18:00:17 #startmeeting tc 18:00:17 Meeting started Tue Jul 9 18:00:17 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:17 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 18:00:17 The meeting name has been set to 'tc' 18:00:53 Welcome to the weekly meeting of the OpenStack Technical Committee. A reminder that this meeting is held under the OpenInfra Code of Conduct available at https://openinfra.dev/legal/code-of-conduct. 18:00:57 Today's meeting agenda can be found at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee. 18:01:04 #topic Roll Call 18:01:17 o/ 18:01:18 o/ 18:01:21 o/ 18:01:32 \o 18:01:47 o/ 18:02:38 noted absence: gtema dansmith 18:02:58 courtesy-ping spotz[m] 18:03:01 #chair frickler 18:03:01 Current chairs: frickler gouthamr 18:04:53 alright welcome everyone! lets get started.. 18:04:58 #topic AIs from last week 18:05:37 think we have progress on all three projects we were concerned about in the "inactive" and "emerging" projects lists: 18:05:38 * noonedeadpunk being triggered by "AI" badly these days xD 18:06:01 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/923466 (remove monasca from inactive list) 18:06:29 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/923441 (Inactive state extensions: Freezer) 18:07:00 #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/VBH4YU7IBY4FXSAZYL4AIB57BTSPQ572/ ([skyline][tc] Graduating skyline out of the "Emerging Projects" list) 18:07:18 ^ the last one still being an ML discussion 18:08:36 we'll get to the eventlet discussion in a little bit 18:08:55 were there any other action items that folks were tracking? 18:09:58 * gouthamr takes silence as a no.. 18:10:32 I was absent last meeting and didn't managed to watch recording :( 18:10:38 our next topic pertains to the changes above as well 18:10:42 #topic Project Activity Tracking 18:11:07 noonedeadpunk: I'll note that this one is VERY worth watching, especially the technical presentation starting at about the 20 minute mark. 18:11:32 noonedeadpunk: ack; the eventlet goal proposal sheds more light on what was spoken 18:11:32 ++ 18:12:19 there were some discussions in teh TC channel in the past couple of weeks regarding inactive projects.. 18:12:49 frickler: sorry to put you on the spot here; but, would you like to share any open concerns here so we can brainstorm? 18:13:30 current inactive projects or possible inactive projects which are not yet marked? 18:13:37 well where do I start? seems quite some projects are in a state to be concerned about 18:13:56 lets start with monasca 18:14:38 well for monasca I listed my concerns in the review, I would have expected some feedback there 18:14:43 i did take a look at your comments on the monasca patch.. i get that it appears to be a single person bootstrapping a team, and you're hesitant to get the deliverables back into the cycle-with-intermediary cadence 18:15:31 not just a single person, but one with little track record of doing things in openstack 18:15:39 yeah, current PTL seems active to fix gate and do releases. there are ML thread also 18:15:50 I find it hard, personally, to consider a project active if it has a single-point-of-failure maintainer -- regardless of the trust level of that single person. 18:16:08 it seems only one repo gate is yet to be fixed and other repo under monasca is good? 18:16:26 I've looked through couples - and I think we don't know 18:16:37 as some have last patch merged in april or so 18:16:57 (I didn't check grafana for periodic tests though) 18:17:07 I didn't look today, but there were a lot of config errors still, no current PTI template, so I would not call that "gate fixed" 18:17:40 also there is the concern about stable branches support if we do not retire the project 18:17:48 monasca has *17* deliverables, just fyi 18:17:49 #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/ZU22KSVDOC46WS6AIS3UHVFVDHOV4KFA/ 18:18:01 this is the discussion on release and stable branches 18:18:15 to be strict criteria which should be met by project to be active are https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/new-projects-requirements.html 18:18:29 but as we know that PTL is responding and trying to fix gate/release, we should discuss with them 18:18:33 and one of rules there says clearly "The project has an active team of one or more contributors." 18:18:47 so I don't think we should block it just because of that one maintainer only 18:18:53 we should continue it in gerrit or in ML or invite them in meeting. 18:18:59 well, at least periodic publish of doker images succeeds... 18:19:01 slaweq: ++ 18:19:07 slaweq: acknowledged, fair point, I will propose a change to that but obviously we operate under rules as written today 18:19:22 ++ 18:19:34 JayF: then it need change in OpenStack new project application and its a huge change 18:20:16 on zuul-config-errors, i see that only a few monasca repos have config errors remaining 18:20:21 Well, maybe huge change is needed if we don't want to (again) leave openstack users high and dry when a barely-active project can't fix a CVE. 18:20:30 which is what I think we discussed it in PTG right? and we can go with that or start re-discussion 18:20:43 JayF yeah, maybe those rules should be updated somehow, but that's what is there today 18:20:46 * gouthamr waves at thuvh 18:20:51 sure, its a impact of many projects 18:21:06 (and if they should is completely different discussion) 18:21:10 and its not only single maintainer but can be single organization or so 18:21:28 gmann++ 18:21:33 then we should drop sunbeam :D 18:21:45 noonedeadpunk: and many more 18:21:48 would prevent tripleo case though 18:21:56 but I'd say it's too radical, imo 18:21:59 anyways it is a big discussion topic 18:22:05 ++ 18:22:38 for monasca, I will say let's wait for the thuvh to respond the frickler query which are valid one 18:23:07 ++ 18:23:08 and as we passed the m-2 I also agree with frickler on not to move it to Active in this cycle 18:23:20 frankly, I'd say we're kinda too late for this cycle... and given we don't have a strong opinion - is kinda sign that it might be worth to wait for the next one 18:23:27 I will also record my feedback in gerrit 18:23:29 ^ i agree; thanks for making the observations frickler.. some seem more serious to address than others 18:23:34 noonedeadpunk: ++ 18:23:46 it' 18:24:04 i had a question: doesn't thuvh have the option of requesting a release nevertheless? 18:24:30 IMO not as long as the project is marked inactive 18:24:42 I think if it's cycle-* it cannot 18:24:43 they can do independent I think but not as per release/team process 18:25:02 but then they need to move it to independent cycle 18:25:14 which I'm not sure will be approved either... 18:25:16 yes 18:26:01 but dunno 18:26:06 i see - thanks; we'll wait for thuvh's responses on the patch.. please share any further concerns you may have as well. 18:26:12 '...In such a case, it is up to the project itself to get CI working and propose a release if that is needed.' #link https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/emerging-technology-and-inactive-projects.html#timeline 18:26:38 they can ask for more time like freezer as this is 2nd cycle they are Inactive 18:27:42 ^ yes; i think if they badly wanted - i.e., there's some business need for released code, they could request a release and continue working on getting back to a healthy state 18:27:45 yeah, I haven't worked on patch to allow projects to seamlessly remain inactive while they're working on it, but it would make total sense to allow that 18:28:12 well, I'm not sure that RDO/UCA will package inactive anyway 18:28:20 and otherwise - they can install from SHA... 18:28:24 but anyway 18:28:29 It might be interesting to consider automatically flipping things out of a cycle- 18:28:39 **based release model if/when they go inactive. 18:29:32 okay; lets move to any other projects in this state 18:29:56 probably worth checking how that might impact the possibility for stable point releases 18:30:06 tacker, masakari and zaqar seem to have issues with current sqlalchemy/oslo.db 18:31:05 well, last time I checked masakari - it had issues with db upgrade for 2024.1, but my patch for master was passing nicely. 18:31:40 tacker used to be quite active and working on own blueprint for keystone to solve some usecase they had 18:31:51 have no idea about zaqar 18:31:55 for tacker, this is wip fix from PTL but still not green #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/919969 18:31:59 https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/builds?job_name=cross-masakari-py311&project=openstack/requirements 18:32:18 It was in my todo list to reach masakari PTL, but I failed so far (was on a sick leave last week, so todo moved slightly) 18:32:24 Yes, tacker is active and they and meeting last night and discussed these 18:32:47 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/zaqar/+/916734 (Zaqar's sqlalchemy2.0 fix) 18:33:00 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/919969 (tacker's sqlalchemy2.0 fix) 18:33:05 I will take masakari as AP for this week 18:33:31 tacker meeting discussion #link https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tacker/2024/tacker.2024-07-09-08.02.log.html#l-8 18:33:57 last masakari patch is https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/masakari/+/920034 - just issued re-check for it 18:34:06 gouthamr: I think link should work if mentioned in between text right? or I am missing and doing it wrongly ? 18:34:31 gmann: nope; the highlight just works if its at the beginning of the message 18:34:42 is it? 18:34:44 but, don't mind me/you/anyone fixing these.. 18:35:22 heres an example: https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2024/tc.2024-07-02-18.00.log.html#l-20 18:36:30 k, will check later 18:36:45 gmann noonedeadpunk ty for the updates here.. think we can check on these three again next week 18:36:49 ok, I think those can be having a good chance of making progress soon, then 18:37:15 next would be the growing list of issues the release-team recorded https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/dalmatian-relmgt-tracking#L358 18:37:46 I'm not sure how to deal with those, I mean, not responding to a single release patch surely isn't critical 18:37:50 can confirm adjutant is in quite poor shape 18:38:10 "no response to dalmatian-1 patch" - i'm guilty of doing some of these - summer holidays yada yada 18:38:20 I don't think they even close to comply with django version defined in U-C 18:38:32 but when it repeats it maybe means one should take a closer look 18:39:29 and I'm guilty as well on one of these... 18:39:49 dalees: ^ fyi; on adjutant 18:40:05 no patches merged for adjutant this whole year 18:41:13 I actually tried to deploy adfjutant this year and needed to make quite some changes and then gave up... But proposed _some_ patches at least... 18:41:23 Didn't follow up on them though, as gave up... 18:41:34 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/adjutant 18:41:56 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/adjutant/+/912534 18:42:18 it seems these reno fixes for unmaintained branches also not yet merged 18:42:25 seems in bad state 18:42:38 maybe this is one of those cases where an unmaintained branch wasn't in the team's interest 18:42:53 its on master branch 18:43:15 otherwise master releasenotes job fails 18:43:17 oh; i was looking at the gerrit list 18:43:23 no logs left though... 18:43:38 yeah unmaintained is all next things :) even master is in bad state 18:44:32 frickler: does the release team feel comfortable pushing through bot changes like this one? i.e., if you had +2 powers, would you use it? 18:44:34 as I said - it 100% wont fly in current shape with Django 4 18:45:14 gouthamr: no, IMHO that should not be done by the release team 18:45:43 I don't think it's even good idea to give releases team core to all projects... 18:45:45 noonedeadpunk: yeah 18:47:00 it seems this is case of inactive project detected after m-2 18:47:15 yeah; its definitely in project maintainers' interest to react to these.. 18:48:01 I'd cross fingers that dalees would fix that... as it's not _that_ much work, if there's interest ofc... 18:48:08 otherwise - yeah 18:48:57 i 18:49:07 i'll take an AI to start a mail thread on this 18:49:59 frickler: ty for sharing the etherpad 18:50:18 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/dalmatian-relmgt-tracking#L358 (Release management project health tracking for Dalmatian) 18:50:27 lets move on to other concerns 18:51:26 #action gouthamr will start an ML discussion on adjutant's health 18:51:51 i'd like to skip the gate-health topic and jump to the TC tracker 18:51:56 #topic 2024.2 TC Tracker 18:52:19 i apologize but we can chat about gate health right after this if we have time, or after the meeting 18:52:22 Sorry I’m late! 18:52:32 * gouthamr hey there spotz[m] 18:52:48 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-2024.2-tracker (TC Tracker) 18:52:58 one update on kuryr-kubernetes 18:53:16 kuryr-kubernetes retirement is on hold as tacker has a dependency on it, and tacker team is working on that 18:53:20 #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/message/OZSOHDHD3HYGHSHYBDMEX4L2VY6EWPLO/ 18:53:34 ack; thanks gmann 18:53:44 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22retire-kuryr-kubernetes%22 18:53:44 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/922507 18:54:43 i wanted to timebox a couple of changes because of two reasons 18:55:28 please feel free to be critical of that decision; i'm hoping to make some progress while still accommodating your valuable viewpoints! 18:55:40 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/922512 (Affiliation Diversity Handling in OpenStack TC) 18:55:54 ^ this is a charter change that affects the upcoming election 18:56:23 slaweq: ^^ I replied to your comment, can you please check 18:56:47 if you haven't looked at it, please do! i'm hoping we can either merge this or an alternative 18:57:21 prior to the nomination period; and allow candidates and the electorate a chance to understand its implications 18:57:24 gmann sure, sorry that I missed it 18:57:28 thanks 18:58:23 so, here comes the controversial part - i'll nag you to place a +1 or -1 or abstain by July 15th 18:58:48 don't need this to merge by then; but, if you have a different opinion, i'd like for you to share it by then 18:59:37 any concerns? 18:59:43 I think it has +ve feedback so far 19:00:10 yes; and we're at the hour 19:00:23 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/902585 (Remove eventlet from OpenStack) 19:00:42 I wiil read all the comments there tomorrow morning for sure 19:00:45 ^ we can chat about this outside of this meeting; but, this has a similar timebox to air out any views 19:01:08 if you'd like to -1, please do so by 15th July 2024 19:01:46 i'll note that it has sufficient votes and soak time to merge already; but seeing its far reaching implications, i think i'd like to let you folks weigh in 19:02:02 that said; apologies for going over time here.. 19:02:11 let's call it a meeting 19:02:16 thank you all for attending! 19:02:19 #endmeeting