15:00:09 <gmann> #startmeeting tc
15:00:09 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu Jul 22 15:00:09 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gmann. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:09 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:00:09 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'tc'
15:00:15 <dansmith> o/
15:00:16 <gmann> #topic Roll call
15:00:18 <gmann> o/
15:00:19 <ricolin> o/
15:00:23 <spotz_> I/
15:00:29 <belmoreira> o/
15:00:39 <yoctozepto> o/
15:01:49 <gmann> let's start
15:01:56 <gmann> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee#Next_Meeting
15:01:57 <jungleboyj> o/
15:02:02 <gmann> ^^ today agenda
15:02:11 <gmann> #topic Follow up on past action items
15:02:18 <gmann> no action item form previous meeting
15:02:26 <gmann> #topic Gate health check (dansmith/yoctozepto)
15:02:51 <yoctozepto> well, we got a surprise from neutron
15:02:51 <dansmith> well, aside from the recent neutron breakage, and the current cinder-induced-sdk-breakage, I think things have been pretty decent lately
15:03:04 <diablo_rojo> o/
15:03:43 <yoctozepto> ++
15:03:44 <gmann> yeah, revert is merged now
15:03:59 <jungleboyj> dansmith:  That is good news.
15:04:11 <gmann> yeah sdk thing are not so easy to remove
15:04:27 <yoctozepto> I guess that exhausts the topic unless someone else has other insights ;-)
15:04:34 <gmann> I am trying to skip v2 test and later we can decide on how to remove v2 from sdk
15:05:00 <dansmith> I guess cinder doesn't run the sdk tests?
15:05:35 <gmann> does not seems to https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/792299
15:05:38 <jungleboyj> Not sure the answer off the top of my head.
15:05:40 <gmann> but we should
15:05:57 <dansmith> gmann: yeah, clearly we should :)
15:06:00 <jungleboyj> But, yes, we should.
15:07:51 <gmann> any other failure need more attention?
15:07:58 <dansmith> not that I know of
15:08:14 <gmann> ok. thanks
15:08:30 <gmann> #topic Migration from 'Freenode' to 'OFTC' (gmann)
15:08:45 <gmann> more doc are updated but few are pending to merge
15:09:09 <gmann> and openstack blog is not yet updated, i reminded jimmy for that
15:09:22 <gmann> #topic PTG Planning
15:10:26 <gmann> based on doodle vote I booked  3 slot: 1. Monday 15-17 UTC for TC+PTL 2. Thursday 13-17 UTC 3. Friday 13-17UTC
15:10:27 <gmann> #link https://ethercalc.openstack.org/8tum5yl1bx43
15:10:38 <gmann> filled the PTG survey also
15:11:03 <gmann> as next step, let's start filling the topics in etherpad #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-yoga-ptg
15:11:22 <jungleboyj> ++ Thank you gmann
15:11:29 <diablo_rojo> Yes thank you!
15:11:34 <spotz> +2
15:11:35 <gmann> anything else on PTG or slot conflict though we might not be able to resolve all ?
15:12:26 <spotz> You took the sloot I normally grab for D&I so I just took the slot before the TC on Monday
15:13:26 <diablo_rojo> If I was really motivated I could start building my ptg schedule already lol
15:13:27 <gmann> ah, Monday 15-17 is most PTL/TC available time
15:13:59 <jungleboyj> Yeah.
15:13:59 <belmoreira> about the PTG etherpad and project leaders interaction
15:14:00 <gmann> spotz: thanks for adjustment , we did reschedule same for QA
15:14:06 <gmann> belmoreira: yeah
15:14:43 <belmoreira> it's a great idea, but shouldn't we involve also the SIG chairs? and maybe other members of the user community?
15:15:05 <belmoreira> considering that the TC also includes the old UC
15:15:29 <gmann> belmoreira: +1 I mentioned project leaders but we can reword that so that SIG leads and other member can also join
15:15:53 <gmann> main motive is PTL + leaders(in DPL case) + SIG leads also
15:16:07 <belmoreira> +1
15:16:09 <gmann> may be "community leaders" can be good term ?
15:16:28 <TheJulia> +1 to community leaders
15:16:34 <spotz> +1
15:16:47 <diablo_rojo> +1
15:16:47 <TheJulia> also, allows voices of those who have stepped back to incubate other leaders to be able to join the fray
15:16:52 <belmoreira> yes, "community leaders" looks good
15:16:53 <jungleboyj> +1
15:16:56 <fungi> yeah, getting some sig chairs involved would be good too (speaking as a sig chair and person active in multiple sigs)
15:16:58 <ricolin> I think community leaders sounds good
15:18:32 <gmann> ok, I will change that and also will mention in ML while reminding about it
15:18:44 <gmann> thanks belmoreira for pointing out
15:19:40 <gmann> if nothing else on PTG let's move?
15:20:23 <gmann> #topic Xena Tracker
15:20:32 <gmann> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-xena-tracker
15:20:58 <gmann> I did not progress on contributor guide goal and many of project merged and it is close to complete
15:21:08 <gmann> sorry, *I did progress
15:21:19 <gmann> any updates form any other member on their item?
15:21:47 <jungleboyj> No updates from me.  Sorry.
15:22:16 <spotz> I've been working on livestreaming and blogging places for the PTLs, did we ever get a list ofo emails?
15:23:41 <gmann> spotz: you can get via this script https://github.com/openstack/governance/blob/master/tools/list_ptls.py with --email
15:24:49 <diablo_rojo> No updates from me/
15:25:33 <yoctozepto> none here
15:25:46 <gmann> let's work on your assigned itemas we are close to Xena release
15:25:56 <gmann> #link Open Reviews
15:26:07 <gmann> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/projects:openstack/governance+is:open
15:26:39 <gmann> please review #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/800471
15:27:01 <gmann> and this need formal vote #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/799927
15:27:20 <gmann> yoctozepto: i replied on your comment of adding centos9, is that fine?
15:27:49 <gmann> I am not sure when it will be released to targeting now seems not so good to me. if we know exact date then we can?
15:28:30 <yoctozepto> gmann: I guess we can amend that later
15:29:01 <gmann> yoctozepto: yes, we can. I think we did for centos to centyos stream case also
15:29:15 <spotz_> From the RDO meetings we’ll most likely hold Xenia for it if it’s not too long. We will have for Yoga
15:29:24 <yoctozepto> mhm
15:30:07 <yoctozepto> gmann: I wonder about the retirement patches of deprecated repos
15:30:16 <yoctozepto> sometimes they add the current date
15:30:23 <yoctozepto> sometimes the date of deprecation
15:30:34 <gmann> yoctozepto: current date they add when  they move from deprecated to retire
15:31:00 <yoctozepto> compare https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/800471 and https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/800148
15:31:03 <gmann> only case was neutron-lbaas which was actually retired but not recorded properly so i added with date when it wa actually retired
15:31:09 <yoctozepto> ah
15:31:12 <yoctozepto> that makes sense
15:31:17 <yoctozepto> that was confusing
15:31:43 <gmann> yeah neutron-lbaas was confusion until I updated readme as per legacy-validation script
15:32:10 <gmann> otherwise in normal case if project retiring directly or from deprecated to retire we should record currrent date
15:32:37 <yoctozepto> ++
15:33:18 <fungi> spotz_: delayed response, but also the ptl and dpl e-mail addresses are listed in the projects.yaml file in governance
15:34:20 <spotz> Thanks fungi:)
15:34:40 <gmann> yeah, if you need complete list then script is better unless need individual PTL which can be done from proejcts.yaml
15:35:05 <fungi> also displayed in the project detail pages on governance.o.o based on that
15:35:44 <gmann> anything else for today to discuss ?
15:37:00 <yoctozepto> not from me :-)
15:37:14 <gmann> let's close then, thanks everyone for joining
15:37:17 <gmann> #endmeeting