18:00:32 <gouthamr> #startmeeting tc 18:00:32 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Oct 1 18:00:32 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:32 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 18:00:32 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'tc' 18:00:48 <spotz[m]> link link link!!!:) 18:01:22 <noonedeadpunk> #link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87108541765?pwd=emlXVXg4QUxrUTlLNDZ2TTllWUM3Zz09 18:01:32 <gouthamr> #info Today's meeting is being held primarily via video call. Action items and meeting minutes will be documented in IRC but for a full replay of the meeting, please visit the OpenStack TC youtube channel, where the recording will be uploaded soon. 18:01:37 <gouthamr> #link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBuGwBXOmWHydSE09RM84wQ 18:01:42 <gouthamr> Welcome to the weekly meeting of the OpenStack Technical Committee. A reminder that this meeting is held under the OpenInfra Code of Conduct available at https://openinfra.dev/legal/code-of-conduct. 18:01:45 <gouthamr> Today's meeting agenda can be found at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee 18:01:47 <gouthamr> #topic Roll Call 18:01:55 <gmann> o/ 18:01:58 <noonedeadpunk> o/ 18:02:03 <bauzas> \o 18:02:25 <gtema> o/ 18:02:34 <JayF> o/ 18:04:19 <gouthamr> noted absence: f r i c k l e r, c a r d o e 18:04:19 <spotz[m]> o/ 18:04:58 <gouthamr> courtesy ping: slaweq 18:05:36 <slaweq> gouthamr: sorry but I don't feel well today and will not be at the meeting 18:05:51 <slaweq> I added my absence in the wiki page 18:05:54 <spotz[m]> Feel better! 18:06:00 <slaweq> Thx 18:06:04 <gouthamr> ah sorry about that; i reloaded the page now slaweq 18:06:07 <gouthamr> hope you feel better soon 18:06:09 <gouthamr> #topic Last Week's AIs 18:06:17 <gouthamr> Start ML discussion about Watcher’s leaderless situation (gouthamr) 18:06:31 <gouthamr> #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/3DRYZFDPVCZ45TOULOZ4R7K6BUOIHLU2/ ([tc][watcher] No leaders for project team, heading to retirement) 18:08:01 <gouthamr> i was proposing waiting for a week before beginning the process to retire the project 18:09:31 <gouthamr> we need some more push this week 18:10:29 <gouthamr> bauzas: you could type out what you were trying to say 18:10:42 <bauzas> meh 18:11:12 <bauzas> I was saying that maybe we should use the DPL support for this cylce 18:11:25 <gmann> ++ 18:11:32 <gouthamr> #action gouthamr will respond to the mail thread and ask for an update this week 18:11:38 <gouthamr> noted bauzas 18:11:53 <gouthamr> moving on to the next AI: 18:11:58 <gouthamr> Propose marking Kuryr-related projects inactive (gmann) 18:12:10 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/929698 (Mark kuryr-kubernetes and kuryr-tempest-plugin Inactive) 18:13:51 <gouthamr> ^ we had to stop the release for these projects in 2024.2 18:14:23 <gouthamr> gmann says we should have marked these projects inactive while we were figuring out retirement; we're backfilling this patch so our stance is clear 18:14:45 <gouthamr> please review this patch so we can merge this week ^ 18:14:56 <gouthamr> next AI: 18:14:57 <gouthamr> Coordinate a cross-project session at PTG to discuss translating documentation and improving accessibility for non-English-speaking users (gouthamr) 18:15:18 <gouthamr> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/oct2024-ptg-os-tc (OpenStack TC PTG Planning Etherpad) 18:16:31 <gouthamr> seongsoo will be leading a TC PTG discussion 18:16:42 <gouthamr> gouthamr will be sharing a finer schedule this week 18:17:36 <gouthamr> noonedeadpunk says there's confusion about the state of translations right now; there was someone that added horizon translations months ago; however, it wasn't proposed by the tooling 18:19:55 <gouthamr> next AI: Monitor Zun and Kuryr release issues 18:19:59 <gouthamr> kudos to noonedeadpunk to helping Zun fix their CI 18:20:03 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/930554 (Do not release Kuryr in Dalmatian) 18:21:43 <gouthamr> the release team seems to be geared to have a smooth release tomorrow: 18:21:51 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/930752 (2024.2 Dalmatian final releases for cycle-with-rc projects) 18:22:09 <gouthamr> #topic Meeting time 18:22:09 <gouthamr> 18:23:18 <gouthamr> #link https://framadate.org/openstacktc-25-1 (OpenStack TC Weekly Meeting times poll) 18:23:32 <gouthamr> ^ there were three contenders for the meeting time 18:23:41 <gouthamr> but for any of those slots, only 6 of us could actually make it 18:23:56 <gouthamr> three others were "Maybe" for this slot: 1800 UTC on Tuesdays 18:24:15 <gouthamr> the two other slots had at least one of us respond with a hard No 18:24:19 <spotz[m]> Maybe we wait and ask again later when Slaweq is here? 18:24:43 <gouthamr> oh, why? 18:25:23 <gouthamr> he could be busy between 1700 and 1900 UTC on Thursdays 18:26:23 <gouthamr> we've had a week to look at these results; and they've been visible to everyone :) 18:26:37 <gouthamr> #agreed we keep the existing meeting time 18:27:34 <gouthamr> #topic TC Election Liaison 18:28:45 <spotz[m]> Needs to be someone from this cycle or not re-running 18:29:23 <gouthamr> yes 18:29:44 <gouthamr> we have four TC members who aren't up for election 18:29:57 <bauzas> I can help to be the TC liaison if needed 18:30:03 <gouthamr> thank you bauzas 18:31:09 <gouthamr> #topic A check on gate health 18:31:24 <gouthamr> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/devstack/+bug/2082617 18:31:45 <gouthamr> devstack ceph jobs are affected by this bug a lot these days 18:31:52 <gouthamr> still don't know the root cause here ^ 18:33:09 <fungi> ironic noticed keystone has started breaking on postgresql: https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/message/MVHR5WZFEDOZA4ESBN5764EVP67GKOS5/ 18:33:23 <fungi> #link ironic noticed keystone has started breaking on postgresql: https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/message/MVHR5WZFEDOZA4ESBN5764EVP67GKOS5/ 18:33:34 <fungi> sorry, forgot to link it the first time 18:33:37 <gouthamr> thanks fungi 18:34:04 <gmann> gouthamr: can you hear us? 18:34:38 <gouthamr> gmann: nope 18:34:39 <gmann> we can hear you 18:34:43 <gouthamr> i thought i was talking to myself 18:36:02 * gouthamr fixes the broken sound 18:36:13 <gmann> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/grenade/+/930507 18:37:44 <gmann> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-openstackclient/+bug/2080600 18:38:26 <gouthamr> ^ this fix has merged in master; new OSC release is necessary along with an upper-constraint bump 18:39:06 <gouthamr> we're going to do this after the coordinated 2024.2 release tomorrow 18:39:52 <gouthamr> the UC update patch will execute -cross jobs to test if projects are okay with the OSC changes coming with the bump 18:40:46 <gouthamr> TheJulia's post to the ML regarding keystone's breakage on postgres isn't a LP bug yet (please correct me if one was reported) 18:41:29 <JayF> It's not a bug as nobody officially supports postgres anymore aiui 18:41:35 <JayF> at least, I wouldn't personally file it as a bug 18:41:46 <gouthamr> noonedeadpunk spotted nodepool's responsiveness has increased 18:41:48 <JayF> the job was intended (from an Ironic POV) to be a canary so we could tell operators when things broke 18:42:02 <spotz[m]> Maybe a won't fix and explanation? 18:42:03 <fungi> noonedeadpunk: yes, rackspace's new "flex" environment is more than twice as fast on half the number of vcpus 18:42:14 <fungi> for many of our jobs anyway 18:42:17 <gouthamr> fungi: very nice 18:42:19 <JayF> There seems to be no interest in the Ironic community in doing any effort on these jobs other than removing them, unless someone asks for it :) 18:42:34 <fungi> longer term we hope to slowly swap out classic rackspace nodes for flex, as they bring more regions online 18:42:43 <gouthamr> JayF: manila folks maintain postgres jobs too; because some large deployments use it 18:43:14 <gouthamr> they're non-voting for the reason you mentioned 18:43:15 <JayF> I invite them to help reintroduce official postgres support into openstack; until then it's not really a priority IMO 18:43:22 <gouthamr> +1 18:43:34 <gouthamr> anything else for $topic? 18:43:45 <gouthamr> #topic TC Tracker 18:43:47 <noonedeadpunk> fungi: frankly - I was o_O on tests time and was thinking for real that we broke smth to a point that smth is simply not executed 18:43:56 <gouthamr> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-2024.2-tracker (Technical Committee activity tracker - 2024.2) 18:44:41 <gouthamr> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-2025.1-tracker (Technical Committee activity tracker - 2025.1) 18:45:52 <gouthamr> ^ you'll notice goal tracking as well here; just something we can try for this release 18:46:54 <gouthamr> we've been pretty good with these trackers 18:47:09 <gouthamr> please pull in anything you were finishing up for 2024.2 into the 2025.1 etherpad 18:47:14 <gouthamr> lets switch to Open Discussion 18:47:15 <gouthamr> #topic Open Discussion 18:47:16 <gmann> ++ good tracking too gouthamr 18:47:45 <noonedeadpunk> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/927962 18:49:27 <gouthamr> ^ we're asking some questions on this change; alongside the swift PTL appointment change 18:49:41 <bauzas> (sorry folks, trying to fix my pipewire issue on my F40 laptop) 18:49:45 <gouthamr> hoping we can get axel and timburke responding here 18:49:59 * bauzas gets hit by https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2232584 18:50:01 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/928881 (Appoint Tim Burke as PTL for Swift) 18:51:18 <gouthamr> gmann notes that folks must be more responsive on these governance changes to prove to the TC that they're responsible and willing to engage with the TC 18:53:26 <gouthamr> bauzas is asking about PTG planning 18:55:20 <gouthamr> he suggests asking for who's interested in these topics to help with the scheduling 18:55:32 <gouthamr> (and noting their timezones) 18:55:48 <fungi> the oceanbase topic is proposed by people in apac timezones, i think 18:59:02 <spotz[m]> And I think I grabbed first slot on Monday for D&I 18:59:51 <gouthamr> +1 on both points 19:00:13 <gouthamr> #action gouthamr will share this etherpad on the ML asking interested folks to vote (with their nicks) on the topics 19:00:23 <fungi> we could maybe move (some of?) the inclusive terminology discussion into the d&i wg slot 19:01:01 <gmann> or its good topic for TC+leader interaction sessions 19:01:17 <gouthamr> fungi: agreed 19:01:38 <gouthamr> gmann: yes; we can re-hash that discussion in a time boxed manner if it happens after the D&I discussion 19:04:19 <bauzas> I guess we need to end the meeting here ? :) 19:04:36 <gmann> yeah 19:05:22 <bauzas> #endmeeting