17:04:39 <matjazp> #startmeeting training-guides 17:04:39 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Aug 10 17:04:39 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is matjazp. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:04:40 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:04:42 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'training_guides' 17:04:56 <matjazp> roll call 17:05:08 <vigneshvar> Hi... 17:05:12 <matjazp> vigneshvar: looks like it's just you and me? 17:05:51 <vigneshvar> matjazp: yes. Anything on labs section i can take up ? 17:06:08 <matjazp> I was hoping to discuss things about the status of the Training guides, but it looks like it won't happen 17:07:46 <matjazp> vigneshvar: I guess all things will have to wait for next week 17:07:58 <vigneshvar> are there any presentations on training guides that is going for summit ? 17:09:06 <matjazp> vigneshvar: I don't think so.. I remember discussing about it, but I don't know if anything was decided 17:09:40 <vigneshvar> matjazp: ok . I guess we have to continue next week then 17:10:30 <matjazp> vigneshvar: yes, looks like it. sorry for lost time, I too would like to clear some things, but I guess it wont happen until nex week 17:10:48 <vigneshvar> matjazp: no worries. 17:10:57 <matjazp> vigneshvar: see you next week 17:11:17 <vigneshvar> matjazp: see you next week. :) 17:11:54 <matjazp> bye! 17:12:02 <matjazp> #endmeeting