18:01:21 <sarob> #startmeeting trainers 18:01:21 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Feb 4 18:01:21 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sarob. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:01:22 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 18:01:24 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'trainers' 18:01:27 <sarob> roll call 18:12:00 <sarob> morning salman 18:12:06 <Salman> Hi Sean 18:12:25 <sarob> almost ready for the last session? 18:12:57 <Salman> yes getting there 18:13:48 <Salman> I send you the slides 18:13:53 <Salman> last week 18:13:59 <Salman> did you get the chance to convert them 18:14:21 <Salman> Can you also send me the link to the location of the document you uploaded to. 18:20:18 <sarob> which document? 18:20:48 <sarob> i havent pushed your slides from last week yet 18:24:32 <sarob> salman? 18:25:53 <Salman> Hi 18:26:10 <Salman> Hi Sarob 18:26:31 <sarob> salman: which document are you asking about? 18:26:37 <sarob> Salman: separate from the slides? 18:26:52 <sarob> Salman: we branched finally last week 18:27:04 <sarob> Salman: but some cleanup work is underway 18:27:18 <sarob> Salman: im going to push your new slides today 18:32:57 <sarob> salman: ready for tomorrow night's session? 18:33:29 <Salman> yes I am getting ready 18:33:35 <sarob> Salman: cool 18:36:59 <sarob> salman: so which document where you asking about? 18:37:35 <Salman> I am asking the location where you will be pushing the slides 18:37:45 <Salman> so that I can see them once they are uploaded 18:38:14 <sarob> ah 18:38:37 <sarob> salman: #link docs.openstack.org/training-guides 18:39:49 <sarob> Salman: we have branched, but havent pushed the slide format yet 18:39:59 <Salman> sarob: Ok 18:40:12 <Salman> sarob: thanks for the clarification. 18:40:35 <sarob> Salman: i worked out the automation so the slides get rendered 18:40:43 <Salman> sarob: any other question? I need to go for another meeting. 18:40:48 <sarob> Salman: nope 18:40:54 <sarob> Salman: thanks for checking in 18:40:58 <Salman> sarob: see you tomorrow. 18:41:10 <sarob> Salman: i wont be able to join tomorrow 18:41:18 <sarob> Salman: but rick will be there 18:41:27 <Salman> sarob: ok no problem. 18:41:32 <sarob> Salman: cheers 18:41:36 <Salman> cheers 18:41:38 <sarob> #endmeeting