20:02:27 <ttx> #startmeeting tc 20:02:28 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Mar 31 20:02:27 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:02:29 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:02:32 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tc' 20:02:34 <mikal> Hi 20:02:39 <mordred> hi mikal 20:02:41 <ttx> Our agenda for today: 20:02:47 <ttx> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee 20:03:06 <ttx> #topic Final rubberstamp on "Add library stable release procedures/policy" 20:03:09 <ttx> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/155072/ 20:03:21 <jaypipes> o/ 20:03:22 <ttx> OK, I think it's time to approve it now, unless someone objects. 20:03:29 <ttx> It's short of one vote but there are no objections, and we had the same discussion last week 20:03:41 <ttx> so I'll count that as "consensus" 20:03:57 <mordred> do it 20:04:08 <ttx> done 20:04:14 <ttx> Doug will be happy 20:04:23 <ttx> #topic Add the Congress project 20:04:30 <ttx> #link https://review.openstack.org/165204 20:04:34 <ttx> Big tent, level 3 20:04:43 <mikal> I just -1'ed that one if you need to refresh your gerrit tab 20:05:18 <vishy> you got my vote so that should be enough 20:05:56 <ttx> Got some nework issues right now, please discuss without waiting for me 20:06:01 <mordred> sarob: you still working on this? 20:06:08 <mikal> Ok, shall we talk about my -1 then? 20:06:16 <sarob> Yup 20:06:21 <sarob> My patch 20:06:32 <mikal> So, sarob just replied to my comment (I assume) 20:06:33 <jeblair> mikal: i don't think a release should be a requirement -- i would like us to be able to handle projects that even _start_ within our structure 20:06:41 <sarob> Mikal: yup 20:06:42 <mordred> awesome 20:06:53 <ttx> jeblair: I tend to agree with that 20:06:57 <mikal> jeblair: so, I worry about everyones random ideas ending up being openstack projects and never releasing 20:06:59 <russellb> ttx: jeblair agree 20:07:01 <ttx> I noted my small concern in a comment -- I know we are not supposed to judge maturity but more of a cultural fit, but I have a hard time seeing the current status and future of this project 20:07:06 <mikal> jeblair: that's not the case with congress, but I worry about the precident 20:07:16 <russellb> i dunno, this seems far enough along though that i'm not worried 20:07:19 <mordred> sarob: btw - there is a stackalytics feature called corrections.json where you can remote unnatural commits from the calculations ... 20:07:22 <russellb> it's not an empty repo or something 20:07:38 <sarob> Mordred: roger that 20:07:42 <mordred> (in response to tim hinrichs comment about that one commit) 20:07:44 <ttx> but then the comments I got in answer to my comment were reassuring 20:07:45 <mikal> russellb: Agreed 20:08:01 <mikal> As I said, I'm mostly concerned about the precident, not congress itself 20:08:04 <russellb> mikal: interesting point though worth considering ... is "empty repo" enough? or if not, what is the line? 20:08:12 <ttx> mikal: I guess if it goes nowhere and dies we could remove them 20:08:19 <anteaya> ttx have we ever? 20:08:25 <mestery> ttx: Is there a process for removing things defined yet? 20:08:33 <russellb> not a process, but stuff has been killed 20:08:43 <ttx> anteaya, mestery when "'things" were only the integrated release, we couldn't realease easily 20:08:44 <sdague> yeh, honestly, I'm with mikal on the fact that I'd really like to see software release before we include them 20:08:49 <mestery> Because if not, letting things in and trying to remove them will be challenging. 20:08:53 <ttx> err.. remove easily 20:08:56 <mikal> Its also not super onerous to ask Congress to do a release when ready and then come back 20:08:58 * mordred submitted a patch to kill gantt earlier today in fact 20:09:04 <ttx> In a big tent setting it's slightly easier to do 20:09:04 <mikal> That's probably only a couple of weeks delay at this point 20:09:23 <anteaya> mordred: you just removed the code, the repo lives on 20:09:25 <sdague> mordred: yeh, gantt is a good instance of a repo that has generated huge confusion in it still existing 20:09:25 <sarob> Planning on a kilo release good enough for concern? 20:09:25 <ttx> mikal: if they enter now they get summit space though 20:09:28 <russellb> ttx: unless it's in the tc approved release, and we have to follow a process with the board around removals 20:09:35 <mordred> anteaya: the repo will always live on :) 20:09:36 <ttx> russellb: yes 20:09:40 * mestery doesn't like that we're dangling summit space as incentive to bring projects onboard 20:09:42 <mordred> mikal: we regularly start projects in infra from completely blank repos 20:09:42 <jeblair> i'm coming to terms with the fact that git repos are free, and we are building a structure around navigating a lot of git repos and filtering out the important ones 20:09:43 <anteaya> mordred: right that is the point 20:09:50 <mikal> ttx: seriously? We can't just grant an exception for summit space? 20:10:05 <anteaya> jeblair: but are we filtering them out 20:10:06 <mikal> ttx: surely we could recognize this as an unusual situation and handle that... 20:10:08 <mordred> mikal: and I'd like for the big tent to allow us to keep doing that 20:10:25 <anteaya> jeblair: see I think the filtering out thing is where some folks (me) are having an problem 20:10:25 <jeblair> i think a benefit of that structure is that we can actually _start_ projects within it 20:10:25 <sdague> mordred: I think that's a bit different as it's under an existing team structure 20:10:30 <ttx> mikal: well, waiting for them to push a tag is about as silly 20:10:35 <sarob> Noting that summit space is a big deal 20:10:38 <sdague> we're talking about a new team that's never demonstrated a release on anything 20:10:41 <morganfainberg> jeblair, ++ i like the attitude that repos are free ;) 20:10:53 <mikal> Repos inside projects are free 20:10:56 <mikal> Projects are not 20:11:10 <russellb> sarob: quick, go push a tag :-p 20:11:16 <markmcclain> except that the bar for making a release is so 20:11:16 <mordred> :) 20:11:18 <jeblair> it's always seemed strange to me that we don't have a good way of starting a new project from scratch within openstack. i see the opportunity to correct that in the big tent 20:11:22 <mordred> ++ 20:11:35 <sarob> Well congress did push m2 20:11:35 <jeblair> anteaya: that's what the project tags effort is about -- helping to navigate that 20:11:44 <markmcclain> jeblair: +1 20:11:54 <sarob> And plans to push kilo too 20:11:56 <ttx> mikal: We can certainly give exceptions out -- but in that precise case saying "you will be in once you push a tag" is unnecessary wait imho 20:12:01 <anteaya> jeblair: well hopefully that will help me then 20:12:35 <anteaya> the concern I'm hearing is about clutter 20:12:36 * markmcclain waits for a project to tag a release entitled the tc_requires_this 20:12:42 <anteaya> what do we do with the clutter 20:12:49 <mikal> ttx: you are welcome to disagree with me 20:12:51 <russellb> lack of any release tags helps communicate "doesn't do releases yet" i suppose 20:12:57 <mestery> russellb: ++ 20:13:00 <mordred> russellb: ++ 20:13:08 * annegentle looks for a jumping in spot 20:13:18 <jeblair> annegentle: here's one! 20:13:20 <anteaya> annegentle: sharpen your elbows 20:13:20 <annegentle> sarob: how did congress discuss last summit? 20:13:20 <mordred> or maybe "has chosen to not believe in releases and instead only targets CD style" 20:13:31 <russellb> mordred: touche 20:13:37 <sdague> what about the concern that policy already means something in openstack, which is not this? 20:13:42 <sarob> Annegentle: congress got a design space 20:13:53 <sdague> because I'm not looking forward to that becoming more confusing 20:13:59 <sarob> Floor 2 and 3/4 20:14:18 <sarob> About 80 people 20:14:20 <annegentle> sdague: with ya on that one 20:14:24 <mestery> sdague: That's a valid concern IMHO 20:14:25 <jaypipes> sdague: ++ 20:14:28 <mordred> sdague: that is a fair point ... I've been meaning to write something up about resource names 20:14:32 <sarob> With 3 follow up sessions 20:14:40 <sarob> In the Dev lounge 20:14:41 * mordred glares at keystone domains 20:14:44 <jaypipes> sdague: that is something I raised with the GBP folks last year as well. 20:14:58 <mordred> otoh - keystone has a thing called domains which are not part of the domain name system 20:14:59 <russellb> fair point 20:15:01 <sdague> yeh, I have the same fundamental issue with GBP 20:15:09 <mestery> jaypipes: Except GBP isn't policy, it's a networking API :) 20:15:10 * morganfainberg apologizes for the poor naming from before he worked on the project 20:15:10 <russellb> i have bigger issues with GBP :) 20:15:27 <mordred> so, if we're going to start in on that, I'd really like to see the TC ask keystone to rename domains to realm 20:15:27 <morganfainberg> keystone domains should have been called Realms (we basically are KRB anyway...) 20:15:33 <sdague> mordred: well, lets sort out a deprecation path to get sane naming 20:15:43 <ttx> back on topic please 20:15:45 * mordred starts working on a spec 20:15:47 <ttx> Looks like we have two camps 20:15:48 <mordred> ttx: I think it's on topic 20:15:53 <mikal> OMG, let's focus on congress for now please 20:15:54 <sdague> but the reality is that reusing a const pointer for a name for a different thing is terribly confusing 20:16:04 <anteaya> sdague: ++ 20:16:05 <mordred> sdague had an excellent point about the generic concept that congress implements 20:16:12 <jeblair> so can we ask congress to describe it as "Non-domain specific regulatory policy enforcement" ? 20:16:15 <russellb> sdague: is the pointer const, or the contents it points to const? 20:16:19 <russellb> sorry, been writing C ... 20:16:22 <ttx> camp 1 says project teams should at least have a release, otherwise how do they actually contribute to the openstack mission 20:16:24 <sdague> russellb: :P 20:16:39 <ttx> camp 2 says project teams should be able to start from nothing as long as their intentions are pure 20:17:04 <mordred> ttx: camp 3 says that project teams shoudl be able to start frmo nothing even if they never intend on making a release 20:17:14 <mordred> but also counts itself in camp 2 for the purposes of talying 20:17:22 <mestery> lol 20:17:27 <dtroyer> does camp 2/3 have any sort of idea _who_ can do this? anyone at all? 20:17:30 <ttx> mordred: that is camp 2 20:17:36 <dtroyer> or just people we 'know' 20:17:48 <annegentle> dtroyer: it's people we 'like' 20:17:51 <jeblair> anyone 20:17:53 <annegentle> dtroyer: :P 20:17:55 <mordred> jeblair: ++ 20:17:56 <mikal> ttx: so... this is what gerrit is for right? 20:18:02 <ttx> yes 20:18:05 <mikal> ttx: can't people just vote, and if I am the only -1, then merge it 20:18:08 <dtroyer> so why do we continue to need stackforge in that world? 20:18:08 <jeblair> which is the status quo for projects that join stackforge, which is part of openstack 20:18:13 <mestery> If it's anyone, why are you even debating this? :) 20:18:16 <russellb> sarob says they did milestone 2 20:18:19 <mestery> Just let them all in! :) 20:18:22 <russellb> and will be doing kilo 20:18:25 <ttx> mikal: fwiw I was on camp 1 until I realized that a tag is cheap and doesn't carry any meaning of maturity 20:18:36 <russellb> i'm sympathetic to camp 1, just see it as largely addressed 20:18:37 <annegentle> ttx: +1 20:18:46 <jeblair> dtroyer: i don't think we do. i'd like to remove "rename repostories" as part of our software lifecycle 20:18:50 <ttx> russellb: they don't have tarball jobs though :) 20:18:53 <russellb> heh 20:18:56 <zaneb> mikal: consensus >> voting 20:18:58 <mikal> ttx: it is unproven that our users and the community will interpret the git namespace in the way we hope they will 20:19:01 <ttx> so the tag doesn't create a release 20:19:04 <russellb> well i'm still in camp 2, i don't think it's required 20:19:08 <dtroyer> ok, cool. then we're removed that barrier to resource allocation in corporations. 20:19:09 <russellb> no releases is a valid choice MIO 20:19:11 <russellb> IMO* 20:19:13 <mikal> ttx: they have certainly done strange things we didn't intend with that stuff in the past 20:19:17 <dtroyer> they'll find anoher one to use unless we give them one we like 20:19:26 <mordred> zaneb: I'm not sure what bitshifting consensus and voting does ... 20:19:31 <jeblair> mikal: i feel certain they will as soon as we have enough things in there to make it clear where the bar is set 20:19:34 <anteaya> dtroyer: is there one we like? 20:19:43 <mordred> zaneb: :) 20:19:55 <sdague> ok, so I'm fine with no release if we've got some reasonable way to have someone outside of a project realize it's dead and get it killed off 20:20:03 <dtroyer> anteaya: unknown, except we haven't particularly cared for the two previous ones 20:20:06 <ttx> One more +1 and this passes now, otherwise we have to wait for final vote next week 20:20:09 <anteaya> sdague: me too 20:20:09 <sdague> but that still doesn't address 'Policy as a Service' being confusing 20:20:18 <anteaya> dtroyer: yes I agree to that 20:20:40 <ttx> Any other question on Congress ? 20:20:45 <jeblair> ttx: +1 20:20:57 <mordred> sdague: I agree - I'd love to see either a different word or maybe an adjective added 20:21:03 <jeblair> i'm going to write a patch 20:21:05 <ttx> OK, we have 7 20:21:09 <mordred> since I believe we're expecting keystone to start offering access to policy files soon 20:21:09 <russellb> mordred: sdague ++ 20:21:13 <sarob> Sweet 20:21:14 <mordred> sarob: ^^ 20:21:21 <ttx> Last call before I approve it 20:21:23 <zaneb> mordred: tbh, to this day I have no idea what congress is 20:21:33 <morganfainberg> mordred, fwiw, I expect that to be a big focus in liberty [if that weighs in anywhere] 20:21:35 <mordred> sarob: it would be a friendly if you could figure out a better word than "policy" 20:21:37 <morganfainberg> mordred, for the conversation 20:21:43 <russellb> zaneb: it's less scary if you really look into what it does :) 20:21:43 <mordred> sarob: I have no suggestions 20:21:51 <sdague> mordred: it's compliance 20:22:02 <sdague> Compliance Enforcement 20:22:06 <zaneb> after reading the wiki page multiple times, being pitched on IRC about it and attending an unrelated summit session that was hijacked by congress devs 20:22:07 <sdague> that's what it should be called 20:22:07 <mordred> sarob: perhaps compliance as a service then? 20:22:09 <jeblair> i proposed https://review.openstack.org/169480 20:22:18 <sarob> I think policy is sticky 20:22:23 <jeblair> sdague, sarob: ^ maybe we can take that as a strawman to bikeshed on 20:22:32 <sdague> sarob: ? 20:22:58 <ttx> OK, it's in 20:22:59 <mordred> sarob, sdague, jeblair: let's find a cage and fight it out outside of the TC meeting 20:23:04 <sdague> sure 20:23:15 <sarob> ;) 20:23:16 <ttx> next topic 20:23:23 <jeblair> mordred: agreed, yeah, that's what i intended to do with that change 20:23:29 <ttx> sarob: welcome 20:23:36 <ttx> #topic Apply release:* tags to current projects 20:23:45 <ttx> #link https://review.openstack.org/167682 20:23:47 <sarob> Ttx: thanks! 20:23:54 <ttx> This is describing the release model for each of the code repositories in the yaml file (if they do releases) 20:23:57 <annegentle> oh he's capital Ttx now! 20:24:04 <ttx> I think it's pretty straightforward and a base we can iterate on. 20:24:21 <ttx> It's got 7 YES so I can approve it now 20:24:25 <ttx> Last minute questions ? 20:24:25 <russellb> yay 20:25:04 <annegentle> I think it's great it's already bringing in good questions. 20:25:16 <ttx> Right, that exercise raised two interesting questions (which I would consider orthogonal to the patch) 20:25:22 <ttx> (Approved) 20:25:23 <annegentle> it being tag application 20:25:29 <ttx> The first one is the need for a "release:has-stable-branches" tag to differentiate between a project that just merely has a stable branch cut from their last release (which may have been months away), like an Oslo library 20:25:37 <ttx> and a project that consciously tries to align with the 6-month release cycle end (like Swift) 20:25:43 <ttx> I'll propose that new tag in a subsequent patch 20:25:56 <ttx> The second question is more general, and is about how to provide the most useful information to our downstream users 20:26:07 <ttx> Should we tag every git repository, or just "deliverables" (OpenStack software git repositories) ? 20:26:19 <ttx> I think our users, when they will browse the catalog of OpenStack projects, only want to see things they might actually consume ('Neutron') and not necessarily every git repo in OpenStack-land 20:26:33 <ttx> So it feels like we could use an abstraction layer between project teams and git repositories and apply tags to that new layer 20:26:40 <ttx> Bear with me while I illustrate with a few examples 20:26:54 <ttx> Nova currently has 3 repositories (nova, nova-specs and python-novaclient). I'd argue that as far as our users are concerned, it produces two deliverables (Nova and the Nova python client library), and apply tags only to those 20:26:59 <russellb> i had a variation on that question ... whether it makes sense to tag the team in some cases (like diversity) 20:27:05 <ttx> It is an abstraction layer, because in some cases deliverables can contain more than one code repository 20:27:21 <ttx> For example, Neutron currently produces a "Neutron" deliverable out of openstack/neutron, openstack/neutron-fwaas, openstack/neutron-lbaas and openstack/neutron-vpnaas, since they are always released at the same time. 20:27:31 <ttx> The users consume "Neutron", the fact that it's technically separated into 4 code repositories is a technical implementation detail 20:27:50 <ttx> Now... there are corner cases. Should we consider libraries "deliverables" ? For example should Cinder have an "os-brick" deliverable ? 20:28:04 <ttx> Should we tag individual infrastructure projects ? Or not tag them at all, since they are a supporting cast and not really a part of the IaaS platform ? 20:28:15 <ttx> Or should we consider that all infra forms a single "deliverable" ? 20:28:19 <ttx> Is docs a deliverable ? 20:28:21 <ttx> etc. 20:28:34 <mordred> I'm pretty sure all of infra is not a single deliverable, for whatever that is worth 20:28:38 <jeblair> ttx: that makes sense, especially with projects collecting more component repos, that people may not need to see the components listed separately when evaluating what the project produces. 20:29:01 <ttx> trying to see what would make the most sen,se for a consumer of the tag system (a downstream user) 20:29:14 <russellb> the components of the Neutron deliverable likely have different maturity levels 20:29:21 <anteaya> would you ask individual projects to answer that question? 20:29:26 <anteaya> what is your deliverable? 20:29:27 <jaypipes> russellb: that was *exactly* my thought. 20:29:31 <jeblair> mordred: depends on what a deliverable is. in some ways, yes, in others, no. 20:29:39 <mestery> Maybe also ask downstream consumers what they'd prefer? 20:29:46 <russellb> so maybe they're separate deliverables and the model holds 20:29:48 <ttx> russellb, jaypipes: in the neutron example above, they are released as a single "thing" 20:29:51 <mordred> jeblair: fair 20:29:53 <zaneb> crazy idea: TC assigns tags to projects, projects decide for themselves which of their repos the approved tags are applied to 20:29:55 <ttx> (maybe deliverable is not the right term for this) 20:29:59 <russellb> but they're different enough to consider them separately :) 20:30:04 <zaneb> (thinking out loud here) 20:30:13 <anteaya> ttx: no I think it is 20:30:22 <russellb> they are optional bits of significant functionality with vastly different maturity levels, AFAICT 20:30:26 <anteaya> the problem is the variety 20:30:28 <jaypipes> ttx: well, yes, but python-neutronclient and neutron (the 4 repos) have different release cycles. 20:30:29 <sdague> russellb: ++ 20:30:31 <ttx> zaneb: right, that was my point. Nova produces "nova" and the python nova client... how many repos they split Nova into is not really significant 20:30:44 <ttx> jaypipes: that's two difefrent deliverables though 20:30:49 <jaypipes> ok 20:30:52 <jeblair> ttx, mordred: regarding infra specifically, i don't want to get too hung up on it because we are here to support the overall effort, not make it more difficult. however, we do want to participate in it as much as possible. so if tags are being applied for diversity, etc., i would like them to be applied to infra in some way. but i also don't think we need 160 entries in the openstack project browser. 20:30:54 <mikal> I can see the projects with many hundreds of repos being very confusing to consumers 20:30:57 <ttx> One team, two deliverables, 7 repos 20:30:57 <mikal> Tripleo for example 20:31:00 <zaneb> ttx: yeah, it would be really nice for the TC not to have to care at the repo level 20:31:07 <mordred> jeblair: +100 20:31:22 <sdague> ttx: I think the fact that neutron advanced services are on the same deliverable schedule is just a bug of the current split being only partial 20:31:31 <sdague> I assume they will become more independent over time 20:31:49 <jeblair> sdague: maybe they become separate deliverables then, but are one now? 20:32:06 <russellb> i think i like the deliverables concept to create a more natural place to apply some tags 20:32:09 <ttx> jeblair: hmm.. maybe we can filter the project browser on some other data -- like a relevant-for-the-browser tag. 20:32:15 <russellb> just ... details to work out, i guess 20:32:27 <ttx> anyway, I was thinking out loud. Blame devananda 20:32:30 <sdague> jeblair: yeh, but I think it's important to consider them separately, because as many folks have said, they are vastly different maturities 20:32:49 <ttx> just wanted to throw it out there and see what you thought 20:32:58 <russellb> tentative optimism 20:33:11 <jeblair> sdague: and people may choose not to deploy some of them based on that maturity level, even now? 20:33:18 <russellb> jeblair: yes 20:33:20 <russellb> for sure 20:33:20 <sdague> jeblair: yes 20:33:34 <russellb> i'd say most people don't deploy any of them, in fact 20:33:37 <jeblair> yeah, so that feels like multiple deliverables then, 20:34:02 <ttx> right maybe that was not the right example 20:34:07 <markmcclain> russellb: I've have LBaaS in the wild 20:34:10 <agentle_> whacky internets, catching up now 20:34:11 <ttx> I think everyone agrees we should not tag nova-specs 20:34:21 <ttx> or openstack/governance 20:34:25 <russellb> markmcclain: cool :) 20:34:37 <ttx> so *some* repos do not make sense being tagged 20:34:39 <anteaya> ttx I agree with that 20:34:42 <dougwig> it's almost as if you need a TC managed integrated-release tag, which defines what is "openstack". 20:34:55 <jaypipes> ttx: are we *specifically* referring to release:* tags here? 20:34:56 <russellb> ttx: i also agree that for some projects split into repos, tagging individually doesn't make good sense 20:34:59 <jeblair> ttx: but should contributing to nova-specs feed into the contributions we look at when we evaluate diversity of nova? 20:35:04 <ttx> jaypipes: no 20:35:10 <jaypipes> dougwig: very funny. 20:35:31 <russellb> dougwig: just wait until we get back to defining the "TC Approved Release" 20:35:42 <ttx> full circle completed! 20:35:47 <russellb> pretty much 20:35:47 <jeblair> we do, of course, have exactly that tag. it is deprecated. 20:35:48 <dougwig> isn't that what you're doing right now? re-arranging the deck chairs notwithstanding. 20:35:53 <jaypipes> ttx: then I'm -1 on this. I want to tag repos with fine-grained information about that repo, not broad tags that may or may not accurately represent individual repos within a project space. 20:36:04 <ttx> jaypipes: ok 20:36:15 <jaypipes> dougwig: no. 20:36:47 <ttx> OK, I propose we move on. I'lml give the idea some more thought and propose a strawman change if I think the idea has value 20:37:02 <ttx> Thanks for the feedback though 20:37:05 <vishy> or we could elect someone to tag the release with their name 20:37:08 <ttx> #topic Projects list housekeeping 20:37:09 <jeblair> ttx: thanks; there are definitely some good things in there 20:37:13 <vishy> “jaypipes certified openstack” 20:37:15 <vishy> :p 20:37:18 <ttx> * Adds the openstack/os-cloud-management to TripleO... (https://review.openstack.org/166723) 20:37:26 <ttx> Mikal raised an interesting point on the name of the lib being a bit too generic 20:37:27 * jaypipes remarks that it's easy to aggregate fine-grained data. Not so easy to go the other way round. 20:38:08 * jaypipes still waiting for the os-on-os-on-os-on-os repo. 20:38:09 <mikal> I fear we might not have been all that consistent with generic names in the past 20:38:17 <sdague> ttx: it's at least better than os-cloud-middleware 20:38:24 <ttx> sdague: lol 20:38:27 <jaypipes> heh 20:38:33 <jaypipes> tru nuf 20:38:33 <jeblair> mikal, ttx: i agree it's too generic, but matches the level of descriptiveness we have in other similar projects. :/ 20:38:34 <vishy> septuple-o 20:38:36 <vishy> nice 20:38:42 <jeblair> i feel like the ship has sailed 20:38:56 <mikal> jeblair: its never too late to be grumpy about it though 20:39:06 <mordred> mikal: I'm grumpy about plenty of things all day long :) 20:39:13 <sdague> yeh, until we dissallow the words middleware and lib in projects, it seems overly harsh to be grumpy of generic names 20:39:18 <jeblair> we could suggest the tripleo folks mass-rename s/os-/tripleo-/ in their project names 20:39:24 <ttx> we could 20:39:27 <mikal> OMG, I was just thinking that 20:39:28 <annegentle> jeblair: the naming ship? 20:39:33 <mikal> jeblair: let's do it 20:39:43 <ttx> mikal: that is orthogonal to that patch though 20:39:46 <russellb> what if they change the number of Os 20:39:48 <ttx> Can I approve this one ? 20:39:51 <mikal> ttx: true dat 20:39:54 <annegentle> s/os-/ooo- 20:39:55 <mikal> ttx: and probably also a dick move 20:40:09 <ttx> well os-* is not a great prefix anyway 20:40:10 <russellb> SeveralO 20:40:32 * zaneb can provide more info on what this lib will do if anyone has questions 20:40:42 <ttx> So I'll approve all of thoise unless a -1 is posted (in which case we'll discuss it next week 20:40:46 <ttx> * Add os-testr repo to QA (https://review.openstack.org/167244) 20:40:47 <russellb> zaneb: what? the name is the important part 20:40:48 <mikal> zaneb: can I use it outside of the context of tripleo? 20:40:49 <ttx> * Add ansible-puppet repo to infra (https://review.openstack.org/166820) 20:40:52 <ttx> * Add ansible-build-image to infra (https://review.openstack.org/166821) 20:40:56 <ttx> * Add bashate to the QA program (https://review.openstack.org/168012) 20:40:59 <ttx> * Add puppet-diskimage-builder to Infra (https://review.openstack.org/167612) 20:41:03 <ttx> * Move os-client-config to openstack namepsace (https://review.openstack.org/167730) 20:41:45 <jaypipes> ttx: cool with me. 20:41:47 <ttx> I'll collect that tomorrow morning. So if you really think os-cloud-management is too generic, -1 it 20:41:59 <zaneb> mikal: not really, the idea is for it to be the common part for things that need to be done by both the Tuskar UI and CLI users, but which are not in the Tuskar API 20:42:02 <ttx> and we'll continue that interesting discussion next week 20:42:16 <mikal> zaneb: ok, in that case I am -1 on that name 20:42:33 <annegentle> zaneb: gotta go with mikal on that one too 20:42:33 <ttx> #topic Open discussion 20:42:49 <ttx> A few topics I wanted us to discuss 20:42:52 <ttx> * Neutron renaming "core reviewers" to "maintainers" (https://review.openstack.org/164208) 20:43:00 * mikal seems to be the grumpy one this week 20:43:03 <ttx> This was proposed in parallel to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/163660/ which we rejected 20:43:16 <ttx> mikal: I have a damn cold so I am also grumpy 20:43:21 <russellb> mikal: we all get a turn :) 20:43:23 <ttx> The main objections raised (by TC members, not really by Neutron devs) are: 20:43:29 <ttx> (1) the bundling of review duties with other project duties to form a single super-developer status 20:43:34 <ttx> (2) the choice of the "maintainers" term which is a bit overloaded and far away from "reviewing" 20:43:45 <ttx> Now Neutron devs (and others) claim it's none of our business since we are not Neutron devs, and that you can't dictate culture by committee 20:43:48 <mordred> I believe my objection here is going to be that I do not think this is a project level thing 20:43:53 <mordred> and I do believe that we can do that 20:43:58 <ttx> That said, TC members judge OpenStack projects inclusion in the big tent by the sharing of common community and development values (the "are you one of us" test) 20:44:02 <russellb> mordred: ++ 20:44:06 <mestery> What? We're not creating a super developer, we're acknowldeging those already exist. I've broken the patch in two. 20:44:07 <mordred> and I believe taht if they want me to butt out they have another thing coming 20:44:08 <ttx> And we have oversight as long as they are called openstack/neutron and not stackforge/neutron 20:44:09 <annegentle> I'm with mordred on consistency in names and understanding. 20:44:13 <mestery> I think that's not a fair characterization of hte patch to be honest 20:44:29 <annegentle> but I do like doing what I want with my specialty teams :) 20:44:34 <marun> I don't think it should be the place of the TC to define culture at the project level. 20:44:34 <mordred> I do not believe that it is appropriate for neutron to try to rename a concept that exists across openstack 20:44:44 <mordred> marun: I believe it is exactly the place of the TC 20:44:44 <ttx> mestery: ok, you're defining a super-developer class, not creating it because it already exists in Neutron 20:44:53 <marun> mordred: Really? 20:44:55 <mordred> marun: yes 20:44:59 <mestery> ttx: Nope, I'm not saying that. 20:45:02 <dougwig> ttx: it exists everywhere in openstack. that most refuse to admit that does not make it less true. 20:45:05 <mestery> ttx: I'm documenting what existing core reviewers do 20:45:18 <russellb> my main objection was changing the name, honestly 20:45:18 <mordred> mestery: I agree with documenting what exisitng core reviewers do 20:45:22 <mestery> How did you interpret the first patch as "defining a super developer class in neutron"? 20:45:25 <marun> mordred: Tell me, where have you ever seen design-by-committee be applied to defining culture? 20:45:29 <mestery> mordred: thank you 20:45:41 <annegentle> marun: we try to be the resolvers of conflict while representing the contributors 20:45:51 <mordred> the name change is troubling because it creates a schism in terminology between one of our projects and another 20:45:56 <mordred> and in the world of the big tent 20:45:57 <marun> mordred: sure 20:46:04 <mordred> one of the few things we have remaining is a common culture 20:46:05 <marun> mordred: design-by-committee is the way forward, gotcha 20:46:06 <annegentle> marun: it's not design by committee, more like representation 20:46:09 * mestery thinks maintainers better reflects what core reviewers do and was hopeful that jogo' 20:46:13 <marun> annegentle: if you say so. 20:46:19 <mestery> patch would have been better received 20:46:33 <marun> annegentle: kind of potayto, potahto to me 20:46:35 <jeblair> mordred: i agree 20:46:44 <marun> mordred: there isn't common culture 20:46:46 <marun> news flash 20:46:48 <mordred> marun: what i'm saying is that if there is a term, called "core reviewer" that is used across openstack, and neutron choses to abandon it 20:46:53 <ttx> mestery: I think you bundle a number of duties together -- that prevents for example non-reviewers from being a "maintainer" 20:46:53 <marun> each project is different and unique 20:47:07 <mordred> marun: believe me, as a consumer of all of them, that is clear 20:47:08 <marun> and we need to be results oriented instead of process oriented 20:47:10 <mestery> ttx: Yes, that's the current reality. All that patch does is reflect that. 20:47:13 <russellb> mordred: lol 20:47:19 <annegentle> marun: happy to deep dive on it with you esp. where you see actions aren't reflecting that representation. As we grow, culture remaining meaningful is the hardest part. 20:47:20 <mestery> ttx: I'd like to change that, but thought that documenting what exists now is better to start with 20:47:23 * jogo is still planning to follow up with ttx's suggestion of 'We should probably be having that discussion on the ML' 20:47:24 <marun> where is the TC in defining what results we're trying to achieve? 20:47:32 <mordred> marun: what are you even talking about right now/ 20:47:36 <annegentle> jogo: probably best 20:47:37 <marun> as opposed to defining seemingly arbitrary ways we have to achieve it? 20:47:46 <mordred> marun: we are talking about a patch that was proposed to change a name of a group of people 20:47:49 <mestery> jogo: ++ 20:47:49 <russellb> so if mestery just updates the docs and leaves the name alone, is there objection? 20:48:12 <sdague> russellb: I'd have no objection to documentation of existing role without a name change 20:48:16 <marun> mordred: yes, to change how we perceive ourselves in the project so we can forment change in how we achieve results 20:48:17 <russellb> same here 20:48:20 <ttx> jogo: yes, I don't expec that discussion to go anywhere, just wanted to raise it to the collective attention 20:48:21 <sdague> I think terminology changes need to be global 20:48:27 <russellb> sdague: agree 20:48:28 <mordred> sdague: ++ 20:48:28 <marun> sure, design-by-commiitte it is 20:48:33 <annegentle> marun: if you don't want seemingly arbitrary I would think you'd want tc representatives to be able to debate this uncovered naming issue respectfully and honestly. 20:48:36 <marun> yay for the TC, arbiter of all that is right and good 20:48:38 <sdague> because it's too f-ing confusing for people to interface otherwise 20:48:51 <marun> right 20:48:59 <marun> culture is messy, let's simplify 20:49:14 <dougwig> can we dial ourselves back to duties within mystery's change that the TC has a problem with? 20:49:15 <ttx> marun: some people in openstack work on multiple projects 20:49:21 <mestery> russellb: Abandoned 20:49:31 <marun> ttx: some people in the world paricipate in different social realities, too 20:49:37 <marun> ttx: and somehow, they manage 20:49:49 <anteaya> dougwig: I don't think the duties were the issue 20:49:50 <marun> but sure, openstack is special 20:50:06 <ttx> marun: I envy the simplicity of your life 20:50:15 <russellb> i think this whole thing is being blown way out of proportion 20:50:19 <russellb> mestery abandoned the name change portion 20:50:22 <marun> ttx: I think that's my line 20:50:23 <mordred> russellb: I agree 20:50:24 <mestery> It's gone 20:50:25 <russellb> what other concern remains? 20:50:29 <mordred> russellb: none from me 20:50:32 <russellb> that was my only concern 20:50:36 <russellb> issue resolved from my side 20:50:39 <mordred> I think the clarification is awesome 20:50:47 <zaneb> marun: I think we should be differentiating where that adds real value. renaming stuff like this is not one of those places imho 20:50:55 <mordred> zaneb: ++ 20:50:58 <marun> zaneb: you are certainly entiteld to your opinion 20:51:02 <jeblair> mestery: ++ 20:51:09 <marun> language matters 20:51:11 <ttx> mestery: I like it 20:51:11 <annegentle> thanks mestery 20:51:13 <jaypipes> marun: everyone is entitled to my opinion. 20:51:19 <mordred> jaypipes: :) 20:51:20 <mestery> Thanks mordred! 20:51:28 <mestery> Thanks for the discussion here folks! 20:51:33 <russellb> thanks, mestery 20:51:35 <mestery> I do look forward to jogo's ML thread on the same :) 20:51:40 <ttx> mestery: I think we actually disagreed on different things 20:51:43 <mordred> thanks mestery ! 20:51:49 <mestery> ttx: lol :) 20:52:05 <ttx> ok, next fun discussion 20:52:06 <ttx> * WIP: Add Group Based Policy Project (https://review.openstack.org/161902) 20:52:07 <annegentle> matrixed disagreement 20:52:12 <ttx> Since we have some time left we could discuss the GBP addition 20:52:14 <SumitNaiksatam> ttx: hi 20:52:19 <ttx> They have removed it from the agenda because someone raised a question on the review and to give them time to address it 20:52:33 <SumitNaiksatam> ttx: just about to say that 20:52:50 <ttx> Maybe we should see how much of a common concern that raised question is 20:52:56 <sdague> so objection #0, beyond all other objections, we *can not* have 3 things in openstack that use policy to mean different things 20:52:57 <SumitNaiksatam> we felt that putting the patch in WIP would give some more time for discussions 20:53:03 <ttx> I for one share russellb's concern about diluting Neutron 20:53:05 <sdague> that's just super crazy pants clown car 20:53:05 <markmcclain> sdague: ++ 20:53:19 <anteaya> ++ to both sdague and ttx 20:53:22 <mordred> sdague: ++ 20:53:23 <russellb> i just don't want a 3rd competing networking API 20:53:27 <SumitNaiksatam> sdague: i agree 20:53:28 <mestery> sdague: ++ 20:53:29 <anteaya> russellb: agreed 20:53:36 <mestery> russellb: STRONG ++ 20:53:36 <sdague> russellb: also, I agree strongly with you on that 20:53:38 <dougwig> so if nova-net and neutron both suck, we still won't let competition find a better solution? isn't that the opposite of big tent? 20:53:39 <mestery> We already have two 20:53:49 <markmcclain> I share the same concern about having yet another api 20:53:56 <anteaya> dougwig: competition here isn't wan't our users want 20:54:01 <russellb> dougwig: no, if there seemed to be strong consensus and support that GBP was the future, it'd be a different conversation 20:54:03 <SumitNaiksatam> ttx: i dont think it dilutes Neutron 20:54:04 <anteaya> dougwig: we have some things they like 20:54:07 <russellb> a very messy situation, but we'd work through it 20:54:08 <ttx> I basically question the "positive contribution to the OpenStack Mission" when we circumvent such a basic component 20:54:14 <prasadv> russellb: I dont think it is competing network api. It is aapplication oriented api that uses neutron 20:54:24 <ivar-laz_> prasadv: +1 20:54:26 <anteaya> ttx: ++ 20:54:32 <SumitNaiksatam> russellb: the intention is definitey not to create a 3rd competing API for networking 20:54:39 <russellb> i know you keep saying that 20:54:43 <russellb> i heard it 20:54:45 <ttx> prasadv: is it purely building on top of Neutron ? Or has it its own network hardware plugins ? 20:54:47 <russellb> but that's not what i see 20:54:47 <dougwig> i'm more commenting on how big tent could lead to this sort of issue becoming common. it's open for all, except for sub-clause a, b, and subsection d. 20:54:52 <mestery> It's a networking API 20:54:53 <markmcclain> SumitNaiksatam: that is contrary to statement made by the GBP team last summer 20:55:01 <SumitNaiksatam> ttx: we dont circumvent any of the components 20:55:04 <ivar-laz_> russellb: I've tried to answer your concern on the review. At any point GBP can or will circumvent Neutron's API 20:55:10 <mestery> Look at the "hands on lab" session in vancouver, and at the ODL Summit 20:55:10 <markmcclain> SumitNaiksatam: at the time it was stated the intent was to be the v3 API 20:55:20 <mestery> Look at the fact it exists in OpenDaylight ... an SDN controller project ... focused on networking 20:55:21 <mordred> dougwig: I think we shoudl be clear with people that there are some things, probably things that have made their way into defcore, where we're not particularly looking for competition 20:55:25 <mordred> competition is GREAT 20:55:26 <mestery> markmcclain: ++ 20:55:28 <SumitNaiksatam> markmcclain: absolutely yes, but the project has evolved 20:55:28 <anteaya> networking needs to fix the problems we have, we aren't lacking here, and we don't need more 20:55:29 <mordred> but after a point, it becomes noise 20:55:40 <russellb> mordred: ++ 20:55:42 <ttx> SumitNaiksatam: I think that's the bottom of the question -- are we having network hardware plugins in two difefrent places 20:55:42 <jeblair> there was a lot of positive reception to the idea that the big tent would enable us to consider alternative approaches and implementations of functionality. this seems to be that, so how do we exclude gbp on that basis? 20:55:46 <SumitNaiksatam> markmcclain: you are referring to the patch that was posted in neutron 20:56:02 <SumitNaiksatam> anteaya: agree 100% 20:56:12 <anteaya> jeblair: it doesn't help us achieve the openstack mission? 20:56:18 <markmcclain> SumitNaiksatam: ok.. that evolution in thinking wasn't very clear 20:56:22 <ttx> jeblair: I think that competition becomes more costly the further down the layers you go 20:56:24 <mordred> jeblair: oh, I'm not saying we should say no to gbp - I'm just saying that I don't necessarily think that competition in the area of networking APIs for openstack is good for our users 20:56:33 <ivar-laz_> ttx: which plugin are you referring? 20:56:36 <ttx> jeblair: for example, keystone competition makes no sense 20:56:40 <jeblair> would it be okay to accept ceph-based object storage? 20:56:47 <ttx> jeblair: and actively hurts the openstack mission 20:56:52 <jeblair> lots of people use and want that 20:56:58 <mordred> jeblair: I would have no problem with that 20:57:05 <russellb> i look it at as competition is more welcome the higher we go in the stack, or the less mature its "competitors" are ... basically we should use our heads and evaluate whether competition makes sense 20:57:09 <ivar-laz_> ttx: all the existing drivers, vendor or not, must use Neutron for their data path to work 20:57:10 <SumitNaiksatam> markmcclain: happy to clarify, thanks fo asking 20:57:12 * jogo finds this whole exercise of difficult because all of the GBP documentation seems to be self contradicting and very out of date 20:57:18 <jeblair> mordred: i struggle to see the difference 20:57:26 <mordred> jeblair: I do not believe there is one 20:57:33 <jeblair> mordred: so this is a gut thing? 20:57:35 <mordred> jeblair: I believe we are talking about two different things ... 20:57:42 <mordred> jeblair: one of them is "do we let a project into the big tent" 20:57:46 <annegentle> SumitNaiksatam: agree with jogo that docs would help provide evidence for your stated cause 20:57:50 <mikal> So, we used competing with nova as an example in the original discussions, and we liked that idea then. I'm confused about the distinction here to be honest. 20:57:56 <jaypipes> jeblair: I think the difference is that, at least from my perspecitve (and I know SumitNaiksatam is updated docs and stuff) GBP isn't an alternative implementation of the Neutron API. It's a whole different networking API that essentially makes the Neutron API irrelevant (and is pretty much just a passthru to ACI-like vendor APIs. 20:57:59 <ttx> ivar-laz_: my question is.. will GBP forever act as a proxy API on top of Neutron API, or is it prone to plug directly into networking hardware features, and therefore use plugins 20:57:59 <mikal> I'm not saying we should replace Neutron 20:57:59 <mordred> jeblair: another is "do we consider the output of that project an essential part of the deliverable called OpenStack" 20:58:11 <mordred> jeblair: I believe that letting someone in the tent does not imply the second thing 20:58:12 <russellb> jaypipes: ++ 20:58:13 <ttx> ivar-laz_: my understanding is that the goal is the latter 20:58:18 <mikal> But this "less competition at lower layers" thing wasn't discussed during the original votes 20:58:19 <SumitNaiksatam> annegentle: sure, perhaps we were not clear, and we should do a better job 20:58:19 <mestery> jaypipes: ++ 20:58:21 <mestery> jaypipes: Nailed it! 20:58:28 <ivar-laz_> ttx: the Mission statement is to act on top of Openstack, by *using* it 20:58:33 <jeblair> mordred: okay, i follow you and agree with you there 20:58:37 <annegentle> SumitNaiksatam: believe me I know it's hard to find all the corners of the 'net :) 20:58:39 <jeblair> mordred: so which question are we discussing? :) 20:58:41 <ivar-laz_> ttx: that's the commitment, and today code base shows it. 20:58:49 <mordred> jeblair: we SHOULD be discussing letting them into the party 20:59:00 <mordred> jeblair: we seem to be forgetting that we are not defcore 20:59:05 <ttx> ivar-laz_: exactly. So GBP will forver be a proxy API on top of Neutron API ? In which case +1 20:59:21 <russellb> ttx: it's not that today 20:59:33 <mestery> ttx: I wouldn't bank on that down the road 20:59:42 <mordred> so a) I think GBP is a bad idea. b) I support it being added to the openstack tent because I do not think inclusion in that tent should carry meaning 20:59:42 <SumitNaiksatam> ttx: thats how it works for networking constructs today 20:59:43 <jeblair> mordred: so i'm with you on 1) +1 and 2) -1 (or really n/a -- see defcore) 21:00:07 <ttx> OK, no time left -- I suspect Sumit will clarify the points we raised, in time for next week discussion 21:00:10 <SumitNaiksatam> russellb: why do you think its not like that today? 21:00:14 <ivar-laz_> ttx: that's the mission :) 21:00:20 <SumitNaiksatam> ttx: sure 21:00:23 <zaneb> mordred: bad idea or bad implementation? 21:00:24 <SumitNaiksatam> thanks all for the time 21:00:26 <SumitNaiksatam> and the disscussion 21:00:33 <mordred> zaneb: the idea of having a competing networking API approach 21:00:37 <ttx> Thanks everyone, closing the meeting to make room for next 21:00:37 <mordred> zaneb: I think it serves nobody well 21:00:39 <mordred> however 21:00:43 <mordred> I don't think I should make that call right now 21:00:45 <ivar-laz_> Thanks people for showing your concerns! join us on #openstack-gbp for more questions 21:00:50 <ttx> Feel free to continue this discussion on #openstack-dev :) 21:00:52 <mordred> and I think it's fine for GBP to play in our sandbox 21:00:54 <mestery> lol 21:00:55 <zaneb> mordred: agreed, I would prefer to fix the neutron api in a future rev 21:01:01 <ivar-laz_> ttx: or there! 21:01:05 <sdague> I think an important question is how open the api design process was here, and will be in the future 21:01:08 <annegentle> thanks SumitNaiksatam! 21:01:11 <ttx> #endmeeting