17:02:45 <sarob> #startmeeting training-guides 17:02:46 <openstack> Meeting started Mon May 11 17:02:45 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sarob. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:02:47 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:02:49 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'training_guides' 17:02:53 <sayalilunkad> hey 17:03:33 <sarob> so whats in the review queue? 17:04:01 <sarob> review patch size.. 17:04:03 <sarob> cool 17:04:42 <sarob> looks like only my old patches are pending 17:05:03 <sarob> im running a not enough sleep 17:05:08 <matjazp> sarob: can you guys look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/181445/ 17:05:32 <sarob> pretty 17:05:45 <sarob> looks good 17:05:52 <matjazp> if the look is ok, I'll copy it to the training guides 17:06:04 <sarob> +2 17:06:12 <sarob> do we have a second 17:06:38 <matjazp> reed has Upstream training this weekend, right? 17:07:01 <sarob> yup 17:07:29 <sarob> im going to help him on sunday 17:07:38 <sarob> flying in on saturday 17:07:52 <matjazp> there will be some patches few days before, right? we should prepare and review them ASAP 17:08:09 <sarob> okay 17:08:49 <sayalilunkad> sarob: we have the session on monday 17:09:02 <matjazp> what about html publishing? currently they are not published anywhere? 17:09:11 <sayalilunkad> we need to prepare material for that? 17:09:17 <sarob> sayalilunkad: yeah i wanted to disucss thtat 17:09:44 <sarob> i put our design session on top of the ambassador talk 17:09:51 <sarob> cause im stupid 17:09:55 <sayalilunkad> sarob: yeah we should. pranav is not here unfortunately 17:10:06 * sarob hits head on table 17:10:14 <sayalilunkad> lol 17:10:31 <sarob> is there another time that could work for everyone? 17:10:53 <sarob> maybe friday? 17:10:53 <sayalilunkad> Pranav had sent an email, we can decide on that perhaps? 17:11:33 <sarob> which where? 17:11:36 <sayalilunkad> Friday might be a bit late, maybe thursday? 17:11:43 <sarob> shirely 17:11:57 <sayalilunkad> docs ml 17:13:01 <sarob> i only see the rabbit-mg one 17:13:07 <sarob> mq 17:13:24 <sayalilunkad> it is in reply to your not being able to attend the meeting last week 17:14:02 <sarob> oh okay 17:14:18 <sarob> oops missed that one 17:14:25 <sayalilunkad> sarob: i just replied to that one 17:14:30 <sarob> great to be prepared 17:15:00 <sayalilunkad> sarob: yeah 17:15:01 <sarob> reduankulous 17:15:34 <sarob> i have my totally self serving akanda thing 17:16:09 <dguitarbite> hello 17:16:15 <sarob> i want to use osbash to build devstack envir for training akanda 17:16:18 <sarob> dguitarbite: hey 17:16:33 <sayalilunkad> sarob: you cannot use osbash to run devstack 17:16:46 <sarob> i know 17:16:52 <matjazp> sarob: osbash is installed from packages, not from devstack script 17:17:00 <sarob> i said that wierd 17:17:34 <rluethi> s/weird/wrong/ 17:17:46 <sayalilunkad> matjazp: I reviewed your patch 17:18:07 <sarob> i dont want get off on a tangent 17:18:21 <sarob> ill post my wierd thoughts to ML later 17:18:38 <sarob> so the automation for publishing 17:19:08 <sarob> reed: was looking for that 17:19:33 <sarob> im sure he can work around it easy enough 17:19:34 <matjazp> sayalilunkad: thnx, I already replied 17:20:15 <sayalilunkad> matjazp: cool 17:20:30 <matjazp> sarob: it would be nice to serve htmls from openstack site ;) 17:21:14 <matjazp> sarob: but yes, currently slides work from local files, so no biggie 17:21:46 <sarob> i lost track of where the automation work was going 17:21:57 <sarob> wasnt dguitarbite working on it last? 17:22:04 <dguitarbite> matjazp: We will have them once we finish one book 17:22:30 <sarob> dguitarbite: oh, so my patches are holding it up? 17:22:50 <matjazp> dguitarbite: I was talking mainly about upstream training 17:23:16 <matjazp> dguitarbite: we still need a lot of work for the training guides part 17:23:16 <sarob> isnt upstream training ready to be published? 17:23:25 <dguitarbite> Is it ready? 17:23:40 <sarob> dguitarbite: which what? 17:23:41 <dguitarbite> by ready I mean ready to be published 17:24:25 <matjazp> dguitarbite: I believe there will be some patches, but a lot of material will be used over the weekend 17:24:57 <sarob> we wanted to publish upstream training if possible for the summit 17:25:06 <dguitarbite> matjazp: I dont have any opinion on this part since I have not developed the content. I trust your word :). 17:25:08 <matjazp> dguitarbite: I know I always make just in time additions for my talks ;) 17:25:27 <dguitarbite> matjazp: who does not! ;) 17:26:20 <matjazp> dguitarbite: hence, automatic publishing of the html ;) 17:28:44 <dguitarbite> I will push a patch to publish upstream training 17:28:48 <dguitarbite> is the landing page ready? 17:29:06 <dguitarbite> for training guides? 17:29:09 <sarob> nope, i can clone one quickly 17:29:50 <sarob> #action dguitarbite patch publish upstream training 17:30:04 <sarob> #action sarob patch training landing page 17:30:16 <sarob> so about design session next week 17:30:42 <sarob> the monday time i picked is bad bad bad 17:30:54 <sarob> same time as the ambassador talk 17:30:56 <sayalilunkad> sarob: it will be better if we have a landing page soon 17:31:29 <sarob> i will clone http://docs.openstack.org/ops/ 17:31:34 <sarob> without the book 17:31:41 <sarob> cover 17:31:43 <sayalilunkad> sarob: what about the content? do we have a presentation? 17:32:22 <sarob> upstream training would be a Get The Thing 17:32:44 <sarob> sayalilunkad: for the training talk next week? 17:32:49 <sayalilunkad> sarob: I mean for the summit session 17:33:16 <sarob> design session would be etherpad, right? 17:33:33 <dguitarbite> sarob: yes, etherpad should work there 17:33:36 <dguitarbite> but for the talk? 17:33:42 <dguitarbite> I am not sure how to go about it 17:34:00 <sarob> for the talk, we have three parts 17:34:46 <sarob> sayalilunkad, dguitarbyte: you can give 15 minutes on your training event you did 17:35:14 <sayalilunkad> sure 17:35:26 <dguitarbite> sarob: Ok 17:35:43 <sarob> i could do 15 minutes on sfbay on the 6 sessions we did 17:36:02 <sarob> reed: could do 15 minutes on upstream training 17:36:22 <sarob> 5 minutes on future 17:37:12 <sarob> #action sarob send out summit training talk proposed to ML and speakers 17:37:56 <sarob> so can we move the training design session to later in the week? 17:38:56 <sarob> oh my 17:39:11 <sayalilunkad> sarob: is the talk and design session overlapping? 17:39:19 <sarob> yes 17:39:36 <dguitarbite> sarob: I dont mind, but probably before friday 17:39:38 <dguitarbite> if possible 17:40:02 <dguitarbite> last time on Friday I was really exhausted and all I wanted was to go home 17:40:04 <dguitarbite> ;) 17:40:18 <sarob> how about thursday, dev lounge, afternoon 17:40:27 <dguitarbite> works for me 17:40:28 <sayalilunkad> works for me 17:40:36 <sarob> i dont think the neutron design sessions have been posted yet 17:40:37 <sarob> arg 17:41:24 <sarob> matjazp, rluethi: we want to include you guys 17:41:38 <sarob> would that time be a non-starter 17:42:02 <rluethi> afternoon + 9 hours, I think. 17:42:33 <dguitarbite> I would suggest not to rely on the internet connection! 17:42:43 <sarob> vancouver uses our crazy time 17:42:44 <dguitarbite> We might need a good solution for this 17:42:46 <matjazp> sarob: if you'll meet in dev lounge, it will be hard to hear you because of the background noise? 17:42:58 <sarob> matjazp: oh duh 17:43:00 <dguitarbite> matjazp: if the internet has any juice left in it 17:43:35 <sarob> i have an 4 room apt two blocks from the summit 17:43:39 <sarob> we could go there 17:43:48 <dguitarbite> sarob: that sounds good to me 17:44:32 <sayalilunkad> ok 17:44:33 <matjazp> sarob: but that defies "anyone can partcipate" a bit? how will they find you? 17:44:49 <sarob> eh, true 17:45:00 <dguitarbite> we can post a hangout URL 17:45:11 <matjazp> the most reliable is text msg and etherpad 17:45:24 <dguitarbite> we have to consider the core team before we can accommodate more luxuries. 17:45:37 <sarob> dguitarbite: heh 17:45:56 <sarob> dguitarbite: ill have beer at the apt 17:46:12 <dguitarbite> haha, Canadian beer ;) 17:46:17 <dguitarbite> thats not beer :D 17:46:44 <sarob> moosehead is so 17:47:08 <sayalilunkad> I think it will be better not to reply on that either 17:47:08 <sayalilunkad> we can find a relatively quiet place in the dev lounge 17:47:38 <sarob> sayalilunkad: i hope its better than paris 17:47:46 <sarob> sayalilunkad: that stunk 17:48:27 <sarob> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/liberty-training-guides-design 17:48:29 <rluethi> I appreciate the thought of including everyone, but I think you should focus on having a productive meeting with the people who will be there. everything that can be done remotely might as well be done later. 17:48:33 <matjazp> if it wont be possible, than datailed executive summary on ML would be essential 17:48:45 <sayalilunkad> because as far as I remember a few people cam looking for the design session last time 17:48:53 <dguitarbite> sarob: we could schedule a meeting later at night 17:49:11 <dguitarbite> and finalize things or a video call after the summit 17:49:13 <matjazp> rluethi: exactly 17:49:36 <sarob> so have a daytime everyone session 17:49:49 <sarob> then a later evening cores catch up? 17:50:47 <rluethi> email might be best, if you want to get feedback during the summit. 17:51:09 <matjazp> sarob: please also try to get as many new participants as possible... we need more help 17:51:21 <dguitarbite> I agree, evening time would mean somewhere around midnight for Eu 17:51:42 <sayalilunkad> let's just catchup the during the next irc meeting 17:51:43 <sarob> ekk, which thread which 17:51:55 <sarob> sayalilunkad: for cores , right 17:52:22 <sarob> sayalilunkad: im good with that, but didnt want to exclude people that couldnt make it to the summit 17:53:08 <sarob> matjazp, rluethi: we can try to find a quiet spot in the dev lounge, but the fallback to etherpad and sms? 17:53:29 <sayalilunkad> sarob: true but i think it might have more chances or not working out considering the unreliable net and time zone difference 17:54:02 <sayalilunkad> but yes would be great to have them if possible :) 17:54:18 <matjazp> sarob: sure. in public places, videoconferences sux, you need a good directed microphone with noise reduction, or it's useless 17:54:22 <rluethi> sarob: I have limited options for making myself available during the week. if it was different, I'd be at the summit :-/. 17:54:32 <sarob> rluethi: ah, got it 17:55:04 <sarob> matjazp: are you good with etherpad, sms then 17:55:11 <matjazp> sarob: yes, sure 17:55:22 <sarob> okey dokey 17:55:58 <sarob> start adding liberty blueprint ideas to the etherpad https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/liberty-training-guides-design 17:56:38 <sarob> we can figure out the time thursday for the design session in the dev lounge there too 17:56:46 <sarob> then publish on the ML 17:57:12 <sarob> i will inform foundation staff to fix the published time also 17:57:38 <dguitarbite> Ok 17:57:47 <sarob> thats all i got 17:58:02 <sayalilunkad> cool 17:58:43 <sarob> anything else y'all? 17:58:49 <matjazp> have a great time in vancouver? :) 17:59:03 <sarob> matjazp: will do my best! 17:59:18 <sarob> guess that's it 17:59:27 <sarob> next meeting is cancelled BTW 17:59:38 <sarob> cheers! 17:59:42 <rluethi> bye 17:59:43 <dguitarbite> bye 17:59:45 <sayalilunkad> bye 17:59:45 <matjazp> bye 17:59:51 <sarob> #endmeeting