18:01:19 <JayF> #startmeeting tc 18:01:19 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Jan 30 18:01:19 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is JayF. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:01:19 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 18:01:19 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'tc' 18:01:22 <JayF> Welcome to the weekly meeting of the OpenStack Technical Committee. A reminder that this meeting is held under the OpenInfra Code of Conduct available at https://openinfra.dev/legal/code-of-conduct. 18:01:22 <JayF> Today's meeting agenda can be found at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee. 18:01:32 <JayF> #topic Roll Call 18:01:33 <gmann> o/ 18:01:35 <JayF> o/ 18:01:44 <JayF> #info Two noted absenses: knikolla, spotz[m] 18:01:52 <dansmith> o/ 18:01:53 <jamespage> o/ 18:01:58 <frickler> \o 18:02:15 <rosmaita> o/ 18:02:19 <slaweq> o/ 18:02:48 <JayF> I count 7, plus two absenses means all are accounted for 18:03:05 <JayF> There were no action items from the Jan 24 meeting, so that agenda item is moot. 18:03:10 <JayF> #topic Gate Health Check 18:03:56 <JayF> I'll note the recent push of eventlet 0.35.0 has impacted docs builds on some projects, including Manila -- I have a patch in to eventlet to fix it, and a patch into requirements to bump to 0.35.1 once released, and I'm coordinating with hberaud to have that release cut ASAP. 18:04:09 <dansmith> I don't have anything specific here, other than things feel about like they have since the beginning of the year.. not great, but not terrible 18:04:15 <gmann> I have not seen any noticeable failure though there were few ssh timeout in some jobs 18:05:01 <JayF> Sounds like what we'd expect. Thanks for the update. 18:05:09 <dansmith> "the usual failures" were noted in the nova meeting an hour ago 18:05:40 <JayF> #info Information on specific failures experienced in nova jobs can be found in the Nova meeting logs from today. 18:06:04 <JayF> going to move on if there's nothing elae? 18:06:30 <dansmith> nope 18:07:03 <JayF> #topic Implementation of Unmaintained branch statuses 18:07:11 <JayF> #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/V7H6M5ANYOMFWSZ5BJSWAXVNQCUXI6D7/ 18:07:18 <JayF> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-team-guide/+/897505 18:07:33 <rosmaita> that first one is an email about stable/yoga -> unmaintained/yoga 18:07:49 <rosmaita> it also asked for people to review/comment on the second link 18:08:04 <rosmaita> don't think there's been any action, which i am assuming means all is well 18:08:06 <JayF> When should I/we workflow that P-T-G change? 18:08:17 <frickler> also actual changes have been proposed 18:08:22 <frickler> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22yoga-unmaintained%22 18:08:39 <gmann> JayF: anytime we have two +2 but its up to change and how much feedback we need 18:08:55 <JayF> I'm just making sure that rosmaita or frickler don't have timing expectations for when these doc changes hit :) 18:09:00 <JayF> I don't want to get overeager and jump the timeline 18:09:05 <gmann> I think it has been up for ~10 days so maybe good to go just in case any other tc-members want to review 18:09:25 <frickler> I think the release team work isn't blocked by that, so nothing urgent from my pov 18:09:47 <rosmaita> yeah, i referenced the patch instead of the doc in my email 18:09:54 <JayF> I was more concerned about the other direction: changing the docs before we're ready to have them changed 18:09:59 <gmann> seeing yoga moving to new state 'unmantained' I think we should merge the doc update also 18:10:02 <rosmaita> i think if there are no new comments by the end of the week, go ahead and merge it 18:10:15 <gmann> just in case anyone want to check what is 'unmaintained' is now 18:10:17 <JayF> rosmaita: I'll put a reminder in to merge it Friday if there are no negative feedback items 18:10:23 <rosmaita> sounds good 18:10:36 <rosmaita> we'll probably have to revise it at some point anyway 18:10:45 <JayF> ack 18:10:49 <JayF> Anything else on this topic? 18:10:55 <rosmaita> nothing from me 18:11:07 <JayF> #topic 2024.1 TC Tracker 18:11:13 <JayF> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-2024.1-tracker 18:11:28 <JayF> Putting this here for visibility, going to give a minute for anyone to pipe up with any relevant updates before moving on. 18:12:18 <JayF> #topic Open Discussion 18:12:42 <JayF> I had one thing I wanted to mention here: Skyline said in their email to me, which was shared last meeting when I was absent, that they believed they were ready to "graduate" to being a full project. 18:13:21 <JayF> I do not think we need to urgently take action, but I'd encourage TC members to review the project activity and that planning doc because we will need to take this up at some point before next cycle. 18:15:20 <JayF> Anything else on Skyline, or any other topics for Open Discussion? 18:16:25 <JayF> Thanks all, nice and short one today o/ 18:16:27 <JayF> #endmeeting