18:03:28 <sarob> #startmeeting trainers 18:03:29 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Feb 25 18:03:28 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sarob. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:03:31 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 18:03:33 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'trainers' 18:04:04 <sarob> this will be informational as we have not officially started up this group yet 18:04:58 <sarob> #info openstack trainer cert test creation group is starting. public information very soon. 18:05:32 <sarob> #info training-guides has branched icehouse, almost finished with juno branch 18:05:52 <sarob> #info juno branch will be cut early march 18:06:32 <sarob> #info published html slides will be standard for the juno branch and going forward 18:06:48 <sarob> anyone else ? 18:07:05 <sarob> morning salman_ 18:07:21 <Salman_> morning sarob 18:07:40 <sarob> juno branch is almost ready 18:07:57 <Salman_> great 18:07:57 <sarob> we have some of the slides merged 18:08:22 <sarob> we are working through the slide publishing automation 18:08:40 <Salman_> That will be great if slides can be automatically published 18:08:49 <sarob> agreed 18:09:05 <sarob> we should have it worked out by early next week 18:09:24 <sarob> slightly different RST formats 18:09:35 <sarob> we are figuring out which is best 18:09:57 <sarob> dguitarbite: you around? 18:10:29 <Salman_> Is there a link available to peek into the site... before it become available to everyone. 18:10:46 <Salman_> before it becomes GA 18:10:48 <sarob> html is not published yet 18:10:53 <Salman_> ok 18:11:10 <sarob> after we get it published to 18:11:30 <Salman_> is there any beta-site link? 18:11:34 <sarob> #link openstack.org/trunk/training-guides 18:11:41 <Salman_> ok 18:11:48 <sarob> will be where the new content 18:11:49 <sarob> lives 18:12:02 <sarob> right now it is stale icehouse xml html 18:12:24 <Salman_> ok 18:12:28 <sarob> #link http://docs.openstack.org/icehouse/training-guides/content/ 18:12:35 <sarob> is current stable 18:13:03 <sarob> #link http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/training-guides/ 18:13:15 <sarob> will always be 'beta' 18:13:21 <sarob> once juno is cut 18:13:32 <sarob> #link http://docs.openstack.org/juno/training-guides/content/ 18:13:38 <sarob> will be stable release 18:13:39 <Salman_> ok 18:13:41 <sarob> and so on 18:14:22 <sarob> i am going to ask for the training-guides link be added to the training marketplace under openstack online help 18:14:54 <sarob> #link http://openstack.org/marketplace/training 18:15:07 <sarob> once that is done 18:15:17 <sarob> we restart user group training sessions 18:15:32 <sarob> and ill ask for our scheduled training sessions to be 18:15:48 <sarob> added inline with the rest of the training 18:16:07 <sarob> it should be awesome for turnout 18:16:10 <Salman_> I think we should provide link from openstack help to land to the training site as well 18:16:34 <sarob> help? 18:17:07 <Salman_> what kind if help? 18:17:13 <Salman_> what kind of help? 18:17:52 <sarob> you said "I think we should provide link from openstack help to land to the training site as well" 18:17:58 <sarob> what is that? 18:18:39 <Salman_> I am thinking that when someone installs the openstack and click help, they should be able to land to the site of training-slides. 18:19:25 <Salman_> Right now I don't remember if the openstack online help has any link to the training site. 18:19:51 <sarob> hmm, doesnt go to doc.openstack.org? 18:20:23 <Salman_> not sure.. 18:20:54 <sarob> docs.openstack.org has get training button up top 18:21:22 <sarob> we can add the training guides icehouse release in user guides 18:21:49 <sarob> also in the training marketplace where the docs.openstack.org button links to 18:22:04 <Salman_> under docs there should be link to the "training" 18:22:20 <Salman_> I mean docs should have drop-down and one link should be training 18:22:39 <sarob> dropdown? 18:23:05 <sarob> thats a different design than what docs is using right now 18:23:52 <sarob> id settle for a spot under user guides 18:25:09 <Salman_> Agreed.. 18:25:28 <sarob> anything else? 18:25:41 <Salman_> when is next meetup? 18:27:57 <sarob> when do you have time? 18:28:10 <sarob> do we want to wait for slide publishing first? 18:28:46 <sarob> whats your preferred block of time? 18:29:10 <sarob> like once a week for 6 weeks or twice a week for 3 weeks 18:29:13 <Salman_> I can spare time on Thursday evenings.. 18:29:28 <Salman_> once a week is what I can be available. 18:29:36 <sarob> sounds good 18:30:00 <sarob> we should figure out a backup and or assistant 18:30:10 <sarob> so its not all on you 18:30:13 <Salman_> Yes, that will be great.. 18:30:33 <sarob> lets get the publishing going 18:31:03 <Salman_> indeed 18:31:07 <Salman_> anything else? 18:31:08 <sarob> next trainers meeting we set a prelim time to restart sfo training? 18:31:18 <Salman_> ok 18:31:36 <sarob> #action next meeting we set prelim schedule for sfo associate training 18:31:50 <sarob> #action sarob find salman an assistant 18:31:56 <sarob> im good 18:32:09 <sarob> see you next week 18:32:16 <Salman_> signing off now 18:32:18 <sarob> #endmeeting