08:00:46 <anteaya> #startmeeting third-party 08:00:47 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Apr 21 08:00:46 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is anteaya. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:00:48 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:00:50 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'third_party' 08:00:53 <anteaya> hello 08:01:10 <anteaya> raise your hand if you are here for the third party meeting 08:02:46 <lennyb> Hi 08:02:55 <anteaya> hello lennyb 08:02:59 <anteaya> how are you? 08:04:10 <lennyb> Thanks, I am OK. Still waiting to start non-voting Nova CI, but I guess you all are too busy lately 08:04:46 <anteaya> it is a busy time yes 08:05:07 <anteaya> can you grab the link to your email and post it in channel? 08:05:15 <anteaya> do you remember how to do that? 08:06:21 <lennyb> https://www.mail-archive.com/openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org/msg49903.html 08:08:06 <anteaya> thank you 08:08:20 <anteaya> okay we like to link to posts from lists.openstack.org 08:08:31 <anteaya> if you go to that page you see a number of lists 08:08:38 <anteaya> you posted to openstack-dev 08:08:41 <lennyb> Thanks, anteaya, 08:08:47 <anteaya> so select that link 08:08:56 <anteaya> you see on the page a link to the archives 08:09:02 <anteaya> you posted in march 08:09:14 <anteaya> if you search the march archives you should find this link 08:09:17 <anteaya> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-March/058779.html 08:09:34 <anteaya> usually when we link to a conversation we link to the initial post 08:09:52 <anteaya> then people trying to follow along can start there and read the whole thread 08:09:56 <anteaya> does that make sense? 08:10:04 <lennyb> yes, thanks 08:10:07 <anteaya> and you're welcome 08:10:09 <anteaya> great 08:10:17 <anteaya> so the thread has stalled 08:10:31 <anteaya> you have two core approvals but there was a call for more input 08:10:59 <anteaya> the way I am interpreting this situation is the nova folks feel you are asking to vote on nova not begin commenting 08:11:10 <anteaya> they think you are asking for something that you are not asking for 08:11:27 <anteaya> nova doesn't have nearly as much driver activity as neutron or cinder 08:11:50 <anteaya> so they have less experience with random people asking things of them with regards to third party ci 08:11:58 <anteaya> so here is what I would suggest 08:12:03 <anteaya> go into the nova channel 08:12:10 <anteaya> bring the link I posted with you 08:12:32 <anteaya> find jogo, who commented on the thread, he is on pacific time 08:13:00 <lennyb> OK, thanks, 08:13:03 <anteaya> tell him that you think people think you want to vote verified and all you want to do is have permission to comment 08:13:22 <anteaya> ask him if he can post to the thread giving you permission to comment 08:13:36 <anteaya> and ask if he has any suggestions so you can comment 08:14:51 <lennyb> thanks a lot 08:14:51 <anteaya> if you don't get a response, ask johnthetubaguy if you can add an item to the next nova meeting's agenda 08:14:53 <anteaya> then show up at the meeting, let me know if you need any help reading the wikipage to ensure you have the right meeting time 08:14:53 <anteaya> and show up 08:15:00 <anteaya> it is a really good idea if you are in the nova channel and available for people 08:15:08 <anteaya> so they know who you are if they have questions 08:15:18 <anteaya> and attend the nova meetings 08:15:21 <anteaya> does that make sense? 08:15:34 <lennyb> #join openstack-nova 08:15:46 <anteaya> you need a / at the front of that 08:18:18 <anteaya> there you go, great 08:20:21 <anteaya> lennyb: anything more on this issue? 08:21:36 <lennyb> not for now, thanks 08:22:10 <anteaya> okay great 08:22:21 <anteaya> anything else you want to discuss? 08:23:53 <lennyb> no. thank you for all your help and assistance 08:27:34 <anteaya> thank you lennyb 08:27:43 <anteaya> I appreciate your diligence 08:48:22 <anteaya> and I'm going to wrap it up here 08:48:28 <anteaya> thanks lennyb 08:48:32 <anteaya> #endmeeting