20:01:24 <ttx> #startmeeting tc 20:01:25 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Sep 1 20:01:24 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:01:26 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:01:28 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tc' 20:01:33 <flaper87> o/ 20:01:33 <ttx> Our agenda for today: 20:01:38 <ttx> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee 20:01:47 <ttx> #topic OpenStack programming languages resolution 20:01:54 <ttx> #link https://review.openstack.org/217710 20:01:55 <sdague> o/ 20:02:03 <ttx> So this resolution is about writing down that new languages are OK, but the TC will consider them in a case-by-case basis 20:02:12 <ttx> Currently it's undefined -- some people consider this is not a factor in their decision, and some others (like me) make it part of their decision when considering new project teams 20:02:19 <flaper87> ttx: you may want to time-box this 20:02:21 <ttx> So I think this clarifies and sets expectations 20:02:27 <ttx> yep, timeboxed to 30min 20:02:27 <lifeless> ttx: o/ 20:02:31 <ttx> Now there are more than one objection to this resolution, and I'd like to understand them 20:02:37 <ttx> sdague and lifeless say (I think) that this is a top-down edict preventing picking up the right tool for the job. 20:02:42 <cpallares> o/ 20:02:45 <ttx> I don't think it does: it doesn't say "only Python", it actually says the contrary. 20:03:00 <ttx> It explicitly states that other programming languages are OK. It just recognizes that there is a cost associated with supporting them and therefore we need to have a discussion about them first. 20:03:12 <ttx> sdague, lifeless: or are you saying that there is no community cost in adding up languages ? 20:03:22 <russellb> intent sounds quite reasonable 20:03:24 <ttx> or that this cost is by principle offset in all cases by developer convenience, so there is no value in discussing it ? 20:03:35 <mordred> o/ 20:03:41 <lifeless> ttx: I'm saying a few things I think 20:04:10 * flaper87 would also like to understand better lifeless's and sdague's concerns 20:04:28 <lifeless> ttx: in no particular order: the cost model here is really hard to get right. I don't think the prose in the proposal is right; and I don't have a fixed version to offer :( 20:04:49 <annegentle> case by case is difficult when you start to evaluate all the surrounding tooling 20:04:52 <ttx> I think it's the TC's job to ensure the long-term health of our community 20:05:07 <ttx> annegentle, zaneb or dtroyer kinda say the proposal addresses just a part of the culture problem, but ignores other parts of the problem (or is not precise enough) 20:05:16 <ttx> annegentle: I agree with you, but I think due to the nature of the game it's easier to pass small resolutions (and evolve them over time) than to agree on a text that would be final. 20:05:23 <annegentle> ttx: ok, that's faiir 20:05:25 <ttx> So I consider this an incremental improvement, a stake in the ground 20:05:26 <annegentle> fair even 20:05:37 <mordred> ttx: I agree with that - I think a step is a step forward, even if it's not the last step 20:05:38 * zaneb doesn't disagree 20:05:47 <lifeless> ttx: 2) we have actual feedback on languages from the operators - obtained at the last summit, I wrote it up for the list 20:05:52 <sdague> ttx: sure, and I think right now, the long term health of our community has been pretty negatively impacted by not having java devs feel welcome, and one of our most critical pieces of project infrastructure is in java (gerrit) 20:05:52 <ttx> Currently our community is in a grey area where most people assume that only Python is OK, and some people assume that anything is OK. This resolution is about clarifying that 20:05:59 <mordred> basically, the "tools are great, but do have an associated cost" is the important part to me 20:06:11 <lifeless> ttx: -> if we're going to formalise technology choices, I think we want to at a minimum be pulling that dialogue in too 20:06:11 <dtroyer> mordred: ++ 20:06:23 <annegentle> mordred: I'm there too. Esp. reading about vulnerability management 20:06:34 <annegentle> I want sustainability and long-term thinking. 20:06:34 <dtroyer> I think we should at least say that those costs need to be included when considering a proposal 20:06:37 <ttx> sdague: because we've been sidestepping that discussion 20:06:40 <mordred> dtroyer: ++ 20:06:51 <lifeless> ttx: 3) thinking about 'the code /we create/ as all of openstack' is a mistake IMO: the code is transitive all the way down 20:07:02 <lifeless> ttx: and the proposal didn't have any aknowledgment of that 20:07:03 <sdague> lifeless: ++ 20:07:23 <ttx> lifeless: I respectfully disagree. i think we need to consider the community cost, not just the end result 20:07:33 <flaper87> ttx: ++ 20:07:33 <lifeless> ttx: the question about developer costs is not IMO 'what does it take for dev X to switch code bases', but 'what does it take for dev X to fix arbitrary bug Y that they care about' 20:07:39 <ttx> because without a community we won't have an end result 20:07:47 <jaypipes> lifeless: what do you mean by that? sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by "code is transtive all the way down"? 20:07:50 <sdague> because assuming the varnish layer is openstack, and the rest of it is imatereal, feels really weird. 20:07:59 <sdague> jaypipes: rabbit 20:08:07 <flaper87> community cost and technical cost are the 2 aspects that I'm more concerned about 20:08:08 <sdague> zookeeper, casandra, 20:08:09 <lifeless> jaypipes: rabbit, mysql, zk, kernel, ovs 20:08:14 <sdague> libvirt 20:08:20 <lifeless> bash, systemd 20:08:23 <mordred> I think those are worthwile things to talk about - but I think if we try to solve all of them now we'll get nowhere 20:08:26 <lifeless> we've had bugs in all of these 20:08:29 <mordred> and I don't thin kit's the question at hand 20:08:33 <flaper87> mordred: ++ 20:08:49 <annegentle> ttx: is the goal of the resolution to help teams decide whether to apply for governance? 20:08:51 <ttx> sdague: so what ? Because our full stack is coded up in 12 different laguages doesn't mean we should support a community that codes up in 12 different languages *in OpenStack* 20:08:53 <lifeless> mordred: when we start asking about the costs to do something in the scope of the project 20:08:56 <mordred> I think the question ttx is trying to clarify is "if someone wants to submit a new openstack project that has some non-python elements in it, is that ok? if so, how much?" 20:08:59 <annegentle> ttx: or to describe what we have? 20:09:03 <flaper87> lifeless: we'll keep having them but there are also other communities taking care of those projects that we can collaborate with 20:09:03 <ttx> mordred: yes. 20:09:12 <mordred> that is specifically about openstack developer process 20:09:13 <flaper87> mordred: exactly 20:09:20 <flaper87> exactly, again! 20:09:30 <mordred> I TOTALY think that lifeless question is valid and important and we need to dive in to it 20:09:34 <lifeless> flaper87: but these dependencies are things we opt into. We've already chosen to depend on e.g. erlang 20:09:43 <mordred> but I think we can address a tiny bit of the pie that we know is lurking 20:09:45 <annegentle> I'd still like to hear about SDKs - which should apply for governance based on this resolution? Any? Or Python only? 20:09:56 <ttx> So, there are exceptions obviously 20:09:57 <lifeless> The community cost being put up can be thought of in a few ways 20:10:06 <flaper87> lifeless: sure thing, that doesn't mean we all need to learn earlang. And I'm not trying to say it's not important rather than it's adifferent problem 20:10:09 <ttx> packaging recipes or SDK bindings, you have to use the local idiom to produce those. 20:10:15 <lifeless> flaper87: how is it different? 20:10:17 <ttx> Here we are talking programming languages, something you would code up a whole new service in. 20:10:22 <ttx> All our services happen to be written in Python today. We do web front-end coding in JS, and devstack is in bash. Period. 20:10:30 <lifeless> flaper87: every developer possibly needs to know erlang to fix bugs in openstack 20:10:50 <dhellmann> lifeless: that seems extreme 20:10:52 <ttx> lifeless: I... don't think we do 20:10:53 <flaper87> lifeless: I'm failing to see why but it's probably me 20:10:58 <lifeless> ttx: we have a raft of DSL's that are plenty complex themselves. Are you excluding those ? 20:10:59 <flaper87> lifeless: we don't develop rabbit 20:10:59 <markmcclain> lifeless: not certain I agree with everyone needs to know erlang 20:11:00 <zaneb> lifeless: the implication of what you're saying is that language choice should be a free-for-all and we don't even need to discuss it. I don't think that's what you want, but not discussing it is the only thing that the resolution proposed really rules out 20:11:01 <ttx> flaper87: not just you 20:11:05 <annegentle> ttx: services. right. other projects have been added that are Ruby, right? (Chef puppet) 20:11:08 <flaper87> ttx: glad to hear 20:11:09 <dtroyer> flaper87: it isn't you…if rabbit was 'one of us' I would agree 20:11:13 <sdague> yeh, so my concern is as follows: we decide we're the python cloud, docker is the go cloud, and mesos is the java cloud. 20:11:21 <dhellmann> lifeless: if you take that all the way, it means we need to understand VDSL or whatever they use for chip design these days, and I don't think that's true either 20:11:24 <ttx> annegentle: that's just a downstream packaging format 20:11:36 <lifeless> dhellmann: its a tad harder to switch out the hardware vendors :) 20:11:38 <ttx> we have no service coded up in Ruby 20:11:44 <ttx> or Erlang for the matter 20:11:53 <mordred> sdague: ya. I don't want to be the python cloud. I want to be the excellent open source cloud 20:12:00 <annegentle> ttx: ok, so your resolution is for service proposals only? Why differentiate? 20:12:00 <flaper87> sdague: I'd put it: "we're mostly python but we're cool with a diverse technology base. We just need to know how much and have a good plan to welcome them" 20:12:12 <ttx> annegentle: downstream and updtream 20:12:12 <sdague> flaper87: that's all well and good, it sets a tone 20:12:32 <ttx> one is packaging the other 20:13:00 <annegentle> I made a list of all the shared resources services get... it's over 20 resources. So do we have separate shared resources for services and "downstream?" 20:13:02 <mordred> yeah "in what language(s) do we write the code we collaborate on that we may ship as openstack" 20:13:04 <lifeless> markmcclain: so they clearly don't all know erlang. But when there is a bug in rabbit that affects us, do we code around it in Python, or do we fix the root cause 20:13:10 <ttx> basically, if you write apckages, they use a packaging DSL, which happens to overlap bash, or Ruby. 20:13:10 <crinkle> parts of the puppet modules are written in ruby 20:13:13 <jaypipes> sdague: mesos is C++, but ok :) 20:13:23 <lifeless> markmcclain: If we're talking community, and open source and so on... 20:13:34 * flaper87 will rewrite messos in rustlang 20:13:38 <mordred> flaper87: ++ 20:13:42 <sdague> jaypipes: ok, my bad :) 20:13:43 <flaper87> mesos, even 20:13:51 <jaypipes> sdague: I got your point, no worries :) 20:14:03 <ttx> anyway, please consider that of the 3 languages used in current services, only 2 are fully supported by infra. JS is still in progress 20:14:04 <sdague> so, here is a concrete thing that has happened 20:14:38 <ttx> so the cost is not hypothetical, we are already struggling 20:14:58 <jeblair> ttx: java, oddly enough, is actually relatively well supported 20:14:58 <sdague> one of our large visible community users had a bunch of openstack services written in java, because you can do that thing, and it fits in our architecture. All that sits behind their firewall because they believe if they ever came forward with it they'd be told to shove off. 20:15:14 <dhellmann> I would feel a lot better about expanding our language base if we had more people working in cross-project areas for the existing languages 20:15:15 <ttx> we are also struggling with cross-project issues. AllI'm asking is that we keep the cost in mind when we consider adding more complexity in the dev community 20:15:28 <ttx> not closing any door 20:15:30 <jeblair> sdague: it feels like clarifying our position as in ttx's resoultion would be worthwhile then. 20:15:40 <mordred> jeblair: ++ 20:15:42 <flaper87> dhellmann: right, and I'd feel a lot better if I were sure we can also have a good CI for those languages 20:15:47 <edleafe> jeblair: ++ 20:15:54 <sdague> ok, and the current position seems "shove off" 20:15:55 <dhellmann> flaper87: right, that's one part of what I mean 20:15:55 <russellb> jeblair: ++ 20:16:04 <lifeless> ttx: so why don't we have a statement that says the same thing about having a service at all ? 20:16:11 <mordred> and also clarifying, to dhellmann's point - "if you're going to show up with java, you have to know there is a very real non-zero cost to areas that are traditionally hard to staff/fund" 20:16:14 <flaper87> In summary, I don't think anyone is against new languages, I just think we should be cautious and this resolution tries to do that. 20:16:26 <ttx> sdague: current position is "nobody knows" because no resolution was swritten on it. You should see the proposed resolution as a step forward to not shove it off 20:16:27 <jaypipes> sdague: hmm.... not sure I agree with that. that particularly large community user isn't, IMHO, all that interested in "coming forward". 20:16:27 <zaneb> sdague: actually I'm pretty sure a lot of that stuff is on GitHub, it's just that nobody cares 20:16:32 <jeblair> mordred: yes 20:16:39 <flaper87> there are things we ought to guarantee before we welcome a project written in a "foreign language" (had to, sorry :P) 20:16:41 <lifeless> [6~ 20:16:56 <flaper87> and those things we don't check on current projects because we already have them 20:17:12 <ttx> it's also OK if things are developed OUTSIDE OPENSTACK and we consume them 20:17:13 <sdague> jaypipes: maybe, I've heard different things. I think we've set a cultural non acceptance of it 20:17:14 <annegentle> I think that the common resources come with a cost. 20:17:24 <jroll> sdague: I'm curious if we tried to welcome those folks, and then asked them to do all the CI/packaging/etc work like we did with JS, how massively frustrated they would get and if they would end up finishing. 20:17:30 <lifeless> ttx: it is ok, but why did we do BigTent ? 20:17:36 <jroll> sdague: because it's a massive amount of work 20:17:41 <annegentle> and I think that looking into enabling and encouraging an ecosystem is a natural next step 20:17:50 <jaypipes> jroll: ++ 20:17:50 <annegentle> we can't expand beyond our means 20:17:55 <sdague> jroll: I don't know 20:18:07 <ttx> lifeless: to allow more services to be developed in the OpenStack community with the OpenStack way 20:18:11 <mordred> jroll: well, I tihnk that's just the thing 20:18:14 <jroll> that's not to say we *shouldn't* welcome that; I think we should. just something to think about 20:18:15 <ttx> not to push every triangle in a square shape 20:18:17 <annegentle> jroll: yep, that's part of the issue, it's overwhelming. 20:18:23 <mordred> jroll: I'd like to be able to have a conversatoin with them about the work it'll take 20:18:33 <flaper87> ah and just to echo what I (and thierry) said in the review, I don't think being cautious is anti-big-tent 20:18:36 <mordred> jroll: so that they can be involved in making the judgement about whether it's too much 20:18:42 <mordred> RATHER than having them just think I hate them 20:18:42 <annegentle> mordred: but, what is the motivation? Growth? Power? (I'm really wondering) 20:18:43 <lifeless> ttx: so, I don't understand why e.g. Java wouldn't be OpenStack way 20:18:46 <mordred> which is not the case 20:19:17 <jroll> overwhelming is an understatement, I think. I guess it depends on number of people hacking on it :) 20:19:17 <ttx> lifeless: I don't say it is, I don't say it's not. I just say we need to consider it 20:19:20 <lifeless> ttx: another point is that languages creating silos 20:19:20 <ttx> and discuss it 20:19:25 <lifeless> every service is a silo 20:19:26 <mordred> annegentle: the motivation for them to be included? or for wanting them in? 20:19:29 <annegentle> Expansion can happen in a more layered manner. 20:19:30 <jroll> mordred: +1, like I said, we should totally be inviting 20:19:35 <lifeless> every new split out review team is a silo 20:19:36 <ttx> lifeless: not everyone is a language polyglot like you 20:19:45 <dtroyer> lifeless: big tent is creating silos already 20:19:47 <annegentle> mordred: I want them in, but I think that boundaries and expectations setting are also useful devices for community inclusion. 20:19:50 <lifeless> ttx: its not about that - I'm not disputing that there is a silo effect from language 20:19:50 <ttx> lifeless: yes, and taht's why we should not add insult to injury 20:19:53 <mordred> annegentle: TOTALLY 20:20:00 <zaneb> lifeless: because you can't use Oslo. you can't use keystone middleware. you can't use the packaging/requirements system that you're creating atm. So you're reinventing all of that. How does OpenStack benefit by doing that stuff again? 20:20:07 <ttx> and create even more silos than we already have 20:20:13 <lifeless> ttx: I'm saying that we *explicitly* set up a structure - years ago now - with separate teams -> conways law -> silos 20:20:20 <edleafe> zaneb: good points 20:20:26 <flaper87> zaneb: ++ 20:20:34 <jroll> zaneb: indeed. 20:20:42 <mordred> zaneb: ++ 20:20:43 <lifeless> zaneb: those are good engineering points 20:20:51 <zaneb> lifeless: or, more to the point, how can you say we should accept that without even talking about the cost/benefit tradeoff 20:20:53 <lifeless> zaneb: and I have no problem with that being called out 20:20:55 <flaper87> zaneb: exactly the things I'd like to see clarified as part of the "welcoming other languages" 20:21:03 <jroll> with the big tent, openstack is really just becoming an umbrella of infrastructure and community, more than a group of projects 20:21:05 <annegentle> so, if we offer certain shared resources for <well-defined-projects> those are an ecosystem 20:21:18 <flaper87> we don't check those things with python projects because we know they are there 20:21:19 <lifeless> zaneb: I haven't rejected a cost benefit model - I've said its very very hard to get it right 20:21:21 <annegentle> and then we enable additional expansions in meaningful ways 20:21:34 <ttx> lifeless: a cost benefit model is all I'm proposing here 20:21:36 <annegentle> ways that people would actually _want_ and not shy away from. 20:21:49 <jroll> and I'd love to grow that umbrella, but it's a ton of work to get to the same point. we spent 5 years getting to this point with python and infra/CI/packaging is still hard. 20:22:01 <flaper87> jroll: yup 20:22:07 <mordred> jroll: yah 20:22:08 <zaneb> lifeless: yeah, all ttx's resolution says is that the TC will look into it and decide case-by-case 20:22:22 <lifeless> jroll: OTOH the designs and patterns are well established, so its not the same exploration-as-we-go for anyone following 20:22:29 <ttx> rather than "nobody knows if it's even ok to suggest a language" 20:22:30 <dims> ttx: flaper87: so we need a checklist of things these new projects need to sign up for? (infra/CI/packaging) 20:22:32 <sdague> so, the current model also makes this assumption that instead of fixing key complexity issues at a protocol model, like in keystone, we just "fix it in middleware" and put it in everyone's paste pipelines 20:22:35 <jroll> lifeless: I'd like to think that, but look at the JS work 20:22:38 <jaypipes> jroll: yes, and deliberately so. and it was deliberately called out in big tent discussions that teams joining OpenStack would be responsible for contributing to cross-project teams like docs, infra, etc. and that those teams wouldn't be "doing the work for you". 20:22:48 <flaper87> dims: I guess we'll have to have it for everyone 20:22:49 <ttx> dims: the trick is, they don't sign up for anything 20:22:52 <annegentle> jaypipes: right 20:22:58 <sdague> which actually does make openstack a python only cloud 20:23:02 <ttx> or they say they do and then they don't 20:23:20 <lifeless> so if the proposal stopped at 'costs of supporting it.' 20:23:26 <lifeless> I'd be +0 20:23:33 <lifeless> like- I think there's a bunch of tuning on the cost model 20:23:38 <flaper87> sdague: whether we can fix that or not is not under discussion. The thing is, we *have* that problem now 20:23:44 <flaper87> and that problem affects new projects 20:24:14 <lifeless> also the editorialism about silos I worry about 20:24:26 <ttx> lifeless: ok, we are making progress :) 20:24:30 <annegentle> sdague: the services, yes, but does that matter to consumers? 20:24:31 <lifeless> because it just seems odd given our deliberate 'please silo everything' team design 20:24:37 <lifeless> like 20:24:46 <lifeless> if we *were one team* with sub-specialities 20:24:56 <lifeless> e.g. review access applies everywhere 20:24:59 <sdague> annegentle: that assumes the only people that ever will have a good idea to go in the "open cloud" will do in python 20:25:01 <ttx> lifeless: you disagree with the idea of "refraining from adding a language purely for convenience" when it doesn't bring anythign technically to the table 20:25:07 <annegentle> lifeless: you're onto something there... I was wanting to make counts of subteam members. I mean, it's impossible to collaborate with 100 people so we tend to collaborate in teams of less than 10 I think. 20:25:24 <annegentle> (and yes, my observation has nothing to do with languages but about ecosystems) 20:25:35 <lifeless> annegentle: yah, its my 'conways law is our enemy today' drum. I beat it at least once a cycle :) 20:26:04 <jeblair> ttx: a technical issue -- can a regular motion (passed by a majority) place a requirement that some future motion have a 2/3 majority? or does such a motion need to be a change to the charter? or does it need to require that it recieves 2/3 itself? 20:26:09 <lifeless> ttx: I disagree with what I feel are pre-judged conclusions in the proposal 20:26:20 <jaypipes> I think I'd be OK with saying something like "if your project uses some non-Python language for a particular reason, you need to first add support to the infrastructure, build, and docs systems for that language before the TC will consider your project to be OpenStack" 20:26:29 <lifeless> jaypipes: yes 20:26:33 <lifeless> jaypipes: +1 20:26:34 <flaper87> Can we agree that this spec needs to be reworded in some areas a bit but it's a good step forward? 20:26:39 <sdague> jaypipes: yes, I'm completely on board with that 20:26:43 <mordred> jaypipes: ++ 20:26:44 <jroll> jaypipes: ++ 20:26:45 <lifeless> *that* is objective, welcoming 20:26:48 <ttx> jeblair: yes, you may be right. We could come back to majority vote 20:26:49 <jgriffith> jaypipes: +1 20:26:51 <jroll> seems reasonable to me 20:27:00 * mordred hands jaypipes a unicorn 20:27:04 <dims> "you need to first add support to the" -> "we will work with you to add support" 20:27:11 <edleafe> jaypipes: ++ 20:27:12 <annegentle> jaypipes: agreed. so conversely it's also okay for a project to _not_ join OpenStack on purpose? 20:27:12 * flaper87 hands jaypipes a unicorn FAMILY 20:27:15 <ttx> jeblair: I kind of wanted something that the next TC wouldn't easily reverse.. i.e. an added language should not be suddenly "removed" 20:27:16 <jaypipes> that puts the onus back on the submitter, where it belongs (as intended by the big tent discussions) 20:27:17 <sdague> and I think that's the kind of resolution I'd be fine with. "Here is table stakes to bringing in new language" 20:27:18 <markmcclain> jaypipes: ++ 20:27:22 <ttx> I guess there are other mechanisms to do that 20:27:23 <jroll> dims: +1, I like that 20:27:25 <lifeless> annegentle: I think thats a given :) 20:27:26 <sdague> jaypipes: ++ 20:27:34 <jaypipes> annegentle: yes, absolutely. 20:27:44 <jroll> dims: and I think that's been proven with the JS work, as well, infra has put a ton of help into that 20:27:49 <lifeless> ttx: the point of the next tc is to be allowed to do that :) 20:27:51 <dims> jroll: cool! 20:28:13 <ttx> lifeless: but yeah, the 2/3 doesn't really help either way 20:28:23 <fungi> from an infrastructure support perspective i do think that arbitrarily accepting projects with the expectation they'll do the legwork themselves is likely to lead to some unpleasant experiences. we can often take the 5-10 minutes needed to show new devs from another python project where to find sufficient information to figure out how to start getting things done. for a new language, we have just 20:28:25 <fungi> enough time to make them feel like we're telling them to shove off 20:28:38 <ttx> jaypipes: sounds like a good way to solve the cost/benefit analysis 20:28:49 <flaper87> fungi: for me it'd be more like: Get it done and we'll talk after that 20:28:56 <ttx> but also a good way to tell people to shove it 20:29:03 <sdague> fungi: well, put a warning in about the fact that this might take significant effort 20:29:04 <ttx> (to use sdague's analogy) 20:29:06 <lifeless> well 20:29:16 <lifeless> so there are really a couple of cost groups 20:29:21 <jaypipes> sdague: we welcome all. but we're not some cult that demands everyone join us. if you don't want to be in OpenStack, that's totally cool, too. (just don't call yourself OpenStack, of course!). But OpenStack is about "are you one of us?" Which is all about do you want to serve the good of the OpenStack community, do you want to play by the same rules, do you want to use the same cmomunication processes, etc. If you d 20:29:22 <jaypipes> on't, totally awesome. you're just not OpenStack. 20:29:24 <lifeless> there's the bootstrap-and-operational costs 20:29:25 <ttx> We are approaching timebox limit 20:29:27 <fungi> flaper87: yep, where "get it done" starts with telling them to try setting up a copy of all our infrastructure, and probably learning one or two new programming languages 20:29:27 <lifeless> infra 20:29:36 <lifeless> and there's the culture/community costs 20:29:38 <jaypipes> sdague: doh, sorry, the above was answer to annegentle 20:29:42 <ttx> I'll read the log again and try to come up with something better 20:29:47 <lifeless> The first is really clear and I think having a resolution around it is sane. 20:29:49 <zaneb> ttx: fwiw the 2/3 made me uncomfortable for reasons I'd struggle to explain 20:29:51 <lifeless> The second, nope. 20:30:02 <sdague> jaypipes: yeh, because I think I'm 100% on board with your new approach 20:30:25 <jeblair> lifeless: i do think there are culture/community costs; i do not think they are strictly prohibitive 20:30:29 <ttx> Thanks for the discussion, I think I understand the objections slightly better. I hope you understand the intent of this a bit better too. Please comment on the review. 20:30:31 <lifeless> jeblair: agreed 20:30:32 <sdague> zaneb: I would agree. It seems like a whole new bylaw bit that's being patched in at the same time as a content bit 20:30:47 <dhellmann> jaypipes: I'm inspired to propose that all existing projects must have active liaisons in the cross-project teams to stay "official" 20:30:48 <ttx> sdague: agreed 20:30:49 <annegentle> it reads awfully governance heavy 20:30:49 <jeblair> ttx: thank you :) 20:31:01 <dims> dhellmann: ++ 20:31:02 <zaneb> ttx: like, consensus is good, but when you put a number on it it reads like a challenge to try to screw over the minority ;) 20:31:05 <annegentle> ttx: but I do get the small reviewable idea 20:31:06 <flaper87> dhellmann: ++ 20:31:10 <ttx> sdague: as I told jeblair, was trying to make such decisions "more sticky" but it's not the right way to do it 20:31:17 <lifeless> jeblair: [I just don't think that we can put them up as clearly as we can the bootstap/operational ones, certainly not in a balanced way today] 20:31:32 <ttx> cpallares: around? 20:31:38 <sdague> yeh, because the reason things are sticky is because we agree on them, not for procedural tricks. 20:31:41 <cpallares> ttx: Yes 20:31:42 <Rockyg> dhellmann, ++! 20:31:42 <lifeless> ttx: better question: why is that (stickyiness) valuable 20:31:58 <jaypipes> dhellmann: +10 20:32:00 <ttx> ok, moving on. Feel free to comment on review or discuss it with me anytime 20:32:04 <ttx> #topic Comments on applicability of Django CoC to OpenStack (cpallares) 20:32:09 <ttx> #link https://www.djangoproject.com/conduct/ 20:32:17 <ttx> So, we ALL read it I believe 20:32:21 <annegentle> twice! 20:32:25 <ttx> Personally I think it's sane for the community code of conduct. 20:32:34 <ttx> I like the idea of a clear committee to handle violations and clear reporting guidelines 20:32:39 <mordred> ++ 20:32:44 <sdague> ++ 20:32:47 <jgriffith> ++ 20:32:50 <flaper87> ++ 20:32:53 <ttx> One thing that is missing in the Django CoC is corporate bullying -- leveraging money or influence that big companies have to push someone in the community to do something they naturally wouldn't 20:33:05 <ttx> I guess it's tricky to include since it's no longer "an individual" but "several execs at a company" misbehaving. 20:33:08 <annegentle> I don't like the reporting by anonymous email. 20:33:25 <cpallares> annegentle: Why is that? 20:33:29 <Rockyg> ttx: not just execs, managers 20:33:39 <flaper87> annegentle: setting up a CoC team might help 20:33:45 <ttx> So, not sure how to address that -- I'm only mentioning it because we had such cases raised as CoC violations in the past 20:33:52 <flaper87> direct email addresses that should be included? 20:33:53 <annegentle> cpallares: if I really have a violation I will use a phone and a real person 20:34:13 <russellb> ttx: do you mean pressuring their own employees? or employees of other companies? 20:34:19 <jeblair> also missing are "be collaborative", "when we are unsure, we ask for help", "step down considerately" and "respect the election process" 20:34:22 <annegentle> also safety of both the accused and victim 20:34:23 <russellb> just trying to understand the concern clearly 20:34:28 <ttx> russellb: other companies 20:34:28 <jgriffith> annegentle: would having a general email and published members of the team work? 20:34:28 <flaper87> cpallares: sometimes ppl don't want chats or things that can be copied around 20:34:32 <russellb> ttx: ack 20:34:32 * flaper87 shrugs 20:34:32 <dhellmann> annegentle: I think for the django community, the email is used for online stuff more than in-person stuff? 20:34:39 <annegentle> jgriffith: yeah that's pretty much what we have now 20:34:44 <markmcclain> ttx: sure it isn't both? 20:34:50 <annegentle> dhellmann: ah ok 20:34:54 <Rockyg> flaper87, ++ 20:35:02 <dhellmann> annegentle: so that might apply to us on irc, for example, vs. at a summit 20:35:03 <flaper87> At conferences there's a team that you can talk to 20:35:07 <ttx> markmcclain: well, pressuring your own employees to do your bidding is called employment, I think. 20:35:09 <flaper87> and we should have the same 20:35:12 <jroll> annegentle: for conferences django uses https://2015.djangocon.us/code_of_conduct/ 20:35:16 <jroll> which includes phones and such 20:35:19 <russellb> ttx: :) 20:35:22 <jgriffith> ttx: hehe +1 20:35:23 <cpallares> Yeah, the summit has its own code of conduct 20:35:24 <annegentle> jroll: ah, thanks 20:35:25 <dhellmann> annegentle: I do agree, I'd like to be speaking with a human in real time if I had to report something 20:35:30 <markmcclain> ttx: depending on context possibly 20:35:36 <jroll> totally +1 on live contacts for in-person things 20:35:39 <annegentle> I guess we'd need an audit trail 20:35:46 <sdague> annegentle: so what you are really looking for is an OpenStack ombudsman, right? 20:35:46 <markmcclain> ttx: but I also think that is an internal HR issue at that point 20:35:46 <jaypipes> jeblair: all excellent additions. 20:36:06 <russellb> right, i don't think the foundation / project has any business dealing with issues between employee vs employer 20:36:12 <ttx> markmcclain: sure, I understand your point, was just making a joke. The question of the different hats is slightly less obvious I think 20:36:16 <annegentle> basically the details in https://www.djangoproject.com/conduct/reporting/ are sufficient to me 20:36:31 <annegentle> addresses confidentiality concerns 20:36:36 <jgriffith> russellb: yeah, that's seems a bit... umm... well; let's move on ;) 20:36:52 <dhellmann> ttx, cpallares : is the proposal to replace our coc with this one, or to augment ours? 20:37:08 <cpallares> dhellmann: I would prefer to replace it. 20:37:09 <mordred> russellb: no - but I do think they have businss in dealing with issues between a human and a company that person does _not _ work for 20:37:15 <ttx> dhellmann: cpallares is working on the board committee setting to replace the current CoCs 20:37:22 <annegentle> russellb: it's difficult when the person isn't employed though. 20:37:23 <cpallares> dhellmann: and give it its own place within OpenStack 20:37:31 <russellb> mordred: agree 20:37:31 <annegentle> russellb: the Foundation is the only help we would have 20:37:41 * jgriffith is rather confused now 20:37:45 <dims> cpallares: have folks looked at the ASF one too? http://www.apache.org/foundation/policies/conduct.html 20:37:51 <dhellmann> cpallares: ok, jeblair pointed out several missing sections that we have now that would be missing if we replace it 20:38:02 <russellb> annegentle: totally agree 20:38:16 <flaper87> I think we should merge them, not do a 1:1 replacement 20:38:22 <flaper87> at least, that's how I read it 20:38:31 <ttx> flaper87: ack 20:38:33 * flaper87 didn't attend last week's meeting but read the logs 20:38:35 <cpallares> dhellmann: Good point 20:38:40 <jgriffith> my only suggestion about "merging" is to be careful you don't end up with a novel 20:38:58 <ttx> cpallares: I think the next step is to collect that feedback and come up with a practical proposal 20:39:02 <dhellmann> flaper87: yeah, I think I misunderstood what I was supposed to do, and I noticed that we're missing 2 sections from the django one (be welcoming, and be careful in the words you choose) 20:39:20 * jaypipes is all fine with these Django CoC points, except for the "Be friendly and patient" one. I can guarantee no such thing 100% of the time 20:39:21 <flaper87> jgriffith: yup, I trust cpallares on that! 20:39:28 <dhellmann> I do like the fact that they have a more detailed reporting guide to augment the actual policy 20:39:30 <annegentle> jaypipes: ha! 20:39:36 <jaypipes> annegentle: :P 20:39:44 <ttx> jaypipes: you've been improving on that. 20:39:45 <annegentle> I think the detailed processes are great and we should layer ours similarly 20:39:47 <mordred> jaypipes: right? on the other hand - even when you're neither - you usually are still _striving_ to be 20:39:47 <fungi> friendliness and patience are rather subjective concepts 20:39:50 <jaypipes> ttx: barely ;) 20:40:01 <mordred> jaypipes: so maybe "Strive to be friendly and patient"? 20:40:01 <ttx> We need to move on 20:40:09 <russellb> definitely a variety of interpretations of what "friendly" means around openstack (and everywhere) 20:40:12 <ttx> cpallares: any question you have ? 20:40:16 <jgriffith> jaypipes: are you telling me there's no room in all of Del Boca Vista!!! 20:40:21 * mordred friendlies russellb upside the head 20:40:25 <ttx> I suspect TC members can reach out to you directly if they have further feedback 20:40:29 <annegentle> cpallares: feel free to ask me for help on the layering 20:40:33 <dims> mordred: lol 20:40:35 <cpallares> annegentle: I will thanks 20:40:36 * flaper87 wants to be friendlied 20:40:44 <ttx> Alright, moving on, busy agenda 20:40:46 <annegentle> flaper87: oh dear 20:40:47 * mordred has a special llama waiting for flaper87 20:40:47 <ttx> #topic OpenStack Community App Catalog application to join the Big Tent 20:40:52 <russellb> flaper87: tmi 20:40:53 <ttx> #link https://review.openstack.org/217957 20:40:59 <ttx> I think this is an easy one, it's clearly a community project now 20:41:04 <flaper87> mordred: LOL 20:41:06 <ttx> and the deliverable (apps.openstack.org) is already an openstack official thing anyway 20:41:18 <ttx> My only question would be whether Chris will be able to continue working on it now that he moved to IBM, since this effort relies a lot on him 20:41:26 <ttx> I guess we can ask mordred the question 20:41:27 <jaypipes> jgriffith: :) 20:41:35 * docaedo waves too 20:41:37 <mordred> yes. 20:41:52 <ttx> cool, then it's just missing a couple +2s 20:42:01 <ttx> unless someone has further questions 20:42:10 * russellb added +1 20:42:12 <ttx> flapping rob 20:42:23 <russellb> has 9 now 20:42:30 <ttx> Alright will approve asap 20:42:36 <ttx> no question ? 20:42:44 * Rockyg wonders whether mordred answered the question of being willing to be asked or whether chris was available 20:43:14 <russellb> "yes" 20:43:20 <jeblair> :) 20:43:21 <ttx> #topic Introduce assert:follows-standard-deprecation tag 20:43:27 <ttx> #link https://review.openstack.org/207467 20:43:30 <sdague> ttx: so, I just added a comment there 20:43:42 <ttx> sdague: 207467? 20:43:42 <sdague> which projects do we think follow 2 cycle deprecation for config options ? 20:43:46 <sdague> yeh 20:43:53 <sdague> because, in my experience, it's 0 of them 20:44:02 <sdague> except some oslo libs 20:44:12 <dims> :) 20:44:22 <ttx> sdague: are you suggesting we say "minimum 1 cycle deprecation for config options" ? 20:44:28 * dhellmann high-fives dims 20:44:32 <mordred> Rockyg: :) 20:44:35 <sdague> I'm suggesting that's what's out there 20:44:37 <annegentle> sdague: I dont't think it was 2 cycle for options but for API resources 20:44:42 <sdague> and has been the norm for a while 20:44:42 <ttx> (original proposal was 1 cycle but everyone said it should be 2) 20:44:54 <sdague> annegentle: I asked the question in the review for clarification, and was told it applies to config options 20:44:58 <flaper87> fwiw, Zaqar does 20:45:02 <zaneb> ttx: I think for config options specifically, 1 is all we need 20:45:04 <annegentle> sdague: yeah 20:45:11 <ttx> sdague: I'm fine rewording it so that config options have a one-cycle 20:45:12 <zaneb> ttx: in general, 2 20:45:23 <ttx> if that works for everyone 20:45:36 <ttx> sdague: the goal is to match what's out there 20:45:38 * flaper87 is good with that 20:45:40 <dhellmann> would that apply to libs, too, or do we count them as special for some reason? because I thought 2 was the rule already. 20:45:40 <sdague> flaper87: really, all of them? You want me to go sifting git logs. Because I found it was hard enough to keep people in nova from doing straight deletes 20:45:44 <ttx> not to invent a top-down edict :) 20:45:56 <sdague> ttx: yeh, that's why I've been a pita on this review 20:45:56 <ttx> dhellmann: it's a minimum. Not a == 20:46:06 <annegentle> sdague: ttx: I think it was about being able to first: put a note in the logs from the service, in one release, and then second: actually remove it 20:46:09 <annegentle> doesn't that take 2 cycles? 20:46:10 <sdague> because, I've seen a lot of what happens in a lot of projects 20:46:12 <ttx> sdague: not a pita, just late :P 20:46:20 <annegentle> the communication cycle then the removal cycle? 20:46:21 <gordc> sdague: just to clarify, if there's an option to deprecate something, is the option itself expected to be deprecated a cycle after the actual deprecated feature is removed? 20:46:22 <flaper87> sdague: I've a very bad memory but Zaqar is small enough that it makes it easier to have a better look on what's happening 20:46:24 <sdague> ttx: well, I asked the question pointedly last week 20:46:24 <annegentle> or am I just off? 20:46:42 <dhellmann> annegentle: that's how I count, too 20:46:52 <dims> annegentle: agree 20:47:00 <sdague> annegentle: so typically projects just get their deprecations in by L3, and delete early in M cycle 20:47:02 <dhellmann> maybe we aren't all starting from the same understanding? 20:47:03 <zaneb> annegentle: that's only deprecated for one release by my count 20:47:10 <ttx> thing marked deprecated during the L cycle, can't be removed before start of N cycle 20:47:19 <ttx> that's what currently is in the proposal 20:47:28 <annegentle> ttx: ok that's what I want and will vote yes to :) 20:47:30 <ttx> i.e. it's marked deprecated for 2 "releases" 20:47:41 <zaneb> supported->deprecated->removed would be 1 cycle 20:47:43 <ttx> before being removed on the third 20:47:45 <sdague> ttx: right, and what I'm saying is that it would be good to actually go survey some projects before writing this one down 20:47:51 <annegentle> zaneb: it's the "marked deprecated" part. It could be reversed if enough reaction happened. 20:48:08 <zaneb> supported->deprecated->deprecated->removed would be 2 cycles 20:48:12 <ttx> sdague: that's fair. Could you re -1 it and ask me to do my homework first? 20:48:30 <ttx> no point in hurrying this 20:48:36 <sdague> so I -1ed with the comment that I think this applies to 0 projects right now 20:48:42 <sdague> I can add more -1 details 20:49:04 <ttx> sdague: oh, I read it now. Should be enough 20:49:21 <dhellmann> if we're happy with 1 cycle, do we need to do more research? 20:49:43 <sdague> I do think encoding sanity and what we do is a good thing, I just don't want to have the TC declare a thing, and it not actually be a thing anyone is doing, and demonstrate a disconnect from the projects 20:49:47 <ttx> dhellmann: need to see if we need to differentiate between config options and "features" 20:49:58 <annegentle> sdague: yep yep 20:50:01 <zaneb> sdague: ++ 20:50:10 <sdague> which means we are going to need a definition of "feature" 20:50:25 <sdague> which ... is going to be a thing 20:50:31 <ttx> The trick is, this was never written, and there was a lot of oral tradition around "how we deprecate things in the integrated release" 20:50:38 <sdague> yes, for sure 20:50:54 <ttx> anyway, moving on 20:50:59 <ttx> #topic Adds & apply guidelines for project and service names 20:51:05 <ttx> #link https://review.openstack.org/201160 20:51:22 <ttx> This one (definition) looks ready to me, still missing one or two approvals 20:51:39 <ttx> #link https://review.openstack.org/201670 20:51:40 <annegentle> getting ready! :) 20:51:46 <ttx> This one (application) will need a rebase 20:51:51 <annegentle> ok, got it 20:51:58 <ttx> probably safer to wait for the first one to be approved 20:52:06 <annegentle> ok 20:52:19 <ttx> ok, it has 7 votes now, I'll approve the first one asap 20:52:25 <lifeless> \o/ 20:52:30 <flaper87> w000h000 20:52:41 <ttx> annegentle: nice persistent work on that Anne 20:52:47 <annegentle> whew 20:53:04 <ttx> #topic Workgroup reports 20:53:10 <ttx> * Project team guide 20:53:17 <ttx> Project team guide is now up at http://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/ 20:53:20 <flaper87> YEAH! 20:53:25 <ttx> So we don't really need the workgroup anymore, we'll include incremental fixes now 20:53:27 <annegentle> yeah! 20:53:49 <ttx> * Comms 20:53:55 <ttx> annegentle, flaper87: o/ 20:53:58 <annegentle> guess it's a week for a post! 20:54:01 <flaper87> o/ 20:54:04 <flaper87> annegentle: ++ 20:54:10 <annegentle> I volunteer flaper87 to write it :) 20:54:11 <ttx> It is. We have app catalog, project team guide 20:54:17 * flaper87 accepts 20:54:18 <flaper87> wait, what? 20:54:20 <flaper87> :P 20:54:28 <ttx> (today) + the slack from past weeks 20:54:32 <flaper87> I was going to raise my hand this week, really! :D 20:54:38 <annegentle> yeah! 20:54:39 <ttx> * Cross-project track at Mitaka summit 20:54:48 <annegentle> thanks flaper87 :) I'll edit with ya 20:54:48 <ttx> Who is interested in driving that ? I know thingee wants to participate, I can volunteer too... 20:54:57 <dhellmann> ttx; sign me up again 20:54:57 <ttx> Anyone else interested in crafting an awesome cross-project track for Tokyo ? 20:55:07 <sdague> sure, I'd like to help 20:55:22 <sdague> I would also suggest that we do this one a little more top down this year though 20:55:29 <mordred> I'd love to participate as well 20:55:30 <ttx> it means being available in October to finalize it 20:55:32 <flaper87> annegentle: please please 20:55:33 <dhellmann> I've already started some notes in https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mitaka-cross-project-session-planning 20:55:33 <flaper87> :D 20:55:45 * flaper87 interested in help with the CP track 20:55:46 <sdague> and have TC folks declare what they think some of the top things we need to solve are 20:55:58 <ttx> #info ttx thingee dhellmann sdague mordred available for cross-project track workgroup 20:56:08 <ttx> #info +flaper87 20:56:17 <flaper87> ttx: :D 20:56:35 <lifeless> ooo 20:56:44 <ttx> #topic Open discussion 20:56:47 <lifeless> I had stuff I was going to inject, and now my brain has paged them all out. nuts 20:56:50 <Rockyg> uh, me too? From the prodwg perspective? 20:57:06 <lifeless> ttx: I'm interested too 20:57:21 <ttx> #info +Rockyg lifeless 20:57:27 <dims> ttx: we should ask this question in next meeting too :) 20:57:29 <jeblair> fyi stackforge move scheduled for oct 17: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-August/073071.html 20:57:33 <ttx> I have a question about whether we should have a TC dinner in Tokyo, and if yes, who will sponsor it 20:57:40 <ttx> with mordred's move from HP to IBM I suspect the question is open 20:57:40 <dhellmann> jeblair: ++ 20:57:44 <flaper87> jeblair: glad to know, thanks for the heads up 20:57:53 <flaper87> whic dhellmann summarized, elegantly, with a ++ 20:57:55 <flaper87> :P 20:58:04 <ttx> mordred: did your dinner budget change jobs as well ? 20:58:15 <jeblair> wait, mordred didn't pay for those out of pocket? 20:58:17 <mordred> I have checked with folks at HP who are still interested in funding the dinner 20:58:17 * flaper87 rofl 20:58:22 <ttx> or should lifeless pick up the bill 20:58:30 <mordred> so, let's assume it'll still happen 20:58:40 <mordred> and logistics of how it gets planned will be sorted out 20:58:50 <ttx> it's fine to split the bill too. As long as I don't have to pay for anything, I'll support it 20:58:53 <fungi> sounds like mordred's dinner budget got a better offer to stay behind 20:58:56 <lifeless> ttx: LOL 20:58:57 <mordred> I've offered to continue doing the legwork to organize 20:59:02 * flaper87 is with ttx 20:59:04 <mordred> fungi: :) 20:59:04 <jeblair> yay! i'm hungry! 20:59:18 <lifeless> mordred: sounds like we need to get another P-Card 20:59:27 <mordred> I'll follow up with folks asap on what we learn 20:59:52 <ttx> mordred: Japan has a lot of micro-restaurant (one table) that still have Michelin stars 21:00:18 <ttx> anyway, time is out 21:00:19 <fungi> plop a tablet at each table and teleconference the tc dinner 21:00:25 <mordred> fungi: hahahahaha 21:00:26 <ttx> #endmeeting