17:00:20 <sarob> #startmeeting training-guides 17:00:21 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jan 19 17:00:20 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sarob. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:22 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:00:24 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'training_guides' 17:00:27 <sayali> hello 17:00:33 <rluethi> hello again 17:01:30 <sarob> roll call 17:01:49 <rluethi> I am here 17:01:55 <sayali> Me too 17:02:47 <sarob> hello everyone 17:03:10 <matjazp> hey guys 17:03:18 <rluethi> hi 17:03:31 <sarob> #topic state of branching 17:04:05 <sarob> no dguitarbite yet... 17:04:28 <rluethi> It's not on the agenda anyway. 17:04:34 <rluethi> Unless you count the third item. 17:04:39 <sarob> it was 17:04:47 <sarob> when you guys update the agenda 17:04:50 <sayali> hey may not be able to join today 17:04:57 <sarob> make sure you just add 17:04:58 <sayali> he* 17:05:02 <sarob> okay 17:05:11 <matjazp> agenda was for last week 17:05:31 <sarob> gerrit is sloow 17:05:38 <matjazp> should we always just copy last weeks agendas? 17:06:02 <rluethi> matjazp: it would likely grow too much. 17:06:15 <matjazp> rluethi: exactly. Thats why I deleted it 17:06:15 <sarob> matjazp: mean carry on what was not finished? 17:06:32 <sarob> branching is pretty critical 17:06:45 <sarob> so we need to conclude it asap 17:06:45 <rluethi> matjazp: maybe we should mark those items we want to keep with a date so they don't get deleted accidentally 17:07:03 <rluethi> sarob: agreed, but there's not much we can do right now. 17:07:05 <matjazp> rluethi: agree 17:07:23 <rluethi> sarob: we can prepare for the time after the branch, though. 17:07:26 <sarob> agreed 17:07:51 <sarob> #topic assessment and Q&A rst chapt format 17:08:01 <matjazp> yes... I was working on that 17:08:30 <matjazp> I propose common document with all q&a, and includes for suitable q&a's for slideware 17:08:41 <matjazp> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/148315/ 17:09:07 <matjazp> problem is, that not all questions are suitable to show them on slides in front of trainees 17:09:10 * sarob reading 17:09:49 <matjazp> this way, we can include from common document just a selected ones 17:10:10 <rluethi> matjazp: can you elaborate? what questions are suitable or not suitable? 17:10:35 <matjazp> rluethi: e.g. can't put long questions on a slide 17:11:10 <rluethi> matjazp: IC 17:11:28 <matjazp> but they are really helpful when reviewing stuff (e.g. at home after the training session) 17:12:03 <rluethi> matjazp: makes sense. 17:12:03 <matjazp> but when discussing in front of trainees, some questions are really good for facilitating discussion 17:12:29 <matjazp> so we just select those and put them on slides for the trainers to discuss with trainees 17:12:52 <sarob> matjazp: excellent, i like it 17:12:54 <matjazp> that review is just to show what I mean 17:13:02 <matjazp> not a finished product 17:13:15 <matjazp> two files: one has all the questions 17:13:18 <sayali> that sounds good matjazp 17:13:24 <matjazp> the other is slideware 17:13:25 <sarob> matjazp: can you update the patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/142333/ 17:14:07 <sarob> or make it dependent on it 17:14:12 <matjazp> sarob: I was waiting for you guys if you like the concept 17:14:26 <sarob> matjazp: i like, much 17:14:27 <matjazp> sarob: I can make it dependant 17:14:49 <sarob> matjazp: cool 17:15:03 <matjazp> or.. if the branching wont be soon, update the sarobs patches 17:15:25 <rluethi> I wonder if there is a way to make the nature of each file more obvious for newcomers. 17:15:34 <sarob> matjazp: so is there an online testing tool that would let you do exactly what you have here 17:15:39 <rluethi> maybe name them "slides" or something maybe!? 17:15:43 <matjazp> rluethi: different filenames? 17:16:01 <sarob> matjazp: but embed the test question so the 17:16:12 <sarob> matjazp: result updates the remote 17:16:19 <sarob> matjazp: with the question results? 17:16:26 <sarob> matjazp: answer 17:16:34 <matjazp> rluethi: just comment on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/148315 17:17:25 <matjazp> sarob: hmm.. dont know 17:17:29 <rluethi> matjazp: good to know you want feedback, I usually leave patches that are marked WIP alone. 17:18:18 <matjazp> rluethi: dodn't have time to proper look at this and I intended to ask you guys on IRC anyway 17:19:26 <matjazp> removed WIP, so maybe others will comment on it 17:19:49 <rluethi> matjazp: I'll try to take a closer look tomorrow. 17:20:03 <matjazp> rluethi: ok 17:21:00 <sarob> matjazp: think about how a online testing system can use these questions and answers 17:21:12 <matjazp> sarob: I am 17:21:33 <matjazp> problem is, we still havent decided what we will use... Moodle or smth else 17:21:33 <sarob> matjazp: anything else? 17:21:42 <matjazp> sarob: nope 17:22:06 <sarob> matjazp: can i find you some more help? 17:22:33 <matjazp> sarob: that would be great 17:23:09 <sarob> matjazp: i have a few that may be able to help on the online testing specifically 17:24:07 <sarob> #action matjazp will make #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/148315/ dependent on #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/142333/ 17:24:11 <matjazp> sarob: anyone that can programm? I guess we still need to integrate our online system with Launchpad 17:24:46 <sarob> #action sarob will find matjazp some help with the online testing tool 17:25:09 <sarob> matjazp: more like openID integration 17:25:30 <sarob> matjazp: launchpad days are numbered 17:25:44 <matjazp> sarob: oh... not a moment too soon ;) 17:25:55 <sarob> moving on 17:26:21 <sarob> #topic list of kilo videos to be made 17:26:56 <sarob> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openstck-training-guides%28Audio_Visual_Content%29 17:27:12 <sayali> I wanted to ask if there is any specific need for videos from the trainers? 17:27:50 <sayali> osbash is currently been worked on but other than that if there was any requirement 17:28:06 <sarob> sayali: we havent done it enough yet 17:28:13 <sarob> sayali: for them to know 17:28:32 <sarob> sayali: and with the format changing, and 17:28:48 <sarob> sayali: starting to include osbash 17:29:10 <sarob> sayali: they are just keeping up 17:29:13 <sayali> have you guys used osbash yet? 17:29:19 <sarob> sayali: not yet 17:29:43 <matjazp> sayali: I used it in my class this semester 17:29:51 <sarob> sayali: i was hoping to start this week, but trainers are getting off to a rough start 17:30:05 <sayali> ah ok. only rluethi reviewed the script on etherpad.. 17:30:21 <sayali> matjazp: how did that go? 17:30:24 <rluethi> matjazp: any new feedback? 17:31:02 <matjazp> sayali: ok, worksa as intended 17:31:55 <matjazp> rluethi: I miss some new features... we didn't have them so I had to switch to devstack 17:32:27 <matjazp> rluethi: eg. swift, LBaaS 17:32:35 <rluethi> matjazp: I don't remember seeing a list of missing features. 17:32:43 <rluethi> matjazp: ah 17:32:56 <matjazp> rluethi: NEW new features ;) 17:33:05 <matjazp> rluethi: wishlist 17:33:23 <rluethi> matjazp: I'd like to add whatever is necessary to make it useful. 17:33:26 <sayali> matjazp: that's cool. if you get some time you coud add to the scripts if you find something missing in the setup. 17:33:49 <matjazp> sayali: ok, I'll try to look at it later this week 17:33:51 <rluethi> matjazp: I think swift is covered in the install-guides, but LBaaS? 17:34:06 <sayali> matjazp: cool, thanks! 17:34:42 <matjazp> rluethi: nope :( but it's a really nice feature for demo 17:34:44 <sayali> rluethi: we don't have to go as per the install guides do we? 17:34:53 <sarob> sayali: dumped some notes into the etherpad 17:35:05 <sayali> sarob: great, ill take a look 17:35:06 <rluethi> matjazp: we would need some documentation similar to the install-guide. I just don't want to figure out everything by myself :). 17:35:29 <matjazp> rluethi: we just file a bug to the docs team :) 17:36:01 <rluethi> matjazp: I was hoping for something faster. 17:36:05 <matjazp> rluethi: ... and wait for "official" documentation 17:37:18 <matjazp> rluethi: yes, I know. some of it is in wiki, but maybe we could just reuse devstack scripts that install it 17:37:58 <rluethi> sayali: I'd like to stick to the install-guide for everything covered in there. for additional things, we can make up our own procedures. 17:38:16 <matjazp> but maybe lbaas is just my personal preference to show some neat features (I also need to teach them about ha concepts) 17:38:36 <rluethi> matjazp: at least for inspiration, that might work. I would still need some smoke test to see if it works (is properly installed). 17:38:37 <sayali> rluethi: yep I meant to ask about the additions only 17:39:04 <sarob> matjazp: thought about recording some of your classwork sessions? 17:39:07 <rluethi> matjazp: I do like the lbaas idea. 17:39:13 <matjazp> sarob: they are in slovene 17:39:34 <rluethi> excellent. we already have sessions in exotic languages! 17:39:45 <sarob> matjazp: hmm, maybe i should brush up on my slovene 17:39:54 <matjazp> exotic? ;) 17:40:01 * sarob maybe i should learn slovene 17:40:03 * matjazp feels special 17:40:05 <rluethi> matjazp: exotic from where I stand :). 17:40:23 <sarob> exotic sounds warm 17:40:30 <matjazp> rluethi: hey, you're just few hundred KMs on the left from me :) 17:40:57 <rluethi> matjazp: yeah, but nothing's exotic here, I assure you. And it's pretty cold, too. 17:40:59 <sarob> 100KM+ = exotic 17:41:16 <rluethi> sarob: from where I live, definitely. 17:41:31 <rluethi> sarob: I wonder why an American would say that, though :). 17:41:40 <sarob> 100KM+= drive to work for me ;) 17:41:48 <rluethi> sarob: they call 500KM+ a "daytrip". 17:42:12 <sarob> 2.5 hour each way now during commute time 17:42:21 <sarob> fun stuff 17:42:39 <rluethi> I bet. 17:43:24 <sarob> soooo, it would be cool to have some real life use of openstack, osbash, and training 17:43:32 <matjazp> sarob: hmmm and I complain... and I have work just few KMs from where I live 17:43:39 <sarob> matjazp: even if in slovene 17:43:50 <sarob> matjazp: could always translate 17:43:56 <rluethi> sarob: I think we can all agree on that. 17:43:56 <sarob> matjazp: with subtitles 17:44:05 <matjazp> sarob: this week is the last week of semester 17:44:18 <sarob> matjazp: maybe next time 17:45:02 <sarob> matjazp: showing how many different people are using openstack is good for this project and also openstack 17:45:06 <sarob> matjazp: at large 17:45:35 <sayali> yeah those recordings will be very useful 17:45:46 <sarob> sayali: anything else on AV? 17:46:10 <sayali> umm the spec is out for review 17:46:17 <sayali> for AV 17:46:31 <rluethi> sayali: we are hoping to get some version of the test script script soonish, it might be worth waiting for that and including it. 17:46:46 <rluethi> sayali: depending on your schedule and plans, of course. 17:47:21 <sarob> sayali: i will give the spec review 17:47:28 <sayali> rluethi: I can wait but do we want to club that in the same video? 17:47:43 <sarob> sayali: club? 17:48:30 <sarob> annegentle: any eta on training-guides branching? 17:48:49 <sayali> sorry I lost connection 17:48:55 <rluethi> sayali: club? 17:49:08 <sarob> annegentle: we are blocked on branching 17:49:51 <sayali> ya asin make one video or a sequel to the post setup for osbash with the test scripts 17:50:08 <sarob> #action sarob annegentle training-guides branching, unblock so we can get to kilo branch on schedule 17:50:24 <rluethi> sayali: I like the sequel idea. 17:50:54 <sarob> sayali: sounds good 17:50:57 <rluethi> sarob: ISTR that the spec is almost merged but needs rebasing. 17:51:07 <matjazp> sayali: better to make a lot of short, focused videos than one all.in.one 17:51:26 <sayali> rluethi: cool, so the we can go ahead with the first one then once the test scripts are ready we could work on that 17:51:34 <sayali> matjazp: yep I agree 17:51:40 <sarob> rluethi: is merged #link https://github.com/openstack/docs-specs/blob/master/specs/kilo/training-guides-icehouse-release.rst 17:51:50 <rluethi> sarob: then it's a matter of andreas and pranav having time to do the actual branching work (or request infra to do it). 17:52:41 <sarob> rluethi: agreed, just referencing annegentle that it is blocking us 17:53:12 <sarob> sayali: short videos are good 17:53:44 <sayali> sarob: yep 17:54:03 <sarob> rluethi: dguitarbite and andeasj are working on it 17:54:25 <sarob> rluethi: reminding annegentle is part of the process 17:54:58 <sarob> rluethi: if they get blocked then we could go to infra directly, just wanted to follow the steps 17:55:13 <sarob> rluethi: rather than jumping ahead 17:55:15 <rluethi> sarob: I did not know that. Thanks for the explanation. 17:55:52 <sarob> rluethi: guessing on some of this since we have never branched before 17:56:18 <sarob> #topic any other business 17:56:27 <sarob> few minutes left 17:56:54 <sarob> we all cores should review specs 17:57:03 <sarob> merge if ready 17:57:20 <rluethi> specs in docs-specs? 17:57:23 <matjazp> specs are in docs-specs repo 17:57:44 <rluethi> we are not core there, nor can we merge anything. 17:58:03 <sarob> rluethi: duh, sorry 17:58:10 <sarob> rluethi: not enuf coffeee 17:58:36 <sarob> rluethi: review though 17:58:52 <sarob> any thing else? 17:58:56 <rluethi> wouldn't hurt to send out an email pointing out specs that we should review. 17:59:20 <rluethi> I'm good. 17:59:30 <sayali> nope nothing 17:59:32 <sarob> #action sarob ML update on patches to review 17:59:36 <matjazp> ok, bye all 17:59:39 <sarob> sweet 17:59:43 <rluethi> bye 17:59:43 <sarob> bye people 17:59:47 <sayali> bye 17:59:58 <sarob> #endmeeting