellmann> ok 20:11:14 <ttx> #action ttx to propose the change to reference/incubation-integration-requirements 20:11:34 <ttx> #action ttx to make sure https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/NewProjects mentions losing incubation status as a possibility 20:11:45 <ttx> anything else on that subject ? 20:12:18 <mordred> nope. that sounds great 20:12:24 * ttx spots a few other rthings that need to be updated on that wikipage anyway 20:12:31 <ttx> #topic Need to recognize/bless projects pre-incubation 20:12:38 <ttx> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2013-December/022202.html 20:12:49 <ttx> This was an older thread. If we follow the direction we just decided on diversity as a requirement, I think we solve most of the chicken-and-egg issue that prompted that thread 20:13:00 <ttx> And therefore we don't need to do anything about recognizing projects pre-incubation 20:13:13 <ttx> That doesn't mean we should not track Incubation/Graduation status for projects on some wiki page, though 20:13:30 <ttx> That would not count as "blessing", but would provide easy(ier) reference for all people tracking progress 20:13:40 <mordred> ++ 20:13:41 <ttx> does that make sense ? 20:13:53 <jgriffith> Do we want formal checkpoints for this as well? 20:13:55 <mordred> or, in a yaml file somewhere so that it's parseable and stuff 20:14:05 <jgriffith> ie like each milestone.. 20:14:06 <flaper87> ++ 20:14:11 <dhellmann> yeah, maybe in the governance repo? we need to vote on the status anyway, right? 20:14:14 <sdague> jgriffith: checkpoints would be good 20:14:14 <flaper87> erm, ttx ++ 20:14:31 <ttx> mordred: status is actually in the latest projects.yaml change I proposed 20:14:39 <ttx> dhellmann: ^ 20:14:41 <mordred> ++ 20:14:50 <ttx> vishy: you mentioned to me being interested in having such a reference. Would a wiki page work for you as a tracking tool ? 20:15:28 * jgriffith fears another hidden wiki page 20:15:28 <ttx> mordred: still, gathering our feedback and list of graduation or incubation requirements in some wikipage has some educational value 20:15:57 <ttx> or would you rather have it on some governance file ? 20:16:04 <vishy> yes 20:16:19 * ttx prefers wikipage because it's less like an endorsement 20:16:20 <vishy> or actually i would prefer to just add the extra info the existing page 20:16:39 <ttx> just some "incubation/graduation status" page 20:17:05 <ttx> vishy: the existign page is likely to be replaced by one of the autogenerated pages though 20:17:10 <ttx> (next topic) 20:17:39 * annegentle_ sneaks into the back row and sits 20:17:41 <ttx> anyway, I think we can solve that as we get better at publishing governance docs 20:18:05 <sdague> yeh, agreed, I actually think if we start using the repo instead of the wiki, finding things is going to be simpler 20:18:25 <ttx> things will fall naturally into place as we begin autopublishing 20:18:47 <ttx> which brings us to our next topic 20:18:55 <ttx> unless someone has something to add to this one 20:19:41 * ttx waits for the mandatory minute of lag 20:20:07 <ttx> #topic Governance docs publication 20:20:19 <ttx> So... we need to auto-publish governance docs so that a human-readable version can be found on some webserver 20:20:26 <ttx> Question is.. where and how. Sean originally started to work on this at: 20:20:33 <ttx> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/61380/ 20:20:39 <ttx> Then Anne questioned this approach at: 20:20:43 <ttx> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-tc/2013-December/000462.html 20:20:54 <ttx> That thread reached consensus that publication to a website (with clear links to the repo) was the right solution... 20:21:03 <ttx> ...but there was still disagreement that docs.openstack.org was the right host for that. 20:21:14 <ttx> Suggestions included www.o.o/governance, www.o.o/tc/governance... but at this point www.o.o is not under our direct control yet 20:21:17 <jbryce> are the artifacts going to be primarily static markup files? 20:21:26 <jbryce> html etc 20:21:28 <ttx> We could easily use governance.o.o or some other subdomain, though 20:21:37 <sdague> jbryce: yes 20:21:40 <ttx> jbryce: I think so, yes. sdague ? 20:21:43 <ttx> ok 20:22:05 <mordred> works for me 20:22:06 <jbryce> we can create a user on www that gives you access to drop files into a subdirectory 20:22:10 <annegentle_> jbryce: so far they're just text, https://github.com/openstack/governance/blob/master/reference/incubation-integration-requirements 20:22:16 <sdague> jbryce: it's basically a very similar publisher to how the development docs go on docs.openstack.org 20:22:22 <sdague> rst -> html 20:22:25 <ttx> annegentle, sdague: had a question about that, actually: 20:22:28 <jbryce> sdague: ok, got it 20:22:36 <ttx> annegentle_, sdague: Can we add some transformation so that, for example, the project.yaml file can be turned into a set of HTML files describing programs and their contents ? 20:22:48 <dhellmann> ttx: we can write a sphinx extension to do that 20:22:53 <ttx> (this question is probably dead stupid) 20:23:04 <ttx> dhellmann: ok 20:23:12 <sdague> yeh, seems like we'd just need some preprocessor 20:23:43 <sdague> but I think that's futures. I think step one is the getting anything publishing, then we can expand 20:23:50 <dhellmann> +1 20:23:56 <sdague> the current review is just a doc build, it's not a publish 20:23:58 <ttx> jbryce: so we could potentially opublish somewhere on www.o.o ? 20:24:11 <jbryce> yep. we have /foundation/tech-committee already and we could create a subdir under that for you to drop files in 20:24:12 <sdague> the publish we'd have to work out as an infra job, to a target 20:24:29 <annegentle_> jbryce: is that subdir accessible via ftp or? 20:24:32 <ttx> annegentle_: would that URL work for you ? 20:24:44 <jbryce> yes, but i'd prefer sftp = ) 20:24:47 <annegentle_> I'm fine with anything but docs.openstack.org :) 20:24:59 <mordred> jbryce: we'd prefer sftp too :) 20:25:07 <annegentle_> jbryce: yeah sftp is good 20:25:23 <sdague> yeh, it will mean giving infra root the password, and some assist on the publish job there 20:25:33 <sdague> but I think we can sort that offline 20:25:49 <jbryce> sounds good 20:25:55 <ttx> ok, cool 20:26:00 <ttx> sdague: are we unblocked ? 20:26:01 <annegentle_> jbryce: is http://www.openstack.org/foundation/governance ok? for one less nest? 20:26:15 <ttx> annegentle_: /foundation/tech-committee 20:26:29 <sdague> ttx: ask annegentle_, she has the -1 on the review :) 20:26:33 <annegentle_> ttx: yeah I'm asking if it's possible to not go under tech-committee 20:26:40 <annegentle_> sdague: I need the commit message amended 20:26:59 <jbryce> i'd rather keep it with the tech-committee as there are other governance-related foundation things that wouldn't be included 20:27:02 <annegentle_> sdague: then I'm happy to +1 20:27:09 <sdague> annegentle_: I continue to be confused about that. Can you put exactly what you'd like in the commit message in a comment 20:27:21 <annegentle_> sdague: delete all mention of docs.openstack.org 20:27:48 <ttx> jbryce: would www.o.o/tech-committee be an option ? 20:28:07 <ttx> or does it have to match the top nav 20:28:13 <annegentle_> sdague: suggested edits on review 20:28:57 <jbryce> we're getting ready to refresh the foundation section and nav overall and i think it would be neater for the long term to have the hierarchy 20:28:58 <dhellmann> are we going to try to make the theme of these docs match the theme of the rest of the site? 20:29:07 <ttx> annegentle_: we'd probably move the membership down to /foundation/tech-committee/members 20:29:22 <jbryce> for instance, we can probably decorate basic markup files to add the nav/them of the website 20:29:24 <ttx> so the rest could be published under /foundation/tech-committee directly 20:29:26 * dwchadwick slaps ayoung around a bit with a large trout 20:29:29 <jbryce> if we keep it in the hierarchy 20:29:48 <ayoung> smoke me a kipper 20:29:49 <annegentle_> jbryce: dhellmann: I'd prefer the files match the rest of that site 20:30:05 <dhellmann> I don't think it's a good idea to have anyone else editing these files after they are published. Anything that needs to be changed should happen as part of the publishing process, in the job run on -infra 20:30:17 <jbryce> dhellmann: i'm pretty sure we can get that for free with the hierarchy 20:30:45 <jbryce> dhellmann: decoration in real-time, without touching the content of the files that are transferred 20:31:00 <sdague> ok, so there is phase 2 here for publishing that includes theming to match the foundation site 20:31:04 <ttx> fancy 20:31:13 <dhellmann> jbryce: ok, so we'd need to know what skeleton html format would be needed to make that work out properly 20:31:15 <jbryce> e.g. file says <div>governance is awesome</div> and the web server adds the headers and footers when the page is served 20:31:23 <jbryce> dhellmann: roger 20:31:48 <sdague> do we have a volunteer for that, I'm afraid that will die on the vine? 20:32:08 <ttx> lets' start by publishing the charter under /foundation/tech-committee/charter and iterate from there ? 20:32:38 <sdague> with the existing sphinx theme? or did we just say we couldn't until we had the new templates 20:33:07 <ttx> I think existing sphinx theme is better han no publication at all 20:33:12 <sdague> ok 20:33:19 <dhellmann> I agree. Creating a whole new theme is going to take some time. 20:33:22 <jbryce> you can drop whatever you want in there and it might be easiest to start with the existing theme just to get the publishing mechanics down 20:33:25 <ttx> we'll just not advertise that URL that much until it's clean :) 20:33:47 <sdague> works for me, I can continue to shephard through the existing theme publish to get the minimum working 20:33:56 <annegentle_> thanks sdague 20:34:15 <jbryce> sdague: feel free to ping me offline for the publishing piece 20:34:15 <sdague> annegentle_: review updated 20:34:38 <sdague> jbryce: will do. As we need infra folks, it will wait until next week when they are back to full staff 20:34:46 <sdague> fungi is being run too rampant this week 20:34:47 <ttx> #action sdague to drive governance autopublication step 1: get the charter autopublished under www.o.o/foundation/tech-committee/charter 20:35:11 <ttx> then we'll seek volunteers for the next steps 20:35:23 <ttx> anything more on that topic ? 20:36:08 <ttx> (mandatory minute of lag again) 20:36:23 <annegentle_> none here 20:36:33 <ttx> let us all observe a minute of silence while the topic dies 20:36:40 <ttx> #topic Mention scope expansion in incubation requirements 20:36:47 <ttx> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/62612/ 20:36:53 <ttx> That one was abandoned over the holidays 20:37:02 <ttx> There were a few -1s about the specific language around this, with some consensus around "measured progression". 20:37:12 <ttx> jgriffith had a -1 around the idea itself, though 20:37:27 <ttx> Personally, I think it's good to have this in the requirements, as it gives us some leverage to reject projects "just because there are too many projects in incubation already" 20:37:42 <ttx> Because we might need to reject projects purely on bandwidth reasons at some point, and "measured progression" is what it's about 20:37:49 <jgriffith> ttx: I guess the problem I have is how do you enforce it? 20:37:54 <jgriffith> ttx: it's awfully subjetive 20:37:56 <jgriffith> subjective 20:38:20 <mordred> I thnk I agree with jgriffith 20:38:24 <ttx> jgriffith: I see your point 20:38:30 <ttx> most of the other requirements are objective 20:38:34 <mordred> I think that we don't need to enumerate everything that we might have a subjective viewpoint on 20:38:36 <annegentle_> amen to bandwidth reasons 20:38:43 <jgriffith> mordred: :) 20:39:01 <mordred> we may make decisions basesd on bandwidth - but we may make decisions based on many htings that are judgement calls - that's why we're a body of humans 20:39:02 <annegentle_> but yeah we'd have to have a metric/measurement other than ttx and infra and docs are swamped :) 20:39:16 <mordred> annegentle_: I think that's an excellent measurement 20:39:26 <jgriffith> ttx: I suppose the more I think about *something* does need to be there for incubation 20:39:29 <mordred> but I don't tihnk we need to pre-tell people about it 20:39:30 <ttx> mordred: fine with dropping it as long as it's clear that incubation relies on finite resources and some perfectly-good projects might have to wait for their turn at some point 20:40:05 <mordred> ttx: I guess I'm just saying that we needed to be clear about the diversity thing because it became an issue for projects and a planning issue and is a real problem to solve 20:40:11 <annegentle_> mordred: anne's hair on fire metric 20:40:16 <ttx> we established that 3 in incubation and 2 new integrated projects per cycle was doable 20:40:24 <mordred> I'm not sure that us mentioning that we are worried about finite resources does anything to solve a problem that we currently have in communication 20:40:31 <sdague> agreed 20:40:39 <ttx> I'm pretty sure 6 in incubation or 4 added per cycle would be too much 20:41:22 <jgriffith> ttx: sdague mordred sorry... I may be confused on the intent here 20:41:22 <ttx> agree, let's let that requirement die 20:41:35 <mordred> jgriffith: I'm always confused 20:41:39 <ttx> jgriffith: I think we agree with you 20:41:41 <jgriffith> ttx: limit projects per cycle I get 20:41:44 <jgriffith> Ok :) 20:41:48 <jgriffith> mordred: ditto 20:41:56 <annegentle_> ttx: mordred: even communicating these limits could just mean a need for waitlisting, etc. Sigh. 20:42:35 <ttx> annegentle_: and you can't really come with hard numbers. Some projects need more care than others. 20:42:45 <annegentle_> ttx: truth 20:42:47 <ttx> I think it's just at some point one of us will scream 20:43:07 <ttx> hard to predict when. 20:43:18 <jgriffith> just a moment ago :) 20:43:29 <mordred> yup 20:43:36 <ttx> ok, anything more on that subject ? We'll let that change remain abandoned 20:43:55 <ttx> maybe markmc will revive it and defend it bettert than I did 20:44:44 <ttx> #topic Open discussion 20:44:49 <ttx> Anything else, anyone ? 20:45:08 <sdague> nothing from me 20:45:14 <ttx> I recently proposed a project/program map into programs.yaml 20:45:29 <ttx> which asks plenty of fun questions 20:45:36 <ttx> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/65096 20:46:10 <ttx> like is grenade a devstack or a QA thing 20:46:26 <sdague> ttx: it's QA 20:46:31 <ttx> or like is openstack/requirements a Release management or a Infra thing 20:46:32 <sdague> that was previously established 20:46:36 <ttx> mostly academic questions 20:46:44 <ttx> sdague: cool, thx 20:47:04 <ttx> or is storyboard an infra or release management thing 20:47:24 <ttx> so feel free to tear it apart 20:47:45 <ttx> thera re also a number of openstack*/* projects that have no parent program 20:48:13 <ttx> openstack-dev/openstack-qa 20:48:13 <ttx> openstack-dev/sandbox 20:48:13 <ttx> openstack/governance 20:48:13 <ttx> openstack/melange 20:48:13 <ttx> openstack/openstack 20:48:14 <ttx> openstack/openstack-chef 20:48:15 <annegentle_> ttx: I like your academia 20:48:16 <ttx> openstack/python-melangeclient 20:48:18 <ttx> openstack/python-openstackclient 20:48:20 <russellb> should we have an orphan section? heh 20:48:23 <ttx> some of them may just need to die 20:48:31 <ttx> melange/chef 20:48:36 <annegentle_> now ttx is killing orphans 20:48:44 <ttx> some badly need a home (python-openstackclient) 20:48:57 <ttx> sdague: is openstack-dev/openstack-qa a real thing ? 20:48:57 <russellb> there is chef stuff actively developed on stackforge 20:49:00 <mordred> actually - we've talked about melange before 20:49:06 <mordred> and how to handle it 20:49:08 <sdague> ttx: it's a very old artifact 20:49:10 <mordred> because it's not a real thing anymore 20:49:16 <mordred> but I don't like the idea of deleting it 20:49:24 <mordred> since it _was_ a real thing in the past 20:49:25 <ttx> sandbox openstack/openstack and governance can stay in limbo because they are true orphans I think 20:49:31 <jgriffith> archive grouping 20:49:33 <mordred> openstack-chef is bonghits and can be deleted 20:49:45 <sdague> openstack-attic 20:49:50 <mordred> I suggested to jeblair a while back moving melange to stackforge 20:49:51 <jgriffith> sdague: +1 20:49:57 <mordred> so that should anyone want to do anything with it, they could 20:49:59 <russellb> yeah stackforge seems fine 20:50:00 <sdague> if we want to keep stuff around, lets get it out of real namespaces 20:50:08 <markmcclain> sdague: +1 20:50:22 <ttx> I'd like to have only prgram children or true orphans in openstack*/* 20:50:24 <jgriffith> I'm not so sure how I feel about stackforge 20:50:33 <jgriffith> but if nobody else has an issue ok by me 20:50:35 <ttx> so that we can generally say "contributing to openstack*/* gives you ATC rights 20:50:49 <russellb> stackforge means nothing about how active something is 20:50:52 <russellb> or whether it's crap or not 20:50:53 <sdague> I don't think putting dead projects on stackforge is productive 20:50:58 <ttx> mordred: could we kill openstack-dev/sandbox while we are at it ? 20:51:05 <jgriffith> russellb: that last point is kinda the problem I have with it :) 20:51:11 <sdague> russellb: yeh, but lets not make it sourceforge, the home of dead projects 20:51:19 <jgriffith> LOL 20:51:19 <russellb> heh 20:51:21 <ttx> don't really want commits to that to count as atc-granting 20:51:23 <sdague> so if we know it's dead, throw it in the attic 20:51:25 <russellb> that's funny.. 20:51:28 <russellb> attic is fine i guess 20:51:44 <jgriffith> now we need a basement and we'll be all set 20:51:56 <russellb> attic can be dead stuff from openstack/ 20:51:56 <ttx> isn't stackforge the basement ? 20:52:00 <sdague> openstack-rootcellar 20:52:00 <ttx> or is it the garage ? 20:52:05 <russellb> we could create a basement for dead stackforge projects 20:52:05 <jgriffith> ttx: shed 20:52:10 <russellb> stackforge-basement and openstack-attic 20:52:10 <dhellmann> sdague: beat me to it 20:52:11 <jgriffith> russellb: LOL 20:52:46 <ttx> I would do attic/ rather than openstack-attic, so that openstack*/ matches all "official" projects 20:53:01 <ttx> as in atc-rights-granting 20:53:07 <sdague> ttx: I doubt we're ok to grab github.com/attic 20:53:13 <jgriffith> ttx: good strategy IMO 20:53:26 <ttx> sdague: sounds risky 20:53:28 <mordred> ttx: we use openstack-dev/sandbox 20:53:40 <sdague> anyway, we could sort out naming offline 20:53:54 <sdague> if we are agreed that there should be an "attic" 20:54:02 <russellb> wfm 20:54:08 <ttx> sdague: bikeshedding is what open discussion is for 20:54:14 <russellb> yeah it is fun to bikeshed 20:54:17 <ttx> mordred: oh 20:54:42 <jgriffith> more bikeshedding would greatly improve the world 20:55:01 <sdague> then I'd have all kinds of places to store my bike 20:55:03 <jgriffith> There's always some good humor hidden there 20:55:08 <ttx> mordred: I guess we could count sandbox as a true orphan too 20:55:09 <jgriffith> sdague: OHHH!!! 20:55:10 <annegentle_> stackforge is a garage, baby 20:55:17 <jgriffith> forget attic... "bike-shed" 20:55:47 <ttx> btw, file extensions on .gitignore wins the openstack-dev thread of the week 20:56:38 <jgriffith> ha! 20:56:54 * jgriffith laughs.. then cries 20:57:11 <ttx> mordred: looking at http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-dev/sandbox/ I think nobody would miss it, but please enlighten me 20:59:09 <ttx> I guess that's all for today ? 20:59:27 <mordred> ttx: jeblair made it so that people could 'practice' with our process/tools 20:59:55 <ttx> mordred: could it live on stackforge instead ? 21:00:17 <ttx> mordred: i'm fine with making it a true orphan if not 21:00:50 <ttx> and.. no time left 21:00:56 <ttx> #endmeeting