16:02:49 <sarob> #startmeeting training-guides 16:02:50 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Mar 9 16:02:49 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sarob. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:02:51 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:02:53 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'training_guides' 16:03:17 <sarob> roll call 17:02:00 <rluethi> dguitarbite, sayalilunkad: u there? 17:02:09 <sayalilunkad> rluethi: yes 17:02:28 <rluethi> we seem to be one chair short. 17:02:41 <matjazp> hi all 17:02:52 <sarob> hello 17:02:57 <rluethi> there he is. 17:03:08 <sarob> i started the meeting an hour too soon 17:03:12 <rluethi> I thought you might have gotten caught ab in DST. 17:03:17 <sarob> stupid daylight savings time 17:03:20 <rluethi> right. 17:03:31 <sarob> roll call 17:03:55 <rluethi> hi 17:04:00 <matjazp> hi 17:04:03 <sarob> \o/ 17:04:03 <sayalilunkad> hello 17:04:17 <sarob> okey dokey 17:04:28 <sarob> i wasnt able to do much last week 17:04:39 <sarob> agenda here 17:04:42 <sarob> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/training-guides 17:04:51 <rluethi> no agenda for today. so, any other issues? 17:05:16 <sarob> well still need to review that stuff, right? 17:06:02 <matjazp> I was looking at that presentation stuff (xml to rst 17:06:17 <sayalilunkad> we have had the same agenda for the last two meetings if I remember correctly. 17:06:23 <sarob> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/training_guides/2015/training_guides.2015-03-02-17.00.html 17:06:51 <sarob> how about review action items from last meet 17:06:54 <sarob> to start 17:07:08 <sarob> #topic review action stuff 17:07:27 <sarob> matjazp: how did your rework go? 17:08:08 <matjazp> so so... like reed said, landslide sucks (in comparison with "full" presentation sw) 17:08:20 <matjazp> I'll be posting a proposition 17:08:33 <matjazp> so you can all look at it and see if that is acceptable 17:08:54 <matjazp> we will also have to adapt a CSS.. font is to small for slides 17:09:18 <sarob> matjazp: ready to hear and see 17:09:32 <matjazp> sarob: I'm adapting your text.. hope thats ok 17:09:44 <sarob> matjazp: totally 17:09:50 <rluethi> matjazp: any reason to believe that hieroglyph would be better than landslide? 17:09:53 <matjazp> sarob: primarily looking at presentation, not so much on the content 17:09:59 <reed> matjazp, someone (Sylvain, IIRC) suggested to use reveal.js instead 17:10:14 <matjazp> rluethi: well.. it cant be as bad as landslide (i hope ;) 17:10:19 <reed> I asked for help in testing that solution 17:10:43 <sayalilunkad> reed: we did try using something similar to reveal.js. It was impress.js but that didn't work out too well 17:11:24 <matjazp> reed: does it have rst? 17:11:29 <matjazp> or only markup 17:11:35 <reed> reveal.js apparently uses RST as input so it may solve the problem 17:11:51 <rluethi> reed: one issue is that using something cool like reveal means PDF export becomes more important because many presentation computers are ancient machines without recent browsers. 17:12:03 <reed> but RST is such a family of formats in the end... 17:12:28 <reed> rluethi, probably but for Upstream Training that is not an issue 17:13:15 <sarob> rluethi: what presentation computers are you thinking of? 17:13:42 <rluethi> sarob: the machines that you find in firms and universities next to the projector. 17:13:51 <matjazp> rluethi: I always bring my laptop.. we can expect the same for other trainers 17:14:21 <rluethi> matjazp: if that works for trainers, I'm cool with that, too. 17:14:29 <matjazp> rluethi: I can't even remember when I last time used (yes, REALY ancient) presenter comp 17:14:51 <rluethi> matjazp: me? this week. 17:15:11 <matjazp> rluethi: my condolances ;) 17:15:30 <rluethi> matjazp: duly noted. 17:16:05 <rluethi> sayalilunkad, do you remember what the problem was with impress? 17:16:17 <matjazp> rluethi: usually, if you have VGA adapter and a full battery, you can always use your laptop as a alternative 17:17:09 <sayalilunkad> rluethi: I was just trying to find the patch I had for that. I can't seem to find it. 17:17:15 <rluethi> matjazp: I am used to events where there's not enough time to switch computers between presentations. but for OpenStack I think you are right. 17:18:10 * matjazp rluethi: yes, its true. I was talking about longer talks (a uni class and similar)... Lightning talks& company are different 17:18:23 * sarob like impress.js 17:19:09 <rluethi> sarob: do you like impress.js presentations, or did you write a presentation and like the way they're written? 17:19:38 <sarob> 3d presentation canvas 17:19:43 <matjazp> last time I checked, they were mostly based on markdown? 17:20:06 <sarob> i have not dig into code 17:20:09 <sarob> dug 17:20:22 <sayalilunkad> matjazp: thats right 17:20:58 <matjazp> I believe RST format somewhat narrows possible choices 17:22:06 <sarob> if we can support markdown and RST, is that bad? 17:22:12 <sayalilunkad> Can we not use markdown instead then? 17:23:08 <matjazp> I would prefer rst (as it will be the format of choice for Docs), but I don't have a personal preference... 17:23:35 <sarob> i prefer rst as well 17:24:05 <sarob> but supporting markdown too, could make this easier to move forward with automation, no? 17:24:22 <rluethi> +1 for RST, just for consistency's sake. 17:24:42 <sarob> i guess im just antsy 17:24:50 <sayalilunkad> I would prefer not having two formats. Either one fine with me 17:25:26 <sarob> so impress.js doesnt support rst? 17:25:44 <sayalilunkad> reveal.js on the other hand does seem to support rst 17:26:58 <matjazp> sayalilunkad: where do you see that? 17:26:59 <sarob> matjazp: your proposal will break the options down? 17:27:49 <sayalilunkad> sorry that was something else 17:28:18 <matjazp> my proposal was with landslide and using presenter notes for longer text and slide for bullet points (standard presenter stuff, really). So I took your slides and shorten them where I thought they were too long 17:28:48 <sarob> matjazp: ah, okay 17:29:19 <matjazp> we could test converters like https://github.com/regebro/hovercraft (rst to impress) 17:30:00 <matjazp> and https://github.com/marianoguerra/rst2html5 (rst to different renderers) 17:30:28 <matjazp> but in the mean time, lets just write content in rst... 17:30:31 <sarob> is dguitarbyte join us? 17:30:41 <matjazp> we can easily convert to anything later 17:30:49 <sarob> +1 17:31:02 <sarob> i need less options in my life 17:31:04 <rluethi> +1 17:31:15 <sayalilunkad> +1 17:31:44 * sarob on pin and needles for matjazp proposal 17:31:51 <sarob> ;) 17:31:59 <matjazp> later today 17:32:54 <sarob> #topic landing page 17:33:01 <sarob> we kinda talked 17:33:07 <sarob> about part of this 17:33:12 <sarob> but i have more 17:33:15 <sarob> to add 17:33:31 <sarob> i spoke with heidi and lauren from the foundation 17:33:32 <sayalilunkad> sure 17:33:34 <sarob> last week 17:34:03 <sarob> on training guides and the openstack.org/marketplace/training subsite 17:34:32 <sarob> they both agree on adding training guides to the online help section 17:35:13 <sarob> they are not sure about adding community training events to the main section of page though 17:35:13 <matjazp> online help section? 17:35:37 <sarob> #link http://www.openstack.org/marketplace/training/ 17:35:44 <sarob> see middle right side 17:36:40 <sarob> its the courses section that we need to discuss further 17:36:40 <matjazp> there should also be a link from docs subsite 17:36:55 <sarob> matjazp: true 17:37:08 <sayalilunkad> for the middle right we need to scroll down the page 17:37:38 <sarob> really? 17:37:45 <matjazp> sayalilunkad: depends on the screen resolution 17:37:59 <sarob> openstack online help section is pretty high up there 17:38:08 <matjazp> I can see it on my laptop directly 17:39:06 <sarob> i have creating a landing page on my to do list 17:39:22 <sarob> im going to copy the ops or sec page 17:39:32 <sayalilunkad> hmm that's weird 17:40:25 <sarob> annd 17:41:04 <sarob> #topic landslide/sphinx report 17:41:22 <sarob> reed: you were tasked with reporting back? 17:41:42 <matjazp> sarob: due next week 17:42:29 <sarob> oh, okay 17:42:34 <reed> sarob, I didn't do it, sorry 17:42:44 <sarob> geez, i cant read, reed 17:42:56 <sarob> early ping 17:43:09 <reed> I'm following 3 conversations.. 4 now 17:43:27 <sarob> blush 17:43:56 <sarob> #topic other stuff 17:44:15 <sarob> i have taken on running the foundation training standards group 17:44:36 <sarob> it parallel to what we are working on 17:44:48 <rluethi> sarob: what is it? 17:44:50 <sarob> starting next week 17:45:08 <matjazp> sarob: I would like to be involved 17:45:24 <sarob> matjazp: its public 17:45:48 <sarob> #link http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/foundation-testing-standards 17:46:03 <sarob> jump on the ML for whats what 17:46:06 <matjazp> sarob: ok, thx 17:46:18 <sarob> first meeting next week sometime 17:46:28 <sarob> need to work it out soon 17:46:38 <sarob> as to why 17:47:09 <sarob> the foundation allows companies to use the openstack branded mark for promoting training 17:47:14 <sarob> on openstack 17:48:04 <sarob> foundation is going to employ a third party to implement openstack tests 17:48:22 <sarob> for certification like linux, ms, cisco, and the rest 17:49:00 <sarob> this new group is going to create the content of what should be part of those tests 17:49:42 <sarob> the third party testing cert company will create the tests and administer the implementation 17:50:12 <sarob> our group will want to know what those standards are too 17:50:48 <sarob> so community training trainees are learning the stuff 17:50:50 <matjazp> sarob: I remember working in a Openstack training working group few years back 17:50:55 <matjazp> sarob: same focus 17:50:55 <sarob> that helps them pass the tests 17:51:13 <sarob> matjazp: yup, this is a reboot of that 17:51:24 <sarob> mark collier started 17:51:30 <matjazp> sarob: true 17:51:39 <sarob> heidi bretz is running it now 17:52:06 <sarob> thats all i got to say about that 17:52:51 <matjazp> sarob: ok, thx, I'll try to pop up at the meeting 17:53:11 <sarob> jump on ML to keep on top of it 17:54:21 <sarob> so is dguitarbyte still leading the automation effort? 17:54:42 <rluethi> sarob: I suppose so. 17:55:29 <sarob> im open to whatever tweaks we team want 17:55:43 <sayalilunkad> tweak to? 17:55:55 <sarob> branching juno is my desire 17:56:18 <sarob> there i said it 17:56:47 <sarob> anything else? 17:57:45 <rluethi> wait, didn't we branch juno weeks ago? 17:58:09 <rluethi> anyhoo, I guess that's for next week's meeting. 17:58:27 <sarob> that was icehouse 17:58:28 <sayalilunkad> rluethi: I don't think we have juno branch yet 17:58:43 <sayalilunkad> only icehouse and the trunk at preset 17:58:43 <rluethi> trunk is the juno branch, isn't it? 17:58:48 <sarob> we wanted to get slides going first 17:58:50 <sayalilunkad> yes 17:59:01 <sayalilunkad> trunk will become juno 17:59:01 <sarob> allllmost there 17:59:08 <sarob> roger that 17:59:29 <sarob> i say goodnight and good morning 17:59:45 <rluethi> bye 17:59:53 <sayalilunkad> buh bye 17:59:53 <sarob> #endmeeting