08:00:28 <anteaya> #startmeeting third-party 08:00:29 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Apr 7 08:00:28 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is anteaya. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:00:31 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:00:33 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'third_party' 08:00:56 <anteaya> raise your hand if you are here for the third party meeting 08:31:22 <anteaya> eantyshev: hello 08:31:40 <anteaya> so I hold two third-party meetings per week, one on Monday's at 1500 08:31:50 <anteaya> and one on Tuesdays at 0800 08:31:55 <anteaya> you have good timing 08:32:00 <eantyshev> anteaya: hello, issue is resolved 08:32:03 <anteaya> great 08:32:11 <anteaya> can you tell me what you did to fix it? 08:32:20 <anteaya> then others can read the logs and find out as well 08:33:59 <eantyshev> enough to replace SCP publisher plugin with customized 08:34:16 <anteaya> where did you find the customized plugin? 08:34:46 <eantyshev> that latest link, thanks to asselin: #link http://tarballs.openstack.org/ci/ 08:35:02 <anteaya> :) 08:35:13 <anteaya> you read the logs after you left Monday's meeting? 08:35:39 <eantyshev> wonder how did I get original version 08:36:02 <eantyshev> anteaya: yes, just had to go then 08:36:14 <anteaya> ah I see okay 08:36:22 <anteaya> next time, can you let me know? 08:36:35 <anteaya> I thought I had hurt your feelings, so you left 08:36:38 <anteaya> I felt bad 08:36:43 <anteaya> as that wasn't my intention 08:36:58 <eantyshev> sorry for sudden leave, just had to go, that's all 08:37:04 <anteaya> sure 08:37:07 <anteaya> thanks for coming back 08:37:17 <anteaya> and you let us know you found a fix 08:37:18 <anteaya> yay 08:37:39 <anteaya> so as I recall the underlying issue is that devstack wasn't working for you 08:37:50 <anteaya> have you made any progress there? 08:39:59 <eantyshev> I execute devstack in rather special environment, testing our custom virtualization platform, so it fails predictably 08:40:36 <anteaya> ah 08:40:38 <anteaya> okay 08:40:47 <anteaya> and now you have logs to tell you about your expected failures 08:40:50 <anteaya> good enough 08:44:41 <anteaya> eantyshev: is there anything else you would like to discuss about your system right now? 08:50:15 <eantyshev> anteaya: got banned in openstack/nova for misbehaving CI, acting by my creadentials 08:50:38 <anteaya> banned? 08:50:49 <anteaya> ah you are the one we emailed 08:51:00 <anteaya> we disabled your ci account, we didn't ban you 08:51:12 <anteaya> glad you came back to learn how to play nice 08:51:14 <anteaya> thank you 08:51:16 <anteaya> :) 08:53:31 <eantyshev> anteaya: measures have been taken, now it has own creds: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ThirdPartySystems/Parallels_PCS6_CI 08:53:38 <anteaya> yay 08:54:12 <anteaya> and please add your irc nick to the contact information there 08:54:22 <anteaya> then we know who to try to ping when we have a question 08:54:38 <anteaya> we only emailed you because it was a very odd circumstance 08:54:57 <anteaya> normally I dno't email anyone, just disable if I have to and then post to third party announce 08:58:24 <anteaya> eantyshev: we are almost out of time 08:58:40 <anteaya> eantyshev: at least you know how to find 2 meetings a week if you want them 08:59:01 <anteaya> also be sure to attend the nova weekly meeting and be active in the -nova channel 08:59:10 <anteaya> eantyshev: introduce yourself to dims 08:59:54 <anteaya> and I'm going to end the meeting 09:00:01 <anteaya> thanks eantyshev, glad you returned 09:00:05 <anteaya> #endmeeting