15:00:24 <gordc> #startmeeting telemetry 15:00:25 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jan 7 15:00:24 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gordc. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:26 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:29 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'telemetry' 15:00:40 <llu-laptop> o/ 15:00:45 <ildikov> o/ 15:00:45 <sileht> \o 15:00:47 <zqfan> hi 15:00:53 <liusheng> o/ 15:00:56 <ildikov> Happy New Year! :) 15:01:01 <gordc> hey cool. people are back from holidays 15:01:07 <llu-laptop> happy 2016 15:01:17 <gordc> happy new years. 15:01:31 <_nadya_> o/ 15:01:42 <pradk> o/ 15:02:02 <gordc> ok let's start this. 15:02:32 <cdent> oh, hey, hi 15:02:35 <gordc> #topic roadmap items (new/old/blockers) https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Telemetry/RoadMap 15:02:41 <gordc> typed in wrong window 15:03:29 <gordc> just for reference, the m-2 milestone will be in about 1.5 weeks 15:04:10 <_nadya_> gordc: is it still ok to merge specs? 15:04:12 <gordc> i think we have most things covered (except if someone wants to start looking at polling cache) 15:04:47 <gordc> _nadya_: yep, we're pretty relaxed on that. after m-2 we'll start being a lot more critical on whether something can make it in on time 15:05:12 <ildikov> m-3 is end of Febr, so it should be ok 15:05:38 <gordc> _nadya_: your caching item is probablysomething big so that should close sooner rather than later 15:05:53 <_nadya_> gordc: ok, cool. I'm investigating caching now, so will take a look at polling. Especially if it relates to "improve instance metering" 15:06:17 <gordc> _nadya_: sure. please sync with liusheng on that. 15:06:24 <_nadya_> gordc: ok! 15:06:41 <gordc> i'm going to assume rally tests are not in scope for mitaka 15:06:47 <gordc> we dont really have a name tied to that. 15:06:59 <liusheng> will keep eyes on it ;) 15:07:50 <gordc> just an fyi, i've merged the initial structure for aodhclient 15:08:02 <gordc> https://github.com/openstack/python-aodhclient 15:08:17 <gordc> i have a topic later to discuss what syntax we want 15:08:42 <gordc> liusheng: are we still on schedule for composite alarms? 15:09:06 <liusheng> gordc: I am working on it 15:10:41 <gordc> liusheng: cool cool. 15:10:43 <liusheng> gordc: will complete the bp in few days 15:10:45 <sileht> gordc, I have still work on keystonev3 and aodh 15:10:52 <sileht> gordc, and found a bug in ceilometerclient 15:11:13 <gordc> sileht: yeah i saw that, you think it needs to be ported to aodhclient? 15:11:36 <sileht> gordc, no it's on the redirection code from ceilometer to aodh 15:11:49 <gordc> ah cool cool 15:12:17 <liusheng> gordc: fyi, there is a change about alarm dashboard intergration, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/215569/ 15:12:28 <sileht> Also my oslo.messaging batching code is ready 15:12:30 <liusheng> gordc: should we think about aodhclient ? 15:12:31 <_nadya_> gordc: btw, we did some ceilometer-related stuff for Rally, let me find links... #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:sample_generator_batching 15:12:45 <gordc> liusheng: cool, i was just giong to say i need to follow up on that 15:12:57 <_nadya_> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/244007 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/243841/ 15:13:03 <sileht> (but gate is failing for bug unrelated to my chagne) 15:13:39 <gordc> _nadya_: are you using sileht's batching code? 15:14:17 <_nadya_> gordc: not sure. is sileht's code in Rally or in Ceilo? 15:14:21 <gordc> sileht: that's great. can't wait to get that in. 15:14:27 <gordc> _nadya_: it's not in yet. 15:14:31 <llu-laptop> _nadya_: glad to see that 15:14:50 <gordc> sileht: we can create misleading charts to show how much better it is ;) 15:15:10 <_nadya_> and one more #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/237754/ 15:15:11 <sileht> gordc, yeah good news thx _nadya_ 15:15:11 <gordc> 300% faster sound like a good number? 15:15:16 <sileht> lol 15:15:38 <gordc> as long as we don't explain how we got numbers ;) 15:16:19 <gordc> _nadya_: do you know if ityaptin is still looking at componentisation? 15:16:25 <gordc> (not really important but i thought i'd ask) 15:17:02 <_nadya_> gordc: no, we decided that it's better to do improving instead of refactoring 15:17:11 <gordc> _nadya_: agreed 15:17:12 <_nadya_> gordc: will abandon the spec 15:17:39 <gordc> kk, let's take a look at it next cycle (and finalise 'what to do with ceilometer api') 15:17:52 <_nadya_> yep 15:18:24 <gordc> #action remember to create item for austin summit re: ceilometer api 15:18:34 <ildikov> my favourite topic :) 15:19:06 <gordc> i guess last item is the poc for multiple definition files... 15:19:13 <gordc> pradk: any work there? 15:19:46 <pradk> gordc, havent looked much into that part yet.. i know someone had a patch to support loading files from a dir 15:19:58 <gordc> yeah peristeri 15:20:19 <peristeri> Hey gordc 15:20:22 <pradk> gordc, yea 15:20:52 <gordc> peristeri: you still looking at that multiple file loading stuff? 15:21:00 <pradk> gordc, i think the biggest part ogf that is to get input from other projects on if they are willing to own and maintain the files 15:21:12 <pradk> peristeri, is your stuff merged yet? 15:21:42 <ildikov> pradk: regarding willingness I would not hope much 15:21:44 <peristeri> gordc, yes, I was tied up with some internal stuff. I should have the time to finish it today/tomorrow. 15:21:47 <pradk> gordc, i can look into kicking off an email thread and see what people say 15:21:49 <gordc> pradk: there was a thread a few months back. 15:21:56 <gordc> they probably wont' maintain it. 15:22:08 <gordc> but i think it's probably more consumable if we split the files regardless. 15:22:16 <ildikov> gordc: I think I remember that one 15:22:22 <pradk> gordc, yea agree with that 15:22:29 <ildikov> gordc: +1 15:22:45 <gordc> ildikov: yeah, i don't think anyone wants to actually own anything... we're all too good at the art of deferring. 15:23:00 <pradk> gordc, i'll look into that in conjuntion with peristeri's patch for M3 perhaps 15:23:06 <ildikov> smaller files would be great, better structure, I hope 15:23:08 <gordc> pradk: 15:23:10 <gordc> cool cool 15:23:16 <ildikov> gordc: yeah, I know :( 15:24:32 <gordc> let's switch to aodhclient and run through other projects. 15:24:47 <gordc> oh wait midcycle. 15:24:54 <gordc> #topic virtual midcycle? 15:25:09 <gordc> do we want one? we have any pressing items to discuss? 15:25:29 <gordc> or does everyone have a work item that they are content with? 15:26:16 <_nadya_> I have two: transformers and metadata caching. But we can discuss it in ML or irc, as you wish :) 15:26:39 <pradk> i'm ok with skipping unless we really have stuff to go over for couple of days.. 15:27:47 <gordc> kk. let's just push on virtual midcycle then. 15:28:01 <gordc> i don't see many spcs to discuss 15:28:17 <gordc> _nadya_: feel free to push the topics to ML. 15:28:21 <_nadya_> ok 15:28:29 <gordc> (might be faster than waiting for a midcycle anyways) 15:28:55 <_nadya_> maybe I'll start here if we have time :) 15:29:07 <gordc> if anything comes up that we feel like will be debateable we can setup a hangout session and announce on list 15:29:34 <gordc> _nadya_: sure. let's do aodhclient first (it'll probably be short 15:29:46 <gordc> #topic how to represent gnocchi alarms in client 15:30:11 <gordc> for reference, i've added https://review.openstack.org/#/c/263887/3/aodhclient/shell.py 15:30:22 <gordc> basic alarm CRUD commands 15:30:27 <gordc> similar to ceilometercilent 15:30:44 <liusheng> do we have a plan about aodhclient release ? 15:30:53 <gordc> only diff is i added alarm search which actually points to complex alarm api 15:31:10 <gordc> liusheng: yep, i think we just need the basic ceilometerclient features ported first 15:31:24 <liusheng> gordc: agree 15:31:28 <gordc> i think the questions i have is for alarm history are we ok with: 15:31:39 <gordc> aodh alarm-histroy show 15:31:43 <gordc> aodh alarm-history search 15:31:53 <pradk> gordc, so whats the deprecation like, we still have alarm cli in ceilometer for Mitaka? or will we remove it in favor of aodhclient 15:31:54 <gordc> ignore spelling 15:32:22 <gordc> pradk: i will probably change all the ceilometerclient alarm calls to aodhclient (if i can) 15:33:02 <gordc> but ceilometerclienet alarming functionality won't be removed (if ever, since i'm not porting everything and it's different syntax) 15:33:02 <llu-laptop> I think we already redirect the alarm api calls in ceilometerclient to aodh, right? 15:33:09 <gordc> llu-laptop: yep 15:33:23 <ildikov> I'm ok with the proposal 15:33:36 <gordc> ildikov: cool cool 15:33:59 <gordc> oh also, i was thinking of *leaving out* combination alarm support from aodhclient 15:34:29 <gordc> considering we want people to use composite alarm (when it is added) 15:35:04 <gordc> ^ another reason for keeping ceilometerclient alarming code 15:35:27 <liusheng> gordc: :) 15:35:28 <llu-laptop> gordc: in that case, we should state clearly in release notes of aodhclient 15:35:41 <ildikov> llu-laptop: +1 15:35:49 <gordc> llu-laptop: that it doesn't support combination alarms? 15:36:14 <ildikov> also the admin guide needs to be checked once the new client is ready to fly 15:36:21 <llu-laptop> gordc: yep, and don't misguide people to think aodhclient is the alarm part of ceilometerclient 15:36:25 <gordc> ildikov: yep 15:36:45 <liusheng> llu-laptop: yes, agree, 15:36:50 <llu-laptop> to avoid confusion and futher explanations 15:36:57 <gordc> llu-laptop: cool cool. yeah. i'm ok to have a direct port, i just didn't feel like porting something that we will deprecated 15:37:04 <ildikov> gordc: I couldn't get the install guide section in still, the packages are not ready as much as I saw not long ago :( 15:37:12 <llu-laptop> gordc: agreed 15:37:28 <gordc> ildikov: *sigh* 15:37:45 <ildikov> gordc: I know, a big one :( 15:38:01 <gordc> ildikov: should we just make it for fedora and leave ubuntu/suse out? 15:38:11 <gordc> or does suse have correct packages? 15:38:20 <ildikov> I can try to push for the first patch of the doc and have the Suse part later, when it's ready, but I didn't get answer regarding the Ubuntu package bug still 15:38:54 <ildikov> gordc: last time they didn't have, so I split the original patch and have the Suse part in WIP 15:39:15 <ildikov> gordc: also added a workaround to the Ubuntu part 15:39:24 <ildikov> will ping the docco guys to check at least that one 15:39:28 <gordc> workaround == use debian? :) 15:39:35 <gordc> ildikov: sounds good 15:39:38 <ildikov> although that's for Mitaka, hey don't backport parts 15:39:43 <ildikov> gordc: lol :) 15:40:03 <gordc> oh. i had one last item for client. how do we want to describe gnocchi alarm? 15:40:05 <ildikov> ok, side track ended, sorry :) 15:40:15 <gordc> ^ jd__, sileht 15:40:39 <ildikov> in what sense do we mean describe here? 15:41:07 <gordc> "aodh gnocchi-alarm *" or just reuse "aodh alarm *" and add type 15:41:35 <ildikov> ah, ok, the command name 15:41:45 <gordc> and whatever other additional params are required 15:41:54 <llu-laptop> speaking of that, I have the same question about event alarm 15:42:03 <ildikov> my vote would be on the second option or smth like 15:42:07 <gordc> llu-laptop: that too 15:42:10 <llu-laptop> we're planning to add new types of event alarm 15:42:12 <liusheng> the alarm-gnocchi-* commands are too long :( 15:42:13 <gordc> i guess it's related 15:42:22 <llu-laptop> so aodh event-alarm or aodh alarm -t <type> 15:42:44 <jd__> o/ 15:42:53 * jd__ reads backlog 15:43:00 <gordc> llu-laptop: i guess both event alarm and gnocchi alarm are in same boat.. and same as composite 15:43:29 <gordc> seems like i should try to support a 'type' param and just let people use aodh alarm * -type blah 15:43:44 <llu-laptop> I saw a potential stevedore use case here :) 15:43:50 <jd__> I think alarm --type would be better 15:43:56 <liusheng> +1 15:43:57 <jd__> 'cause it's likely more easy to extend, or less weird 15:43:59 <ildikov> yeah, more generic 15:44:06 <llu-laptop> +1 for -t 15:44:11 <ildikov> jd__: +1 15:44:27 <gordc> kk. makes sense to me. will work on that. 15:44:34 <zqfan> +1 for -t 15:44:43 <gordc> will raise if i run into any blocker 15:45:32 <gordc> that's all for me. let's move on to ceilometer topics if any? 15:45:46 <gordc> #topic ceilometer topics 15:45:54 <gordc> anything? 15:46:04 <liusheng> WSME deprecation ? 15:46:25 <llu-laptop> sorry, one more question about aodhclient, 15:46:31 <Qiming> +1000 for -t 15:46:38 <gordc> liusheng: i don't know if we have a resource but if we do go for it. 15:46:41 <gordc> llu-laptop: sure 15:47:07 <llu-laptop> i'm gonna give some presentation to some customers next week, should I encourage them to use aodhclient now? 15:47:37 <llu-laptop> or ask them to wait to mitaka release? 15:47:39 <gordc> llu-laptop: i'm not really done yet. but i guess for mitaka they should use it (i should have it all good by then) 15:47:54 <gordc> llu-laptop: oh yeah, let's say aodhclient is for mitaka only 15:47:56 <llu-laptop> gordc: got that 15:48:22 <gordc> anything earlier is "use at own risk" 15:48:49 <gordc> anything for ceilometer? 15:48:50 <llu-laptop> liusheng: please go on 15:49:15 <gordc> if someone can review my doc spec, that'd be great: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/242216/ 15:49:47 <gordc> let's go gnocchi 15:49:51 <gordc> #topic gnocchi topics 15:50:21 <gordc> jd__: we targeting something big for last half of cycle? 15:50:34 <jd__> just the split of archive 15:50:40 <jd__> s 15:50:45 <gordc> cool cool 15:50:53 <gordc> if i have time i'll look at tagging support 15:51:05 <jd__> sheeprine has something on that 15:51:07 <gordc> i have random thoughts but nothing on paper 15:51:11 <gordc> oh cool 15:51:15 <gordc> i'll wait and see then 15:51:18 <jd__> but if you have some thoughts, please share :) 15:51:51 <gordc> i'll keep an eye and unleash manifesto when i finish client 15:52:11 <gordc> open discussion? 15:52:26 <gordc> #topic open discussion 15:52:40 <_nadya_> I'd like to share some test results with you 15:52:47 <gordc> sure 15:53:12 <_nadya_> I had 3 notification agents and coordination enabled 15:53:21 <_nadya_> Test description: 15:53:21 <_nadya_> 30 000 samples with cpu metric was sent in total 15:53:21 <_nadya_> 1000 resources was used and samples were sent in batches 1000 samples each. Each batch contained all resources, it means that all samples in a batch belonged to different resources. 15:53:23 <_nadya_> Also, cpu for each resource is increasing by 20 each time. 15:53:25 <_nadya_> Ideally, cpu.delta should be 20 for all resources 15:54:17 <_nadya_> try to take a look here https://www.dropbox.com/s/r5ik5l89gb0c5vq/transformers.png?dl=0 15:55:00 <_nadya_> is it accessible? 15:55:02 <llu-laptop> sorry, dropbox is also banned in PRC 15:55:22 <_nadya_> oh(( 15:55:31 <gordc> _nadya_: what is the y access? 15:55:42 <_nadya_> llu-laptop: what can I use instead? 15:56:13 <gordc> llu-laptop: picture a rectangle with a diagonal line from bottom left to top right :) 15:56:40 <_nadya_> yep :) it's to make it clear what data was send 15:56:41 <llu-laptop> _nadya_: don't bother, I'll try to find a way to access it through company VPN tomorrow when I in office 15:57:03 <_nadya_> gordc: y is metric value 15:57:10 <llu-laptop> I don't know if liusheng can access that :) 15:57:30 <_nadya_> so the plot below should be a line with y=20 15:57:33 <liusheng> llu-laptop: no 15:57:51 <liusheng> llu-laptop: apparently :( 15:58:20 <_nadya_> but you see that we have 320, it means that we lost 16 samples during transformation 15:58:36 <_nadya_> and one more picture https://www.dropbox.com/s/oen9c7hdwxmxt5k/redis_vs_rabbit.png?dl=0 15:59:38 <_nadya_> the plot below with 3 notification agents but with Redis for caching . It's better, but still can't get "20" line 16:00:06 <gordc> _nadya_: want to carry this on in #openstack-telemetry (i have a feeling someone is going to yell at exactly 1600) 16:00:15 <gordc> ok. let's switch 16:00:17 <_nadya_> gordc: ok 16:00:18 <gordc> thanks everyone 16:00:24 <gordc> #endmeeting