15:00:32 <gordc> #startmeeting telemetry
15:00:33 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Mar 10 15:00:32 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gordc. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:34 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:00:38 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'telemetry'
15:01:19 <ildikov> o/
15:01:41 <sileht> o/
15:01:42 <liusheng> o/
15:02:05 <_nadya__> o/
15:02:09 <pradk_> o/
15:02:17 <gordc> cool let's go
15:02:23 <r-mibu> o/
15:02:33 <gordc> #topic recurring: roadmap items (new/old/blockers)
15:02:54 <gordc> from what i'm tracking. all our FFE items are merged.
15:03:09 <gordc> both the timestamp delta transformer and tempest
15:03:17 <gordc> r-mibu: thanks for the effort
15:03:25 <r-mibu> np :)
15:03:27 <gordc> r-mibu: do you have plans to enable it in gate?
15:03:40 <r-mibu> not yet
15:03:51 <r-mibu> but will try it before the summit
15:04:02 <gordc> r-mibu: ok. but from code POV. all is complete?
15:04:24 <ityaptin> Hi!
15:04:29 <r-mibu> yes as migrate existing code from tempest
15:04:53 <gordc> r-mibu: cool cool. good to hear. i guess we can close the bps for now then.
15:04:56 <r-mibu> now, we can enhance test cases
15:05:15 <r-mibu> yep, i already closed bps on launchpad today
15:05:16 <gordc> r-mibu: yeah, it'll be alot easier now that we can manage the tests ourselves
15:05:21 <gordc> r-mibu: perfect!
15:05:37 <idegtiarov_> o?
15:05:45 <idegtiarov_> o/
15:06:12 <gordc> #topic mitaka blockers
15:06:27 <gordc> any blockers we should be aware of based on testing so far?
15:06:38 <r-mibu> qq, should we remove deprecated codes and options?
15:06:48 <gordc> (also if you do find high/critical issues, feel free to raise to list as well)
15:07:02 <gordc> r-mibu: it depends
15:07:25 <gordc> r-mibu: deprecation policy means we need to keep it for at least one fully cycle
15:07:40 <r-mibu> ok, i have conern about alarming function
15:07:52 <gordc> r-mibu: what do you want to remove?
15:07:53 <r-mibu> not all major installers are ready to aodh
15:08:01 <sileht> ceilometer-alarm ?
15:08:06 <r-mibu> yep
15:08:12 <gordc> that is already gone...
15:08:19 <r-mibu> lol
15:08:25 <sileht> :D
15:08:27 <r-mibu> ok, never mind
15:09:05 <gordc> r-mibu: i believe rdo is still using ceilometer-alarms? pradk_ ?
15:09:27 <sileht> gordc, yes I think
15:09:43 <pradk_> gordc, well packstack now supports aodh
15:09:51 <pradk_> gordc, tripleo support in progress
15:10:14 <gordc> r-mibu: in this case, i feel like it's above and beyond support. if you don't want to move to Aodh, you probably need to get support elsewhere.
15:10:39 <r-mibu> it's ok, i want to move to aodh
15:10:48 <r-mibu> event-alarm :)
15:11:04 <gordc> tbh, i don't want slow down upstream dev to support downstream requirements.
15:11:18 <gordc> r-mibu: sounds good
15:11:39 <r-mibu> i just want to drop ceilo-alarm without fights ;-p
15:11:53 <gordc> :)
15:12:33 <gordc> cdent has a speech about upstream supporting downstream
15:12:40 <gordc> no fights needed.
15:12:46 <cdent> it's not a speech
15:12:53 <cdent> it's a screed
15:13:07 <ildikov> it was deprected for Liberty already IIRC
15:13:13 <liusheng> should we still recommend ceilometerclient as alarming client this release ?
15:13:16 <ildikov> we can always use this as an excuse
15:13:30 <gordc> ildikov: yep
15:14:20 <gordc> liusheng: err... possibly? i haven't tested aodhclient much yet.
15:14:23 <gordc> liusheng: what are you thoughts?
15:14:55 <gordc> do you think aodhclient is ready or do you think big changes will still happen?
15:15:11 <ildikov> gordc: what about Heat?
15:15:45 <gordc> ildikov: it's still on ceilometerclient. the switch was way too big when i tried to apply aodhclient
15:15:52 <liusheng> gordc: I agree, I am worry the upstream applications don't adapt the aodhclient now :(
15:15:54 <sileht> heat still use ceilometerclient, so we need to deprecated quickly to inform haet to move the aodhclient
15:16:00 <gordc> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/284985/
15:16:13 <sileht> gordc, woot !
15:16:27 <gordc> sileht: i gave up on it. just fyi.lol
15:16:33 <ildikov> it seems we need to stick with ceilometerclient for now
15:16:34 <gordc> _nadya__: do you still plan on taking it over?
15:16:40 <_nadya__> gordc: yep, I plan
15:16:43 <gordc> ildikov: yeah :(
15:16:55 <ildikov> gordc: agreed on :(
15:17:07 <liusheng> since there are different usages between ceilometerclient and aodhclient
15:18:03 <gordc> sileht: you can have a look at the patch (i was kind of guessing and replacing s/ceilometer/aodh/)
15:18:24 <sileht> gordc, the patch looks hudge
15:18:30 <gordc> liusheng: yeah, so i guess we need to keep ceilometerclient around for now.
15:18:46 <gordc> sileht: it is. that's why i gave up on trying for Mitaka.
15:19:00 <gordc> sileht: also, i wasn't exactly sure what i was doing.lol
15:19:22 <sileht> gordc, I known, we are all developers
15:19:28 <liusheng> I also mean not only heat as the alarm users :)
15:20:05 <gordc> sileht: lol
15:20:38 <gordc> liusheng: right. so yeah, i guess officially keep using  ceilometerclient but you can start trying aodhclient.
15:21:07 <gordc> liusheng: we will need to tag aodhclient as well. is the latest release ok for mitaka or do you want to wait for something?
15:22:32 <liusheng> gordc: nothing, I just concern
15:23:02 <gordc> liusheng: kk. not a big deal since nothing is dependent on it right now
15:23:24 <gordc> any other dicussion items for Mitaka?
15:23:29 <ildikov> I will check the install guide as well
15:24:07 <gordc> just an fyi, i'm taking the latest releases of ceilometermiddleware and ceiloemterclient as stable/mitaka
15:24:10 <ildikov> I saw aodhclient package for SUSE for instance, but I will add a note that it is not fully functional yet
15:24:35 <gordc> ildikov: cool cool. i wonder what release they built from
15:24:54 <gordc> 0.1.0 and 0.2.0 i believe are missing a good chunk of functionality
15:25:18 <ildikov> gordc: that's a good question, I will try to check that as well
15:25:34 <gordc> kk.
15:26:37 <gordc> #topic open discussion
15:27:29 <gordc> just an fyi, openstack math says we're diverse (for now): https://review.openstack.org/#/c/289283/
15:28:10 <gordc> that's all i have. will close this in a few if we're all happy
15:29:05 <gordc> thanks folks.
15:29:06 <ildikov> good to know we're diverse :)
15:29:11 <_nadya__> what?
15:29:12 <liusheng> thanks
15:29:19 <_nadya__> what doest it mean for us?
15:30:42 <gordc> _nadya__: it just means we have more than 2 companies contributing? it's just numbers for managers to do very very high-level review of projects
15:30:54 <ildikov> _nadya__: I doubt it would mean too much in practice
15:31:15 <_nadya__> ook :)
15:31:30 <gordc> cool cool. keep on testing folks.
15:31:32 <gordc> #endmeeting