15:04:04 <anteaya> #startmeeting third-party 15:04:05 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jul 27 15:04:04 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is anteaya. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:04:06 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:04:08 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'third_party' 15:04:11 <anteaya> hello 15:04:14 <lennyb_> Hi 15:04:17 <anteaya> how is everyone today 15:04:35 <anteaya> how are you lennyb_? 15:04:39 <lennyb_> still fine:) how are you? 15:05:39 <akerr> o/ 15:05:48 <anteaya> good thanks 15:05:50 <anteaya> busy 15:05:52 <anteaya> and hot today 15:05:58 * anteaya fans herself 15:06:00 <anteaya> hi akerr 15:06:09 <anteaya> what shall we discuss today? 15:06:21 <rhedlind> I have a question 15:06:27 <anteaya> anyone have anything that would be considered an announcement 15:06:33 <anteaya> hello rhedlind 15:06:39 <rhedlind> hi 15:06:44 <lennyb_> anteaya: not me. 15:07:03 <anteaya> lennyb_: thanks 15:07:09 <anteaya> rhedlind: what is your question? 15:07:38 <rhedlind> do people have email notification on test run failure set up? if so, how did you do that? 15:07:57 <anteaya> test run failure set up 15:08:06 <anteaya> what do you mean by that phrase? 15:09:15 <rhedlind> sorry, I meant having email alerts when a test run fails. 15:09:33 <rhedlind> right now I have to check my jenkins dashboard every so often to see if a test failed 15:09:37 <rhedlind> quite tedious 15:09:49 <lennyb_> rhedlind: our Jenkins sends email on every failure, but we have additional script that send very urgent email if 5 sequential builds are failed. 15:10:34 <rhedlind> lennyb_: are you using the mailer plugin or another plugin to send emails? 15:10:48 <lennyb_> rhedlind: mailer plugin 15:11:34 <lennyb_> email_extention_plugin 15:12:12 <lennyb_> rhedlind: and python script using rest api to check Jenkins builds status 15:12:20 <akerr> rhedlind: we have zuul send an email on failures for us 15:12:39 <lennyb_> akerr. zuul can send emails? 15:12:42 <akerr> yes 15:12:54 <rhedlind> ok, I will look at all those options. What I have now is not sustainable. 15:13:28 <akerr> On failure you add a "smtp" section with a "to, from and subject" 15:13:36 <lennyb_> akerr: interesting, this can be useful in case of merge failures, since those are not trigger jenkins, but still comment 15:13:55 <akerr> lennyb_: yep, we actually have it set up to only email on merge failure, not to comment on gerrit 15:14:49 <lennyb_> can you explain/send a short email how to config this? We had a conversation last week about this issue, even proposing changes to Zuul, but looks like you have a better sollution 15:14:55 <anteaya> akerr: well done 15:15:08 <akerr> lennyb_: rhedlind: http://paste.openstack.org/show/405930/ 15:15:11 <lennyb_> thanks 15:15:35 <akerr> tabbing on that first line off :( 15:15:46 <rhedlind> thanks! 15:17:22 <anteaya> #link http://paste.openstack.org/show/405930/ configure zuul to email on merge failure, not comment 15:17:32 <anteaya> akerr: did I get that right? 15:17:46 <lennyb_> akerr: yes 15:18:04 <akerr> Yes, it emails and comments on run failures, and only emails on merge failures 15:18:09 <anteaya> nice 15:18:41 <anteaya> any more on this? 15:18:45 <anteaya> thanks for sharing akerr 15:18:59 <mmedvede> akerr: and your CI does not comment on merge failures? 15:19:01 <akerr> the first line "failure:" should be tabbed over the same distance as the "merge-failure" line 15:19:05 <akerr> mmedvede: correct 15:19:29 <mmedvede> I have similar setting, and still sometimes get zuul commenting on merge failures, need to figure it out 15:19:43 <anteaya> #info the first line "failure:" should be tabbed over (whitespace?) the same distance as the "merge-failure" line 15:20:27 <anteaya> this might be worth adding to the third-party.html doc 15:20:34 <anteaya> akerr: are you willing to offer a patch? 15:20:53 <lennyb_> anteaya: good point, can save a lot of headache to all 15:21:04 <mmedvede> +1 15:21:21 <anteaya> akerr: any thoughts? 15:21:21 <akerr> anteaya: I am willing, but it might take while, our legal dept can be a pain sometimes. It would certainly be faster for someone else to propose it 15:21:29 <anteaya> akerr: :( 15:21:53 <lennyb_> akerr: I can try adding this, after I will verify in our setup 15:21:56 <anteaya> if someone else proposes it, are the allowed to add you as co-author? or whould that upset your legal dept as well? 15:22:04 <akerr> anteaya: that would be fine 15:22:41 <anteaya> any volunteers to offer akerr's work as a patch and credit akerr with co-auhthored-by in the commit message? 15:22:52 <lennyb_> anteaya: I can 15:23:25 <anteaya> lennyb_: thank you lennyb_ 15:23:26 <akerr> thanks lennyb_ 15:23:43 <anteaya> can you ensure you bring a link to the patch to the next monday third party meeting? 15:24:10 <lennyb_> ok 15:25:10 <anteaya> thank you 15:25:50 <anteaya> #action lennyb_ to create a patch documenting akerr's work, crediting akerr with co-authored-by in the commit message 15:25:55 <anteaya> thanks lennyb_ 15:26:02 <anteaya> any more on this topic? 15:27:13 <anteaya> anyone have anything else they would like to discuss today? 15:27:57 <anteaya> does anyone have any reason why I should not end the meeting? 15:28:44 <anteaya> thank you everyone for your kind attendance and participation 15:28:48 <anteaya> see you next week 15:28:51 <anteaya> #endmeeting