04:01:05 <krtaylor> #startmeeting third-party 04:01:06 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jan 28 04:01:05 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is krtaylor. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 04:01:07 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 04:01:09 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'third_party' 04:01:44 <krtaylor> anyone here for the Third Party CI Working Group meeting? 04:03:04 <krtaylor> just a few things on the agenda today 04:03:10 <mmedvede> I am kind of around 04:03:24 <krtaylor> hehheh, me too mmedvede 04:03:28 <krtaylor> barely 04:03:39 <mmedvede> getting ready for the split sprint 04:03:44 <krtaylor> +1 04:03:45 <mmedvede> :) 04:03:51 <krtaylor> that will be good 04:03:56 <krtaylor> and also on the agenda 04:03:59 <krtaylor> :) 04:04:39 <mmedvede> this time I usually sleep, but my sleep cycle got disrupted 04:04:58 <krtaylor> really, at bead so soon? 04:05:09 <krtaylor> s/bead/bed 04:05:27 <krtaylor> well, I think the third-party CI documentation sprint was a success 04:05:37 <krtaylor> we had 7 doc patches 04:06:16 <mmedvede> It was, forced me to read docs :) 04:06:22 <krtaylor> and I have 2 more cued up 04:06:24 <krtaylor> yes! 04:07:12 <krtaylor> the second, "running-your-own", still needs work 04:07:32 <krtaylor> but, that will be the one that changes the most after in-tree 04:08:09 <krtaylor> #topic Splitting out puppet modules 04:08:23 <krtaylor> I bet asselin_ is getting ready too 04:08:36 <krtaylor> or sleeping :) 04:08:42 <krtaylor> which is also good 04:08:55 <mmedvede> mrmartin already pushed quite a few 04:09:02 <krtaylor> good 04:09:26 <mmedvede> or maybe I am confusing the nick (Marton Kiss) 04:09:37 <krtaylor> 4 more, yes 04:10:32 <mmedvede> Also, this got merged 04:10:35 <krtaylor> sprint is tomorrow (today?) 04:10:35 <mmedvede> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/140523/ 04:10:40 <krtaylor> yes 04:10:45 <mmedvede> Which makes it easier 04:10:56 <krtaylor> agreed 04:10:56 <mmedvede> Sprint starts at 15:00 UTC 04:11:05 <krtaylor> yes, I'll jump in on that tomorrow 04:11:06 <mmedvede> In 11 hours 04:11:10 <krtaylor> do what I can 04:11:47 <krtaylor> so lastly 04:11:52 <krtaylor> #topic Spec for in-tree 3rd party ci solution 04:11:59 <krtaylor> still needs reviews 04:12:31 <krtaylor> we will let asselin_ sleep 04:12:39 <krtaylor> so finally 04:12:51 <krtaylor> #topic Open Discussion 04:13:05 <krtaylor> anyone lurking that has questions? 04:15:05 <krtaylor> well, I'll take that as a "no" 04:15:51 * krtaylor wonders if all the mid-cycles have impacted the meeting 04:16:03 <krtaylor> well, thanks mmedvede 04:16:09 <mmedvede> how was the attendance of this slot last time? 04:16:17 <krtaylor> actually pretty good 04:17:23 <mmedvede> krtaylor: that's the only question I had :) 04:17:27 <krtaylor> and since almost everyone at summit demanded a different meeting time in order to participate, I felt obligated to change 04:17:55 <krtaylor> we'll try this for a few more meetings 04:18:01 <mmedvede> krtaylor: This slot would have worked nicely while a was on a different continent 04:18:18 <krtaylor> hehheh, exactly that was the idea 04:18:44 <krtaylor> ok, we'll wrap this one up then 04:18:49 <krtaylor> thanks mmedvede ! 04:19:00 <mmedvede> krtaylor: thnx! 04:19:05 <krtaylor> #endmeeting