15:00:39 <gordc> #startmeeting telemetry 15:00:39 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Feb 4 15:00:39 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gordc. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:41 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:43 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'telemetry' 15:01:50 <llu-laptop> o/ 15:01:52 <ildikov> o/ 15:01:57 <idegtiarov> o/ 15:02:04 <_nadya_> o/ 15:02:24 <liusheng> o/ 15:02:40 <sileht> o/ 15:02:41 <gordc> ok, let's start this 15:02:44 <ityaptin-tablet> O/ 15:02:56 <gordc> #topic roadmap items (new/old/blockers) https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Telemetry/RoadMap 15:03:07 <gordc> reminder: http://docs.openstack.org/releases/mitaka/schedule.html 15:03:31 <gordc> feb 29 is d-day 15:03:35 <jd__> o/ 15:03:51 <gordc> we basically have 3+ weeks before everything must be in 15:04:05 <gordc> if there's any pressing items (especially specs) please raise now 15:04:49 <gordc> i would probably point people to review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/162167/ 15:05:14 <pradk> o/ 15:05:19 <gordc> this is probably the spec with most design questions 15:05:47 <idegtiarov> gordc, thank you! want to ask folks to review it 15:06:20 <gordc> _nadya_: i assume ityaptin is still working on the polling cache patch? 15:06:59 <_nadya_> gordc: yep, he is. Anyway, we've already had POC 15:07:11 <_nadya_> gordc: so it should be not too much work 15:07:30 <gordc> ack, i will start looking at it soon. 15:07:39 <_nadya_> gordc: also, we did some testing. Looks very good. 5 sec polling and no load on Nova API 15:07:50 <gordc> _nadya_: cool stuff. 15:07:59 <gordc> any other items? 15:08:03 <ildikov> _nadya_: sounds cool \o/ :) 15:08:05 <llu-laptop> idegtiarov: any reply to the comment on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/162167/16/specs/mitaka/events-pipeline-transformers.rst ? 15:08:47 <_nadya_> llu-laptop: regarding multiple agents? 15:09:06 <llu-laptop> that and the 'emit' 15:09:13 <_nadya_> llu-laptop: actually, the main idea is to use the cache 15:09:35 <_nadya_> llu-laptop: probably, Redis or oslo.cache in general 15:09:57 <idegtiarov> llu-laptop, we cannot use event-to-sample because we expecting to emit event after transformation not sample 15:10:08 <llu-laptop> how about put those ideas in the spec? 15:10:23 <gordc> llu-laptop: ++ 15:10:41 <gordc> there's a lot of unwritten design eleements 15:10:47 <llu-laptop> idegtiarov: but in your example listed in spec, it emits sample, not events 15:10:55 <idegtiarov> llu-laptop, I've done update today please take a look 15:11:33 <idegtiarov> no in my spec emit of sample was optional 15:11:40 <liusheng> does the event-timeout-alarm proposal depend on this ? 15:11:43 <_nadya_> agreed, sorry guys. The reason why we started to work on this again is that several customers asked about that. Looks like, it's a real use case indeed 15:12:02 <_nadya_> I was not sure about this 15:12:09 <llu-laptop> i'm ok with transformers tansfrom one event to another 15:12:44 <llu-laptop> but not very convinced for the event transformer to emit samples 15:12:50 <_nadya_> llu-laptop: have you seen the example about latency metric? 15:12:50 <sileht> /query jd__ 15:12:58 <ildikov> I would assume those samples would actually be statistics 15:13:01 <llu-laptop> I think emit samples from event is the job of event-to-sample publisher 15:13:59 <idegtiarov> llu-laptop, agree with you and it seems that I mentioned it in spec 15:14:05 <_nadya_> llu-laptop: +1, I thought that the spec about event-to-samples publishing were done mostly for idegtiarov's spec 15:14:27 <idegtiarov> probably I forgot to remove this option from schema 15:14:41 <llu-laptop> ok, i might be misguided by the line 65 of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/162167/16..17/specs/mitaka/events-pipeline-transformers.rst 15:14:43 <gordc> idegtiarov: is the requirement that it be done inline rather than post-storage? 15:15:54 <idegtiarov> gordc, it done you mean transformation of new event& 15:16:14 <idegtiarov> gordc, it done you mean transformation of new event? 15:16:42 <_nadya_> gordc: sure it may be done in post-storage. the same is true for current transformers. But people use some external storage, transformation-based metrics will be not available 15:16:54 <gordc> _nadya_: ack. got it 15:18:04 <llu-laptop> idegtiarov: b.t.w the url at line 90 is not valid 15:18:16 <idegtiarov> llu-laptop, thanks will improve 15:19:41 <llu-laptop> then i'm ok with the spec after you add the descriptiono of multi-agent support :) 15:19:53 <gordc> ok, let's continue to track spec (anyone feel free to jump in there) 15:20:09 <gordc> let's run through the projects 15:20:09 <ljxiash> Hi, we have a spec 15:20:16 <gordc> #topic aodh topics 15:20:44 <gordc> just an announcement, as we had a vacancy... 15:21:11 <_nadya_> ljxiash: could you please send a link? 15:21:29 <ljxiash> gordc: ok, I can wait. the link is https://review.openstack.org/#/c/273475/ 15:21:56 <gordc> ljxiash: let's revisit when we get to ceilometer topics 15:22:18 <gordc> Liusheng has stepped up and volunteered to be lead/liaison for Aodh 15:22:44 <ljxiash> gordc: :) ok 15:22:50 <gordc> i'll announce it on list, but basically he'll just be more focused on Aodh and helpe me out tracking bugs/specs against Aodh 15:22:57 <gordc> thanks Liusheng. 15:23:01 <llu-laptop> liusheng: thumb up ++ 15:23:04 <liusheng> yes, I am now sure I can do well, but just want to have a try :-) 15:23:24 <ljxiash> thumb up 15:23:25 <_nadya_> liusheng: cool! 15:23:25 <ildikov> liusheng: congrats and thanks for taking the responsibility for that module :) 15:23:44 <liusheng> thanks, need all your helps :) 15:23:59 <idegtiarov> liusheng, congrats! that is a good news 15:24:37 <gordc> cool cool. the one other topic i have for aodh, is aodhclient functional tests currently need gnocchi-api to work. does anyone know how get around this? or are we confident unit tests are suffice? 15:24:53 <liusheng> idegtiarov, ildikov , _nadya_ llu-laptop thanks 15:25:08 <liamji> liusheng, congrats 15:25:40 <liusheng> liamji: :) 15:25:55 <gordc> sileht: ^ since you did gnocchiclient 15:26:03 <llu-laptop> gordc: personally, i'm not that confident though. 15:26:29 <llu-laptop> sorry, I misread the info 15:26:38 <llu-laptop> no opinion on that 15:26:45 <sileht> gordc, it's really easy to run gnocchi for functionnal 15:27:17 <gordc> sileht: i guess the question is do we have an issue that to test aodhclient i need aodh and gnocchi running? 15:27:21 <pradk> sileht, the aodh api for gnocchi rule expects gnocchi running, i think thats the issue 15:27:37 <pradk> sileht, mainly to lookup get_aggregation_methods 15:27:53 <gordc> or do we create a fall back where if gnocci isn't running aodh will provide a default set of rules 15:28:51 <pradk> gordc, rules? or maintain a list of aggregation methods as default? 15:29:08 <sileht> gordc, pradk to test gnocchi rules I'm afraid that you need gnocchi 15:29:08 <gordc> right. instead of going to check gnocchi for the potential set of rules. 15:30:17 <pradk> gordc, imo to get this client functionality in, if the unit test is validating the client with mocked return values, that is good to get it in 15:30:30 <pradk> we can work on functional with gnocchi running subsequently 15:30:40 <gordc> sileht: hm. seems like a weird design to check gnocchi for rules but still have aodh know what needs to be in those rules 15:31:31 <pradk> yea it would be nice if the aodh api dint enforce gnocchi endpoint 15:31:45 <sileht> gordc, the fact is that I wouldn't rewrite the query schema validation in aodh 15:32:06 <sileht> gordc, so aodh pass the thing to gnocchi to ensure the query written by the user is correct 15:33:23 <gordc> sileht: but aodh already knows the rules becaues it already validates the input is correct for the rule 15:33:42 <sileht> gordc, no doesn't valid the 'query' field of the rule 15:34:07 <gordc> but it knows you need threshold and some other fields... 15:34:54 <sileht> gordc, I'm talking about the complex structure for searching resource http://docs.openstack.org/developer/gnocchi/rest.html#searching-for-resources 15:35:56 <sileht> gordc, this one is valid by gnocchi instead of aodh: https://github.com/openstack/aodh/blob/master/aodh/api/controllers/v2/alarm_rules/gnocchi.py#L125 15:36:44 <gordc> sileht: right. but from aodhclient pov, we already define all the possible gnocchi rules, it's odd that aodh asked gnocchi for rules (https://github.com/openstack/aodh/blob/master/aodh/api/controllers/v2/alarm_rules/gnocchi.py#L62-L69) 15:37:04 <gordc> not just validating query but validating the rule is actually real. 15:37:29 <sileht> gordc, the aggregation function avialable is pluggable in Gnocchi, we can't hardcode the list 15:37:55 <gordc> but yeah, i guess if it's validating query part, we need gnocchi no matter what 15:38:03 <sileht> gordc, aodhclient is just one possible client 15:38:37 <gordc> one possible client of aodh? 15:38:55 <sileht> gordc, I still use curl as client ;) 15:38:56 <gordc> pradk: i guess we'll need to start gnocchi as well 15:39:18 <pradk> yea sounds like it 15:39:20 <sileht> gordc, ceilometerclient is still a client too 15:39:57 <ildikov> will that be something we maintain longer term? 15:40:13 <ildikov> I mean the support in ceilometerclient 15:40:22 <liusheng> sileht: same question 15:40:22 <gordc> sileht: it still seems weird i hardcode rule in clients and know how to validate gnocchi alarms. but the server itself has no idea how to handle gnocchi alarm and needs connection to gnocchi 15:40:44 <sileht> gordc, I don't see the issue 15:40:49 <gordc> ildikov: alarms in ceilometerclient is deprecated (as of aodhclient) 15:40:59 <gordc> it won't be removed... it's just there. 15:41:05 <ildikov> gordc: ok, cool, tnx for confirming 15:41:19 <gordc> sileht: why can't we hardcode it in aodh server since it's already hardcoded in aodhclient? 15:42:03 <gordc> sileht: *shrugs* i use client more than curl. :) no biggie 15:42:04 <sileht> gordc, the rules type can be hardcoded, but the list of aggregation methods must not 15:42:31 <gordc> but the rules are based on aggregation_methods? 15:42:38 <sileht> gordc, and if you want to remove the query validation, we need to duplicate all the validation from Gnocchi into aodh 15:43:08 <gordc> we can skip.lol i'm just asking random questions now 15:43:25 <gordc> any other aodh topics? 15:43:48 <gordc> #topic ceilometer topics 15:43:50 <pradk> gordc, so whats the consensus here? should we proceed without functional tests now and add them subsequently? 15:44:03 <gordc> pradk: let's enable gnocchi in aodhclient functional tests too 15:44:19 <gordc> ljxiash: still there? 15:44:25 <ljxiash> ye 15:44:27 <ljxiash> yes 15:44:44 <pradk> k i'll poke sileht to see how to enable gnocchi in functional tests 15:44:56 <sileht> pradk, sure 15:46:06 <gordc> ljxiash: want to discuss your spec? 15:46:28 <gordc> or you just making people aware of it? 15:46:53 <ljxiash> yes, I think I should first invite some neutron member to review this spec. 15:47:09 <_nadya_> gordc: let me ask neutron folks to take a look 15:47:09 <gordc> ljxiash: agreed. i don't know enough myself. 15:47:14 <gordc> _nadya_: thanks! 15:47:20 <gordc> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/273475/ 15:47:23 <ljxiash> _nadya_: thank you! 15:47:24 <gordc> if you understand neutron 15:47:54 <gordc> ljxiash: my only comment afterwards is try to list what you plan to accomplish this cycle. i'm not sure if we can get it all in (but maybe we can) 15:47:56 <ljxiash> I really appreciate any help. 15:48:30 <liusheng> I have asked a neutron guy to take a look, if he have time. 15:48:44 <gordc> cool cool. anything else ceilometer related? 15:48:47 <_nadya_> liusheng: all neutron team will come. lol 15:48:56 <gordc> _nadya_: more the better. 15:49:06 <liusheng> _nadya_: welcome! 15:49:18 <gordc> #topic gnocchi topics 15:49:31 <gordc> sileht: jd__: anything we need to discuss? 15:49:36 <gordc> 2.0 on hold? 15:49:39 <jd__> we don't discuss, we execute 15:49:45 <llu-laptop> sileht: jd__: one question, i'm working on bug #1518338 of adding new resource types for snmp related metrics, when I see sileht's patches for resource-type-api, should I go on or should I leverage the new dynamic resource type support? 15:49:47 <openstack> bug 1518338 in Gnocchi "Ceilometer doesn't build the data correclty for Gnocchi when you send hypervisors HW metrics using snmpd and agent-central" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1518338 - Assigned to Lianhao Lu (lianhao-lu) 15:49:47 <jd__> yeah we still have some work for 2.0 15:49:57 <jd__> but it should comme soon :) 15:50:10 <jd__> llu-laptop: depends if you want it in 2.0 or 2.1? 15:50:18 <jd__> llu-laptop: sileht branch is not going in for 2.0 15:50:50 <llu-laptop> what's the 2.0 cut date? 15:51:20 <llu-laptop> and what's the expected date for 2.1? 15:51:22 <gordc> tbd 15:51:23 <llu-laptop> :) 15:51:29 <gordc> and tbd 15:52:42 <gordc> i imagine once we get some feedback from testers, we can move forward. 15:53:16 <gordc> #topic open discussion 15:53:41 <llu-laptop> anyone noticed many gate failure today? 15:53:48 <gordc> llu-laptop: every day 15:54:02 <gordc> lol is it neutron job? 15:54:35 <gordc> llu-laptop: i did notice this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+bug/1541555 15:54:36 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1541555 in oslo.messaging "dispatch errors with oslo.messaging 4.1.0" [Undecided,New] 15:54:51 <gordc> sileht: i didn't start debugging it htough 15:54:55 <gordc> though* 15:54:59 <_nadya_> llu-laptop: I saw a lot of tempest failures about too long notification procession. Is it still happening? 15:55:41 <llu-laptop> don't know I just saw a neutron one, and don't know what's going wrong in http://logs.openstack.org/46/273346/8/gate/gate-tempest-dsvm-ceilometer-postgresql-full/96cca2d/ 15:56:26 <dims_> gordc : that one still uses 4.0.0 http://logs.openstack.org/70/274170/3/gate/gate-telemetry-dsvm-integration-aodh/4ef96b5/logs/pip-freeze.txt.gz 15:56:28 <sileht> gordc, hum interesting 15:56:47 <dims_> upper constraints change has not gone in yet 15:57:09 <gordc> dims_: oh... well it's happening for 4.0.0 then. :) 15:57:40 <dims_> :) 4.1.0 is going in as we speak - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/276058/ 15:58:04 <dims_> gordc : so you may want to wait a day and blame 4.1.0 :) 15:58:08 <gordc> ack. i'll keep an eye out to see if anything changes 15:58:43 <dims_> gordc : aye aye 15:58:50 <gordc> anythiing else? 15:59:28 <gordc> thanks folks. remember, don't plan for anything to merge last week of cycle becuase of gate flood 15:59:32 <gordc> #endmeeting