20:01:39 <ttx> #startmeeting tc 20:01:40 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Nov 29 20:01:39 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:01:41 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:01:43 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tc' 20:01:44 <ttx> Hi everyone! 20:01:46 <stevemar__> present! 20:01:53 <ttx> Thanks to dhellmann for chairing last week 20:01:58 <ttx> Our agenda for today: 20:02:01 <dhellmann> my pleasure 20:02:01 <ttx> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee 20:02:03 <mordred> o/ 20:02:05 <flaper87> o/ 20:02:11 <ttx> (remember to use #info #idea and #link liberally to make for a more readable summary) 20:02:17 <stevemar__> mtreinish and i were sippin' lattees in montreal last week 20:02:22 <ttx> #topic Add project Octavia to OpenStack big-tent (final discussion) 20:02:35 <ttx> #link https://review.openstack.org/313056 20:03:12 <EmilienM> ship it :) 20:03:21 <ttx> This was discussed last week, I couldn't spot any strong objection in the logs 20:03:24 <ttx> Feels like it's mostly reflecting a change that has already happened 20:03:36 <stevemar__> EmilienM: ++ 20:03:37 <ttx> My only concern is with the timing: you mention the transition is to be completed in Ocata. 20:03:40 <ttx> dougwig: ocata-2 is Dec 15, ocata-3 is Jan 27 -- how early do you think you can complete that ? 20:04:00 <dhellmann> yes, that was my only concern, too 20:04:19 <dhellmann> if the transition doesn't happen quickly enough, what portion of octavia is part of "newton" or not? 20:04:20 * mtreinish is still surprised by how short the cycle is :) 20:04:22 <ttx> dhellmann: I guess given the cycle is short it can be done for ocata-3 ? 20:04:57 * dhellmann checks the release model for octavia 20:05:04 <flaper87> mtreinish: no kidding 20:05:05 <dougwig> we're going to try, but the staffing changes hit us as well. worst case, it finishes in P, and the end user API via neutron is not affected. we currently expect it to be done. 20:05:14 <amrith> ./ 20:05:30 <johnsom> We are actively working on the neutron-lbaas/octavia merge, but I think that is a bit independent of the governance change as we are actively managing compatibility via neutron. 20:05:35 <dhellmann> ttx: it's cycle with intermediary, so as long as they have a final release I guess I'm OK with including it in newton 20:05:36 <ttx> dougwig: in that case you would just publish neutron-lbaas ? 20:05:41 <johnthetubaguy> I thought octavia already released things last cycle, so worst case it is similar this cycle? 20:05:48 <johnthetubaguy> johnsom: +1 20:05:50 <dougwig> ttx: aye. 20:06:01 <ttx> makes sense to me, thx for the precision 20:06:03 <dhellmann> ok, that sounds fine 20:06:06 <ttx> OK, no more objections from me, anyone else ? 20:06:19 <dougwig> i expect both neutron-lbaas and octavia to be required as packages in O, since the former will have the api proxy for backwards compat. 20:06:20 <dims> no objections 20:06:28 * flaper87 steals ttx's magic wand and approves Octavia 20:06:43 <johnsom> dougwig +1 20:06:58 <ttx> should we get formal approval from armax ? 20:07:01 <dhellmann> I just realized I said newton when I meant ocata 20:07:17 <flaper87> ttx: he was active in the review already 20:07:42 <ttx> sure, but not formal +1 20:08:03 <dhellmann> it seems reasonable to wait for a +1 from armax, but then to let ttx approve as soon as that happens 20:08:14 <dhellmann> without having to go through another meeting review 20:08:16 <flaper87> works for me 20:08:17 <dougwig> if you need that, ok. but we have had many conversations with armax, so i'm not worried. 20:08:33 <dhellmann> yeah, this is mostly to ensure the record is clear for posterity 20:08:40 <fungi> yeah, he chimed in on last week's tc discussion as well 20:08:45 <ttx> #agreed since neutron-lbaas is thorically in neutron currently, waiting for a formal +1 from armax, but ttx is clear to approve as soon as that happens 20:08:49 <johnsom> Yeah, armax is very supportive of this, but I am fine waiting for the rubber stamp. 20:09:30 <fungi> i can't find thorically in my dictionary 20:09:34 <ttx> he might chime in during the meeting 20:09:46 <ttx> fungi: it involves a hammer 20:09:54 <dhellmann> fungi : isn't the thoric the middle section of an insect? 20:09:56 * fungi is duly schooled 20:10:07 <dims> lol 20:10:10 <ttx> Alright, let's move on 20:10:22 <ttx> dougwig, johnsom: consider it almost-done :) 20:10:30 <johnsom> Grin, thanks! 20:10:39 <mordred> dhellmann: s/ic/ax/ 20:10:48 <dhellmann> mordred : my joke was not as funny as ttx's 20:10:56 <ttx> #topic Reference doc for new language additions 20:11:01 <ttx> #link https://review.openstack.org/398875 20:11:09 <ttx> flaper87: want to introduce the topic ? 20:11:14 <flaper87> sure 20:11:27 * dims has to drop off :( 20:11:40 <ttx> dims: bye! 20:11:50 <stevemar__> ttx: great blog a few days ago btw (myth #1 touched on the topic) 20:12:01 <flaper87> So, I started this by doing a brain dump on my blog and then cleaned the brain dump a bit and wrote it down in the form of a reference document. This is very much a draft that I'd lie us to go over and clean up a bit 20:12:27 <flaper87> So, the current proposal is a 2-phase process 20:12:34 <ttx> stevemar__: thx! 20:12:50 <flaper87> the first phase is to discuss the needs of a new language and why the currently supported languages are not good enough 20:13:03 <flaper87> the second phase involves addressing the set of requirements listed in the proposal 20:13:33 <flaper87> I intentionally kept the bar high in the proposal because I want us to think about things that new languages should/shouldn't support before OpenStack adopts them 20:13:43 <flaper87> we can remove and/or add new requirements to the proposal 20:13:54 <flaper87> there have been some comments on it already from various folks 20:14:18 <dhellmann> I like the 2 phase structure 20:14:27 <ttx> mordred: you still have a blogpost queued to recount the javascript experience 20:14:33 <flaper87> I think one of the main objections is that it's too much work in advance 20:14:48 <ttx> dhellmann: yes, I like the idea of making people part of the solution, rather than proactively block progress 20:15:09 <flaper87> Now, I also want to mention something that has come up a couple of times 20:15:25 <ttx> flaper87: we could relax the oslo part -- I don't think a team that is not using some oslo lib would have to front the cost for a lib (or go equivalent) they would not use 20:16:04 <flaper87> There's a feeling that this proposal is not allowing for people to experiment and that it adds new requirements without having added the language yet. In my opinion, we've experimented with the process already and we did that with python 20:16:16 <flaper87> sure, different times and a single language but we learnt from that process 20:16:16 <johnthetubaguy> yeah, I am mostly +1 all the requirements except the oslo libs (we need a way to create such things though) 20:16:34 <ttx> flaper87: in the past we allowed experiments in feature branches and/or unofficial repos 20:16:37 <edleafe> ttx: but if they did implement a common thing that oslo implements, they should make it a lib/whatever to help future work in that language 20:16:46 <ttx> edleafe: right 20:16:50 <flaper87> ttx: johnthetubaguy ++ I don't have a good formula to figure out what libs (if any) should be required 20:16:55 <johnthetubaguy> so, I think if we talk more about the why in the process, many peoples fears will go away 20:17:01 <dhellmann> I don't think we need to say that all of the oslo libs need to be reproduced, but I do think we need to say that something like config should be done in a way consistent to openstack, not necessarily consistent to the language ecosystem 20:17:16 <edleafe> flaper87: logging comes to mind as a start... 20:17:20 <dtroyer> dhellmann: ++ 20:17:25 <stevemar__> dhellmann: i like that 20:17:25 <johnthetubaguy> flaper87: there is a good point there, its hard to prove you can have a shared lib, if we don't try it... but hey. 20:17:27 <edleafe> dhellmann: yes 20:17:31 <ttx> dhellmann: yes arguably log/config could be upfront. messaging, maybe first-user 20:17:40 <ttx> same for oslo.db 20:17:45 <morgan> dhellmann: as long as the understanding is that if the openstack-consistent way can be done without an additonal lib, it should be fine. 20:17:45 <dhellmann> ttx: right 20:17:47 <flaper87> edleafe: right, so far I think I have logging and config but that's probably subjective 20:17:50 <dtroyer> also, the same sort of thinking that got us to olso in the first place should be expected, for things that didn't need an oslo lib in Python but might in naother language 20:18:05 <dhellmann> morgan : I'm not sure what that means? 20:18:08 <morgan> dhellmann: some languages don't need the extra mechanisms oslo.config provides to provide an equivalent. 20:18:15 <dhellmann> dtroyer : ++ 20:18:19 <edleafe> flaper87: true, but requiring that o.vo be implemented is crazy talk 20:18:29 <morgan> richer base (stdlib) style support 20:18:31 <flaper87> dtroyer: right, that's my thought as well 20:18:33 <flaper87> edleafe: oh sure 20:18:34 <morgan> thats all. 20:18:37 <stevemar__> edleafe: yep 20:18:38 <ttx> and frankly, we had a lot of people complaining that "the TC doesn't want go", and telling those that they can be part of the solution in implementing goslo.config... could turn the table around 20:19:04 <dhellmann> morgan : I would be surprised to find another language with an implementation of the things that oslo.config does in a way that is compatible with oslo.config for doc generation, etc. There are a lot of ways to read INI files, but that's only one feature of that library. 20:19:19 <EmilienM> dhellmann: +1 with config. It's a good start helpful for our operators 20:19:30 <flaper87> TBH, if it can be proved that stdlib of language X does the same thing without having to add 10 modules to each project, I guess it's fine 20:19:43 <flaper87> dhellmann: ++ 20:19:48 <morgan> flaper87: exactly 20:19:55 <morgan> that is all i was pointing out 20:20:03 <edleafe> flaper87: good point 20:20:07 <morgan> don't force a lib if it is demonstrobly proven to already exist 20:20:11 <flaper87> the point is, it needs to be proven. 20:20:11 <dhellmann> I'm not even certain we need to require something like oslo.messaging -- that's a layer I think we might say works differently in different languages 20:20:17 <morgan> flaper87: ++ 20:20:23 <ttx> dhellmann: right 20:20:39 <morgan> oslo.config might have been a bad choice... 20:20:51 <morgan> oslo.messaging might have been a better example (as highlighted by dhellmann ) 20:20:58 <fungi> it seems much more like an attempt to avoid a return to the old nova code copies, openstack/common, oslo-incubator... 20:21:07 <mordred> ttx: yes - the javascript blogpost is coming up 20:21:08 <edleafe> dhellmann: in that case, they should demonstrate the reason why messaging isn't applicable 20:21:21 <johnthetubaguy> right, the bit about being able to create shared libs, as needed, seems way more important 20:21:30 <ttx> fungi: yes, I'm actually more interested in having the mechanism to share, rather than exact bits of code 20:21:44 <ttx> what johnthetubaguy said 20:21:44 <flaper87> johnthetubaguy: indeed and I think that's in the current draft already 20:21:50 <dhellmann> fungi : also to avoid having diverging implementations where different pieces of openstack have different deployment needs based on their language 20:21:53 <dhellmann> edleafe : we can argue about the bad patterns in oslo.messaging another time :-) 20:21:54 <johnthetubaguy> flaper87: +1 I love that bit 20:21:56 <fungi> we continue to experience it in our python-based projects, so i don't know that we can completely get in front of it with any other language either 20:21:59 <ttx> And I'll only approve it if it's named goslo 20:22:02 <edleafe> dhellmann: :) 20:22:20 <stevemar__> ttx: not lillehammer? 20:22:25 <edleafe> ttx: I read that as 'go slo(w)' 20:22:36 <mordred> stevemar__: gillehammer 20:22:59 * ttx looks up norwegian cities starting with g 20:23:17 <flaper87> so, would people be ok with having a clause on the oslo topic saying that if there are compatible implementations for oslo.config and oslo.log then those don't need to be implemented? 20:23:28 <flaper87> of course, that needs to be proven and tested, I guess 20:23:33 <fungi> flaper87: yes. take pbr as a (relatively early) example... we have plenty of libraries that share solutions for common problems in python 20:23:41 <ttx> flaper87: ok, so it looks like you're on a good path here, but as always people will nitpick more when we get to more details 20:23:48 <fungi> the common problems in go may not be the same set of problems 20:23:51 <dhellmann> flaper87 : the part I would want for oslo.log is the config layer that gets the underlying logging machinery to produce output like other openstack services 20:23:53 <mordred> "how does dependency management and stable branch maint work" and "how do dependencies get mirrored/pre-cached for the gate" are the ones that are going to be harder, to be quite honest 20:24:04 <johnthetubaguy> flaper87: do you think adding more about why in the process would help worry about the concerns about the innovation side of things? 20:24:11 <flaper87> dhellmann: I can use that as an example for oslo.log in the ref doc 20:24:12 <ttx> flaper87: did you have further questions that you need answers on before you can produce another draft ? 20:24:16 <mordred> writing code is a thing there are tons of people who love to do - so saying "we need some libraries written in $language" is unlikely to get much pushback 20:24:18 <dtroyer> flaper87: that's why I suggested taking a different perspective and trying to ensure that the externals remain consistent, and getting there informed by what we learned with oslo 20:24:24 <flaper87> johnthetubaguy: yeah, I'm planning to do that too :D 20:24:55 <flaper87> ttx: nope, tbh, I'd like to hear from other folks (especially folks that were involved in the previous golang discussions notmyname *hint*) 20:24:59 <mordred> espeically since the libraries in question have well defined semantics 20:25:05 <flaper87> other than that, I'm good for now and I've amends to work on 20:25:11 <flaper87> dtroyer: ++ 20:25:12 <johnthetubaguy> flaper87: cool its that, so you have a prototype, you can save man years using this new language, help me understand the cost of not using python, well here you go, etc 20:25:33 <ttx> flaper87: if you want specific feedback you might want to reach out more directly 20:25:45 <mtreinish> johnthetubaguy: was that a go pun? :) 20:25:56 <mordred> wow 20:25:58 <flaper87> ttx: yup, added some of these folks to the review, I'll go in crazy ping mode next 20:25:59 <johnthetubaguy> heh, it wasn't meant to be 20:26:17 <ttx> Gjøvik 20:26:24 <stevemar__> lol 20:26:26 <mordred> yes. that 20:26:33 <ttx> because unicode ftw 20:26:33 <mordred> please god call it that 20:26:48 * flaper87 is done, fwiw 20:26:54 <ttx> flaper87: thx! 20:26:59 <ttx> moving on to next topic then 20:27:05 <stevemar__> thx for leading this flaper87 20:27:21 <flaper87> my pleasure 20:27:27 <ttx> #topic Add project Zun to OpenStack big-tent (initial discussion) 20:27:31 <ttx> #link https://review.openstack.org/402227 20:27:33 <hongbin> o/ for zun-related question 20:27:37 <ttx> hongbin: o/ 20:27:42 <ttx> I'l do a quick intro 20:27:50 <ttx> As you may know, Magnum used to have COE-provisioning features and container-lifecycle features 20:27:59 <ttx> Since those are actually targeting two different use cases, a number of us advocated for separating the two sets 20:28:09 <ttx> Magnum retained the COE-provisioning abilities, and Zun was formed to host the container-lifecycle abilities 20:28:20 <ttx> So this is more of a project split than a new project, in my view 20:28:29 <mordred> yah 20:28:32 <ttx> That said I'm happy that hongbin took the time to completely set up the project and team separately before applying 20:28:49 <mordred> ++ 20:28:54 <ttx> if anything that makes it even easier to make a call here 20:28:59 <flaper87> ++ 20:29:13 <dhellmann> ++ 20:29:29 <ttx> I'll go on record saying I'm still unconvinced this approach has potential, but I'll fight to give them the chance to prove me wrong 20:29:43 <dhellmann> same 20:29:44 <ttx> Comments, objections ? 20:29:48 <johnthetubaguy> same actually 20:29:54 <mtreinish> so I did have a question in the review about how they seem to have a nova driver in tree 20:29:55 <dhellmann> mtreinish , dims : there was a question about a "nova" tree in the zun repo 20:30:14 <mtreinish> I'm curious if that's just a temp thing or a long term direction 20:30:26 <hongbin> mtreinish: we have a driver that copied nova-docker code as a starting point 20:30:39 <mtreinish> because I don't think we want to encourage projects to use unstable unsupported interfaces from other projects 20:30:41 <fungi> dims seems to have addressed it half an hour ago 20:30:41 <dhellmann> yeah, I think from a packaging perspective we'd want that part of the tree renamed to avoid colliding with the regular nova tree 20:30:44 <armax> ttx: done 20:30:51 <hongbin> mtreinish: the rational is to avoid duplicate what nova was doing 20:30:52 <ttx> armax: great thanks! 20:31:02 <johnthetubaguy> mtreinish: +1, although I wouldn't block on that I guess 20:31:22 <dhellmann> no, it's not a blocker, just pointing out some potential issues with packaging and deployment 20:31:25 <ttx> (dougwig: octavia approved!) 20:32:05 <mtreinish> dhellmann: well it's a bit more than than that to me. It's more that it feels like we're sanctioning doing something the wrong way 20:32:14 <mtreinish> whether that's actually the case or not 20:32:14 <hongbin> ok, i will discuss the packaging and deployment issue with the team 20:32:22 <hongbin> thanks for the feedback 20:32:23 <mtreinish> but I agree it's not really a blocker 20:32:51 <dougwig> ttx: ty! 20:33:01 <johnthetubaguy> hongbin: nova doesn't really support out of tree drivers, because that interface isn't stable, its worth knowing 20:33:15 <hongbin> johnthetubaguy: ack 20:33:25 <ttx> that makes zun a bit brittle, basically 20:33:46 <johnthetubaguy> I am curious why the COE is not created by magnum, but thats a separate conversation I guess 20:34:14 <mtreinish> ttx: that's why I brought it up. Because if that's the long term direction to do that it raises some flags 20:34:53 <fungi> yeah, the docker driver's checkered past should serve as a signpost 20:34:56 <ttx> mtreinish: good catch 20:35:03 <ttx> Shall we wait until next week to finally approve as usual, or should we fast-track it since it's more of a project split ? (and it has already the required approvals) 20:35:21 <ttx> I'm fine letting it bake for the week to give others a chance to comment 20:36:07 <ttx> but also fine approving it now since there is nothing that forces us to do it in two meetings 20:36:15 <fungi> i'm fine with immediate approval on this one 20:36:32 <dhellmann> I agree, we can go ahead 20:36:45 <fungi> looks like we already have rc x10 on this 20:37:13 <ttx> alright then, let's win some precious minutes and not force hongbin to get up next week at very early hours 20:37:37 <ttx> approved 20:37:43 <ttx> hongbin: welcome back! 20:37:48 <hongbin> thanks all for reviewing the application 20:37:57 <hongbin> ttx: thx! 20:38:15 <ttx> let's move on to next topic... 20:38:20 <ttx> #topic Visions for the TC and OpenStack 20:38:36 <ttx> johnthetubaguy started two documents to work on visions for the TC and OpenStack: 20:38:40 <ttx> Add a draft TC vision structure: https://review.openstack.org/401225 20:38:46 <ttx> Add a draft OpenStack technical vision: https://review.openstack.org/401226 20:38:59 <ttx> I commented that those are not visions (yet) -- and I'm not convinced Gerrit changes are the best way to get to something we can all review 20:39:17 <ttx> I would rather collaborate on an etherpad for fast iterations / brainstorming, but I'm fine leaving the choices of weapons to whoever is pushing it :) 20:39:46 <johnthetubaguy> yeah, so I wanted to get something down for us to discuss 20:39:56 <johnthetubaguy> I guess the first thing, is the TC vision 20:39:56 <ttx> Also I would rather not do both in parallel :) 20:40:11 <ttx> there is only so many cans of worms you can hold open at the same time 20:40:25 <johnthetubaguy> yeah +1 that 20:40:27 <mordred> bah. we can hold SO MANY CANS of worms 20:40:28 <dhellmann> it's useful to have both to make the scope of each clear, but I agree that it'll be easier to work on them one at a time 20:40:42 <johnthetubaguy> these patches are really just me thinking out loud 20:40:54 <johnthetubaguy> yeah, I think the TC vision could include, we should create an OpenStack vision 20:41:09 <johnthetubaguy> but yeah, the scope is a bit clearer in my head now 20:41:25 <johnthetubaguy> so the TC vision, do people think we should start with that one? 20:41:35 <johnthetubaguy> and do people agree that would be useful? 20:41:42 <ttx> johnthetubaguy: "we created a vision for openstack", you mean :) 20:41:57 <johnthetubaguy> ttx: true, true 20:42:10 <dhellmann> johnthetubaguy : yes, I think it makes sense to start small and focus on a tc vision 20:42:12 <johnthetubaguy> ttx: I added a new patch on the TC one to have more vision-ey bits in it 20:42:50 <johnthetubaguy> so the personal struggle I have is wanting to point the general direction we are going 20:42:55 <ttx> johnthetubaguy: you weren't at the Ann Arbor training iirc ? 20:43:12 <johnthetubaguy> but I get a vision, with concrete what success lucks like is going to be more useful 20:43:15 <johnthetubaguy> ttx: I wasn't 20:43:49 <ttx> One trick is that some of us (who attended this training) now have a coherent vision (ha!) of what a vision looks like, would be great if gothicmindfood could give you an overview 20:43:49 <johnthetubaguy> I have been pointed at the Ziggman stuff on visions thats public 20:43:55 <ttx> would save you time 20:44:08 <edleafe> johnthetubaguy: haven't had a chance to read them yet, but what is the intended audience for these visions? 20:44:09 <dhellmann> some of the rest of what's here could go into the charter (the relationships stuff, for example) -- now that I say it here, I think maybe someone already said that on a review 20:44:20 <ttx> johnthetubaguy: it's not as if we practiced that skill that much, so you're not really late to the party :) 20:44:36 <johnthetubaguy> dhellmann: yeah, I think some of this probably migrates into an expanded charter 20:45:17 <johnthetubaguy> so I would love to see us get a TC vision agreed by the end of the PTG 20:45:37 <johnthetubaguy> my focus is really, how do we set oursevles up for success 20:46:05 <dhellmann> what changes do people want to see in the TC or how it operates between now and then? 20:46:16 <ttx> johnthetubaguy: I think we could reuse the stewardship WG to make regular progress on this 20:46:25 <dhellmann> where "then" is the end of the time frame laid out here, the end of Queens 20:46:32 <johnthetubaguy> ttx: yes, that makes sense to me 20:46:36 <johnthetubaguy> dhellmann: yeah 20:46:51 <johnthetubaguy> I picked the end of queens, because its in the future, but not too far away 20:47:06 <dhellmann> I think that's a good target 20:47:06 <ttx> I'm skeptical we can slowly turn the review into the final document though, so I would abandon them and invite interested people to join the SWG meetings / channel 20:47:20 <johnthetubaguy> ttx: yep, thats fine 20:47:36 <johnthetubaguy> I could get this into a etherpad, and pass it along to the next SWG 20:47:42 <ttx> that would be great 20:47:56 <fungi> i agree that should be far faster for initial draft collaboration 20:48:10 <fungi> final polish in code review should still be fine 20:48:18 <johnthetubaguy> yeah, after having drafted this, its totally an etherpad thing 20:48:24 <ttx> right, I'm pretty sure we'll still nitpick it to death in the end... 20:48:40 <johnthetubaguy> I was shooting for merging bits, and evolving it in tree, but its totally not that kind of thing 20:49:20 <dhellmann> yeah, and since we'll have multiples of these it might end up landing as a resolution instead of a top-level document 20:49:25 <ttx> #info We'll work on the vision for the TC first 20:49:35 <johnthetubaguy> dhellmann: yeah, not a bad idea 20:49:36 <ttx> #info The vision for the TC may include completing a vision for openstack 20:49:55 <johnthetubaguy> there are probably bits that turn into expanding bits of the charter I guess 20:50:08 <ttx> #info We'll grow a base proposal using the Stewardship WG as a vessel 20:50:11 <dhellmann> yeah, maybe those can come out into their own patches 20:50:50 <ttx> #action johnthetubaguy to turn the governance reviews into etherpad(s) to discuss in the WG, and encourage people interested to join to attend SWG WG meetings 20:51:15 <ttx> johnthetubaguy: did I capture the next steps well ? 20:51:15 <johnthetubaguy> anyways, wanted to try get *something* moving, so success 20:51:23 <dhellmann> johnthetubaguy : ++ 20:51:38 <johnthetubaguy> ttx: yeah, I think thats good 20:51:41 <johnthetubaguy> thank you 20:51:42 <ttx> johnthetubaguy: cool 20:51:57 <ttx> Let's open it up for... 20:52:00 <ttx> #topic Open discussion 20:52:09 <ttx> stevemar: I saw you added the "formal-vote" topic to https://review.openstack.org/401990 ... did you want to discuss it in meeting ? 20:52:18 <ttx> Or you think we should generally discuss repository removals ? 20:52:21 <mtreinish> so I had one quick question, when is a good time to start discussing pike goals? 20:52:28 <dhellmann> I started a mailing list discussion about driver-specific teams. I would appreciate everyone participating in that discussion 20:52:30 <dhellmann> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-November/thread.html#108074 20:52:30 <mtreinish> I want to revive the tempest plugin goal at some point 20:52:31 <ttx> mtreinish: I'd say now 20:52:37 <EmilienM> mtreinish: I was about to run it :) 20:52:54 <EmilienM> mtreinish: it's on my list to send it tonight or tomorrow morning 20:52:58 <ttx> mtreinish: in a future "normal" cycle that would be around summit (middle of the cycle) time 20:53:21 <ttx> but there is no summit in the middle of Ocata so now is as good a time as any imho 20:53:52 <mtreinish> ttx: ok cool, I'll work on respinning that patch soon then 20:54:02 <ttx> #info EmilienM volunteers to drive Pike goals identification 20:54:10 <dhellmann> thanks, EmilienM! 20:54:35 <stevemar__> ttx: sorry, i thought i was being helpful and thought all repo removals needed their topic to be formal vote 20:54:36 <ttx> Note that we'll have rooms at the pTG available if people want to get together and make quick progress on whatever goal we end up defining 20:54:37 <EmilienM> #info EmilienM volunteers to also drive OpenStack goals feedback 20:55:23 <ttx> stevemar__: if someone objects to a removal during the "lazy consensus week" then i'll raise it for the meeting 20:55:29 <ttx> otherwise we'll just merge it 20:55:40 <stevemar__> ttx: rgr that, i'll change the topic then 20:55:44 <ttx> ok, I'll clean up the topic then 20:55:48 <ttx> stevemar__: done 20:55:52 <stevemar__> ++ 20:56:04 <ttx> dhellmann: did you want to point people to the driver-team patches ? 20:56:14 <ttx> and/or the thread discussion ? 20:56:22 <ttx> It's on the agenda for next week meeting 20:56:23 <dhellmann> ttx: they're all linked from the ml thread that I just posted 20:56:26 <dhellmann> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-November/thread.html#108074 20:56:30 <dhellmann> there it is again 20:56:32 <ttx> oh, missed that, great 20:57:31 <ttx> ok, anything else ? 20:57:51 <dhellmann> this is one of those topics where the outcome can have unintended consequences, so please read carefully 20:58:27 <ttx> FWIW I'm making progress on making a neutral governance website that holds TC, UC , election docs 20:58:42 <ttx> maybe board one day, one never knows 20:58:43 <fungi> yeah, i'm just now looking for the change you linked for me earlier in the infra channel 20:58:52 <mtreinish> dhellmann: fwiw, I wonder why a vendor would really want tc oversight. Also how is that something we could actually exert any influence over? 20:59:07 <mtreinish> but I'll take that to the ml (or wait for next weeks meeting) 20:59:11 <ttx> fungi: cool, because we now publish to the new directory so the changes do not appear until you flip it 20:59:15 <dhellmann> mtreinish : the cisco team has already asked for it 20:59:19 <fungi> ttx: the files are getting published to the new /srv/static/tc tree so should be safe to update the vhost now 20:59:37 <dhellmann> mtreinish : https://review.openstack.org/363709 20:59:40 <ttx> fungi: ++ 20:59:41 <mtreinish> dhellmann: right, but do they actual have a reason? or is it just they think that's a requirement for marketting or something? 20:59:48 <dhellmann> mtreinish : does it matter? 21:00:05 <ttx> mtreinish: discoverability is one, having their contributions count as "openstack" is another 21:00:10 <cdent> dhellmann: shouldn't it? 21:00:16 <dhellmann> mtreinish, cdent : I respond to that point in the thread, so I won't repeat myself here. 21:00:18 <ttx> and... we are off time 21:00:21 <fungi> ttx: seems to be https://review.openstack.org/395660 so i'll get it going here in a sec 21:00:30 <ttx> let's continue that discussion on the ML, the reviews and at the meeting next week 21:00:37 <ttx> #endmeeting