15:00:38 <anteaya> #startmeeting third-party 15:00:39 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Feb 2 15:00:38 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is anteaya. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:41 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:44 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'third_party' 15:01:16 <anteaya> if you are here for the third-party meeting do say hello 15:02:05 <wznoinsk_> hello 15:02:30 <wznoinsk_> hi anteaya how are you? 15:02:33 <riwinters> hi 15:02:43 <anteaya> wznoinsk: hello 15:02:50 <anteaya> I'm well thank you 15:02:54 <anteaya> and yourself? 15:04:21 <wznoinsk> I'm very good, progressing with 3rd party ci in lxc containers with hugepages here 15:04:30 <anteaya> congratulations 15:04:40 <anteaya> glad progress is a root verb here 15:08:10 <johnma> Hello anteaya, not sure whats the format of the meeting here but I do have some basic questions about setting up a third party CI. I am starting to look at setting up a third party CI for Trove and I need to understand the hardware requirements for the different CI components 15:08:10 <wznoinsk> anteaya: would you know whether any part of jenkins can/runs on a baremetal? my understanding is that everything runs on vm's using nodepool 15:08:27 <anteaya> johnma: hello 15:08:43 <johnma> hello anteaya :) 15:08:43 <anteaya> johnma: the format is whatever we want it to be 15:09:03 <anteaya> johnma: asking questions works so yes go ahead and ask 15:09:18 <johnma> ok, thanks anteaya 15:09:20 <anteaya> johnma: I don't know all the answers but asking them is a very good place to start 15:09:23 <anteaya> johnma: sure 15:09:52 <anteaya> wznoinsk: I don't know, the openstack infrastructure runs on vms 15:10:09 <johnma> right I understand. Plus there are lots of folks who have done this or are in the process of doing this, so it definitely helps to get feedback. 15:10:21 <anteaya> wznoinsk: adam_g is the contact for third party ci for ironic, which is the bare metal driver 15:10:35 <anteaya> wznoinsk: I don't know if adam_g uses nodepool or not 15:10:44 <anteaya> johnma: that it does 15:11:17 <anteaya> wznoinsk: so in short your understanding is correct, and I don't know if it runs on baremetal but adam_g might know 15:11:43 <wznoinsk> ok, thanks, I'll get in contact with him 15:11:59 <anteaya> wznoinsk: sure, then if you find out, do let me know 15:16:27 <anteaya> johnma: did you have some questions? 15:17:06 <johnma> sorry anteaya, got pulled into another call. yes I did 15:17:18 <anteaya> johnma: just wondering if I had lost you 15:17:20 <anteaya> :) 15:19:17 <johnma> so far I am waiting for our PTL to give us the requirements for setting up the third part CI but in the mean time I have been doing my own research and have been getting alot of help. Is there a way to estimate how big of an openstack cloud we will need for nodepool. I mean as far as how many VMs nodepool will need to run the jobs 15:19:52 <anteaya> ahhhh 15:19:53 <johnma> are there any standard numbers for that or does it just depend on the tests and patches for the project 15:20:05 <anteaya> so your PTL is slicknik? 15:20:11 <johnma> yes 15:20:21 <anteaya> it is a per project number 15:20:35 * anteaya goes looking 15:21:03 <johnma> cool, that makes sense 15:21:09 <patrickeast> depends on the project, for example with cinder i have ~6 VM’s available and it very rarely gets backed up in normal usage 15:21:29 <patrickeast> it spikes quite a bit at the end of milestones 15:21:30 <anteaya> so looking here: https://github.com/openstack/trove/graphs/commit-activity 15:21:47 <patrickeast> i saw at k-1 we were getting like 50+ more per day than normal 15:21:47 <anteaya> trove's peak activity is 21 commits per week 15:21:53 <anteaya> not very high 15:22:08 <anteaya> you may not even need a nodepool to start 15:22:20 <johnma> and for each project, does it depend on the number of patches and tests we have to run? Just trying to understand how we determine this 15:22:29 <anteaya> johnma: yes 15:22:52 <johnma> oh ok, nice. good to know how we get to that number 15:22:58 <anteaya> hey patrickeast 15:23:09 <patrickeast> keep in mind though that you will be running more than one test pass per commit, each review usually has a bunch of updates 15:23:20 <anteaya> for comparison here is cinder's graph: https://github.com/openstack/cinder/graphs/commit-activity 15:23:21 <patrickeast> anteaya: heya 15:23:23 <johnma> thanks patrickeast & anteaya 15:24:18 <anteaya> here are the jobs that run on trove: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/zuul/layout.yaml#n1482 15:24:45 <anteaya> here are the jobs that run on cinder: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/zuul/layout.yaml#n988 15:24:58 <anteaya> these are the jobs infra runs on these projects 15:25:12 <anteaya> but it gives you an idea of what we are running on them 15:26:35 <johnma> greats, thanks anteaya. This sure helps. 15:26:38 <johnma> lets say we start without a nodepool and later the commit rate goes high and we need to include a nodepool, how easy/difficult is it going to be to add this later on. Or is it safe to just go ahead and set it up with a nodepool to begin with 15:26:44 <anteaya> johnma: awesome 15:27:02 <anteaya> johnma: that is the question isn't it 15:27:11 <anteaya> and for that question I have no answere 15:27:20 <patrickeast> johnma: imo just start with nodepool, you can always run it with a single build slave 15:27:35 <anteaya> thank you patrickeast 15:27:36 <patrickeast> johnma: but you get the benefits of being able to scale out and have the single use slaves 15:27:44 <johnma> right, that would be a safe option. 15:27:46 <anteaya> he speaks with the voice of experience 15:28:24 <johnma> and I do appreciate it. Thank you patrickeast. This sure does help 15:28:58 <patrickeast> np 15:30:20 <anteaya> johnma: have you read all of http://ci.openstack.org/third_party.html 15:30:30 <anteaya> to ensure you have the account set up as required? 15:31:32 <johnma> I have read most of it. Yes anteaya. Plus I have also read IBM blog on powerkvm CI and Jay Pipe's blog. All have been very helpful 15:31:42 <anteaya> johnma: awesome 15:32:09 <anteaya> johnma: make sure you read the requirements section carefully and ask any questions if you need clarification 15:32:53 <johnma> I am sure I will have alot more questions when its time to actually setup the system but I am hoping to document the process 15:33:26 <anteaya> johnma: that would be very helpful thank you 15:33:36 <johnma> I will do that anteaya. Thank you so much. I think thats all I have for now. Really appreciate all the insight. 15:33:53 <anteaya> johnma: thanks for taking the time to show up and ask questions 15:34:02 <johnma> sure :) 15:34:07 <anteaya> :) 15:34:13 <anteaya> patrickeast: how are you doing today? 15:34:36 <patrickeast> anteaya: pretty good, yourself? 15:34:53 <anteaya> patrickeast: great, good thanks 15:34:59 <anteaya> at my parents in Tucson 15:35:07 <anteaya> hit the gem show on saturday 15:35:15 <anteaya> between meetings we are going to visit a cave 15:35:38 <patrickeast> ahh nice sounds like a good time 15:35:44 <anteaya> feels good 15:36:02 <anteaya> patrickeast: is there anything I can do to support any of your contribution goals? 15:36:16 <anteaya> can I point you to files or introduce you to anyone? 15:36:22 <anteaya> very glad to have your help 15:36:52 <patrickeast> mmm nothing right now, just focusing on finishing up some outstanding tasks for my cinder driver 15:37:01 <anteaya> patrickeast: cool 15:37:04 <anteaya> let me know 15:37:09 <patrickeast> thanks, will do 15:37:19 <anteaya> want to ensure you are kept fulling entertained and challenged 15:37:31 <anteaya> wouldn't want you to become bored at all 15:37:36 <patrickeast> hehe no problems there 15:37:44 <anteaya> :) 15:38:17 <wznoinsk> johnma: if you want to have a rough feeling on how many patchsets created are per particular project you could subscribe to gerrit stream event using either ssh, jenkins, other CI system and capture it, then run statistics off it after a few weeks 15:41:39 <johnma> wznoinsk, thats good to know. and I guess this helps determine the project load 15:50:03 <anteaya> looks like we are winding down 15:50:15 <anteaya> I'm feeling it might be an idea to tie this off this week 15:50:25 <anteaya> I did so too quickly the other week 15:50:41 <anteaya> so I'll announce my intentions and give it a minute this time 15:51:06 <anteaya> and my breakfast is ready 15:51:12 <anteaya> so I will eat it 15:51:22 <anteaya> thanks all for your attendance and participation today 15:51:29 <anteaya> grateful to have your here 15:51:33 <anteaya> see you all next week 15:51:37 <anteaya> #endmeeting