15:00:03 <gmann> #startmeeting tc 15:00:03 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu Oct 28 15:00:03 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gmann. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:03 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:03 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'tc' 15:00:05 <gmann> #Topic Roll call 15:00:07 <gmann> o/ 15:00:18 <belmoreira> o/ 15:00:29 <spotz_> o/ 15:01:06 <yoctozepto> o/ 15:01:34 <gmann> let's start 15:01:37 <gmann> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee#Agenda_Suggestions 15:01:42 <gmann> today agenda ^^ 15:01:51 <gmann> #topic Follow up on past action items 15:01:56 <gmann> none from previous meeting 15:02:06 <gmann> #topic PTG summary & Yoga tracker 15:02:23 <gmann> I sent the PTG summary over ML #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2021-October/025554.html 15:02:33 <gmann> and uploaded recording also on youtube 15:02:55 <gmann> #link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQRKYummsHM 15:02:57 <gmann> #link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHj7cpBlbYo 15:03:10 <gmann> #link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RT492bi6Xto 15:03:46 <gmann> for Yoga tracker, I have created the etherpad to track the items #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-yoga-tracker 15:04:21 <gmann> we did not get much time in PTG to ask for assignments 15:04:33 <yoctozepto> that's an understatement :-) 15:04:40 <gmann> but please assign the time to you which you would like to work on 15:05:00 <gmann> and in next weekly meeting we will start tracking over those. and then biweekly 15:05:05 <gmann> :) 15:05:23 <yoctozepto> makes sense to me 15:06:46 <ricolin> sorry I'm late 15:06:48 <jungleboyj> o/ Again. 15:06:50 <gmann> and RBAC discussion we are continuing form where we left in PTG #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2021-October/025569.html 15:06:53 <gmann> o/ 15:06:54 <jungleboyj> Sorry, got pulled away for a minute. 15:07:13 <gmann> please vote your available time on doodle 15:08:01 <gmann> anything else on PTG side? 15:08:51 <jungleboyj> Do you have a link to that Doodle Poll? 15:09:01 <yoctozepto> https://doodle.com/poll/6xicntb9tu657nz7 15:09:08 <jungleboyj> Thank you. :-) 15:09:16 <gmann> yoctozepto: thanks 15:09:33 <belmoreira> we didn't have a lot of time to discuss the operator feedback. When are we going to discuss this? 15:10:50 <yoctozepto> next week? 15:10:52 <gmann> belmoreira: we will continue discussion on that in weekly meeting. I will add it in agenda for next video call on 4th Nov 15:10:55 <gmann> yeah 15:11:11 <belmoreira> thanks 15:12:08 <spotz_> Poll done:) 15:12:13 <gmann> thanks 15:12:19 <gmann> #topic Gate health check 15:12:29 <gmann> any gate failure we saw? 15:13:23 <gmann> I did not notice any this week 15:13:46 <gmann> I pushed the patch to update the testing runtime for yoga #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/815851 15:14:16 <gmann> Once it is merged then I will send it to ML so that if any project have failing py39 job then they can fix it before we update the yoga job template 15:14:37 <yoctozepto> I'm much less involved with the gates nowadays so can't tell :-( 15:15:14 <jungleboyj> I haven't seen issues. 15:15:50 <gmann> ok. 15:15:59 <gmann> #topic Project Health checks framework 15:16:22 <gmann> we have an agreement on this what we discussed in PTG 15:16:50 <gmann> let's review the ricolin patch for tool which we will use for data collection when we see project is not doing good and not publish that anywhere. 15:17:00 <gmann> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/810037 15:17:01 <ricolin> thx 15:17:41 <gmann> I will review after meeting 15:17:58 <jungleboyj> ricolin: I will look as well. 15:18:11 <gmann> thanks 15:18:20 <gmann> #topic Stable team process change 15:18:23 <gmann> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/810721 15:19:13 <jungleboyj> Just need some more votes there it looks like. 15:19:14 <gmann> I would like more votes on this and once it is merged then I will send it on ML for project to know the process change and they can work on their stable branch team if they are facing less review issue 15:20:33 <gmann> I pinged Elod also to have a look into latest version 15:20:47 <gmann> anything else on this? 15:21:30 <jungleboyj> Nothing from me. 15:21:57 <gmann> #topic Adjutant need PTLs and maintainers 15:21:59 <gmann> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2021-October/025555.html 15:22:41 <gmann> Adrian sent email also about someone needs to lead/maintain Adjutant project 15:22:48 <gmann> also pinged in IRC this week 15:23:10 <gmann> I did not see any response on ML yet 15:23:37 <yoctozepto> well, there is no ready candidate 15:23:37 <spotz_> neither 15:23:48 <spotz_> me neither... 15:23:58 <gmann> seems so 15:24:14 <gmann> let's wait for the a week or so then we will be more clear if anyone would like to help or not 15:24:50 <gmann> if someone from Catalystcloud company 15:24:56 <jungleboyj> *Fingers crossed* 15:26:02 <yoctozepto> what if nobody steps up? 15:26:31 <gmann> then we have no choice other than retiring it 15:26:56 <gmann> and if anyone use/want to maintain it they can re-apply the project addition 15:27:15 <yoctozepto> and the life cycle goes on and on and on :-) 15:27:25 <gmann> :) 15:27:35 <gmann> #topic Open Reviews 15:27:42 <fungi> it could switch to dpl model, but still needs volunteers for the dpl roles 15:27:46 <gmann> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/projects:openstack/governance+is:open 15:28:06 <gmann> I do not think there is any other maintainer than adrian 15:28:23 <gmann> dpl or PTL model does not really matter here 15:29:42 <gmann> we have few open reviews which are ready for vote, like stable process one 15:30:31 <gmann> please review them and for others which are open for more than a week I will add them to agenda in meeting to discuss 15:30:46 <gmann> that is all from my side today, anything else from any one? 15:30:57 <gmann> one thing, next meeting is video call 15:31:07 <gmann> on 4th Nov 15:31:16 <jungleboyj> Sounds good. 15:32:01 <gmann> ok, let's close then. thanks all for joining. 15:32:05 <gmann> #endmeeting