18:00:09 <knikolla> #startmeeting tc 18:00:09 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Aug 15 18:00:09 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is knikolla. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:09 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 18:00:09 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'tc' 18:00:18 <knikolla> #topic Roll Call 18:00:19 <JayF> o/ 18:00:22 <knikolla> o/ 18:00:23 <knikolla> Hi all, welcome to the weekly meeting of the OpenStack Technical Committee 18:00:24 <spotz[m]> o/ 18:00:28 <knikolla> A reminder that this meeting is held under the OpenInfra Code of Conduct available at https://openinfra.dev/legal/code-of-conduct 18:00:28 <dansmith> o/ 18:00:31 <knikolla> Today's meeting agenda can be found at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee 18:00:35 <gmann> o/ 18:00:35 <knikolla> We have one noted absence, slaweq 18:01:11 <noonedeadpunk> o/ 18:02:06 <rosmaita> o/ 18:02:32 <knikolla> #topic Follow up on past action items 18:02:38 <knikolla> We have one action item from the last meeting 18:02:42 <knikolla> rosmaita to review guidelines patch and poke at automating it 18:03:02 <gmann> I think guidelines change is merged now 18:03:06 <rosmaita> yes 18:03:15 <rosmaita> no action on automating, though 18:03:25 <knikolla> ack, thanks rosmaita 18:03:57 <knikolla> #topic Gate health check 18:04:02 <knikolla> Any updates on the state of the gate? 18:04:34 <fungi> source of the occasional enospc failures was tracked down to missing data disks on the executors (we overlooked giving them dedicated storage when we replaced them in early july) 18:04:49 <fungi> should be fixed as of about 20 minutes ago 18:04:54 <dansmith> steadily getting better but still not "good enough" IMHO. We're merging things, which is good, but we're still hitting plenty of fails 18:05:20 <dansmith> I just got something that is months old to merge after 28 rechecks 18:05:50 <rosmaita> i have occasionally seen jobs pass 18:06:00 <rosmaita> just not all at once 18:06:10 * fungi sees lots of jobs passing, but yes there are also lots of jobs 18:06:37 <gmann> I have seen improvement in tempest and nova gate at least but did not check cinder 18:07:07 <gmann> many improvement changes merging in last month or so helping for sure but yes gate is not 100% stable 18:07:13 <fungi> there's a nova change in the gate right now running 24 jobs. if those jobs average a 1% failure rate then that's basically a 50% chance that the change can make it through check and gate in one go 18:07:35 <dansmith> fungi: yeah 18:07:58 <dansmith> one I'm watching right now has a legit timeout in tempest and a volume test failure in one run of one patch 18:08:02 <fungi> 2% average failure rate means nothing merges 18:08:31 <dansmith> (i.e. two failing jobs on one patch which doesn't actually change anything) 18:08:47 <gmann> rebuild server of volume backed test was also failing many times which is now refactored so let's see if that help or not 18:08:47 <knikolla> ugh :/ 18:08:52 <dansmith> so yeah, it's better but we're still headed for trouble come m3 I tink 18:09:16 <gmann> yeah 18:09:30 <gmann> it not going to be smooth for sure but at least some level better 18:09:41 <dansmith> yes, improved for sure, just not enough 18:09:48 <fungi> looks like we've also got a bunch of leaked servers stuck "deleting" in rackspace too, which is a big dent in our available quota. need to find time to ask them to clean those up 18:09:48 <gmann> we have seen time during last month where hardly anything merged and everything was stuck 18:09:56 <knikolla> understood. let me know if there's something i can do to help. I have some extra free cycles this week and the next. 18:10:04 <dansmith> three weeks ago we were at "no point in trying" 18:10:13 <gmann> yeah 18:10:23 <dansmith> knikolla: I think you were going to look at keystone db queries and caching right? 18:10:39 <fungi> also image uploads started failing for rackspace's iad region at the end of last month, so images there are quite stale which means more time jobs spend updating packages and git repos too 18:10:56 <dansmith> I know neutron is working on that (i.e. slaweq) both of which will help IO performance, which is a huge bottleneck 18:11:13 <dansmith> fungi: ah good to know 18:11:30 <knikolla> dansmith: I hadn't said i would yet, but i can prioritize that now. 18:11:31 <noonedeadpunk> well, talking about keystone, it blocks our upgrade jobs for stable branches, which are all red due to series of regressions... So performance IMO not the biggest issue right now... Or well, depending on who you will ask obviously 18:11:47 <noonedeadpunk> THough patches are proposed, so this should be solved soonish 18:12:34 <knikolla> noonedeadpunk: roger, i'll review the backports. i think i already reviewed the patch to master, or are there others? 18:13:05 <dansmith> knikolla: okay I thought you did, but yeah, would be helpful 18:13:50 <noonedeadpunk> knikolla: yup, jsut pushed fix for another one https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/keystone/+/891521 18:14:29 <knikolla> noonedeadpunk: awesome, fresh hot the press. will review it after the meeting. thanks for proposing it! 18:14:32 <noonedeadpunk> but I don't have test scenario for that... Or well, I'm not skilled enough to make up one in given time 18:14:32 <knikolla> off* 18:15:01 <knikolla> I'll see if i can think of something to suggest re: testing 18:15:31 <gmann> one thing to mention about python 3.11 version testing. this is tox job change #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs/+/891146/1 18:15:41 <gmann> as this is proposed to run on debian bookworm, it need fixes in bidnep.txt for many/all projects 18:16:29 <gmann> I am adding it as non voting job in this cycle so that projects will get time (at least 2-3 months) to fix it before next cycle where we can make it mandatory #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs/+/891227/2 18:16:56 <gmann> few projects like cinder, neturon already run py3.11 testing and on ubuntu jammy 18:17:33 <noonedeadpunk> ++ sounds good 18:17:45 <gmann> adding it in non voting is improtant otherwise because of our general job template model, in next cycle it can break gate for projects not fixing. 18:18:21 <knikolla> ++ 18:18:21 <fungi> also pep 693 says python 3.12.0 is due out two days before we release bobcat, so expect ubuntu to have packaged it by mid-cycle 18:18:58 <knikolla> do we know if 3.13 brings any possible problematic changes? i haven't looked at the changelog yet 18:19:01 <gmann> cool, we can consider that adding non voting once it is available and thing of adding mandatory in next cycle of its release time 18:19:02 <knikolla> 3.21* 18:19:03 <fungi> if so, non-voting 3.12 jobs might be worth adding at that point 18:19:07 <knikolla> 12* 18:19:16 <knikolla> it seems i can't type today. sorry. 18:19:22 <fungi> 3.12 deprecated some more stuff out of the stdlib 18:19:28 <gmann> 3.12 or 3.11 ? 18:19:31 <fungi> the "dead batteries" pep 18:19:44 <fungi> er, deleted already deprecated stuff i mean 18:19:55 <fungi> but i think most of that is due to happen in 3.13 18:20:25 <knikolla> 3.12, given that we'll have 3.11 testing in place so i'm less concerned about that, and i was curious about 3.12. 18:20:41 <fungi> no, i'm wrong, all the deletions for pep 594 happened in 3.11 18:20:56 <fungi> scratch that, i was right 18:20:57 <gmann> we can go with the same way there. adding it non voting in next cycle and see how it behaves 18:21:05 <fungi> deprecated in 3.11, deleteing in 3.13 mostlt 18:21:13 <rosmaita> gmann: dyk how big a bindep change is required for bookworm py 3.11 ? 18:21:26 <fungi> asynchat and asyncore go away in 3.12 18:21:46 <gmann> rosmaita: not bug, this is nova example and I think same for other projects too #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/891256 18:21:47 <fungi> #link https://peps.python.org/pep-0594/ Removing dead batteries from the standard library 18:21:53 <gmann> with that nova job passing 18:22:02 <gmann> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/891228/3 18:22:07 <clarkb> rosmaita: its usually updating libffi versions and things like that that have hardcoded versions in the pcakge name 18:22:19 <gmann> yeah 18:22:46 <gmann> libmysqlclient-dev not present in debian bookworm and might be few more 18:22:57 <clarkb> no more python2 on bookworm 18:23:03 <clarkb> is another likely source of trouble 18:23:13 <gmann> anyways that is plan for py3.11 which need changes in almost many/all repo may be 18:23:16 <gmann> that is all from me on this 18:24:10 <knikolla> thanks gmann 18:24:32 <noonedeadpunk> there're no py2 on ubuntu jammy either, so not sure this will ba an issue 18:24:40 <knikolla> #topic Testing runtime for 2024.1 release 18:24:45 <knikolla> on that topic, since we're already talking about it 18:24:55 <knikolla> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/891225 18:24:59 <gmann> yeah, i described the changes in commit msg #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/891225/2//COMMIT_MSG#9 18:25:25 <gmann> main changes are on debian side, adding debian 12 bookworm but also keepnig debian 11 because it was supported in our previous SLURP release 18:26:16 <gmann> with debian 12, py3.11 testing comes in as mandatory but no removal of any python version which are supported currently. this is what were changed in our PTI explicitly this cycle 18:26:44 <gmann> so min version of python to test is 3.8 18:27:29 <fungi> so it's mostly a question of how many versions in between those we also explicitly require testing for 18:27:35 <gmann> please review and let me know your feedback. also preparing the job template #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs/+/891238/1 18:27:44 <gmann> fungi: yeah that is good question 18:28:04 <fungi> as currently written it says to run 3.8, 3.10 and 3.11, skipping 3.9 18:28:04 <knikolla> it does sound a bit weird to me that we're saying we support 3.9 in the testing runtime, while not testing for it, despite the minor differences. have we done something like that before? 18:28:31 <fungi> also the rationale for skipping 3.9 could also be applied to 3.10 18:28:33 <gmann> as proposed in job template, I think testing py3.8, py3.10, and py3.11 is enough. skipping py3.9 because things working in py3.8and py3.10 will work for py3.9 also 18:28:42 <clarkb> knikolla: I'm a proponent for testing only the bookends if you aren't testing platform differences (libvirt, etc) 18:29:03 <gmann> knikolla: we do test, many project explicitly have job of that and we can add it periodic 18:29:13 <clarkb> this has worked really well for zuul and reduces test runtimes, chances for random failures, and resource ndeeds. Zuul hasn't had problems doing that 18:29:26 <gmann> My proposal is to add py3.9 as periodic and not to run everytime on check/gate pipeline 18:29:30 <fungi> yes, the argument is that if what you're testing is "does this work for the given python minor versions?" then odds are anything that passes on both 3.8 and 3.10 will work for 3.9 18:29:37 <gmann> that should ve enough to cover the testing of py3.9 18:29:42 <dansmith> gmann: sounds fine to me 18:29:55 <dansmith> gmann: honestly, we could be doing that for 38 and 39 right now 18:30:10 <fungi> also projects concerned about it can still choose to run 3.9 jobs, the pti just won't require them 18:30:33 <gmann> yes. nova has functional job running on py3.9 too 18:30:37 <knikolla> I don't have a strong opinion, if we can save resources the better. Just wanted to ask :) 18:31:47 <noonedeadpunk> but I think we've added "appreciacion" to PTI to cover more versions than minimally required by PTI 18:32:06 <gmann> dansmith: I would like to keep py3.8 as check/gate job as it is min version and good to keep eyes on if anyone dropping its support. 18:32:13 <gmann> noonedeadpunk: yes 18:32:37 <dansmith> gmann: it's just very unlikely and finding something later in periodic would not be hard to recover from 18:32:50 <knikolla> makes sense 18:33:05 <dansmith> obviously running everything on every patch is *ideal* but just not necessary 18:33:07 <gmann> but it still make other repo projects to break for that time 18:33:42 <gmann> we can move py3.10 along wuth py3.9as periodic ? testing min and max py3.8 and py3.11on every change 18:33:51 <noonedeadpunk> I can recall solid reason to drop 3.8 support from Ansible... As they were able to drop some quite old things to speed-up execution a lot... But can't really recal details... 18:34:04 <noonedeadpunk> Anyway I think keeping 3.8 is reasonable at min 18:35:05 <fungi> there's been lots. the "faster cpython" effort has been making steady performance improvements 18:35:22 <clarkb> particularly beginning with 3.10 18:35:25 <gmann> also, many projects not seeing py3.8 job in check/gate will think of its going away or already dropped. I think testing that on every change make sense to me 18:36:19 <JayF> gmann++ 18:37:09 * noonedeadpunk looking forward to noGIL 18:38:12 <knikolla> anything else on the topic? 18:38:16 <gmann> anyways its there in template, please review and add your feedback. that template change need to wait for this cycle release so we have time but governance change we can review and merge when it is ready 18:38:25 <gmann> this is template change #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs/+/891238/1 18:38:46 <gmann> that is all from me on this 18:39:27 <knikolla> #topic User survey question updates by Aug 18 18:39:31 <knikolla> #link https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-July/034589.html 18:39:47 <knikolla> A reminder that the deadline for proposing changes to the survery that will be sent out is this Friday. 18:40:20 <knikolla> Are there any questions that we as the TC can pose that you'd like to propose? 18:42:02 <knikolla> I'll take the silence as a no, we can discuss outside the meeting if anything comes to mind. 18:42:21 <spotz[m]> Yeah I can't think of anything tC specific 18:42:46 <fungi> it's not just about proposing tc-specific questions, but also making sure the questions currently in there make sense 18:42:49 <knikolla> #topic Reviews and Open Discussion 18:43:08 <fungi> i went through, for example, and recommended some updates to questions which listed projects but were missing some more recent additions 18:44:42 <gmann> There are couple of things/updates. 18:44:54 <gmann> elod ping TC about reaching our to murano/solum PTL for stable.rocky EOL. I also reached out to them, and they responded to my changes and to release changes also. 18:44:58 <gmann> so we are good on these projects and PTL is responding the things. 18:46:02 <gmann> other is about election and any project changing their leadership model, tonyb asked about it and as election nomination is going to open tomorrow, we will not have any change in project leadership model for this cycle. if any application comes we need to postponed it to next cycle 18:46:11 <gmann> #link https://governance.openstack.org/election/ 18:46:25 <gmann> these are two updates I wanted to share 18:46:44 <knikolla> thanks gmann! 18:49:16 <noonedeadpunk> But does this still apply if there's no PTL for the project? But there're volunteers for distributed leadership? 18:49:46 <knikolla> It'll be up to us to decide, IIRC. 18:49:53 <gmann> noonedeadpunk: that we can handle as leaderless project and then change to DPL model during PTL assignment task 18:49:57 <noonedeadpunk> As I thought it's possible to change the model in such case? 18:50:16 <gmann> yes but not during the election which create confusion 18:50:23 <JayF> basically it's locking them into having a PTL election; not to having a PTL (if nobody goes up for election; then we can change model if needed) 18:50:27 <noonedeadpunk> ah, ok, gotcha your point now 18:50:31 <gmann> we have deadline of doing it before election nomination start or after election 18:50:43 <noonedeadpunk> ok, yes, makes total sense 18:50:49 <fungi> if projects want to propose to switch to dpl there is a deadline for that. if the tc wants to switch a project to dpl they can do it at any time they want (just ought to avoid disrupting an ongoing election process) 18:51:04 <noonedeadpunk> ++ 18:51:10 <gmann> JayF: yeah 18:53:04 <knikolla> alright. if there's nothing else. thanks all! 18:53:07 <knikolla> have a great rest of the week. 18:53:09 <knikolla> #endmeeting