15:00:15 <lennyb> #startmeeting third-party
15:00:17 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Mar 27 15:00:15 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is lennyb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:18 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:00:20 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'third_party'
15:00:22 <lennyb> Hello
15:01:11 <lennyb> pots, just for the record here, there is a jenkins plugin#link https://plugins.jenkins.io/singleuseslave for single slave usage
15:01:22 <lennyb> #link https://plugins.jenkins.io/singleuseslave
15:01:37 <lennyb> very handy with nodepool in case you are using jenkins
15:08:10 <mmedvede> o/
15:08:23 <lennyb> hi mmedvede, how are you?
15:10:53 <mmedvede> lennyb: hey lennyb, I am good. I got no topics for today
15:11:19 <lennyb> mmedvede, I have one #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/diskimage-builder/+bug/1676462
15:11:19 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1676462 in diskimage-builder "minimal-centos missing yumdownloader" [Undecided,New]
15:11:43 <lennyb> I am facing issues creating centos-minimal. any ideas/tips?
15:12:37 <pabelanger> lennyb: you need to install it on your build host
15:13:10 <pabelanger> yum-utils
15:13:24 <lennyb> papelanger, in which phase? it seems to fail very early
15:13:38 <pabelanger> lennyb: because you run disk-image-create
15:13:44 <pabelanger> it is a build host dependency
15:13:57 <pabelanger> before*
15:14:27 <lennyb> papelanger, can I run it in a different way other than disk-image-create?
15:14:35 <asselin> o/
15:14:40 <pabelanger> lennyb: not sure I understand
15:15:24 <lennyb> papelanger,  neither do I  :(. I need to build minimal centos vm image, what is the best way to do so?
15:15:36 <lennyb> hi asselin
15:15:45 <pabelanger> apt-get install yum-utils; disk-image-create centos-minimal
15:15:52 <pabelanger> you are doing it correctly
15:16:06 <pabelanger> you just need to install the runtime packages for disk-image-create
15:16:36 <asselin> nice jenkins plugin....very nice alternative to messing with zuul layout.yaml configurations on per-job level
15:16:38 <lennyb> papelanger, you mean install it on my host, where I am running the disk-image-create?
15:16:49 <pabelanger> lennyb: correct
15:17:05 <lennyb> papelanger, thanks, I will check it.
15:17:19 <lennyb> any other issues for this meeting?
15:17:52 <lennyb> asselin, nice plugin indeed, saved us a lot of headache
15:20:14 <asselin> probably worthwhile to include here by default: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci/tree/manifests/jenkins_master.pp
15:21:18 <lennyb> nice idea, there are some more plugins that we use, I will propose it as well
15:23:48 <lennyb> papelanger, thanks, It worked, the documentations was not clear enough ( at least for me )
15:24:01 <lennyb> If there is nothing more, I will close the meeting,
15:24:22 <lennyb> asselin, pabelanger, mmedvede, thanks for coming
15:24:41 <mmedvede> thx lennyb
15:24:42 <asselin> bye
15:25:03 <lennyb> #endmeeting