17:02:11 <sarob> #startmeeting training-guides 17:02:12 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Dec 22 17:02:11 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sarob. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:02:13 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:02:15 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'training_guides' 17:02:29 <sarob> Hello 17:02:34 <dguitarbite> hello 17:02:35 <rluethi> hey 17:02:41 <matjazp> hi 17:02:49 <sayali> Hi 17:03:12 <sarob> Let's dig in 17:03:30 <sarob> #topic branching 17:03:56 <sarob> Dguitarbite how's it going? 17:04:09 <dguitarbite> waiting for docs team to merge the spec, the required changes are implemented 17:04:37 <dguitarbite> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/141369/ 17:05:43 <sarob> Got my posture 17:05:43 <matjazp> anne already gave +2 so it's just a matter of time (and proofreading :) sean will give +2 too, right :) 17:05:46 <sarob> Arg 17:05:51 <sarob> Positive 17:06:07 <sarob> Just did 17:06:11 <dguitarbite> sarob: thanks 17:06:34 <sarob> New patch so need annegentle to review it once more 17:07:03 <dguitarbite> sarob: AFAIK shes happy with the patch and we are waiting for Andreas to comment on it 17:07:19 <sarob> Question about juno branch 17:07:28 <dguitarbite> sarob: shoot 17:09:01 <rluethi> that must be one helluva question. 17:10:03 <sarob> So 17:10:03 <sarob> If we branch with only xml and scripts 17:10:03 <sarob> We merge RST 17:11:07 <sarob> Update scripts to include juno 17:11:07 <sarob> Then branch again, 17:11:07 <sarob> Quickly? 17:11:07 <sarob> So we can focus on kilo? 17:11:07 <sarob> Whatca think? 17:11:35 <dguitarbite> sarob: I think we discussed this earlier 17:11:38 <dguitarbite> but ill repeat 17:11:55 <dguitarbite> Juno till Feb 15 ~ depending on various things ofcourse it may be delayed 17:12:02 <dguitarbite> and then release Juno 17:12:14 <dguitarbite> go on with Kilo hopefully with the docs team 17:12:14 <sarob> Dguitarbite did we? 17:12:24 <rluethi> sarob: yes 17:12:25 <dguitarbite> *Feb 2015 17:12:55 <dguitarbite> so by the Kilo release we should expect training-guides to be on track with other projects (release schedule wise) 17:12:57 <sarob> Hmm, so I don't forget again 17:14:28 <sarob> #action sarob create another bp and spec to track the goal of juno branch by 2015 feb 17:14:43 <sarob> So I don't forget again ;) 17:15:06 <sarob> Let's move on then 17:15:22 <sarob> #topic kilo blueprints status 17:15:36 <sarob> I can go first 17:15:45 <dguitarbite> sure 17:16:34 <sarob> I've got a few patches out there 17:16:43 <sarob> Pending branch 17:17:40 <matjazp> sarob: there7s still a question of how to progress after we branch.. see #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/142350/ comments at the end 17:17:47 <sarob> I will be posting the rest next few days 17:18:40 <matjazp> what do others think of this? merge as a starting point so we can all contribute ASAP? 17:19:38 <sayali> I think we should wait till we branch 17:19:44 <rluethi> matjazp: as long as we are confident that it will come out of draft mode in the foreseeable future... 17:19:49 <sarob> Matjazp the plan is to branch icehouse with xml only 17:19:49 <sarob> I'm hopeful we can branch today or tomorrow 17:19:54 <rluethi> sayali: absolutely. 17:19:59 <dguitarbite> matjazp: first thing would be to wait for branch, after that delete the XML content which should be one single patch and then start pushing Juno stuff into master branch 17:20:03 <dguitarbite> till we release Juno 17:20:13 <dguitarbite> sayali: I agree 17:20:42 <matjazp> yes, that's why I said AFTER we branch.. of course we branch first 17:21:04 <sarob> Dguitarbite we shouldn't make any huge changes 17:21:28 <sarob> I think deleting all the content is a huge change 17:21:55 <rluethi> sarob: I thought that's what we've been saying since Paris. 17:22:09 <sarob> We can move through the chapters as patches pretty quickly 17:22:40 <sarob> 18 dec goal is about making this change quickly 17:22:44 <dguitarbite> sarob: I do see a point in deleting content chapter wise 17:22:55 <sarob> For getting the rst up 17:22:55 <dguitarbite> may be book wise would be good 17:23:07 <sarob> But don't want to break it 17:23:13 <dguitarbite> sarob: break what? 17:23:30 <sarob> The published content 17:23:39 <dguitarbite> sarob: that will be taken care of 17:23:48 <dguitarbite> the end-users will not see any downtime if that is what you mean 17:23:56 <sarob> Yeah I know we can do it 17:23:57 <dguitarbite> the XML content will still be published as it is now 17:24:21 <sarob> While we are getting the rst HTML fixed up 17:24:38 <sarob> We still have the rest published 17:24:52 <sarob> Could be as short as a day 17:24:58 <sarob> Transitsition 17:25:19 <sarob> But with patch review and holidays 17:25:23 <sarob> Never know 17:26:25 <sarob> And there is reeds patch for hieroglyph 17:27:03 <reed> yeah, I was just thinking about that ... hieroglyph is not bad 17:27:09 <rluethi> sarob: so what do you propose? 17:27:48 <sarob> Rluethi we branch so we can move forward 17:27:54 <sarob> We start merging rst 17:28:04 <reed> but I am not sure mixing slides and text-based content in the same file is really a viable option 17:28:41 <rluethi> sarob: I think we all agree that we want to branch soon. Do you want to vote on that? 17:28:52 <sarob> In parallel we agree or disagree on landslide or hieroglyph 17:29:06 <reed> i personally agree on hieroglyph 17:29:07 <matjazp> there are some projects that can generate different HTML5 presentations from RST source. 17:29:28 <reed> although I don't disagree on anything else either 17:29:32 <rluethi> if reed prefers hieroglyph, I support it, too. 17:29:43 <sarob> And once we are ready to publish slides we switch 17:29:47 <dguitarbite> sarob: I agree on Hieroglyph 17:29:55 <dguitarbite> I think we should have a vote on this 17:30:00 <sarob> And then patch to remove xml 17:30:24 <dguitarbite> sarob: I thought first thing after branching is cleaning up the XML content 17:30:37 <dguitarbite> we will have it in the Icehouse branch 17:31:01 <sarob> But we still need the published xml 17:31:03 <matjazp> reed, how do you propose to keep text (eg. presenatation notes)? 17:31:17 <matjazp> reed: separate document? 17:31:28 <reed> matjazp, notes should stay in the hieroglyph file 17:31:31 <sarob> As HTML 17:31:51 <reed> hiero can build notes as presenter's notes :) 17:31:58 <reed> just like landslide 17:32:17 <matjazp> reed: ok, thanks 17:32:25 <sarob> Dguitarbite shouldn't we wait to reemove xml until rst is ready to be HTML published 17:32:49 <dguitarbite> sarob: we have the content in Icehouse, it will not have any effect on the docs.openstack.org page either 17:33:04 <dguitarbite> I prefer cleaning up the mess as its difficult to do that once the RST content is in 17:33:17 <dguitarbite> and I am afraid of new people patching on the XML code 17:33:19 <sarob> Dguitarbite hmm, okay 17:33:31 <dguitarbite> thats another thing I prefer to totally avoid 17:33:58 <rluethi> exactly. 17:34:00 <matjazp> dguitarbite: patches will come as ppl will use icehouse version of the docs, I'm afraid 17:34:07 <sarob> Dguitarbite avoiding zombie xml patches 17:34:19 <matjazp> dguitarbite: so some proosed patches will come nevertheless 17:34:24 <dguitarbite> matjazp: bugs mostly and they can be backported I will love to have them 17:34:38 <dguitarbite> but if the same patches are there in the master branch then we need to maintain two copies 17:34:46 <dguitarbite> and backport them etc. etc. 17:34:53 <dguitarbite> should we not make our lives easier? 17:35:28 <sarob> Dguitarbite yes easier is good 17:35:33 <matjazp> dguitarbite: I'm sold on "make our lives easier" ;) 17:35:50 <dguitarbite> I am not saying that XML content will be completely removed :), they will be maintained in the Icehouse branch 17:35:52 <dguitarbite> :) 17:35:53 <sayali> yes makes sense :) 17:38:08 <sarob> And sense it's part of the branching spec I +2 17:38:14 <sarob> ;) 17:38:42 <sarob> So we need more specs 17:39:05 <sarob> If you have signed on for a bp 17:39:05 <sayali> I have pushed 1 patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/143270/ 17:39:12 <sayali> but it needs some more work 17:39:24 <sayali> And one more will come soon 17:39:32 <sarob> I see 17:39:46 <sarob> Sayali I will review 17:39:52 <sayali> I need to do some more findings for the 2nd one 17:40:25 <sarob> Sayali okay, get it pushed as soon as you can 17:40:31 <sayali> sure, you can do that after I upload the new patchset 17:40:53 <sarob> Matjazp we need a couple of specs for your bp as well 17:40:55 <matjazp> I'm still a bit behind on my specs. Some urgent work before holidays kick in I'm afraid.. 17:41:20 <sarob> Matjazp understood 17:41:23 <matjazp> will try to finish both of them asap 17:41:39 <sarob> Matjazp we are all volunteers here 17:41:49 <sarob> Matjazp so we do what we can 17:42:03 <rluethi> My spec has been in limbo for two weeks and I am very okay with where it is. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/137299/ 17:42:34 <rluethi> It won't make it in kilo. 17:42:40 <matjazp> I was talking with my coworker Miha about joining in occasionally... 17:42:54 <dguitarbite> may be you need to learn from inception and try and get it out of limbo asap or you may get lost! 17:43:32 <sarob> Rluethi I was distracted with the other work 17:43:45 <sarob> Rluethi I will comment 17:43:51 <rluethi> sarob: excuses, excuses :) 17:44:14 <sarob> Rluethi I've got hundreds of em 17:44:42 <sarob> Let's move on 17:44:42 <rluethi> seriously, though, we don't have the resource to do it. but hopefully we will get additional information in this cycle that will helps with it eventually. 17:44:44 <matjazp> hehe-- there are always Christmas miracles, right? Maybe Santa can deliver some quality Specs under my tree 17:45:01 <rluethi> matjazp: good luck with that :) 17:45:26 <sarob> Rluethi yes, I believe we are getting traction 17:45:30 <dguitarbite> hehe 17:45:50 <sarob> Rluethi we keep the work going 17:46:06 <sarob> Rluethi more help will come 17:46:33 <sarob> Rluethi esp with the user group visibility 17:47:05 <sarob> Down soapbox 17:47:25 <rluethi> sarob: of course we are all interested in feedback from the pilot 17:47:58 <sarob> I'm getting the trainers group started up 17:48:09 <matjazp> I've got some feedback for you rluethi 17:48:35 <sarob> I've created a survey 17:48:36 <rluethi> matjazp: excellent. 17:48:45 <rluethi> sarob: cool! 17:49:04 <matjazp> everything works as it should (minus small issue with locale settings you already fixed) 17:49:36 <sarob> #action sarob share user group training survey results with training team 17:49:48 <rluethi> matjazp: nice. I suppose you had no Windows users? 17:49:57 <matjazp> there are some issues with performance - nested virtualization on Virtual Box could be too slow for some advanced testing 17:50:40 <rluethi> matjazp: dguitarbite and sayali are working on KVM support, that should help with performance. 17:51:00 <sarob> Rluethi I want to get the user group using osbash 17:51:00 <matjazp> rluethi: no, I didn't push it ;) We explicitly booted Linux (Ubuntu). But I will have more feedback after holidays, when they test at home 17:51:23 <sarob> Rluethi need the trainers to include 17:51:50 <rluethi> matjazp: cool. feel free to give them my email address. 17:51:51 <sayali> yes performance is much fater. dguitarbite had it running on KVM 17:51:51 <sarob> Rluethi and learn how to manage with 30 people 17:52:19 <sayali> faster* 17:52:58 * sarob osbash KVM spec..... 17:53:33 <matjazp> rluethi: maybe we should also look again at Vagrant- it already has many providers supported (KVM an HyperV inscluded) 17:54:17 <sayali> sarob: that should also be pushed by eom as far as I remember my discussion with dguitarbite 17:54:28 <rluethi> matjazp: problem with vagrant is that it's non-trivial to install, even more so if you want to use its plugins. 17:54:40 <sarob> Sayali okay 17:54:42 <rluethi> matjazp: _and_ rebooting during install is a PITA. 17:54:47 <matjazp> rluethi: non trivial? how so? 17:55:00 <matjazp> rluethi: yes, rebooting is an issue 17:55:41 <sarob> Real quick 17:55:50 <sarob> Before we run out of time 17:56:12 <rluethi> matjazp: the versions of vagrant that come with various distros are quite different, so we might have to ask users to manually install an update. 17:56:28 <sarob> I want to propose we use the nova method for proposing new core reviewers 17:56:55 <matjazp> rluethi: yes, but this is covered on the net in countless blog posts 17:57:04 <rluethi> matjazp: on Windows, last time I checked there were environment variables to set, and installing plugins required extra work. 17:57:14 <dguitarbite> sayali: eom? 17:57:52 <sarob> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Nova/CoreTeam#Adding_or_Removing_Members 17:57:57 <sayali> dguitarbite: was it later? I could have misunderstood 17:58:11 <sarob> Read up and let's discuss next meeting 17:58:12 <dguitarbite> sarob: first thiings first, release 17:58:19 <dguitarbite> I dont want to do 100 things at the same time 17:58:38 <sarob> I'm good with that 17:58:39 <matjazp> dguitarbite: its a small thing to agree to 17:58:43 <sarob> Last thing 17:58:52 <sarob> Let's miss the next meeting 17:59:01 <reed> :) 17:59:09 <sarob> Next meeting 06 January 17:59:22 <sarob> That's two meeting miss 17:59:36 <rluethi> k 17:59:39 <matjazp> ok 17:59:40 <sarob> Everyone good with that? 17:59:46 <sayali> yep 17:59:54 <rluethi> wait, on a tuesday? 18:00:09 <sarob> Oops that week the 18:00:13 <sarob> The 18:00:16 <sarob> Then 18:00:20 <rluethi> okay, 5th then. 18:00:26 <sarob> Right 18:00:34 <sarob> Time to go 18:00:42 <rluethi> bye 18:00:45 <matjazp> bye all 18:00:45 <sarob> Merry Christmas everyone 18:00:49 <matjazp> happy hollidays 18:00:53 <sayali> bye! 18:00:54 <sarob> And cheers! 18:00:58 <dguitarbite> happy holidays :) 18:01:01 <dguitarbite> bye 18:01:15 <sarob> #endmeeting