18:00:13 <gouthamr> #startmeeting tc
18:00:13 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Oct  8 18:00:13 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:00:13 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
18:00:13 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'tc'
18:00:22 <cardoe> \o
18:00:27 <gouthamr> Welcome to the weekly meeting of the OpenStack Technical Committee. A reminder that this meeting is held under the OpenInfra Code of Conduct available at https://openinfra.dev/legal/code-of-conduct.
18:00:34 <gouthamr> Today's meeting agenda can be found at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee
18:00:38 <gouthamr> #topic Roll Call
18:00:40 <gmann> o/
18:00:41 <bauzas> \o
18:00:45 <slaweq> o/
18:00:52 <noonedeadpunk> o/
18:00:55 <cardoe> \o
18:01:53 <gouthamr> noted absence:   f r i c k l e r
18:02:52 <gouthamr> courtesy ping: spotz[m] gtema
18:02:52 <spotz[m]> o/
18:03:00 <spotz[m]> ha!
18:03:05 <gtema> o/
18:03:47 <gouthamr> awesome; that's more than the quorum.. thanks for joining; lets get started
18:04:14 <gouthamr> #topic Last Week's AIs
18:04:28 <gouthamr> 1) Respond to the Watcher mail thread and ask for an update this week (gouthamr)
18:04:54 <gouthamr> so i did this; but not early enough :/
18:05:04 <gouthamr> #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/3DRYZFDPVCZ45TOULOZ4R7K6BUOIHLU2/ ([tc][watcher] No leaders for project team, heading to retirement)
18:05:46 <gouthamr> sean-k-mooney isn't here; but will poke him where he is
18:06:33 <gouthamr> so lets get some status between this meeting and the next one there
18:06:36 <gouthamr> 2) Review the patch for marking Kuryr-related projects inactive this week (Patch: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/929698) (everyone)
18:07:01 <gouthamr> we have sufficient votes here; so i'll press the workflow button here
18:07:51 <gouthamr> 3) Share the PTG planning etherpad on the mailing list and ask interested participants to vote on topics, indicating their time zones (gouthamr)
18:07:59 <gouthamr> #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/message/YDG3VCGHGRMZ7KBPW4JWJDXKO4OUZIE7/ ([all][tc][ptl][ptg] TC Discussions at the PTG - Sign Up and Suggest Topics)
18:08:30 <gouthamr> ^ not a lot of sign ups there; but, we have timeslots for our sessions now
18:08:51 <gouthamr> #link https://ptg.opendev.org/ptg.html (PTG Schedule)
18:09:30 <gouthamr> the TC meetings are scheduled 21st Oct: 1400 UTC-1700 UTC and 25th Oct: 1500 UTC to 1700 UTC
18:10:01 <gouthamr> lets dive into this in a little bit
18:10:16 <bauzas> noted, I'll ask the nova community for leading their sessions by someone else
18:10:40 <gmann> do we have onyl leaders interaction session on Monday or more slots?
18:11:03 <gmann> usually Thursday and friday  works fine for TC related discusison
18:11:55 <opendevreview> Merged openstack/governance master: Mark kuryr-kubernetes and kuryr-tempest-plugin Inactive  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/929698
18:12:01 <gouthamr> ^ please hold that thought gmann
18:12:07 <gmann> especially friday 17 UTC or 18 UTC slot where more community members can join after finishing their project discussions
18:12:23 <gmann> sure
18:12:24 <gouthamr> that's all the AIs I was tracking; was there anything else being worked on during this past week
18:12:41 <noonedeadpunk> fwiw, I'm traveling Thursday afternoon, but back at evening
18:12:42 <gouthamr> there was one about OSC requiring a new release and a upper-constraint bump
18:13:10 <gmann> there was on AI on me I think for migration to ubuntu noble goal
18:13:34 <gmann> I have created a etherpad and starting working on that
18:13:38 <gmann> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/migrate-to-noble
18:13:53 <gouthamr> ack thank you
18:14:05 <gmann> should be able to prepare the base changes to test by this week and send it on ML
18:14:27 <gouthamr> thanks for adding that to the tracker too!
18:14:33 <gouthamr> ++
18:15:34 <gouthamr> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-openstackclient/+bug/2080600 (openstack user create fails without --domain option)
18:15:52 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-openstackclient/+/930412 (    identity: Don't pass unset options when creating user - stable/2024.2)
18:16:17 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/requirements/+/931811 (update constraint for python-openstackclient to new release 7.1.3)
18:16:27 <bauzas> ush...
18:16:30 <gouthamr> ^ that's on master though..
18:16:38 <gouthamr> sry
18:16:40 <gouthamr> scratch that
18:16:42 <gouthamr> 2024.2
18:17:10 <gtema> release change was merged few hours bach
18:17:15 <gmann> yes, master one need release and u-c update but meanwhile fix can be done by passing the domain-id
18:17:20 <gmann> ok
18:17:32 <gmann> I did for greande master
18:17:38 <gmann> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/grenade/+/931057/3
18:17:47 <gmann> but it will be good to have that in u-c also
18:18:16 <gouthamr> great; we have crossed the i's and dotted the t's
18:18:17 <bauzas> so for grenade, what's that mean ?
18:18:36 <gmann> it create users and was not passing domain id
18:18:37 * bauzas opens the grenade change
18:18:44 <gouthamr> in the scripts, if you didn't specify a domain ID, you'd hit that bug
18:19:38 <gmann> gtema: one question, why it was not caught when change introduced the bug ?
18:19:51 <gmann> are we lacking some testing on requirements when u-c was bumped?
18:20:03 <gmann> I think this is change introduced it?
18:20:05 <gmann> #linl https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-openstackclient/+/909030
18:20:07 <gmann> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-openstackclient/+/909030
18:20:07 <bauzas> yeah, that's a good question
18:20:10 <gtema> because we are not testing all the weird and wrong usages
18:20:16 <bauzas> I wonder why we didn't found it
18:20:33 <bauzas> we already had a problem with OSC before RC1
18:20:51 <gmann> devstack and grenade job could have caught it easily
18:21:07 <gmann> and requirement gate run tempest-full job
18:21:18 <gmann> not sure why it passed there?
18:21:43 <gmann> sorry tempest-full would not catch it but grenade job and swift job will
18:22:31 <gmann> swift-dsvm-functional was failing on devstack
18:22:50 <gmann> I think we should add grenade job also in requirement gate to test more coverage
18:22:54 <bauzas> but aren't we testing a OSC change by a job that calls the APIs ?
18:23:12 <gmann> bauzas: that would not catch it until it is in u-c
18:23:26 <gmann> unless we are testing it with master?
18:23:36 <bauzas> because tempest doesn't use OSC, right?
18:23:39 <gmann> yeah
18:23:59 <bauzas> ...
18:24:12 <gmann> I think swift-dsvm-functional and adding grenade job should catch osc related things there
18:24:21 <gmann> swift one use the osc
18:24:33 <bauzas> so when we merge a OSC change, we only actually test it once we have a new release.. ouch.
18:25:12 <gmann> I can propose change to increase the coverage in requirements gate
18:25:56 <bauzas> probably but I would prefer to check that by a OSC job
18:25:58 <gouthamr> +1 on adding a grenade job; /me is thinking if we will end up blocking something inadvertently if that job was voting
18:26:36 <bauzas> hopefully by the check pipeline, but a periodic could work
18:26:58 <bauzas> because once OSC releases a version, someone can use it
18:27:09 <gmann> bauzas:  osc job might not be testing all these APIs but the osc tests etc can be changed in the same change when backward incompatible change is introduced
18:27:21 <gtema> but you can't also test everything in osc gate
18:27:25 <gmann> yeah
18:27:37 <bauzas> everything for sure
18:27:54 <bauzas> but nova, neutron, cinder ?
18:28:02 <gmann> gouthamr: how about testing upgrade with grenade job?
18:28:20 <bauzas> yeah that'd find it
18:28:27 <gmann> bauzas: ++ and these few projects like we do in requirements and oslo libs
18:28:55 <gmann> their functional jobs should run quickly an catch the things in advance
18:29:42 <bauzas> at least I'd prefer to have a running OSC job before releasing a version
18:29:45 <gmann> for example olso.policy test nova, neutron tox and functional job and we get to know if any breaking things happening
18:30:09 <bauzas> that's why I said we could run periodics if the OSC commnunity can't or doesn't want to have check votes
18:30:29 <bauzas> but before releasing, they would check that periodic
18:30:38 <gmann> a few checks job should not harm even
18:30:53 <bauzas> sure the more the better
18:30:57 <gmann> I can propose changes and we can see how it looks like
18:31:04 <gouthamr> ++ thanks gmann
18:31:16 <gouthamr> alright lets wrap up the AIs with that note; and move on to regular programming
18:31:26 <gouthamr> #topic TC PTG
18:31:54 <bauzas> gmann++ agreed
18:32:12 <gouthamr> noonedeadpunk: noted your absence on Thursday.. but, i did mean to have TC sessions only on Mon, Fri - not an executive decision.. was just following a pattern from the past few PTGs
18:32:28 <noonedeadpunk> ++
18:32:47 <gouthamr> on Monday; however, i reserved more time because i think it'd be helpful to have project contributors join us on the goal topics on the etherpad
18:33:11 <bauzas> yup and,
18:33:16 <gmann> gouthamr: note we do have other support team sessions on Modnay and people may want to join there
18:34:03 <gmann> QA usually book on Monday and try to finish it before members join other project related discussion on other days
18:34:11 <bauzas> for example if we discuss about the translation topic in Monday, projects could also engage that within their own PTG times after
18:34:13 <gouthamr> gmann: i didn't see any yet.. probably still planning?
18:34:14 <spotz[m]> The problem is no one has signed up on the schedule yet
18:34:20 <gouthamr> ^ YES
18:34:21 <gmann> gouthamr: yes
18:34:39 <gmann> I will check with martin on that
18:34:46 <spotz[m]> I will miss part of Monday but will pop in and out
18:34:50 <bauzas> I like the idea of a TC starting cross-project topics at the beginning of the PTG and eventually concluding at the end
18:34:54 <gmann> but why we do not book Friday evening slot for TC?
18:35:11 <gouthamr> sigh; okay.. we'll try to be dynamic about this.. maybe we don't need 3 hours on Monday.. we could do with 2
18:35:18 <gouthamr> gmann: it is?
18:35:19 <gmann> that was most attended slots in past
18:35:28 <gouthamr> ohh, you mean the very last slot
18:35:47 <gmann> yeah, maybe 2 hrs or 3 hrs the last slots on friday
18:36:14 <bauzas> I'd like to see some topics engaged on Monday, 2 hours can be a stretch goal but I'd prefer to keep the 3rd hour booked
18:36:15 <gmann> when community members finish project related things and can join TC one
18:36:57 <gmann> in that case, maybe we can shift Thursday one to Friday?
18:37:01 <gouthamr> hmmm, 1700 UTC; past beer-o-clock in EU and APAC, and nearly next day far east
18:37:05 <fungi> some of it stems from in-person ptgs where lots of people were already leaving to catch their flights on friday afternoons, but still possible some people are dropping out to start other weekend activities (especially in europe, and in asia it's already saturday at that point). personally, i have some outside obligations on that friday and won't be arounbd
18:37:12 <gmann> bauzas: sure
18:37:47 <bauzas> the Friday slots will impact my personal activities, for sure, but that's only once per semester
18:37:53 <gmann> you mean friday last slots are not recommened to book?
18:38:22 <spotz[m]> If we were in person sure, but you're more likely to take a Friday off then most other days
18:38:46 <gmann> for virtual i mean, there is no in person PTG now
18:38:56 <spotz[m]> And we run into it's evening for EMEA and Saturday for APAC as mentioned
18:39:02 <bauzas> trust me, virtual PTGs are very in-person for me :)
18:39:28 <bauzas> the only difference is that I'm alone in my room
18:39:43 <gmann> :)
18:40:14 <bauzas> didn't we had those usual timeslots in the past ?
18:40:22 <bauzas> I'm fine with keeping me, I was prepared :)
18:40:29 <bauzas> keeping them*
18:41:00 <slaweq> yeah, we had usually Monday for TC & community leaders session and then Thursday and Friday for TC discussion
18:41:05 <bauzas> but we may require some asia friendly timeslot in order to balance
18:41:06 <gmann> yeah
18:41:13 <slaweq> it was up to around 18 or 19 utc IIRC
18:41:30 <bauzas> if you want MHO,
18:41:43 <bauzas> booking a slot doesn't mean we need to use it fo the whole time
18:41:49 <fungi> (noting it's almost 19 utc now)
18:42:14 <gouthamr> true ^ but, if we moved this meeting to friday, how many of us would be happy to join in?
18:42:17 <gmann> asia friendly slots is good idea but even 13 UTC is not asia friendly right?
18:42:18 <bauzas> I'm used to book 16 hours every cycle which I usually take, but we had occurences in the past of finishing earlier, and this was fine
18:42:38 <gmann> gouthamr: weekly meetings vs PTG are different things.
18:42:40 <slaweq> gouthamr I wouldn't be happy but I would join :)
18:42:58 <bauzas> gouthamr: a weekly meeting is different from a once-semesterly (is it the right term) meeting ?
18:43:07 <bauzas> gmann: that.
18:43:49 <bauzas> I'm OK with running late on a Friday evening once, I'm not okay with throwing *all* my Friday evening activities the whole 6 months
18:44:06 <gmann> we do not need to book 18 or 19 UTC on friday even 15-17 UTC 2 hrs should be good
18:44:26 <slaweq> bauzas yes, the same for me, once in 6 months I can definitely do it
18:44:34 <spotz[m]> Yeah but a weekly on Friday isn't the most productive as at any given time 1-3 people would be off
18:44:35 <gmann> even I like the 18-19 UTC one which has been productive in past but anyways
18:44:50 <bauzas> did we got updates from ian choi and sungsoo about their topics ?
18:45:10 <slaweq> but if we want to have some time slots more Asia friendly, then I guess it will be somewhere in the middle of night for Europe
18:45:12 <bauzas> given the productive Korea summit, I just want to make sure we leave room for them
18:45:24 <gouthamr> gmann: 1300 UTC is 9pm in Beijing/Manila/Perth, 10pm in Tokyo, 12am in Sydney -- not exactly "friendly"; but 0400-0800 would be hard for EU and west asia folks
18:45:59 <gmann> gouthamr: there is no time we can accommodate all these TZ :)
18:45:59 <bauzas> if that's once *and* productive, I can manage my sleep miss
18:46:28 <bauzas> let's run a physical PTG !
18:46:30 <slaweq> gouthamr personally I can do it also in such weird time slots if needed, it is just once in 6 months and I would feel more like on in-person PTG, with jetlag :D
18:46:37 <gmann> maybe we can open alternate slot for them but finding slot which is ok for all these TZ is not possible
18:47:27 <gmann> friday 15-17 UTC can be good one and not very late ?
18:47:29 <bauzas> (I should say a physical-in-the-same-room-term PTG
18:48:03 <bauzas> gmann: as I said, I'll just need to find someone to chair the nova sessions but I'm cool with the current proposal
18:48:21 <gouthamr> ack; from what i'm reading, i'd throw in the session times with the existing time slots, and have some wiggle room for cross project discussions on Monday outside the TC room
18:48:38 <gouthamr> we can do one final check next week; and move things around
18:48:43 <bauzas> ++
18:48:47 <gouthamr> does that make sense? short notice, but, we're used to that
18:48:55 <gmann> ++
18:50:13 <gouthamr> alright anything else about the PTG?
18:50:21 <spotz[m]> And maybe an email to the list of what we're planning though maybe that's why no one scheduled Monday in anticipation
18:50:44 <gmann> usually teams are late to book
18:50:48 <gouthamr> ^ yes will update my thread stating there are now time slots
18:50:58 <gouthamr> (when they're there)
18:51:36 <cardoe> I need to book something for a neutron/ironic cross session
18:52:21 <gouthamr> #topic A check on gate health
18:52:23 <gouthamr> we
18:52:32 <gouthamr> are 8 mins away from close
18:52:49 <gouthamr> and i'd like to keep a few for Open Discussion
18:52:54 <gmann> greande jobs is not yet ready to upgrade from stable/2024.2 to current master
18:53:00 <gmann> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/grenade/+/930507/8
18:53:01 <clarkb> opendev is going to update the default ansible version to 9 in the openstack tenant (and all other tenants) today
18:53:11 <clarkb> *in the openstack zuul tenant
18:53:13 <gmann> some setuptool error is happening in multinode jobs
18:53:31 <gmann> #link https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/517b21fc57d6480f902273e58f9032b5/log/compute1/logs/old/devstacklog.txt#5046
18:53:44 <gmann> anyone aware of these?
18:53:46 <gmann> clarkb: fungi ^^
18:54:25 <clarkb> gmann: looks like it is trying to do an editable install and that is failing. Did openstack stop doing editable installs elsewhere or maybe found some other workaround?
18:54:37 <fungi> that error doesn't look familiar at least
18:55:15 <fungi> but there were semi-recent (in the past 1-2 years) changes to how editable installs are handled by setuptools for pyproject standardization
18:55:34 <gmann> not sure, it only happen in multinode job and when it install devstack on stable/2024.2 (as old node in greande)
18:55:46 <fungi> the changes i'm familiar with only kick in when the package has a pyproject.toml file though
18:56:25 <clarkb> fungi: it is using build_meta stuff which I think implies pyproject.toml?
18:56:26 <gmann> ok, maybe something in nova side in stable/2024.2
18:56:48 <clarkb> I don't see any obvious changes in devstack/inc/python explaining why it generally works but doesn't with grenade
18:57:33 <gmann> but we should have some multinode job there which were passing, it started failing when greande testing it from stable/2024.2
18:58:39 <fungi> nova added a pyproject.toml file in commit 8464abe56ccbbf09f768df47707d2ff2c4c7b264 which appears in tags and 30.0.0
18:58:43 <fungi> not sure if that could explain it
18:58:55 <gmann> maybe, I was checking the same. thanks
18:59:05 <gouthamr> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/899753
18:59:13 <gouthamr> same thing on gerrit ^
18:59:13 <fungi> it definitely appears in the stable/2024.2 branch though
18:59:14 <gmann> anyways I will check and discuss with you after meeting or so
18:59:20 <gmann> fungi: yeah
18:59:32 <gmann> fungi: let me test that
19:00:23 <fungi> how editable installs work with setuptools definitely changes depending on whether the project has a pyproject.toml file though, yes
19:00:41 <gmann> k
19:00:56 <gouthamr> alright we're at the hour
19:01:04 <gouthamr> and we're out of time for Open Discussion
19:01:30 <gouthamr> we'll try to slot this better in future meetings..
19:01:43 <gouthamr> but, please chat away after we end this meeting
19:01:50 <gouthamr> thank you all for attending
19:01:56 <gouthamr> #endmeeting