18:00:28 #startmeeting tc 18:00:28 Meeting started Tue Jan 7 18:00:28 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:28 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 18:00:28 The meeting name has been set to 'tc' 18:00:40 #info Today's meeting is being held primarily via video call. Action items and meeting minutes will be documented in IRC but for a full replay of the meeting, please visit the OpenStack TC youtube channel, where the recording will be uploaded soon. 18:00:44 #link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBuGwBXOmWHydSE09RM84wQ 18:00:48 Welcome to the weekly meeting of the OpenStack Technical Committee. A reminder that this meeting is held under the OpenInfra Code of Conduct available at https://openinfra.dev/legal/code-of-conduct. 18:00:51 Today's meeting agenda can be found at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee 18:00:53 #topic Roll Call 18:01:41 o/ 18:01:41 on the video bridge: slaweq cardoe noonedeadpunk gtema gmann spotz[m] 18:01:57 fungi and clarkb too, ty for joining everyone.. 18:02:01 o/ 18:02:14 courtesy ping: bauzas 18:02:21 not in today: f r i c k l e r 18:02:26 arriving 18:04:13 #topic Last Week's Action Items 18:05:43 we had some AIs on Unmaintained Branches.. we'll follow up on a separate topic for this one 18:06:09 election dates have been proposed; we'll chat about that in a bit too 18:08:35 noonedeadpunk took an AI to figure out addressing blocked documentation changes 18:08:45 ++ 18:08:52 he'll summarize here since we're having technical difficulties on the Zoom call 18:09:13 we did have other AIs pertaining to Ubuntu Noble jobs 18:09:20 we'll address those in a separate topic too 18:09:52 #topic Update on unmaintained branches (frickler) 18:10:29 as of the last meeting, we know elodilles's company would like to maintain Victoria 18:10:36 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/937515 (Transition unmaintained/victoria to EOL) 18:11:02 The deadline for the opt-in process was 30 Jan 2025 18:11:26 yup, last meeting a poor state of openstackdocstheme has been raised along with nobody being around on voting on changes there. while we can drop own theming, alternative would be to find way of landing proposed changes to such generic repos by tc, without having maintenance obligation due to rolling nature of tc members 18:11:54 next step, elodilles can update the patch directly to exclude the projects being left in unmaintained state 18:12:05 lets continue the discussion on the gerrit patch 18:14:04 we are unsure if elodilles intends to volunteer to maintain W, X, Y, Z branches of the same repos 18:14:36 gmann followed up on the gerrit change 18:15:05 we'll keep this topic through the next meeting so we can chat with f r i c k l e r as well 18:15:34 lets move on to the next topic 18:15:39 #topic Update on election and changes 18:15:39 18:16:00 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/election/+/937408 18:16:29 ^ election officials have kick-started the next election 18:16:34 #link https://governance.openstack.org/election/ 18:17:07 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/937741 (Allow more than 2 weeks for elections) 18:17:21 ^ we are yet to merge this 18:18:38 we have published the election dates already, we are unsure if we can make this charter change for this election without causing any confusion 18:18:57 spotz[m] points out if we checked for holidays during the election period 18:20:20 we may have an overlap with the Chinese New Year holidays 18:21:48 maybe we can allow early nominations in lieu of this 18:21:49 note that nomination check jobs will fail (or at least used to) if pushed prior to the open date for the nomination period, and so may need rechecking 18:22:20 ++ 18:22:46 ++ 18:22:49 the main blocker is when the configuration with the precreated directories for teams hasn't been added to the repo yet 18:22:54 we have a couple of things to set up elections: 18:22:54 - kickoff email to the mailing list 18:22:54 - schedule updates to https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html 18:23:29 fungi: yeah, we need to create that in advance. 18:23:56 sorry the third item, election officials creating the nomination directories 18:24:11 yes, the candidates/2025.2 directory and team subdirectories are missing at the moment, so need creating first 18:24:29 #action follow up on these three election todos in next week's meeting 18:24:30 after that, nominations are technically possible 18:25:29 maybe go ahead and create a couple years worth of directories? 18:25:34 there is an openinfra newsletter going out in a week or two, if the schedule can be confirmed before then i can include a mention of the dates there 18:25:48 thanks fungi 18:26:05 clarkb: true, we don't really need the names anyway do we 18:26:10 release names 18:26:19 #topic Status on migrate CI to Ubuntu Noble 18:26:36 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/migrate-to-noble (Etherpad tracking the goal) 18:26:49 we still need to tag a pbr release 18:27:33 but it's not altering how pbr does pyproject.toml support, it was more us proving it works 18:27:58 i have a change proposed to update the docs too 18:27:59 a set of changes to pbr occurred in the past couple of weeks: 18:28:04 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/pbr+status:merged 18:28:05 #link https://review.opendev.org/938585 Clarify PEP 517 implementation for users 18:28:29 plan is to tag a beta release, and have projects test this 18:28:51 we've been proving it all out with a series of changes to bindep, in case anyone wants to see a real world example 18:29:31 there are three projects with failing noble jobs still: 18:29:35 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/migrate-to-noble#L172 18:30:27 we may be blocked by inactive project teams, or its unclear if project maintainers have stepped away for the holidays 18:30:45 gmann has raised the issue on irc channels, the openstack-discuss mailing list 18:31:28 the concern is how the release would go for these project teams that won't follow the runtime testing guideline in time 18:31:40 we 18:31:49 will follow up next week with updates 18:32:23 anything else for $topic? 18:32:52 #topic A check on gate health 18:33:42 we haven't identified anything new/specific show up in the new year 18:34:26 bauzas notes that nova jobs in december were flaky with VM networking issues 18:34:53 clarkb notes that dockerhub rate limits affect openstack-helm CI jobs 18:35:08 the project teams chatted with opendev-infra over the holidays 18:35:29 they've been told that opendev-infra can't control these rate limits, and a migration is teh best course of actioon 18:36:29 we kept the lights on 18:36:37 ++ 18:37:21 gerrit stores cache files on disk that inflated over the holidays 18:38:41 this led to a bunch of timeouts and mess; manual intervention was required 18:38:58 #topic PTG AIs and the TC Tracker 18:38:58 18:39:02 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-2025.1-tracker (Technical Committee activity tracker - 2025.1) 18:39:39 ^ any thing that we'd like to share an update about today? 18:40:18 we'll are getting back into full momentum now, so we can go over each item next week 18:40:33 #topic Open Discussion and Reviews 18:41:17 spotz[m] announced that there'd be a celebration of OpenStack 15th Birthday at FOSDEM 2025 18:41:40 there'll also be a BOF session on OpenStack, spotz[m] will update us soon 18:41:57 slaweq will be at FOSDEM 2025, and eat some cake on our behalf 18:43:47 fungi mentions that there were some ML regarding lack of review attention in octavia 18:46:06 cardoe pointed out that octavia might not be the only case where core reviewers aren't paying attention to reviews from new folks or individuals that don't contribute often 18:46:35 slaweq mentions that he can check with the core team, he says the team is pretty small and might be stretched thin 18:46:56 gmann says he's had to ping them a few times to get SRBAC patches merged 18:47:58 #link https://meetings.opendev.org/irclogs/%23openstack-lbaas/%23openstack-lbaas.2024-12-25.log.html 18:48:52 ^ a message on Dec 25 that wasn't ack'ed on IRC, but, the patch got some reviews when folks came back by the looks of it 18:49:45 bauzas notes that new contributors may be expecting sync conversations over IRC 18:52:20 we may have folks getting confused between IRC channels for #openstack-lbaas (official channel for octavia discussions) and #openstack-octavia (unregistered) 18:52:57 someone from the octavia team may need to park in the channel and actively drive discussion away, or register the channel and set a topic/redirect message 18:56:04 we're at M-2, the check point for any released projects to be tagged inactive if the project's momentum has stalled 18:56:40 Monasca's CI jobs have been failing for months, and there is no activity on the various repos 18:57:21 monasca is tagged "inactive" though.. no coordinated releases have occurred since 2023.2 18:58:07 #action start an ML thread copying the PTL and ask to retire the project 19:01:33 during this cycle, the ubuntu-noble migration effort was a good check on the health of project teams 19:02:04 most teams were responsive, monasca and skyline remain the concern.. 19:02:37 hberaud brought up an issue with masakari and eventlet on the ML: 19:02:48 #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/4RWJH7L7QWVO3SJ64MIGPUQ6Z4Q7HMYD/ ([masakari] failures with new version of Eventlet) 19:03:02 i do wonder what can be done to attract a more global maintainer base to skyline, with it posed as the successor to horizon 19:03:16 we'll follow up next week regarding this concern, its possible the issue was fixed 19:04:12 fungi: it'd be the case if that plan was official.. i.e., if horizon was on a retirement path 19:04:26 we wrapped up the meeting on Zoom 19:04:41 sorry for running on here, wanted to make sure we had minutes :D 19:05:03 thank you all for attending today, next week's meeting is back on IRC 19:05:07 #endmeeting