20:01:44 <ttx> #startmeeting tc 20:01:45 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Sep 22 20:01:44 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:01:46 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:01:48 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tc' 20:01:55 * edleafe munches on said popped-corn 20:01:55 <ttx> Agenda for this Technical committee meeting lives at: 20:01:59 <ttx> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee 20:02:01 * Rockyg munches quietly and licks my fingers 20:02:07 <ttx> Let's start easy 20:02:12 <ttx> #topic Cross-project spec final approval: Return request ID to caller 20:02:17 <ttx> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156508/ 20:02:26 <ttx> This was discussed at multiple cross-project meetings, lastly last week 20:02:40 <ttx> It apparently has consensus now and needs our final approval on it 20:02:45 <dtroyer> o/ 20:02:48 <ttx> Any objection to final approval on this one ? 20:03:00 * flaper87 is good with it 20:03:15 <lifeless> +1 20:03:21 * devananda noshes on raspberries and lurks in the back 20:03:27 <lifeless> I stopped tracking it once it got into fine tuning territory 20:03:30 <jgriffith> I don't really have any objection... but one thing I'm not qutie sure on 20:03:32 <redrobot> o/ 20:03:50 <jgriffith> well... never mind 20:03:51 <jaypipes> o/ 20:03:52 <jgriffith> I get it 20:03:52 <sdague> conceptually it's good, some of the details will probably fall out when trying to do the actual work, as the apiclient bits in oslo are kind of crufty 20:03:57 * edleafe steals one of devananda's tasty raspberries 20:04:02 <sdague> I left that as a comment in the review 20:04:07 <ttx> sdague: yeah, I figured that much 20:04:14 <ttx> ok, approving then 20:04:18 <dims> sdague: i want to nuke oslo-incubator in M :) 20:04:31 <sdague> dims: yeh, also that :) 20:04:36 <sdague> but the concept is good 20:04:40 <Rockyg> dims, yay! 20:04:41 <sdague> they should move ahead on it 20:04:41 <flaper87> dims: +1 20:04:59 <ttx> work on that was started on February 17, so nice persistence from Abhishek 20:05:04 <ttx> approved 20:05:06 <annegentle> nice 20:05:18 * annegentle highfives Abhishek 20:05:20 <ttx> now for more fun 20:05:24 <ttx> #topic Handling project teams with no candidate PTLs 20:05:36 <ttx> So... we have a number of teams with no PTL candidates in the official timeframe 20:05:39 * sergmelikyan sighs 20:05:43 <ttx> Thankfully we have a defined way to address that: 20:05:47 <annegentle> it's okay sergmelikyan :) 20:05:49 <ttx> #link http://governance.openstack.org/resolutions/20141128-elections-process-for-leaderless-programs.html 20:05:57 <ttx> Let's consider them one by one, starting with simpler ones 20:06:02 <ttx> * Security 20:06:10 <ttx> The liberty PTL (Robert Clark) pushed his candidacy after the deadline, no other self-nomination 20:06:15 <ttx> Any other suggestion ? 20:06:24 <lifeless> take him 20:06:29 <jgriffith> #agreed 20:06:31 <dhellmann> yeah, this seems like an easy one 20:06:34 <sdague> #agreed 20:06:35 <jeblair> ++ 20:06:35 <dtroyer> +1 20:06:36 <flaper87> I think this sounds like an easy call 20:06:37 <ttx> #agreed Robert Clark nominated PTL for the Security Team in Mitaka 20:06:44 <ttx> * Murano 20:06:50 <ttx> The liberty PTL (Serg Melikyan) pushed his candidacy after the deadline, no other self-nomination 20:06:55 <ttx> Any other suggestion ? 20:07:01 <dhellmann> ditto 20:07:03 <sdague> +1 20:07:05 <flaper87> ditto 20:07:09 <jgriffith> Nope... take sergmelikyan 20:07:12 <ttx> #agreed Serg Melikyan nominated PTL for the Murano Team in Mitaka 20:07:15 <dtroyer> +1 20:07:17 * markmcclain-mobi sneaks in late 20:07:20 <sergmelikyan> thank you! 20:07:20 <ttx> * Barbican 20:07:28 <ttx> The liberty PTL (Douglas Mendizabal) confirmed he missed the deadline. Couldn't find any other self-nomination 20:07:36 <ttx> he is redrobot on irc 20:07:41 <ttx> Any other suggestion ? 20:07:45 <mordred> redrobot: you wanna be PTL? 20:07:47 <lifeless> +1 20:07:58 <dhellmann> ditto 20:07:59 <lifeless> mordred: self nomination implies that, no? 20:08:01 <redrobot> mordred indeed. my calendar skills were not up to par this election 20:08:01 <dtroyer> +1 20:08:02 <jgriffith> redrobot: yeah, do you want to do it? 20:08:04 <annegentle> mordred: I think he does, is there a patch? 20:08:07 <flaper87> if there's no other nomination, take him! 20:08:08 <sdague> +1 20:08:09 <mordred> lifeless: oh, sorry. I mis-read ttx's statement 20:08:11 <annegentle> redrobot: great! 20:08:12 <mordred> +1 20:08:16 <ttx> #agreed Douglas Mendizabal nominated PTL for the Barbican Team in Mitaka 20:08:21 <ttx> * Magnum 20:08:28 <ttx> The liberty PTL (Adrian Otto) pushed his candidacy after the deadline. A challenger (Hongbin Lu) also stepped up. 20:08:31 <jgriffith> mordred: me too, interpretted as he "would if nobody else did" 20:08:36 <ttx> So for that one we have to choose. We can choose one of them, someone else, or run an election with those two 20:08:46 <jgriffith> election 20:08:49 <mordred> election 20:08:50 <annegentle> I'd like an election 20:08:52 <sdague> election 20:09:07 <russellb> election +1 20:09:11 <dhellmann> if they both still want to do it, we should have an election 20:09:14 <flaper87> I'd vote election 20:09:16 <russellb> dhellmann: +1 20:09:18 <annegentle> flaper87: nice 20:09:25 <markmcclain-mobi> Election 20:09:27 <flaper87> :P 20:09:27 <dtroyer> has anyone talked to either of them? do they both still want it? 20:09:28 <adrian_otto> have you asked Hongbin if he wants an election? 20:09:29 <annegentle> are our election officials up for that? 20:09:35 <hongbin> yes I want 20:09:36 <ttx> with those two candidates, right ? No new nomination period ? 20:09:38 <adrian_otto> ok 20:09:41 <annegentle> dtroyer: I have talked to Adrian and he's up for it 20:09:44 <dhellmann> ttx: right 20:09:46 <annegentle> ttx: yes 20:09:48 <sdague> ttx: yes 20:09:48 <dhellmann> hongbin: ok, thanks for confirming 20:09:50 <ttx> #agreed An election should be held for Magnum contributors to pick their PTL with the two late candidacies in 20:09:52 <annegentle> sounds good hongbin 20:09:58 <dims> ++ 20:09:58 <dtroyer> ok, both are confirmed then ,thx 20:10:03 <ttx> * MagnetoDB 20:10:04 <annegentle> thanks for your willingness hongbin! 20:10:06 <dtroyer> ++election 20:10:06 <jgriffith> ttx: +1 to no new nomination period 20:10:10 <ttx> No candidacy for that one. 20:10:16 <ttx> We can confirm the current ptl, volunteer someone, or fast-track its removal from the Big Tent (next topic) 20:10:20 <tristanC> annegentle: I guess we could also ran that election yes, can it wait after TC rounds ? 20:10:24 <russellb> fast track removal 20:10:30 <sdague> fast track removal 20:10:30 <ttx> I think I prefer the latter 20:10:36 <flaper87> fast track removal 20:10:42 <annegentle> tristanC: I think it can wait and will avoid confusion 20:10:42 <ttx> tristanC: would be better to start it asap if possible 20:10:46 <annegentle> h 20:10:46 <jgriffith> fast track removal 20:10:48 <annegentle> ha 20:10:49 <annegentle> :) 20:10:51 <ttx> tristanC: your call 20:10:56 <annegentle> tristanC: or run it this week if possible 20:10:56 <dhellmann> we should mothball magnetodb, but didn't we need to hold onto the repo names for ATC status calculations? 20:11:10 <ttx> annegentle: We kinda need a Mitaka PTL to prepare the design summit asap 20:11:24 <tristanC> that's is doable, I'll check that with tony in a few hours 20:11:27 <annegentle> ttx: ah, true, hadn't considered that 20:11:27 <ttx> If we agree on fasttrack removal, we can move to the next topic 20:11:32 <sdague> so, I'd also like to say I consider all these projects in the dog house, and if they miss deadlines again next time I'm not convinced we should just wave it off 20:11:37 <annegentle> no need for a PTL if there's no project right? 20:11:38 <sdague> because, it's 6 days 20:11:42 <jgriffith> sdague: +1 20:11:45 <jeblair> ttx: agree removal 20:11:49 <mordred> removal 20:11:54 <sdague> waiting until the last minute is completely disrespectful of the openstack community 20:11:57 <ttx> #agreed Fast-track removal for MagnetoDB rather than be awkward and nominate someone to kill it 20:11:58 <dhellmann> sdague: double secret probation? 20:12:01 <flaper87> sdague: ++ 20:12:03 <jgriffith> sdague: and I'm bighting my tongue for the "how can you be PTL if you can't submit a proposal" 20:12:07 <jeblair> sdague: yes; i'm willing to give a little leeway because of the new election process, but honestly, that's a flimsy excuse. 20:12:09 <jgriffith> but don't want to get into it 20:12:17 <flaper87> I think we should reconsider the whole candidacy proposal process 20:12:21 <flaper87> and just have a deadline 20:12:33 <flaper87> let it open and just have a single deadline 20:12:35 <annegentle> flaper87: ++ why window it 20:12:39 <mordred> well ... 20:12:49 <jgriffith> flaper87: there's nothing wrong with the process if you actually read the guidelines 20:12:51 <jgriffith> IMHO 20:12:52 <annegentle> mordred: I mean I can think of all kinds of weird situations and bad behavior 20:12:56 <russellb> i think it's just as simple as people not keeping up with openstack-dev 20:12:59 <flaper87> that won't solve people waiting until the last minute BUT jeez, it's fixed deadline 20:13:04 <jgriffith> russellb: +1000 20:13:04 <mordred> I think that's also probelmatic because it's a great passive aggressive way to try to create a lame-duck cycle 20:13:12 <sdague> russellb: these dates are published way in advance 20:13:15 <annegentle> mordred: heh 20:13:29 <ttx> sdague: it's not just disrepectful. It's very risky. Anyone can get in at the last second 20:13:35 <mordred> announce your candidacy for PTL at the start of the cycle - watch hijinx ensue 20:13:36 <sdague> if as the current PTL you can't keep track of when elections are, I'm dubious on your organization skills as a PTL 20:13:38 <adrian_otto> sdague: this was a new process, and it was not well published in advance. I looked months ago, and could not find it. 20:13:49 <redrobot> I don't think there's anything wrong with the current process. If anything I would request that the deadline be 23:59 UTC instead of early in the morning UTC. Makes date conversions a little easier. 20:13:54 <jgriffith> sorry, I just think that if you're going to run for PTL you should be involved in the process/ ML etc 20:13:56 <flaper87> jgriffith: sure but there's no need to have a start date 20:14:03 <sergmelikyan> redrobot: +1 20:14:05 <dhellmann> adrian_otto: did you miss the email right before the election period? 20:14:07 <flaper87> it's a step we don't need, especially now that there's an elections repo 20:14:16 <jeblair> mordred: ah yeah. thanks for articulating that. i agree that keeping the window is good. 20:14:16 <mordred> dhellmann: there are ... lots ... of emails 20:14:17 <dtroyer> having been through this once now I think we all know what to expect come next spring 20:14:18 <jgriffith> flaper87: Ok.. I'd like to propose my candidacy for the Q release today then 20:14:24 <lifeless> 6 days is less than a holiday 20:14:36 <lifeless> if folk take leave to go to the beach, or skiing 20:14:38 <sdague> flaper87: I'm also fine openning it up a month early 20:14:43 <jgriffith> dtroyer: +1 20:14:47 <mordred> if I'd been running, I probably would have missed it too - I think it's a fair mistake to make 20:14:49 <mordred> dtroyer: ++ 20:14:50 <flaper87> jgriffith: you can't until there's no codename ;) 20:14:52 <markmcclain-mobi> I like having a start date.. Otherwise we're perpetual election cycle 20:14:52 <sdague> so that people that know they will be on vacation can put it out there early 20:14:55 <annegentle> mordred: it happens :) 20:14:55 <russellb> mordred: ++ 20:14:58 <flaper87> as soon as there's a codename, it should be opened 20:15:02 <devananda> I would suggest the nomination window be declared at the start of the cycle and listed alongside the release schedule 20:15:04 <dtroyer> 6 days is short, it shoudl be longer, but the fact that the election was coming was not a surprise to anyone 20:15:07 <jgriffith> flaper87: well then that should be our next topic.. we need to fix that :) 20:15:10 <edleafe> flaper87: ++ 20:15:11 <thingee> August 21st is when the proposal went out for workflow in the next PTL election http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-August/072600.html 20:15:11 <dougwig> could we maybe wait and see if this is a repeated problem, instead of kicking the folks that missed this time around? 20:15:14 <russellb> anyway, we should move on 20:15:17 <mordred> devananda: ++ 20:15:17 <jeblair> flaper87: the codename can be something like a year in advance now. 20:15:20 <ttx> Also it's good to know who are the PTLs before you start nopminating for TC 20:15:20 <devananda> so that no one is left in the hypothetical state of being on vacation when the nomination window both starts and is announced 20:15:23 <annegentle> dougwig: yeah 20:15:27 <dhellmann> flaper87: as someone sitting through election commercials for an election more than a year off, no, please, have a shorter cycle than that 20:15:36 <adrian_otto> dhellman: yes, I did. My son was in the hospital. 20:15:39 <annegentle> dhellmann: ha srsly 20:15:40 <ttx> Seriously, if you want to be a PTL, one week nomiunation is plenty enough 20:15:41 <devananda> and so that it is listed on the same wiki page that we all reference for timelines of releases and such 20:15:50 <jgriffith> dougwig: not kicking just to be clear, but saying I don' t think our process is broken and needs a revamp or big analysis at this time 20:16:18 <jgriffith> ttx: yeah, I have to agree with you on that for sure 20:16:19 <sdague> devananda: yeh, listing the timelines with the release timelines seems like a good idea 20:16:20 <annegentle> we revamped the process, it caught a few people, but we had the checks in place, so I think we're fine. 20:16:21 <dhellmann> adrian_otto: ok, sorry to hear that, and thanks for saying so. I'm trying to understand how we can communicate better, so it sounds like having > 1 week may have helped here. 20:16:22 <adrian_otto> just publish the requirements far in advance,a nd we will plan accordingly. 20:16:24 <flaper87> FWIW, I'm not complaining about the mistakes, really. That happens ,that could happen to me because I can't calendar 20:16:42 <thingee> adrian_otto, dhellmann: the workflow proposal went out august 21st http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-August/072600.html 20:17:09 <anteaya> thingee: that didnt' include dates 20:17:14 <flaper87> I'm just saying that I've seen the trend to just wait until the last minute and I think that kinda suggests we don't need just a week 20:17:17 <anteaya> thingee: that proposed using a git repo 20:17:21 <thingee> anteaya: my point is discussions started. 20:17:26 <flaper87> dhellmann: I didn't suggest to have it opened for a year, though. 20:17:30 <thingee> anteaya: exactly, change in workflow 20:17:32 <dhellmann> flaper87: speaking of calendar, maybe we can get a public ICS file with some of the big dates on it so folks can subscribe to it for updates 20:17:32 <anteaya> thingee: about the git repo instead of the mailing list 20:17:39 <ttx> I propose we move on. I think if the same projects come next year the choice of the TC might be different, like pick new people by principle 20:17:41 <anteaya> thingee: and I started it last spring actually 20:17:41 <sdague> ok, so I think we got our garumphs out on this one 20:17:46 <jgriffith> flaper87: yeah, we should give people 3 weeks to procrastinate :) 20:17:47 <flaper87> dhellmann: that also sounds good 20:17:48 <edleafe> how about we open at a set date, but close it randomly. Encourage people to declare early! :) 20:17:48 <sdague> ttx: yeh, lets move on 20:17:52 <thingee> anteaya: that's what we're talking about, change in workflow mailing list -> git repo 20:17:55 <devananda> dhellmann: we have public ICS for project meetings. ++ to putting election dates on it as well 20:17:59 <thingee> anteaya: and when that started 20:18:00 <ttx> If you have a proposal to change the election process, feel free to push it 20:18:03 <mordred> devananda: ++ 20:18:04 <flaper87> jgriffith: I'll take it :P 20:18:05 <mordred> dhellmann: ++ 20:18:05 <dhellmann> devananda: release milestones, too 20:18:06 <jgriffith> and I do understand that some folks had circumstances.. so don't take that the wrong way 20:18:08 <mordred> dhellmann: + 20:18:10 <mordred> YES 20:18:19 <mordred> release milestones in ical would be WIN 20:18:22 <ttx> We have a lot to cover today, let's move on 20:18:24 <mordred> I'm constantly looing for those 20:18:37 <ttx> mordred: it did exist and nobody told me they were using it 20:18:41 <dhellmann> mordred, devananda, flaper87 : maybe one of you can take that on? 20:18:47 <ttx> #topic Remove MagnetoDB from OpenStack 20:18:54 <flaper87> dhellmann: happy to help, yup 20:19:05 <dhellmann> flaper87: wonderful, let's brainstorm tomorrow 20:19:24 <mordred> so, it's a dead project, which is not a condemnation of the people or the project, merely a statement of fact 20:19:25 <dhellmann> ttx, fungi : what are the technical requirements for being able to know who contributed to magnetodb for atc status? 20:19:36 <ttx> mordred: oh look, an old ical feed nobody cared about: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/DiabloReleaseSchedule 20:19:49 <devananda> flaper87, ttx: fwiw -- http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/irc-meetings/tree/README.rst 20:19:56 <mordred> ttx: dude. that was diablo. almost nobody in this channel was here then 20:20:05 <mestery> mordred: lol :) 20:20:08 <dims> lol 20:20:30 <ttx> mordred: was still around for Folsom :) 20:20:50 <jgriffith> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/FolsomReleaseSchedule 20:21:03 <sdague> so... magnetodb.... 20:21:03 <ttx> So, MagnetoDB... 20:21:05 <ttx> We can do a specific file to track retired things as a subsequent commit, but landing this commit now would solve the "no PTL" issue. 20:21:21 <sdague> yeh, I'm happy with the retired bits as follow ons 20:21:28 <thingee> ttx: would like to note that based on magentodb's stats (which isn't probably accurate on stackalytics) in reassuring the tag diversity. 20:21:29 <ttx> so I'm fine with it as-is and we can fix the "dead projects" bin later 20:21:43 <dhellmann> that feels a bit sloppy 20:21:47 * flaper87 agrees w/ ttx and sdague 20:21:57 <ttx> thingee: I blame dhellmann for ensuring MagnetoDB diversity 20:22:03 <dhellmann> I mean, we could just as easily move this block of text into a new file, right? 20:22:32 <ttx> dhellmann: except that means a new patchset and new approvals 20:22:38 <ttx> dhellmann: otherwise yes 20:22:44 * dhellmann shrugs 20:22:50 <ttx> dhellmann: also, nitpicking ton new file format 20:22:58 <flaper87> we can agree that the new patch set can be fast tracked ? 20:23:04 <ttx> since it should also be able to contain dead repos 20:23:05 <flaper87> that way we make everyone happy 20:23:08 <dhellmann> ttx: obviously it should be the same, we already have tools to read this format 20:23:33 <ttx> dhellmann: makes it hard to use for dead repos (<cough> openstack/kite) 20:23:54 * flaper87 had forgotten about kite 20:24:11 <ttx> which is why I prefer to merge that one and not bikeshed on the file format now 20:24:12 <dhellmann> I'm not sure I see that. 20:24:25 <dhellmann> Simply deleting the project has voter roll implications, so I don't like doing that. 20:25:05 <ttx> dhellmann: what kind of implication ? MagnetoDB contributors won't be able to vote on TC election ? 20:25:15 <jgriffith> can we delete it as part of M only? 20:25:15 <ttx> dhellmann: that sounds about fair, why would they ? 20:25:29 <jgriffith> so that voter/ATC status counts for L? 20:25:29 <sdague> there is only one contributor that would apply to - http://stackalytics.com/?metric=commits&user_id=tgehrke 20:25:41 <sdague> all other magnetodb contributors have another commit 20:25:51 <lifeless> I propose we add them as a manual excemption 20:25:51 <jgriffith> ahh 20:25:51 <ttx> sdague: and again, if they are out, why would they elect the next 6 months TC members ? 20:25:51 <mordred> we can add that person as an extra-atc 20:25:53 <lifeless> and get on with it 20:25:58 <jgriffith> lifeless: +1 20:26:11 <ttx> mordred, lifeless: why ? What's the point ? 20:26:33 <lifeless> ttx: the point of them getting a summit pass under the rules we've set? 20:26:39 <sdague> http://stackalytics.com/?module=magnetodb-group&metric=commits 20:26:47 <sdague> only 4 contributors total this cycle 20:26:48 <dhellmann> I guess I'm mixing up ATC and voting rights. It's ATC status that applies for more than one cycle. 20:26:50 <ttx> lifeless: they already got it a long time ago 20:26:50 <jeblair> i think i'm with ttx here -- i actually think the retroactive removal is okay 20:27:12 <lifeless> ttx: won't they be valid for N too ? 20:27:28 <ttx> lifeless: summit is 6 months now, no relationship to ATC status at all 20:27:31 <lifeless> ttx: AIUI ATC lasts 2 cycles, not one 20:27:36 <ttx> despite what the badge says 20:27:45 <ttx> lifeless: and it's not our rules 20:27:53 <dhellmann> ok 20:27:53 <ttx> lifeless: it's the event organizer house rules 20:28:04 <Rockyg> ATC might last 2 cycles, but free pass to summit is one 20:28:04 <sdague> for what it's worth, the only contributor that would be affected didn't get the one patch to a mergable state 20:28:07 <lifeless> ttx: ok, so nothing is being taken away from tgehrke if we do this 20:28:15 <sdague> it was initial proposal, but finished by someone else 20:28:15 <lifeless> ttx: in which case I'm fine 20:28:23 <sdague> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/189164/ 20:28:24 <dhellmann> yeah, I thought something was being taken away, but if that's not the case I'm ok with it 20:28:31 <ttx> lifeless: he just won't be able to vote on upcoming TC election, and I'm not even sure that would kick in. 20:28:56 <jgriffith> seems fine to me, and if Todd for some reason is interested enough he can always appeal no? 20:29:13 <ttx> I have enough votes to approve it now 20:29:14 <notmyname> please don't get to the point of judging a contribution to see if it's worthy of granting voting status or not 20:29:45 <ttx> notmyname: I'm not sure what you mean here 20:29:50 <sdague> notmyname: it's not whether the contribution is worthy. It's that the contribution was never completed. Someone else actually took it over and did the work. 20:29:52 <jgriffith> notmyname: I don't think they were judging it, just stating he didn't actually contribute it... no? 20:29:57 <dhellmann> jgriffith: I would rather we set a precedent that we're addressing that issue directly, than kicking it down the road. The next project might have 100 people affected by being removed. 20:30:11 <sdague> but things are counted by gerrit owner 20:30:16 <jgriffith> dhellmann: good point 20:30:44 <dhellmann> so if we're saying that if your only contribution is to a project that we remove from the official list you're going to lose any rights you might have had, then that's ok as long as we state that up front 20:30:50 <ttx> any objection to immediate approval ? 20:30:55 <dhellmann> it's not ideal, I guess, but it is better than deciding that after the fact 20:30:57 <notmyname> ttx: from sdague's comment. I don't know all the details. if someone is counted for voting status under the current rules, they should be able to vote, IMO. retroactively removing that seems wrong 20:30:57 <lifeless> I'm not happy about their inability to vote in the TC; its true someone else finished it, but they still contributed 20:31:11 <jgriffith> dhellmann: I get it, yeah 20:31:12 <ttx> notmyname: there is no retroaction 20:31:28 <dhellmann> right, they could have voted in this election, but not the next 20:31:31 <sdague> dhellmann: yeh, I think we should just state that up front 20:31:54 <ttx> lifeless: what if we had removed them 4 months ago ? 20:32:13 <lifeless> ttx: but we didn't 20:32:45 <ttx> OK, let's kick it back to the review and move on 20:32:53 <lifeless> when it comes to voting, I think we have to be both transparent and fair 20:33:02 <flaper87> I think it'd be fair to grant vote rights for that ATC and the state up front what we've just said in this meeting 20:33:09 <ttx> dhellmann: post a -1 then and I'll wait, even if it has more approvals than needed already 20:33:15 <markmcclain-mobi> I think if the team was part of any portion of the cycle we should honor it otherwise the tc could manipulate the electorate 20:33:21 <sdague> yeh, I'd be fine with extra atc status to expire post this election 20:33:21 <lifeless> right, thats all I've asked for - add them to extra-atc for one cycle, done. 20:33:32 <sdague> lifeless: yeh, I'm fine with that 20:33:46 <ttx> lifeless: two cycles 20:33:58 <lifeless> ttx: sure 20:34:00 <ttx> since their contribution grants them ATC for one year 20:34:01 <flaper87> We can write the conclusions of this meeting down in case this happens again 20:34:10 <lifeless> ttx: 'a period of ATC validity' 20:34:30 <anteaya> ATC is for 365 days 20:34:30 <mestery> flaper87: ++, good idea 20:34:34 <ttx> anyway, push it to the review 20:34:35 <anteaya> it is in the by-laws 20:34:35 <sdague> so, it's also weird that our ATC counting does count people that push a patch that fails all the tests, and never show up again 20:34:37 <ttx> moving on 20:34:51 <sdague> and someone else makes the code work and landable 20:35:02 <ttx> sdague: it should only count landed patches 20:35:11 <sdague> ttx: yes, landed by someone else 20:35:24 <sdague> because gerrit owner never resets 20:35:27 <ttx> sdague: yeah, orthogonal discussion 20:35:28 <dhellmann> anteaya: can you add a link to the relevant section of the bylaws in a comment on the review so we can use that to work up the policy? 20:35:31 <jeblair> sdague: if there was no contribution from the original author, i'm not sure why someone would pick up that patch vs starting a new one. 20:35:41 <anteaya> dhellmann: will do 20:35:47 <dhellmann> anteaya: thanks 20:36:05 <ttx> #topic Introduce assert:follows-standard-deprecation tag 20:36:10 <ttx> #link https://review.openstack.org/207467 20:36:20 <ttx> Patchset 4 incorporated all the changes requested at the last TC meeting, based on feedback collected on the email thread and the cross-project meeting 20:36:23 <lifeless> sdague: that means the person that fixed it chose not to reset the author 20:36:28 <ttx> Now has all needed approvals, will approve 20:36:43 <jeblair> lifeless: you can't change the owner in gerrit 20:36:44 <ttx> last-minute objection ? 20:36:48 <sdague> lifeless: actually, gerrit author never resets. Ever. 20:36:53 <jeblair> owner 20:36:54 <jeblair> not author 20:36:58 <sdague> right, owner 20:37:03 <sdague> which is the atc counter 20:37:12 <ttx> approved 20:37:17 * ttx stays on topic 20:37:28 <ttx> #topic Add new project Kosmos 20:37:34 <fungi> dhellmann: sorry, got sucked into other conversations. identifying contributors to a repo as official means we need some way of identifying that the repo was official at some particular point in time. ultimately we on'y really need to know that as far back as two cycles (one year) because of bylaws around tc elections 20:37:52 <ttx> #link https://review.openstack.org/223674 20:38:02 * Rockyg orders a round of beers hoping the TC are happy drunks 20:38:19 <dhellmann> fungi: ok, thanks 20:38:23 <ttx> I propose we go back to owner vs. ATC in open discussion if we have time left 20:38:26 <russellb> Rockyg: huh? 20:38:42 <ttx> Kosmos reignited the debate on how early you can submit project teams for inclusion in the tent 20:38:48 <flaper87> Jus to clarify my view, I'm not against Kosmos or the team but I'd like us to state this clearly too 20:38:51 <annegentle> way to go Kosmos 20:38:54 <ttx> I don't have a very strong position on that. My gut feeling is that I'd prefer the teams have something to show before they can be considered 20:38:55 <annegentle> :) 20:39:00 <lifeless> jeblair: sdague: I thought our tool looked at the git history ? 20:39:01 <ttx> And since we removed the stackforge rename step, I feel like there is no hurry... But I could easily be convinced otherwise 20:39:12 * dhellmann is considering applying for official status for a project to come up with project ideas 20:39:13 <flaper87> It does feel weird to approve empty projects, tbh. 20:39:16 <Rockyg> trying to lighten the discussion. Getting a bit heated. Rightfully so, but.....let's stay congenial 20:39:26 <dtroyer> we have pushed off other teams to get some history 20:39:43 <ttx> anyone from Kosmos to tell us why they want/need it now ? 20:39:45 <sdague> I do think it's a little different if those folks are already doing existing projects though 20:39:45 <flaper87> dtroyer: right 20:39:58 <ttx> sdague: yes, agreed, but it feels a bit subjective 20:40:07 <ttx> they are already "one of us" I guess 20:40:14 <russellb> ttx: comments seem to be that they don't care much whether it's now or later, and were just trying to follow process 20:40:14 * Rockyg volunteers to be on dhellmann's project 20:40:16 <annegentle> projects are people too 20:40:18 <flaper87> sdague: while I agree with that, opening it to subjective judgement doesn't feel right 20:40:19 <russellb> it's more of a "tell us when is the right time" 20:40:20 <mugsie_cell> ttx: I am on a mobile, but I gave an overview in my review 20:40:21 <lifeless> sdague: mmm, the namespace was the big thing in the past, but with the new stackforge mechanism... shouldn't matter at all 20:40:25 <dougwig> just filing the paperwork, so to speak. i wasn't aware of a want/need requirement. we're open to whatever. 20:40:27 <mestery> russellb: ++ 20:40:35 <russellb> dougwig: thanks 20:40:46 <russellb> so really just up to us to say if this is the right time or not, since it's not clear enough to them 20:40:50 <ttx> mugsie_cell: thx, will read 20:41:03 * russellb thinks it's fine 20:41:06 <russellb> but don't feel that strongly 20:41:21 <russellb> though they make a good point that we could probably help some in clarifying it in new project workflow so people know what to expect 20:41:32 <mestery> Since it's top of mind and if folks don't mind, may make sense to approve now rather than punt this discussion down the road. 20:41:34 <flaper87> I think that either way, we won't be getting in their way 20:41:37 <ttx> right, I'm not -1ing, just raising the topic while it's here 20:41:40 <mestery> flaper87: ++ 20:41:50 <russellb> flaper87: agree 20:41:57 <lifeless> I could go either way here 20:42:06 <dougwig> flaper87: indeed, we will be following the openstack conventions from our respective projects either way. 20:42:15 <lifeless> on the on hand, being 'in' early means no remedial catchup on project testing interface etc 20:42:33 <russellb> they'll be doing most of that either way, i suspect 20:42:34 <dtroyer> I think the consistent move is to defer this for a time and come back when there is some history for the project. 20:42:35 <lifeless> on the other hand, we've been prtty consistent about asking for visible evidence of 'doing stuff the openstack way' 20:42:43 <ttx> basically we are saying we are trusting that team to do the right thing 20:42:51 <flaper87> I just don't feel like making subjective judgements. Hope that makes sense. I do trust these folks :) 20:42:52 <jeblair> i'm still okay with new official empty projects 20:42:53 <ttx> rather than seeing the right thing in action 20:43:05 <fungi> lifeless: (still catching up so previous topic) the tool in question is based on gerrit queries for owner accounts (because the author is not necessarily someone holding a foundation membership/agreeing to a cla, but the uploader is) http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/system-config/tree/tools/atc 20:43:10 <ttx> I'm fine with that very small leap of faith 20:43:20 * mordred agrees with jeblair 20:43:33 * mordred has no problem approving empty projets made up of humans who are clearly openstack humans 20:43:38 <flaper87> if we're fine with new empty projects from folks that are already contributors of OpenStack, can we make that a thing in our governance repo? 20:43:38 <russellb> mordred: jeblair especially when it's people we already know 20:43:40 <dhellmann> yeah, esp. since the folks involved are already coming from existing official projects -- that hasn't always been the case for the other projects we've asked to wait 20:43:42 <mestery> mordred: Well said 20:43:43 <mordred> russellb: yup 20:43:46 <flaper87> Just to avoid having this conversation again in the futre 20:43:49 <flaper87> future 20:43:55 <annegentle> mordred: that's... weird. Just cuz I go to soylent green in my mind. 20:44:02 <ttx> the review has flaper87 -1 and is still missing a few approvals 20:44:03 <flaper87> I'm all for changing my vote, I just wanted to make sure we had this conversation 20:44:06 <annegentle> but yeah on the sentiment 20:44:31 * flaper87 changed his vote 20:44:34 <ttx> also I wanted to add -- this team has a worthwhile goal, I would hate to get in their way 20:44:35 <mordred> annegentle: openstack humans are tasty? 20:44:45 <flaper87> I'll try to word this and put it in our governance repo 20:44:46 <annegentle> nutritious! 20:44:51 <flaper87> because we like openstack humans 20:44:56 <ttx> OK, we have enough now 20:45:03 <sdague> though, the reality is being in the gov repo shouldn't really change anything about them getting stuff done 20:45:15 <sdague> because they can still have the gerrit repo regardless 20:45:25 <dtroyer> it shouldn't but it will affect resource allocation in spme companies 20:45:30 <sdague> dtroyer: sure 20:45:32 <ttx> approving in 30 sec tro give others a chance to record their vote 20:45:38 <anteaya> dhellmann: commented 20:45:43 <ttx> or oppose 20:45:44 <dhellmann> anteaya: ty 20:45:48 <anteaya> welcome 20:46:22 <ttx> I'll push the button at the end of this meeting 20:46:27 <ttx> in the mean time 20:46:27 <ttx> #topic Cross-project track at Mitaka design summit: collecting topics 20:46:31 <lifeless> there, I'm the -1 ;) 20:46:37 <ttx> jeblair and myself worked last week to resurrect odsreg 20:46:48 <ttx> lifeless: ah! 20:47:11 <ttx> The session suggestion website is opened at: 20:47:13 <ttx> #link http://odsreg.openstack.org/ 20:47:21 <ttx> 5 suggestions there so far 20:47:30 <ttx> Note sure what relationship it should have with the etherpad. Since we posted the etherpad URL here people have been adding stuff to it directly 20:47:48 <ttx> Also, should we publish a deadline ? 20:47:59 <russellb> i would think it makes sense to just input everything from the etherpad into odsreg so it's in one place 20:48:00 * russellb shrugs 20:48:14 <flaper87> ttx: +1 for deadline and I'd recommend sending out an email recommending people to move their topics to odsreg 20:48:28 <ttx> flaper87: ok, who takes that action ? 20:48:35 <ttx> Also I propose to set up a specific meeting for the cross-project track workgroup to come up with a proposed plan, rather than take meeting time to work out the details 20:48:48 <ttx> since we have a bit of a backlog already 20:48:54 <sdague> seems reasonable 20:49:12 <anteaya> annegentle: did you want to suggest a session on communication? as a follow up of your mailing list thread? 20:49:17 <flaper87> ttx: I will 20:49:25 <flaper87> I've some time in my hands now 20:49:29 <sdague> so, was there a particular reason to not just use the etherpad? 20:49:30 <annegentle> anteaya: I did add to the etherpad iirc 20:49:44 <annegentle> but hadn't done the osdreg step 20:49:50 <anteaya> okay so I guess it will be transfered 20:49:50 <ttx> #action flaper87 to send a deadline and recommend people to move their topics to odsreg 20:49:57 <annegentle> anteaya: do I need to do it? 20:50:01 <annegentle> ah ok 20:50:03 <anteaya> ah self serve looks like 20:50:14 <lifeless> isn't the etherpad better for us ? 20:50:21 * annegentle grabs an ice cream cone 20:50:23 <anteaya> sdague: yes at last weeks meeting folks didn't want to use the etherpad 20:50:39 <dhellmann> *some folks 20:50:47 <sdague> ok 20:50:49 <lifeless> we can't use odsreg to schedule 20:50:53 <anteaya> much discussion about it, then odsreg is alive 20:51:05 <anteaya> dhellmann: thanks for the correction, some folks 20:51:09 <lifeless> the only point - AIUI from last week - was structured data gathering 20:51:34 <ttx> yeah, for workgroup discussion we'll likely put all things in an etherpad again 20:51:37 <dhellmann> yeah, I think the main point was ensuring there was a name attached to everything 20:51:55 <lifeless> so - lets /not/ mass copy stuff to odsreg, waste of valuable time 20:52:09 <ttx> I'm fine aitehr way 20:52:19 <ttx> or either 20:52:27 <jeblair> we may get duplicate submissions that way 20:52:29 <lifeless> if we're going to have to move it all to the etherpad anyway 20:53:04 <annegentle> ok 20:53:30 <ttx> flaper87: so maybe just set a deadline 20:53:46 <ttx> and find a date for a planning meeting 20:53:58 <flaper87> ttx: yeah 20:53:59 <annegentle> I have to duck out early, sorry. Feel free to sign me up for a blog post if needed. 20:54:01 <ttx> moving on ? 20:54:05 <jeblair> i believe we also wanted to use odsreg to collect comments 20:54:14 <jeblair> so i think having all the topics in there would help facilitate that 20:54:48 <jeblair> (actually, i think that was the main thing we wanted it for) 20:55:19 <dhellmann> ah, I thought it was the names on the comments we cared about, since anyone can leave text in the etherpad, too, but I probably misunderstood 20:55:27 <anteaya> jeblair: I remember the ability to create comments 20:55:32 <ttx> flaper87: you write the email you make the call :) 20:55:53 <jeblair> dhellmann: i bet we'd be happiest with both comments and names of people who left them! :) 20:56:01 <flaper87> ttx: Yes sir! I'll read more into this 20:56:04 <ttx> people with a string opinion can discuss with flaper87 about the right wording. 20:56:06 <anteaya> dhellmann: I thought it was the names on the topics, but you will capture names on comments too with odsreg 20:56:11 <ttx> Moving on 20:56:11 <sdague> yeh, the real concern was last time we had topics without owners, that was a mess :) 20:56:17 <dhellmann> jeblair: you got your chocolate in my peanut butter! 20:56:20 <ttx> #topic Add team:non-diverse-affiliation tag 20:56:24 <ttx> #link https://review.openstack.org/218725 20:56:26 <ttx> This is making slow but steady progress 20:56:30 <ttx> Most of the opposition seems to focus on the wording of the first paragraph 20:56:41 <ttx> No time to discuss it now -- If you have other objections it would be good to express those, so that jogo can include them in the next revision of this 20:56:53 <ttx> #topic Communications workgroup report 20:57:13 <ttx> flaper87: we might have enough for a blogpost, and anne signed up for one 20:57:16 <flaper87> We didn't have a blog post last week, but I think we have material for this week 20:57:20 <flaper87> ttx: yup 20:57:27 <ttx> flaper87: any other comment ? 20:57:37 <flaper87> nope, I'm glad she raised her hand 20:57:40 <flaper87> :P 20:57:55 <ttx> #topic Open discussion 20:57:59 <ttx> Skipping "other workgroups" since we don't really have any 20:58:09 <ttx> So it looks like the final decision on Kosmos will be delayed to next week, so we have time to think a bit more about it 20:58:23 <ttx> Quick note that we'll be having TC elections starting next week with self-nominations 20:58:29 <ttx> We renew half the TC (russellb, sdague, annegentle, jgriffith, dhellmann and mordred's seats) 20:59:00 <ttx> Anything else, anyone ? 20:59:06 <flaper87> o/ 20:59:09 <flaper87> just a quick note 20:59:13 <ttx> flaper87: one minute 20:59:35 <flaper87> I'd like us to improve a bit the process of reviewing cross-project specs. I'll be digging into this and I'll come back with more info 20:59:48 <flaper87> hopefully a solution or at the very lesat an idea 21:00:10 <ttx> mordred: you will sync with dhellmann for a new patchset on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/224743/ ? 21:00:11 <flaper87> It's my impression that those specs are moving forward very slow 21:00:28 <flaper87> that's it 21:00:38 <ttx> flaper87: you saw the recent thread about it right 21:00:44 <ttx> anne started it 21:00:55 <flaper87> ttx: yes 21:01:01 <ttx> ok, just checking 21:01:03 <flaper87> :) 21:01:14 <ttx> we'll likely have a cross-project session on that, I proposed one 21:01:18 <ttx> and... no time left 21:01:21 <ttx> #endmeeting