18:00:08 #startmeeting tc 18:00:08 Meeting started Tue Dec 3 18:00:08 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:08 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 18:00:08 The meeting name has been set to 'tc' 18:00:15 #info Today's meeting is being held primarily via video call. Action items and meeting minutes will be documented in IRC but for a full replay of the meeting, please visit the OpenStack TC youtube channel, where the recording will be uploaded soon. 18:01:03 Welcome to the weekly meeting of the OpenStack Technical Committee. A reminder that this meeting is held under the OpenInfra Code of Conduct available at https://openinfra.dev/legal/code-of-conduct. 18:01:11 Today's meeting agenda can be found at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee 18:01:14 #topic Roll Call 18:01:19 o/ 18:01:29 \o 18:01:31 o/ 18:01:38 coming! 18:02:22 we've slaweq on the zoom call 18:02:40 noted absence: g m a n n, f r i c k l e r 18:03:06 courtesy ping: cardoe 18:03:16 o/ 18:05:22 thanks for joining, lets get started 18:05:27 #topic Last Week's AIs 18:06:20 Gate Health and Docker Hub Rate Limits: 18:06:20 we sent out a note to projects to consider alternatives to DockerHub as part of the TC Weekly Summary 18:07:11 #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/7WNB6WGAXO5I3RPCM76JNZVQSHDH2VGC/ (OpenStack TC meeting Summary 26th Nov 2024) 18:07:26 Ubuntu Noble Migration 18:07:44 Reach out to remaining projects with failing jobs to guide migration or pinning nodesets 18:08:12 #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/message/UFV3YPHI7ZECBS2HS35CFJOFNRAAGURH/ ([all][tc][ptl][qa] Migrating upstream CI/CD jobs to Ubuntu Noble (24.04)) 18:09:55 PostgreSQL Support Documentation: 18:09:55 The TC summary included a note to confirm whether any projects still run PostgreSQL jobs and coordinate updates to governance or documentation as needed. 18:10:07 ^ i've moved this item to the TC tracker 18:10:48 these were the AIs that I was tracking; were there any other AIs you were pursuing? 18:11:55 lets move on to the next topic 18:12:08 * gouthamr is changing up the order today to accommodate the new topic over the existing regular items 18:12:15 #topic Unmaintained branch cleanup 18:12:28 #link https://governance.openstack.org/tc/resolutions/20230724-unmaintained-branches.html (Resolution) 18:14:41 By default, only the latest eligible Unmaintained branch is kept. When a new branch is eligible, the Unmaintained branch liaison must opt-in to keep all previous branches active. 18:15:16 ^ this seems to be the first problem jens raised 18:15:40 fungi says there was no process defined to have people sign up to be unmaintained branch liaisons 18:16:05 so, project teams don't have one - it's unclear 18:16:51 we need a process to perform this sort of cleanup of older unmaintained branches - maybe a post to the ML asking for liaisons for unmaintained branches 18:17:50 what do we do now; 18:18:03 jens proposed and wanted to EOM the Victoria branch 18:18:10 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/935373 (Transition victoria-eom branches to EOL) 18:18:19 this keeps getting delayed by discussions around the patch 18:19:12 noonedeadpunk is asking where we draw a line around unmaintained branches.. he highlighted that the latest user survey indicated that the yoga branch was deployed quite a bit 18:19:20 and its currently unmaintained, do we cull it? 18:19:38 we need to refine the process so we can understand what unmaintained branches we can cull 18:20:15 slaweq and bauzas said that the user survey may indicate usage, but, doesn't mean operators are relying on the upstream community to keep the branches open 18:21:46 fungi suggests that the user survey can't indicate who may be interested to volunteer to care for a specific branch 18:21:51 it's anonymous 18:22:12 noonedeadpunk says project teams may be more tied in to users/operators that rely on older branches 18:22:21 the TC doesn't have all the visibility here.. 18:24:03 so we can't make a blanket decision.. 18:24:39 i think we can use the past strategy that we had with extended maintenance branches - i.e., when a new branch went to extended maintenance, the oldest extended maintenance branch was EOL'ed 18:26:36 in terms of policy, we have said that only SLURP releases can go to "unmaintained" 18:26:46 bobcat, dalmatian would go straight to EOL 18:27:41 fungi says if projects are concerned maintaining Yoga (because we used it as a base branch to test out SLURP upgrades), the TC can designate this as a special branch 18:30:40 we're now discussing how to find volunteers, how to find liaisons for specific branches 18:30:56 we have an "unmaintained-core" team that we handed these questions off to.. 18:31:03 but, how much of this team is active? 18:31:41 the release team is stretched too thin and cannot be burdened with this.. but, unfortunately is having to bring this up.. 18:34:07 just a data point: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/925097 is a security fix which merged to unmaintained/xena earlier today 18:34:35 ++ 18:34:45 just in time 18:35:13 thanks, good point.. 18:35:41 we're asking if there are any objections to V, X, W branches being EOLed 18:36:07 (took over 4 months from when it was proposed, 6 months from when the advisory was published, but it did merge) 18:36:10 there was no objection on the Zoom call 18:36:57 I think that Cinder was the last/only project who didn't backport the fix for this CVE to Xena in time? 18:37:16 #agreed a ML post will be sent to EOL V, W, X branches 18:38:30 what's left is to address this note from the original resolution: 18:38:32 "The TC will maintain and document the full steps and guidelines for transitioning from maintained to unmaintained, and for the eventual branch deletion." 18:39:46 noonedeadpunk suggests tabling this to a future IRC meeting when we have a few more hands on deck 18:40:01 i agree, and prefer making incremental progress here 18:40:34 lets move on to the next topic 18:40:37 #topic A check on gate health 18:40:58 is anyone noticing any new flakiness in the CI? 18:41:19 noonedeadpunk brought up that all horizon plugins are broken due to the noble migration 18:42:20 bauzas says nova tempest jobs are flakey since the past month; he's not looked in-depth at this.. patches are needing more rechecks to merge 18:42:52 the nova team is triaging some new guest kernel issues noted in the job logs 18:44:01 clarkb noted that project teams have started migrating to alternatives to DockerHub 18:44:20 and the rework of proxies seems to hve helped avoiding DockerHub rate limits 18:44:25 so the problem is cooling off now 18:44:46 clarkb also noted a problem with booting CS10 nodes because of new CPU requirements 18:45:24 ^ fungi and clarkb note that this may affect how we do Supported Runtimes for future releases 18:45:47 if we can't boot the OS on our cloud providers, they can't be in our runtimes 18:46:40 OpenMetal and RAXFlex seem like the only CI providers that could handle these CPU requirements 18:47:39 "CentOS Stream 10 requires x86_64-v3 at minimum" 18:49:22 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/diskimage-builder/+/936024 is one of the diskimage builder changes where they have been trying to sort out testing with these images 18:49:43 And if anyone is coming to FOSDEM CentOS Connect will be he Thursday and Friday before so a good opportunity to talk to folks🙂 18:50:08 thanks clarkb fungi and spotz[m].. 18:50:14 any other gate issues to bring up 18:50:32 #topic PTG AIs and the TC Tracker 18:50:36 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-2025.1-tracker (Technical Committee activity tracker - 2025.1) 18:50:42 and I guess the bit that is implied is that opendev won't be able to support centos 10 stream test nodes unless something changes 18:50:50 we're just caught in the middle and can't really make those changes ourselves 18:50:56 ++ 18:52:59 need some eyes on the eventlet goal proposal reworked here: 18:53:02 https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2024/01/02/exploring-x86-64-v3-red-hat-enterprise-linux-10# this is from january so a bit old but apparently it was just an exploration at one point. Not sure if any concrete decisions have been made 18:53:27 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/931254 (rework the initial eventlet goal proposal) 18:54:21 #topic Open Discussion 18:55:04 18:55:04 in case anyone is interested in taking on additional leadership responsibilities: a reminder that nominations for the 2025 open infrastructure foundation board of director individual member elections are currently open, closing at 23:59 utc on december 13: https://lists.openinfra.dev/archives/list/foundation@lists.openinfra.dev/thread/5R57DDIS7TARSUQGHL2Y5XBCEPNLGHVC/ 18:55:09 ^ reposting this from last week 18:56:07 there are some candidates that need more nominations from the community 18:56:16 #link https://openinfra.dev/election/2025-individual-director-election/candidates (see Candidates Not Yet On The Ballot) 18:57:06 anything else for today? 18:57:40 we wrapped up the Zoom call 18:57:44 thank you all for joining 18:57:56 will see you here next week for our regular weekly IRC meeting 18:58:00 #endmeeting