20:02:39 <ttx> #startmeeting tc 20:02:41 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Aug 19 20:02:39 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:02:42 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:02:45 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tc' 20:02:47 <ttx> The agenda for today: 20:02:55 <ttx> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/TechnicalCommittee 20:03:06 <ttx> #topic Manila for incubation (part 2) 20:03:15 <ttx> We have two changes up for review on that: 20:03:20 <ttx> * Propose Shared File Systems program: (https://review.openstack.org/111149) 20:03:25 <ttx> * Propose Manila for incubation (https://review.openstack.org/113583) 20:03:34 <ttx> Last week we had the first part of this discussion 20:03:42 <ttx> Several points were raised, which I'll try to summarize 20:03:55 <ttx> 1. The Cinder relationship (code was originally copied as a template, but now evolved on its own, common code is being osloified, Manila can pull architectural improvements directly from Nova) 20:04:15 <ttx> 2. Community size/width with most commits coming from same person(s) and same company 20:04:28 <ttx> 3. The driver/vendor aspect (avoid another Neutron with no first-party driver really viable, getting swamped by driver requests, relationship with glusterfs) 20:04:43 <ttx> 4. User interest (is it something people want) 20:04:58 <ttx> I think all the discussion last week falls into on of those 4 points 20:05:07 <ttx> Shout if you think I missed something 20:05:11 <bswartz> good summary 20:05:15 <ttx> I don't think any of those was seen as a blocker to incubation though. 20:05:32 <ttx> The main concern was more our ability to handle more projects in incubation, but that's external to Manila itself 20:06:00 <bswartz> I think all of those above points were responded to, but if anyone wants elaboration let me know 20:06:05 <russellb> and our conversation about that mainly ended up focusing on how to ensure higher quality 20:06:10 <russellb> and not so much about # of projects 20:06:19 <ttx> Those 4 points were mostly things to carefully watch for DURING incubation 20:06:38 <dhellmann> Right 20:06:42 <ttx> russellb: yes 20:06:52 <annegentle> right 20:07:27 <ttx> Also much more concerns in graduating a project to integrated, compared to accepting another project in incubation 20:07:36 <russellb> yes, agree 20:07:53 <annegentle> right also 20:08:07 <dhellmann> Yep 20:08:10 * ttx looks at the state of those reviews 20:08:11 <markmc> nice summary 20:08:26 <russellb> i was waiting on the meeting before voting 20:08:27 <markmc> devananda has a -1 based on process AFAICT 20:08:35 <ttx> We have a -1 from deva on the program thing, but I still think separate changes is the right way to propose this 20:08:35 <jeblair> russellb: same here 20:08:36 <russellb> i think ttx responded to deva 20:08:37 <markmc> that approving the program without the project doesn't make sense 20:08:43 <russellb> of course, he's not around to see the response 20:08:59 <ttx> russellb: jebalir has the power to reverse it though 20:09:04 <russellb> ah yes 20:09:05 <ttx> jeblair: even 20:09:44 <ttx> so unless we have other questions to throw, I suppose we need to wait for votes to be cast on those proposals 20:10:17 <ttx> I'll approve if that reaches 7 YES, and if it doesn't reach such bar during the week, we'll discuss it again next week to try to see what blocks it 20:10:19 <annegentle> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/111149/ 20:10:50 <ttx> Comments on that before we switch to next topic ? 20:10:59 <markmcclain> we've pointed out the lack of community… would it be reasonable to know if there is a plan to help grow it? 20:11:12 <bswartz> are you going to hold votes on both reviews this week? 20:11:13 * russellb +1d both of them fwiw 20:11:15 <ttx> markmcclain: sure that's reasonable 20:11:18 <bswartz> or just the program? 20:11:24 <ttx> bswartz: both 20:11:27 <annegentle> bswartz: my sense was that your community was waiting for incubation? 20:11:34 <bswartz> ty 20:11:41 <ttx> markmcclain: I think the general idea is that the incubation status should result in a surge in contributions 20:11:53 <ttx> markmcclain: as we've seen with barbican, which is the next topic 20:12:06 <russellb> i guess we should clarify the incubation expectations 20:12:12 <bswartz> annegentle: yes there are several developers who will be able to dedicate more time once they can tell their managers it's a real project 20:12:13 <russellb> but it's basically the 4 concerns you brought up at the beginning, i think 20:12:29 <dhellmann> That won't be automatic though. Is there a plan to onboard new contribs? 20:12:56 <markmcclain> ttx: right with barbican there were identified companies that said they'd step in if incubated 20:12:59 <bswartz> I'm not sure why incubation matters so much to those managers but it seems to be important 20:13:01 <ttx> dhellmann: on the other hand, if they fail to attract enough people they can be de-incubated alright :) 20:13:07 <dhellmann> True 20:13:24 <jeblair> yeah, it's not the first time we've heard that 20:13:26 <russellb> yep, not graduating is certainly a possible outcome, and that's OK 20:13:34 <dhellmann> Seems like a plan is a plus, and a lack may not be a blocker 20:13:41 <markmcclain> bswartz: labeling is definitely critical for resource allocation 20:13:49 <russellb> i think it's an obvious value add ot openstack, nothing is competing with it, we should give it a shot to grow 20:14:00 <ttx> russellb: ++ 20:14:08 <dhellmann> Agree 20:14:09 <vishy> o/ (sorry i’m late, reading scrollback) 20:14:12 <markmcclain> russellb: +1 20:14:19 <jeblair> but yeah, i agree, best to maximize chance of success by being prepared to recruit and onboard once/if you get the label 20:14:24 <bswartz> vishy: just +1 my review :p 20:14:28 * ttx gives vishy 2 min to read scrollback before moving on to next topic 20:14:49 <vishy> go ahead 20:14:50 <vishy> :) 20:14:56 <annegentle> two whole minutes? :) 20:14:56 <ttx> #topic Graduation review: Barbican (part 1) 20:15:10 <ttx> I live in a separate timespace continuum 20:15:22 <ttx> So.. At every end of cycle we look at currently-incubated projects, discuss progress 20:15:31 <ttx> and see if any are ready to be made a part of the next OpenStack integrated release development cycle 20:15:48 <ttx> Today we start this end-of-Juno-cycle process by looking into Barbican, which started incubation back in March 20:16:06 <ttx> jraim: o/ 20:16:10 <jraim> I'm here 20:16:15 <ttx> On the contributor diversity side, there was undeniable progress in Juno, which is great to see 20:16:31 <jraim> yep, we're very happy with the folks that have been contributing 20:16:31 <ttx> jraim: what would be your assessment of the current state of Barbican in incubation? 20:16:49 <redrobot> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Barbican/Integration 20:16:59 <jraim> ^^ We put a quick wiki page on our status for integration 20:17:22 <ttx> Looking at http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-August/043360.html my gut feeling is that there are also pretty critical features still being worked on at this point 20:17:35 <russellb> what integration work has been done? 20:17:49 <russellb> completed, i should say 20:17:58 <ttx> the first "integrated" cycle is busy enough already so that should probably be considered once the key features are off the ground 20:18:10 <jraim> russellb: some of that is on the wiki (status wise anyway) 20:18:29 * jaypipes rushes into meeting... 20:18:30 <jraim> ttx: We have mostly focused on technical work, especially with the onboarding of a lot of new contribs 20:18:42 <russellb> jraim: my reading was that no integrations are completed? 20:18:56 <jraim> We have done some work on translating documenation over, but I wouldn't say that was complete yet 20:19:08 <ttx> russellb: (status=MET) means completed 20:19:24 <russellb> this one is STATUS=??? 20:19:26 <ttx> russellb: or do you mean integration with some project? 20:19:31 <russellb> integraiton with some projects, yes 20:19:32 <russellb> sorry 20:19:34 <ttx> oh right ignore me 20:19:50 <ttx> It would also not be bad to have at least one integrated project being able to make use of Barbican, so that we check basic use case / collaboration / interoperability 20:19:50 <russellb> i think for this to graduate, i would expect integration with nova to be completed, for example 20:20:05 <russellb> right, i'm trying to see if there is at least one ... 20:20:06 <annegentle> jraim: do you have user docs anywhere already? 20:20:11 <jraim> the main integrations are with neutron, nova and cinder 20:20:12 <ttx> as you would be expected to complete most of them during the first integrated cycle 20:20:17 <russellb> jraim: are any merged? 20:20:41 <jraim> russellb: not really. there are reviews out for all three, btu I would classify them as WIP 20:20:44 <russellb> I don't think it makes sense to graduate without integration completed with at least one other integrated project in this case 20:20:57 <ttx> russellb: I would be on the same line 20:21:11 <jraim> annegentle: yes, they are our tree....redrobot is digging up the link 20:21:13 <ttx> jraim: Back in June there was a discussion on a barebones CA for easier testing -- was there progress on that ? 20:21:13 <jeblair> it sounds like things are heading in a really good direction, but probably need more time 20:21:19 <russellb> ok so in that case, i think i'd say my feeling is "keep up the really great work, let's talk again next cycle" 20:21:29 <ttx> jeblair: yes, I feel like integrating now would do more harm than good 20:21:30 <redrobot> annegentle we've been working on user docs in the barbican tree 20:21:33 <redrobot> #link http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/barbican/tree/docs 20:21:37 <jraim> ttx: RedHat has contributed dogtag code, which is a pure software CA that can be used for that 20:21:39 <ttx> it generally feels a bit early for tackling integration in the next cycle 20:21:48 <jraim> but we are struggling with 3rd party testing, especially around physical devices 20:22:08 <russellb> but i'd like to reiterate that i think you guys are doing a great job 20:22:18 <russellb> very happy about the progress you've made 20:22:37 <jeblair> jraim: is the dogtag stuff running? 20:22:46 <russellb> jraim: i tihnk every project trying to do 3rd party testing is struggling in some way with it 20:22:50 <jraim> russellb: I wouldn't disagree with you assessment. I'm happy with where we are going, but most of the work this cycle has been technical and we haven't gotten a lot of work on the integrations done 20:22:55 <ttx> yeah, frankly back when we incubated you I thought there would be 0% chance we would discuss integration now 20:22:56 <dhellmann> Are those technical issues? 20:23:02 <markmcclain> russellb: same here really happy with their progress not sure graduation time is now 20:23:03 <jraim> jeblair: the patches are merged, we are working through the testing issues 20:23:05 <annegentle> jraim: I talked to Constanze at lunch (one of the writers) and basically the core-docs resources go towards core docs first... but I think that install docs and end user (CLI, Dashboard) docs are expected 20:23:07 <ttx> but it just seems to not be that far 20:23:21 <russellb> yeah, coming along nicely 20:23:33 * dhellmann is experiencing lag 20:23:33 <ttx> From a release management perspective, we did handle juno-2 but the jobs were not really there yet, so it's still a bit fresh 20:23:37 <jraim> annegentle: agreed. We have more docs work to do. 20:23:40 <jeblair> jraim: okay. i think having really good first-party testing of the all-software path is critical; let me know if you need help 20:23:44 <ttx> It's just all a bit too fresh 20:24:01 <jraim> jeblair: will do. We're looking at setting up turbohipster and the like to enable 3rd party test runs 20:24:06 <ttx> jraim: Would you like to go through list of integration requirements to make sure we are on the same page on them ? 20:24:26 * jaypipes sees no reason to rush graduation, or even the vote on it. 20:24:28 <jraim> We did have one question around horizon 20:24:40 <ttx> i would like to insist that the list is not the complete set of arguments the TC can use, it's more like the minimal, consensual stuff that all TC members agree are a base for integration 20:24:45 <russellb> in the case horizon integration makes sense, yes i think it shold be done before graduation 20:24:48 <russellb> IMO 20:24:53 <jraim> What needs to be completed for integration? and do we write that code or does someone else? 20:24:57 <jeblair> jraim: yep i understand that device testing will be important to you; just want to make sure you know that can't be at the expense of the first-party software device path :) 20:25:06 <jraim> jeblair: agreed 20:25:20 <russellb> jraim: ideally you, or in some sort of collaboration with horizon folks 20:25:29 <ttx> jraim: we had both cases 20:25:35 <jraim> russellb: great. I'll go get some front-end time for that work then 20:25:35 <russellb> not necessarily you personally, but the projcet somehow bringing forward the resources would be ideal 20:26:02 <jraim> russellb: we'll go see what we can do. I think an initial integration won't be horribly complex 20:26:22 <russellb> cool 20:26:23 <jraim> Other question we had: for the answer questions requirements, is that ask.openstack or launchpad or both? 20:26:41 <jeblair> jraim: i think just ask.o.o at this point 20:26:43 <russellb> ask.o.o generally preferred over launchpad answers these days 20:26:48 <ttx> jraim: I would also recommend completing integration with one project, to serve as a key example of good integration / collaboration with established projects 20:26:51 <jraim> okay, good to know 20:26:52 <russellb> launchpad answers was shut down for a lot of projects 20:27:02 <russellb> jraim: i'd say openstack ML as well 20:27:02 <jeblair> i think we stopped enabling lp? we may need to turn off lp answers for barbican if it isn't already 20:27:11 <jraim> ttx: we are working hard with neutron and the john-hopkins folks are working on nova/cinder so we should be pretty far along on those fronts 20:27:23 <annegentle> jraim: ask.o.org 20:27:40 <ttx> heh, neutron is not the best guinea pig, they have a long backlog of things 20:27:43 <markmcclain> jraim: the neutron integration is not likely to land in juno 20:27:54 <markmcclain> ttx: true 20:28:01 <jraim> markmcclain: true. We want to get the work done, but juno seems like a stretch as this point 20:28:03 <annegentle> jraim: and yes, turn off LP answers 20:28:12 <jraim> annegentle: will do 20:28:15 <ttx> if you have the choice, pick a slightly less busy project :) 20:28:42 <russellb> of course they're all busy :) 20:28:47 <russellb> varying levels of busy 20:28:48 <ttx> jraim: any other question on the integration requirements? 20:28:56 <jraim> nope, that's all we had 20:29:02 <russellb> thanks! 20:29:04 <jraim> thanks for the help as always 20:29:05 <ttx> OK, so let's try to summarize 20:29:12 <annegentle> jraim: thanks for all the integration work so far 20:29:14 * dhellmann reaches hotel and signs off for a few min 20:29:56 * russellb is also in a hotel. 20:30:01 <ttx> #info the TC is pleased with the progress Barbican has made during this first cycle in incubation, feels like it's still a bit fresh and early to consider graduation at this point 20:30:12 <jraim> agreed from our side 20:30:15 <russellb> ++ 20:30:20 <ttx> #info Integration with at least oen project should be completed before graduation 20:30:40 <ttx> #info continue the good job on getting a more diverse community 20:30:41 * jeblair agrees with ttx while not in a hotel 20:30:48 <russellb> heh 20:30:57 <ttx> doies that summarize it well? 20:30:58 * markmcclain agrees and is in a hotel 20:31:01 <jraim> Yep 20:31:26 <mikal> Sounds good to me from my house 20:31:31 <ttx> jraim: thanks for coming, and keep up the good work! 20:31:41 <jraim> ttx: thanks again all 20:31:55 <ttx> #topic New nominee for User committee 20:32:10 <ttx> I would like to actively engage with people to see if they would be interested, but to do that I need names. Any suggestion? 20:32:43 <annegentle> Jon Proulx, Joe Topjian 20:32:55 <annegentle> ttx: I have contact info I can send you 20:33:06 <russellb> Nate from NSA 20:33:08 <annegentle> Sean Winn 20:33:08 <ttx> I suggested Guillaume Aubuchon but haven't checked if he would have the time 20:33:15 <annegentle> Beth Cohen 20:33:48 <annegentle> oh and I haven't checked in with any of these names I'm mentioning, but I'd definitely nominate them 20:33:53 <russellb> a large enterprise user of some kind 20:33:54 <ttx> Could you all send me names / contact info? I'll reach to them to check if they would be up to it, and we'll select the final nominee in a future meeting 20:34:01 <annegentle> sure 20:34:07 <ttx> Please send names before the end of week 20:34:54 <annegentle> #action send ttx names/contact info for user committee nominees by Fri 8/22 20:34:56 <ttx> #action ttx to reach to nominees to check if they would be up for the User Committe job first thing Monday morning 20:35:25 <annegentle> I guess that action should have said "all" -- how do I fix it with meetbot? 20:35:38 <russellb> you can #undo, but ttx has already done something after you 20:35:38 <ttx> action is assigned to "send" 20:35:42 <annegentle> ok 20:35:45 <ttx> I guess that works 20:35:47 <annegentle> ah well 20:35:47 <annegentle> :) 20:35:48 <ttx> #topic Other governance changes 20:35:55 <ttx> * Rename marconi to zaqar (https://review.openstack.org/114770) 20:36:06 * russellb proposes a ban on name changes 20:36:11 <jeblair> this is a thing that has happened ^ 20:36:13 <annegentle> pronounced "zah-caar" 20:36:22 <jeblair> russellb: i second that :) 20:36:25 <annegentle> for those who talk about things aloud 20:36:25 <ttx> I think mikal's remark is valid, but jeblair just submitted on behalf of the zaqar crew 20:36:27 <mikal> Did they give in to my demands? 20:36:39 <ttx> mikal: jebalir proposed the change 20:36:44 <ttx> dammit jeblair did 20:37:00 <jeblair> hrm 20:37:02 <ttx> jeblair: why is my keyboard mangling your name 20:37:13 <jeblair> well, the governance change is because now the governance repo points to the wrong project names :) 20:37:25 <mikal> I think even the text from that linked email would be sufficient 20:37:43 <mikal> Just some sort of easy to find historical record 20:38:09 <ttx> I guess that commit message can be expanded, yes. 20:38:29 <ttx> Anyway, this is a housekeeping change 20:38:41 <jeblair> updated. now everyone gets to vote again 20:38:43 <mikal> Hey, I'll update the commit message if Jim doesn't want to 20:39:05 <ttx> jeblair: I'll approve it post-meeting if nobody objects (housekeeping change) 20:39:22 <ttx> post-meeting = as soon as I come back from urgent dental care tomorrow morning 20:39:29 <ttx> * Update kite repo and add python-kiteclient (https://review.openstack.org/114772) 20:39:49 <ttx> Same here, will approve unless someone posts a -1 there 20:39:56 <ttx> * Add repository glance.store to glance (https://review.openstack.org/107585) 20:40:11 <ttx> This one is blocked by Glance PTL virtual -1, and markwash is not back from vacation yet 20:40:17 <ttx> (that I know of) 20:40:22 * dhellmann returns 20:40:41 <ttx> dhellmann: just in time for some interesting open discussion 20:40:42 <jeblair> er 20:40:45 <annegentle> stop talking about dhellmann he's back! 20:40:47 <jeblair> it's already in openstack/ 20:41:06 <jeblair> assuming that we correctly waiting for the ptl approval when creating that repo 20:41:15 <jeblair> i would assert that the ptl has already agreed that it's in the program 20:41:20 <dhellmann> annegentle: ha! 20:41:23 * jeblair double checks that 20:41:27 <ttx> jeblair: he posted a -1 on that review though 20:41:37 <ttx> "-1 for just a few days 20:41:38 <ttx> At the mini summit, we were at a bit of a loss to remember the benefits that outweigh the extra integration costs. 20:41:38 <ttx> We're regrouping to discuss this issue this week and to re-evaluate." 20:41:58 <ttx> I don't feel we should bypass thatone 20:42:12 <ttx> #topic Open discussion 20:42:14 <jeblair> ugh 20:42:25 <ttx> So I have a few things 20:42:31 <ttx> zehicle_at_dell would like to propose a DefCore/TC call to give feedback on the Designated Sections strawman. 20:42:33 <jeblair> we (mordred) apparently did _not_ wait for the glance ptl before approving the repo creation 20:42:42 <ttx> That would happen sometimes later in the week or early next week. 20:42:43 <jeblair> so that was an error on infra's part, sorry 20:42:52 <ttx> He explicitely mentioned it would be a call, not an IRC meeting 20:42:59 <jeblair> if he rejects it, we'll move it out of openstack/ 20:43:04 <ttx> So watch for announcements on the list(s) 20:43:16 <russellb> boo for non-IRC, but fine :) 20:43:32 <dhellmann> we need to have a transcription service for those calls 20:43:48 <ttx> dhellmann: i can probably make one up. 20:44:01 <dhellmann> ttx: not *quite* what I was looking for :-) 20:44:04 <russellb> you can make up a transcription service? 20:44:23 <russellb> it's been long enough since the last TC blog post 20:44:27 <annegentle> I type fast :) 20:44:29 <russellb> anyone want to take a stab at writing one? 20:44:45 <jeblair> do we have a schedule for that? 20:44:47 <ttx> I guess we should wait until the final decision on Manila 20:44:51 <annegentle> russellb: I can, by when? 20:45:01 <russellb> no schedule, been playing by ear so far 20:45:04 <ttx> so that we actually announce something else than barbican continuing incubation 20:45:11 <russellb> the first few were every 2-3 weeks 20:45:16 <russellb> yeah, maybe after next time 20:45:20 <ttx> Since we have a bit of time there was a topic I wanted to discuss 20:45:23 <russellb> just want to make sure we keep it up 20:45:35 <annegentle> ok 20:45:37 <ttx> Should we have dedicated TC members follow integrated/incubated projects ? 20:45:40 <russellb> annegentle: much appreciated 20:46:00 <ttx> That is, rather than expect we can follow everythign everywhere, try to specialize and follow SOME projects we don't have a direct stake in ? 20:46:06 <markmcclain> how about a blog post of focusing on quality? 20:46:11 <russellb> ttx: I like the idea in general 20:46:22 <ttx> I feel like that would be very useful for incubated projects in particular 20:46:26 <russellb> i think we assume too much that every project is looked after at the detail needed 20:46:43 <annegentle> markmcclain: and the discussion on the future of the integrated release 20:46:44 <markmcclain> russellb: +1 20:46:49 <dhellmann> isn't that part of what the ptl should be handling, though? 20:46:50 <ttx> To be current on Barbican for this meeting, I read ML posts, blogposts, asked questions around... 20:47:10 <annegentle> dhellmann: honestly I think PTLs could use support here from each other and from the TC 20:47:19 <annegentle> even if it's just a Q&A Hangout 20:47:19 <ttx> dhellmann: the idea is that the TC would rely on a particular member to flag issues with projects 20:47:44 <russellb> though we need to be careful with it ... don't want to create another "position" 20:47:53 <russellb> where X is the "TC overlord" of Y 20:47:58 <dhellmann> right, or "subcommittees" or whatever 20:48:03 <ttx> I agree it's tricky, we don't want to be blind and rely on a single person either 20:48:21 <russellb> I think our regular check-ins with projects are good, at least 20:48:25 <dhellmann> ttx: I can see the benefit, I just thought we already had someone to do that, but I guess we don't want to delegate our evaluation to the project 20:48:26 <bswartz> +1 for PTL support group 20:48:31 <ttx> it just feels like a lot of work to watch all projects and know enough about them for every discussion 20:48:40 <bswartz> although I don't get the hate mail that most PTLs do yet 20:48:46 <russellb> ttx: are you thinking specifc to incubation? 20:48:50 <russellb> or more generally? 20:48:51 <mikal> bswartz: I can send you some if you feel left out 20:48:56 <bswartz> lol 20:48:56 <dhellmann> annegentle: I'd be up for some sort of "office hours" thing periodically 20:49:17 <annegentle> "I'm Anne G. and I'm an OpenStack PTL" 20:49:20 <ttx> russellb: I think it's more useful for incubation, since it's easier to overlook those projects 20:49:30 * russellb nods 20:49:38 <dhellmann> annegentle: from 3 tenants to 12 steps? 20:49:41 <russellb> ttx: and maybe for integrated projects, a once per cycle status check is enough? 20:50:05 <annegentle> "It has been 3 days since my last hate mail" 20:50:24 <ttx> russellb: but I also like that some members (devananda) took the time to deep dive into some projects flaws to get us the info we needed 20:50:37 * markmcclain wants to trade inboxes with annegentle 20:50:44 <russellb> ttx: incubated though right? 20:50:53 <russellb> ttx: totally agree this is something worth adding to our incubation process 20:50:54 <annegentle> markmcclain: oh I can't even. Don't have enough. Ugh. 20:51:29 <ttx> I feel like we are supposed to follow all of them, and in practice we only follow a few, which creates dark areas that nobody looks into 20:51:51 <annegentle> ttx: so you're wanting to assure coverage 20:52:00 <russellb> yeah that makes sense 20:52:02 <ttx> russellb: although if we want to scale the number of integarted projects, we won't be able to be current on all of them all the time 20:52:24 <russellb> i generally feel like an integrated project should be able to stand on its own and do well without supervision :) 20:52:28 <vishy> i agree I don’t really look deeply enough into the projects 20:52:34 <ttx> So maybe we can start with assigning "TC mentors" to Kilo incubated projects 20:52:39 <russellb> and a once-per-cycle "chat with the TC about status" should be OK 20:52:47 <russellb> but for incubation, absolutely 20:52:49 <vishy> but i think it is more important pre incubation and integration 20:52:59 <russellb> vishy: yeah i've thought about that too 20:53:04 <russellb> when we go to evaluate a project for incubation 20:53:07 <vishy> as in have a couple of members deep dive with the project for a week 20:53:17 <russellb> not always clear who/if there has been a deep dive ... 20:53:18 <ttx> I've been doing mentoring on the release integration side, but I'll be the first to admit I don't follow their progress very closely 20:53:19 <jogo> russellb: I think that is being overly optimistic 20:53:39 <jogo> russellb: (integrated standing on there own) 20:53:40 <russellb> jogo: i did say "should" 20:53:55 <russellb> saying what i think we should be able to expect. 20:54:02 <ttx> I usually try to catch up when we reach the end-of-cycle graduation review 20:54:24 <ttx> OK, I'll suggest it again when we start the Kilo TC session 20:54:47 <ttx> #action ttx to propose to Kilo TC members to have a TC mentor for each Kilo incubated project to follow their progress more closely 20:54:52 <russellb> +1 20:55:19 <annegentle> nice 20:55:26 <ttx> You might want to stay for the next meeting, we'll brainstorm around potential improvements to deisgn summits to try to make them more useful 20:55:41 <ttx> based on midcycle feedback 20:55:53 <ttx> Anything else, anyone? 20:56:21 <ttx> Do we have someone volunteering to draft a TC article for when we'll have the votes in for Manila? 20:56:40 <russellb> ttx: annegentle 20:56:46 <annegentle> yep 20:57:13 <russellb> annegentle: ping if you'd like another set of eyes on the draft 20:57:18 <ttx> #action annegentle will write the next TC blogpost, waiting for final decision on Manila first 20:57:21 <russellb> annegentle: do you have an openstack blog account? 20:57:27 <annegentle> russellb: awesome thanks. 20:57:32 <ttx> annegentle: I think you already have a openstack.org blog account 20:57:36 <annegentle> russellb: used to, they don't really exist any more? 20:57:42 <russellb> they dont? 20:57:48 <annegentle> unless I'm retro vintage? 20:57:49 <russellb> i've been using a wordpress account to post 20:57:52 <ttx> annegentle: if not we can get taht clarified 20:57:56 <annegentle> ok 20:58:02 <russellb> stefano hooked me up 20:58:35 <annegentle> ok 20:59:16 <ttx> Oh, and please have a look at the meeting backlog, I think we can fit all discussions before September 16 deadline 21:00:00 <ttx> jeblair: the wiki is asking me to long in for the 3rd time today. Did we change anything on our side? 21:00:14 <ttx> log in 21:00:38 <ttx> #endmeeting