22:01:08 <sgordon> #startmeeting telcowg 22:01:09 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Feb 4 22:01:08 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sgordon. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:01:10 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 22:01:13 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'telcowg' 22:01:15 <jaypipes> sgordon: heyo 22:01:23 <sgordon> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nfv-meeting-agenda 22:01:28 <sgordon> #topic roll call 22:01:28 <beagles> hi 22:01:33 <sgordon> hi jaypipes, beagles 22:01:40 <sgordon> who else is here for the telco working group meeting 22:01:45 <pjnaik1990_> Hello, I am a newbie to Openstack. I found it very interesting and a good platform to learn. I read about the Congress project and would like to contribute towards it. Could anybody help me with any idea or a small part where I could contribute. 22:01:45 <sgordon> mkoderer ? 22:01:48 <pgpus> Hi rprakash hetre and have MNO-MVNO use case added today 22:02:00 <sgordon> pjnaik1990_, might be better off asking in #openstack 22:02:04 <pgpus> await steveg 22:02:15 <aveiga> o/ 22:02:30 <pgpus> This is telcowg right? 22:02:33 <sgordon> yes 22:02:35 <jaypipes> yep 22:02:43 <sgordon> #topic action items from last week 22:02:44 <pgpus> OK then I am finne 22:02:51 <sgordon> mkoderer was to define scope of OpenStack HA use case clearly 22:03:05 <sgordon> i had a look at the minutes and relevant etherpad since i was afk last week 22:03:06 <pgpus> Ok 22:03:09 <sgordon> seems like this is still wip 22:03:12 <pjnaik1990_> okay 22:03:17 <sgordon> so i will carry the action item over for us to check back next week 22:03:23 <sgordon> #action mkoderer define scope of OpenStack HA use case clearly 22:03:27 <sgordon> #topic use cases 22:03:34 <sgordon> #topic use cases - mechanism 22:03:48 <pgpus> OK I can share this MNO-MVNO use case for discussion if this is right time 22:03:52 <sgordon> before we attempt to dive in there was a lot of discussion in the previous meetings about how we facilitate 22:03:55 <pgpus> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mno-mvno 22:04:00 <sgordon> the recording and reviewing of use cases 22:04:06 <sgordon> pgpus, please hold up until we get to it 22:04:18 <sgordon> agenda is in the etherpad https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nfv-meeting-agenda 22:04:21 <pgpus> No problems will wait 22:04:21 <sgordon> i added your item 22:04:37 <sgordon> so in terms of trying to record use cases we started off with the wiki 22:04:47 <sgordon> we then moved to etherpad 22:05:03 <sgordon> and now there is a suggestion to use gerrit (e.g. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/152940/1 ) 22:05:17 <sgordon> i dont really have a strong preference except that we should use ONE 22:05:23 <sgordon> :) 22:05:25 <jaypipes> ++ 22:05:33 <sgordon> so e.g. if we pick etherpad 22:05:42 <sgordon> we should remove the stuff on the wiki and just have the links 22:05:54 <sgordon> conversely if we choose wiki let's scrub the etherpads and so on 22:06:10 <sgordon> i think etherpad or gerrit best provides for inline feedback which is what we seemed to be missing to start with 22:06:12 <sgordon> thoughts? 22:06:24 <aveiga> I'll +1 not the wiki 22:06:42 <jaypipes> gerrit ++ 22:06:51 <jaypipes> it's the "openstack way" 22:07:04 <aveiga> I'd prefer gerrit as well, but not all Telcos contribute code and would know how to use it... 22:07:11 <sgordon> yes, the main concern about gerrit has been having a barrier to use 22:07:14 <jaypipes> just have a repo called nfv-specs or something like that 22:07:19 <sgordon> mkoderer bucked the trend a bit by just doing it 22:07:22 <pgpus> sure it is Etherpad way + 22:07:28 <aveiga> and since these are use cases used to identify gaps instead of writing the specs... 22:07:28 <jaypipes> just like he openstack-specs repository. 22:07:33 <sgordon> and suggesting those of us that know how to gerrit could submit 22:07:41 <jaypipes> mkoderer is awesome like that :) 22:07:54 <sgordon> indeed 22:08:02 <sgordon> so i think if we go with a repo we dont want to name it specs 22:08:07 <aveiga> +1 22:08:13 <sgordon> per what aveiga was saying in that we are aiming for it to be use cases 22:08:23 <jaypipes> sure, makes sense 22:08:24 <sgordon> which ideally would end up in the justification/use case section of specs eventually 22:08:38 <aveiga> specs are for definining how code shuld be writte, use cases are here to figure out what we need to write 22:08:56 <sgordon> does someone have to have signed the CLA to provide feedback on gerrit? 22:09:01 <sgordon> or just be a member? 22:09:02 <jaypipes> yes 22:09:11 <jaypipes> CLA, IIRC 22:09:13 <aveiga> gerrit login requires the CLA 22:09:20 <jaypipes> oh wait, no... 22:09:42 <jaypipes> gerrit login does not require CLA. only launchpad ID. 22:09:50 * aveiga thinks maybe we should check? 22:09:52 <sgordon> right 22:09:55 <pgpus> See even if we use etherpad we can add diagrams using asciflow like IETF docs and that helps in use case expalinations 22:09:56 <jaypipes> to submit a patch you need to sign the CLA, though. 22:09:59 <sgordon> i will take a note to double check if you can comment 22:10:06 <sgordon> you definitely do to submit of course 22:10:21 <sgordon> #info sgordon to check if you need to sign CLA to *comment* on gerrit 22:10:28 <jaypipes> sgordon: you do not need to sign the CLA to comment. 22:10:32 <sgordon> #info consensus seems to be "not the wiki" for use cases 22:10:46 <sgordon> #info jaypipes points out that you do not need to sign the CLA to comment. 22:10:50 <jaypipes> heh 22:11:07 <sgordon> ok 22:11:15 <sgordon> so i think i am happy enough if we go down the gerrit path 22:11:52 <pgpus> #info without CLA how do you get to use etherpad , I thought thats normal 22:12:05 <sgordon> #action sgordon to request git repo via infra 22:12:09 <aveiga> let's make sure the wiki points to a gerrit filter for the use cases, at least 22:12:29 <sgordon> #info wiki will need to point to a gerrit filter for use cases, if not specific links 22:12:30 <aveiga> it's likely to be a jumping in point for lots of people 22:12:33 <sgordon> yeah 22:12:51 <sgordon> #info wiki will also need links to the how to contribute info to get people up and running with a lp account 22:13:04 <sgordon> #action sgordon to update wiki reflecting all of the things 22:13:13 <sgordon> ok 22:13:17 <sgordon> so having said all that 22:13:24 <sgordon> #topic use cases - wip 22:13:31 <sgordon> pgpus, you wanted to raise your WIP use case? 22:13:48 <sgordon> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mno-mvno 22:14:41 <sgordon> for me, as a relative noob, the links between the characteristics, requirements and associated blueprints 22:14:45 <sgordon> are not immediately obvious 22:15:43 <sgordon> pgpus, can you comment for example on the link to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/hierarchical-administrative-boundary ? 22:16:24 <sgordon> (not saying this isn't a desirable thing, just wondering how it is specific to this use case) 22:17:41 <pgpus> yes 22:18:07 <pgpus> So do you want me to describe the use case 22:18:50 <pgpus> See what happens is MNO and MVNO form a Hierarcy 22:19:03 <pgpus> That can be addressed in one way through Keystone 22:20:23 <pgpus> So this is one of the requirments to help Provider to eg lease resouces to sub-provider (like MNO to MVNO) 22:21:10 <pgpus> MNO services to MVNO is critical for the both MNO wholesale & MVNO retails markets. As we look to virtualize our Network Functions, VNF instantiation on a MNO/MVNO needs to be addressed since resource pooling, IP address management and placement of VNF is important. This Proposal is to focus on Resource Pooling, MNO/MVNO IPAM designs and VNF placements in Openstack orchestration for Mobile Networ 22:21:10 <pgpus> k Nodes Topology. This will allow interoperable VNF for an MVNO to use its and MNO resources optimally, within the address space allocated top dpown, plus configuring subscriber SIM & APN service on a Mobile Phone to use MVNO or MNO (in-network) as preferred access end points. Thus the effort will contribute to standardization of MNO, MVO and subscriber interactions from whole sale, retail t 22:21:11 <pgpus> o operations and third party billings. 22:21:31 <sgordon> so i guess what i am getting at is reading the description as is 22:22:06 <sgordon> the link is not immediately obvious because the description doesn't actually explain what the use case is, from an openstack pov 22:22:54 <sgordon> that is, it doesn't explain what MNO or MVNO actually is, and how it would be designed/deployed/used 22:23:05 <pgpus> DO you want me describe the use case through examples are state just requirments? 22:23:38 <sgordon> i would recommend revisiting the description section in the etherpad 22:24:04 <sgordon> and trying to explain it in clearer terms for the non-telco crowd we need to reach to actually design/implement solutions 22:24:34 <sgordon> the requirements section isn't as bad, but for instance to an openstack developer what does "3. Ability to provision a Subscriber SIM for LTE from MNO (like AT&T) by MVNO" actually mean 22:24:39 <pgpus> An MNO sells their resources like P=GW, S-GW with saome address ranges to use and MVNO in turn uses the segment or slice allocated to issue SIMS based on APNs etc 22:24:52 <sgordon> im not asking for the explanation now :) 22:25:04 <sgordon> just suggesting updating the etherpad some more keeping these points in mind 22:25:11 <pgpus> OK correct me what your feedback is and will fix it 22:25:28 <jaypipes> ugh, so many damn TLAs. 22:25:34 <sgordon> indeed 22:26:01 <sgordon> i think it's important to note that we're trying to bridge the gap between telcos and the broader openstack community here 22:26:10 <pgpus> Certainly Mobile Network has this will add Glosaryy to expain TLAs 22:26:21 <sgordon> and a lot of the TLAs common in the telco land are not well understood here 22:26:56 <pgpus> Agreed , let me try simply (what terminology you want changed) suggest please 22:27:28 <pgpus> shall i call MONO Opeartps and MVNO a Virtual Opeartor for example 22:27:47 <jaypipes> what is "Opeartps"? 22:28:13 * beagles is hoping it is a typo - Operator and virtual operator 22:28:13 <pgpus> Operator is Carrier or Provider of Mobile Network Services 22:28:28 <jaypipes> and Virtual Operator == reseller? 22:29:39 <pgpus> can call it Wholesale provider and reseller but indusry uses term as MNO and MVNO like Google is becoming an MVNO by using T-Mobile and Sprint for issuing its Phone subscriptions 22:29:56 <jaypipes> I see, ok, thank you pgpus 22:30:39 <aveiga> pgpus: I think what sgordon was trying to tell you is most people writing code for OpenStack aren't part of your industry, so terms you take for granted will not be well understood 22:30:52 <jaypipes> right. 22:30:53 <sgordon> right, so that makes more sense to someone coming from a non-telco background 22:31:04 <sgordon> which is what i would recommend keeping in mind throughout 22:31:05 <pgpus> We have a firealarm here I will be forced to quit please advice me on your feednbacks and will fix it 22:31:46 <sgordon> ok no problem 22:31:47 <pgpus> Fortunate it was afalse alarm 22:31:59 <sgordon> there were a couple of implementation things on my list to check in on 22:32:00 <pgpus> I am back 22:32:04 <sgordon> ijw_, do you happen to be around? 22:32:11 <ijw_> no 22:32:19 <jaypipes> heh 22:32:21 <ijw_> Never heard of the guy 22:32:26 <beagles> nice 22:32:42 <ijw_> VLAN and MTU? 22:32:49 <jaypipes> pgpus: soo..... 22:32:56 <sgordon> #topic implementation 22:32:59 <sgordon> ijw_, why yes :) 22:33:12 <ijw_> In progress, though I've just had someone sound worried about the implementation timeline, so I'll be warming up my emacs to get a few of the bits done myself 22:33:15 <aveiga> ijw_: do tell, as I'm sorely interested 22:33:27 <sgordon> ijw_, what are the actual deadlines from neutron POV 22:33:33 <jaypipes> pgpus: when I read this use case, I have a stream of questions for each bullet point, starting with "how is this relevant to OpenStack -- specifically Neutron and nova" 22:33:40 <ijw_> 3 March is the one they raised 22:33:41 <sgordon> for nova everything is basically frozen for work not on the priorities list as of tomorrow 22:33:56 <jaypipes> pgpus: for example: "Standardize the APIs for Mobile Network Provisioning, Usage, recharging, billing, payments both Resource facing South Bound and Subscriber/Prvider facing North Bound" 22:34:07 <jaypipes> pgpus: what does that have to do with OpenStack? 22:34:10 <ijw_> We may have an MTU change in Nova, it sets up the veth gubbins (technical term) and so we might want to pass the MTU across the plugging interface 22:34:29 <pgpus> Since the SIM (Subscriber ID Module) can be issued with private labeling and APN (Access Point Names) or private DNS Names used in Carrier for public access to Originating or Terminating Mobile devices with IP alloacted from Packet Gateway Pools 22:34:43 <aveiga> ijw_: will this carry over in a method consumable by the ml2 architecture? 22:34:51 <sgordon> ijw_, ok - that might be problematic based on my understanding of the rigidness with which the freeze is to be enforced this time 22:34:53 <ijw_> pgpus: joining in quickly - I don't think what you're talking about is a VIM level requirement 22:34:56 <aveiga> i.e. telling the local mech driver to set to X 22:35:18 <ijw_> aveiga: this isn't nova-network, this is the Neutron side of a standard OVS VIF plug 22:35:37 <ijw_> In fact, it's more than Neutron itself needs to do, and shouldn't affect future implementations 22:35:50 <ijw_> sgordon: can we check with someone? 22:36:07 <aveiga> wekkm doesn't the layer 2 implemention need to at least meet if not exceed that MTU? 22:36:23 <aveiga> wel, even 22:36:24 <aveiga> well and damn this keyboard 22:36:27 <ijw_> aveiga: and at least initially we ask the mech driver what X it would prefer - the setting, at the moment, is not going to be implemented, per the spec 22:36:31 <pgpus> Neutron Side ML2 has Type and Mechanism drivers, Type does Proptoal selection and Mechnism the run times for the APIs supported for Objetts 22:36:46 <ijw_> aveiga: I think you have it upside down 22:36:54 <aveiga> ah, ok 22:36:58 <aveiga> that's what I thought 22:37:01 <pgpus> like Openflow using OVS or other like OVSDB for ODL 22:37:09 <ijw_> aveiga: Idea is that we find out what the fabric will do (for now) and report it 22:37:16 <sgordon> right 22:37:18 <sgordon> and that is all 22:37:20 <ijw_> pgpus: I think you're in the wrong channel. 22:37:26 <aveiga> that's much better 22:37:37 <pgpus> So Plugin has standard API for Neutron and Driver does deply them on Compute nodes 22:37:45 <pgpus> rest is RPC mecahnism 22:37:55 <ijw_> Bearing in mind that nothing you say is relevant to this meeting and this meeting will be recorded and googleable for all time 22:38:36 <sgordon> pgpus, we're talking about a fairly specific change now 22:38:59 <pgpus> OK I will listen rather coment for now 22:39:42 <sgordon> ijw_, i think the challenge is atm from a nova perspective we don't have a code change to point to 22:40:08 <aveiga> sgordon: chicken and egg? 22:40:14 <sgordon> aveiga, yeah 22:40:22 <sgordon> aveiga, normal neutron/nova interaction :) 22:40:53 <aveiga> kinda like the IPv6 adoption argument :) 22:40:53 <ijw_> sgordon: usual problem, I'm afraid 22:41:01 <sgordon> ijw_, am i correct in understanding that the nova part would be desirable but not mandatory? 22:41:05 * sc68cal grumbles 22:41:05 <ijw_> At the point that Neutron does all its side of the MTU work the Nova side is kind of a bug 22:41:37 <ijw_> sgordon: it's the veth MTU that matters, we could probably just configure it large 22:41:38 <aveiga> sgordon: you need it for the guest interface to actually use the MTU 22:42:01 <aveiga> otherwise, nova's just going to plug like a standard 1500byte 22:42:28 <sgordon> yeah 22:43:17 <sgordon> there is no nova work on the vlan reporting right? 22:43:56 <ijw_> Nope. 22:44:06 <ijw_> Nova either works with vlans or we're buggered, I think 22:44:27 <sgordon> indeedy 22:45:06 <ijw_> And while I admit I'm a bit qemu-centric it's hard to see what could go wrong with vlans (or indeed MTUs) between the Neutron binding point and the machine in any circumstance 22:45:15 <sgordon> #info vlan trunking and mtu advertisement/selection implementation pending, potential issues with nova changes for the latter colliding with freeze 22:45:31 <sgordon> yeah i agree 22:46:14 <sgordon> i had a couple of other fun ones 22:46:21 <sgordon> start with the easy one and work back 22:46:46 <sgordon> #info I/O based NUMA scheduling is looking relatively good 22:46:54 <sgordon> not sure if it merged or is somewhere in the gate still 22:47:12 <sgordon> soft affinity for server groups is in a fair amount of bother i would say 22:47:15 <sgordon> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/soft-affinity-for-server-group,n,z 22:47:42 <sgordon> Balazs has been iterating on them but still a number of items outstanding 22:47:54 <sgordon> reviews welcome etc. 22:48:47 <pgpus> #info But looks it was abandoned 22:48:53 <sgordon> ijw_, now i might need your help wrapping my dense head around where the ML2 port security implementation is up to, are these competing implementations?: 22:48:57 <sgordon> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/ml2-ovs-portsecurity,n,z 22:49:18 <sgordon> pgpus, no it's alive, the abandoned one was the juno proposal 22:49:22 <ijw_> sgordon: the one thing we require is that there is a way to turn the bloody address/mac filtering off 22:49:24 <sgordon> pgpus, it was approved again for kilo 22:49:34 <pgpus> #ino OK i see 22:50:07 <sgordon> ijw_, right - so is this just a continuation of trying to boil the ocean on this? 22:50:09 <ijw_> sgordon: and Isaku's proposal was the one that seemed to have the most support and be compatible with that 22:50:25 <ijw_> sgordon: well, no-one would let me make a nice cup of tea 22:50:32 <aveiga> haha 22:51:17 <sgordon> ok 22:51:49 <sgordon> i dont know what else to say about that lol 22:51:59 <ijw_> So I see it's blocked, but that seems to be because it's a WIP block. I don't think we're looking at a problem here. I'll check with Shweta. 22:52:09 <pgpus> #info rk mentions the use of session level security rather at Plugin level as each time security context may change thus he is right on that 22:52:10 <sgordon> yeah 22:52:18 <sgordon> it seems to be getting good feedback from bob 22:52:25 <sgordon> just needs some more iterations 22:52:56 <sgordon> #action ijw_ checking with Sweta if any blocking issues on ML2 port security 22:53:14 <sgordon> #topic open discussion 22:53:19 <sgordon> anyone got any good jokes? 22:53:34 <sgordon> again i will mention the operators mid-cycle is coming up 22:53:52 <sgordon> this is a general event for openstack operators of all types, agenda here: 22:53:54 <sgordon> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PHL-ops-meetup 22:54:07 <aveiga> if you plan on atending, make sure you register 22:54:13 <sgordon> i would encourage attendance more from a meeting other types of operators point of view 22:54:14 <aveiga> it's a limited seat event 22:54:22 <sgordon> we may have a small telco gathering based on who is there 22:54:32 <sgordon> but i dont think at this stage i would recommend travelling just based on that 22:54:39 <aveiga> even if it's informal; I'm up for taking a Telco BoF to a pub 22:54:47 <sgordon> but rather the opportunity to provide feedback on some of the more general sessions 22:54:48 <sgordon> yeah 22:54:50 <ijw_> Translation of pgpus's comments earlier, btw: MVO would be an owner of basestations like ATT, Verizon etc. MVNO is someone who buys capacity and resells it - Cricket come to mind because of their annoying ads 22:55:12 <pgpus> Any even at LF meet at Santa Rosa Feb 18-20? 22:55:20 <ijw_> I'm there 22:55:54 <pgpus> #action we shall meet and see how OPNFV passes use cases to telcowg 22:55:54 <ijw_> aveiga: +1 22:55:56 <sgordon> #link http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/collaboration-summit 22:56:19 <sgordon> i assume you are referring to OPNFV meetings running in conjunction with the collab summit? 22:56:23 * ijw_ has seen your homebrew work, and expects careful thought and selection of said pub 22:56:37 <aveiga> ijw_: I won't disappoint 22:56:40 <ijw_> sgordon: yup - I think there's a panel session planned, too 22:56:44 <sgordon> kk 22:56:53 <sgordon> think i am headed in the opposite direction those dates 22:57:01 <pgpus> #info its a side note but helpfull besides whole gamut of LF KVM SDN etc 22:57:28 <sgordon> ok 22:57:34 <sgordon> i am going to call that time 22:57:37 <sgordon> thanks all for coming 22:57:44 <beagles> cheers 22:57:47 <sgordon> #endmeeting