20:06:30 <sarob> #startmeeting training-manuals 20:06:31 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Aug 19 20:06:30 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sarob. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:06:32 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:06:34 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'training_manuals' 20:07:10 <sarob> Okay lets start 20:07:27 <colinmcnamara> ready 20:08:02 <sarob> Anyone lurking? 20:08:21 <colinmcnamara> rev an dachary are 20:08:22 <rev> maybe... who wants to know? 20:08:24 <dachary> :-) 20:08:36 <dachary> I plan to participate and not just lurk 20:08:43 <colinmcnamara> even better 20:08:48 <colinmcnamara> first Topic? 20:08:50 <rev> ditto 20:08:52 <sarob> #topic two week sprint focused on assoc training 20:09:00 <sarob> Welcome all 20:09:37 <colinmcnamara> so, is the topic what items do we want in the sprint, and when do we want to start it? 20:09:48 <sarob> Colin you were working on some slide ? 20:10:05 <colinmcnamara> I am, putting together an ignite deck 20:10:07 <sarob> Sure lets start there 20:10:10 <colinmcnamara> that I will give at VMworld 20:10:46 <sarob> Ready enough for community? 20:10:53 <colinmcnamara> the ignite deck? 20:11:04 <colinmcnamara> it's a why deck 20:11:08 <sarob> I'd like to blast out an email to the mailing list 20:11:22 <colinmcnamara> for what Topic. The two week sprint? 20:11:24 <sarob> Asking for community contribution 20:11:28 <colinmcnamara> yes, I think we are ready 20:11:35 <colinmcnamara> my ignite deck is not though 20:11:50 <colinmcnamara> my contribution schedule is heavy on nights and weekends due to day job pressures 20:12:12 <sarob> Can we add the why deck later on this week? 20:12:35 <colinmcnamara> I am going to have that deck ready by next wednesday 20:12:51 <sarob> Okay that good with me 20:12:58 <colinmcnamara> i have lots of 9-5 work pressures that are forcing my OpenStack stuff to nights and weekends 20:13:17 <sarob> Okay, sorry about that 20:13:28 <colinmcnamara> no worries 20:13:29 <colinmcnamara> just life 20:13:33 <sarob> Do what you can 20:13:51 <colinmcnamara> in a couple weeks, my schedule should normalize 20:14:03 <colinmcnamara> also, once we get to the delivery portion of the associate course 20:14:09 <sarob> I'll put out an email for review right after the meeting 20:14:16 <colinmcnamara> then I can spend time internally deliverying it and improving 20:14:55 <sarob> #action sarob will announce training open for business today 20:15:52 <sarob> #topic get community contributors from the user groups 20:16:13 <colinmcnamara> Shannon McFarland has signed up for community 20:16:16 <sarob> Everyone think this is the first group to tap? 20:16:17 <colinmcnamara> Denver user group 20:16:24 <colinmcnamara> this? = SFbay? 20:16:25 <sarob> Coolo 20:16:40 <colinmcnamara> RTP is on board, and Mestery is running MSP 20:16:43 <colinmcnamara> I think that is a good 3 20:16:44 <sarob> Meaning all user groups 20:17:01 <colinmcnamara> I do think we should go through a controlled beta to get the process together 20:17:06 <colinmcnamara> where we can measure and improve 20:17:19 <colinmcnamara> e.g. the user group organizer is active 20:17:25 <dachary> Would it make sense for me to suggest the French user group joins / participates ? 20:17:32 <colinmcnamara> also, boston with (blanking on his name) 20:17:39 <colinmcnamara> not spotify… 20:17:51 <colinmcnamara> craig…. (insert last name) volunteered 20:17:53 <sarob> Dachary yes def 20:18:06 <colinmcnamara> That is brilliant (Dacary) 20:18:20 <colinmcnamara> that way we can get multi-content and language 20:18:33 <sarob> Lets start the list from this irc session 20:18:47 <sarob> I'll reach out directly 20:19:19 <dachary> What's the primary URL for a user group to figure out how they can contribute ? https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Training-manuals ? 20:19:25 <sarob> Zechicle too 20:19:31 <colinmcnamara> I'd like to reach out rather early to some of the users groups from economic disadvantaged area's 20:19:35 <colinmcnamara> and get early engagement 20:19:47 <colinmcnamara> e.g. your Africa users group idea Sarob 20:19:56 <colinmcnamara> Rob signed up? Awesome 20:20:00 <colinmcnamara> probably need to update the wiki 20:20:08 <sarob> docs.openstack.org/trunk/openstack-training 20:21:20 <colinmcnamara> Next topic? 20:21:20 <sarob> #link docs.openstack.org/trunk/openstack-training 20:21:37 <sarob> #topic sprint day 20:21:55 <sarob> 11sep is the date 20:22:01 <colinmcnamara> W00T! 20:22:10 <colinmcnamara> I have space set up in pleasanton, with food and drink 20:22:27 <sarob> Me setup eventbrite 20:22:34 <colinmcnamara> is that done or a todo? 20:22:43 <sarob> Todo 20:23:01 <sarob> #action sarob to set eventbrite 20:23:28 <sarob> Me to use yahoo conference stuff? 20:23:55 <colinmcnamara> that is probably best. 20:24:06 <sarob> np 20:24:09 <colinmcnamara> Nexus provides space and food, Yahoo provide bridging 20:24:15 <colinmcnamara> plus it is a consistent bridge 20:24:16 <sarob> Cool 20:24:21 <sarob> I'm done 20:24:29 <colinmcnamara> do we need space in any other geographys? 20:24:43 <sarob> Depends on who signs up 20:24:53 <sarob> Dachary? 20:24:58 <dachary> does this sprint day need to be synchronized with all user groups ? 20:25:06 <sarob> Nope 20:25:20 <sarob> Just core team plus a few others 20:25:30 <dachary> Ok. 20:25:49 <sarob> Dachary you interested? 20:25:58 <sarob> np if not 20:26:20 * dachary still trying to figure out what it is about. 20:26:22 <colinmcnamara> Dachary, where are you located? 20:26:28 <dachary> I'm in Paris 20:26:42 <rev> What is the objective of the sprint day? 20:26:49 <sarob> Sprint day would be to clean 20:26:50 <colinmcnamara> work though sprint backlog items 20:27:00 <colinmcnamara> to edit review, and merge 20:27:04 <colinmcnamara> in a quick manner 20:27:11 <colinmcnamara> making progress through our backlog 20:27:12 <rev> thx 20:27:17 <sarob> Up and finish associate training 20:27:20 <dachary> I'll be there, 100% 20:27:22 <colinmcnamara> https://trello.com/b/XaRTBVGq/openstack-training 20:27:31 <sarob> Cool 20:27:35 <colinmcnamara> sprint backlog is the priority. Get to rough draft stage 20:27:40 <colinmcnamara> i'm I off on that Sean? 20:27:47 <sarob> Dachary remotely? 20:27:55 <dachary> yes :-) 20:28:01 <dachary> is it possible ? 20:28:09 <sarob> Yes def 20:28:14 <rev> I'm already taking time away from day job for Doc Bootcamp the two days right before-hand. 20:28:25 <sarob> np 20:28:27 <colinmcnamara> are you going to be on US time for the doc bootcamp? 20:28:31 <sarob> Do what you an 20:28:32 <colinmcnamara> or, in the US? 20:28:34 <sarob> Can 20:28:37 * dachary blocking sept 11th 20:28:42 <sarob> Sweet 20:28:48 <rev> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Docs_Bootcamp_2013 20:29:05 <colinmcnamara> thats the one, with Anne down in Mtn View 20:29:15 <rev> Mountain View, CA 9-10 Sept 20:29:36 <colinmcnamara> Rev / Dachary, will either of you be there in person? 20:29:56 <rev> Doc Bootcamp yes. Sprnt... prolly not 20:30:14 <colinmcnamara> then Sean and I will see you there at the bootcamp 20:30:34 <rev> :-) 20:30:35 * dachary https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Docs_Bootcamp_2013 I won't make it in person, no 20:31:18 <sarob> #topic other topics 20:31:36 <colinmcnamara> Id like to review the priority list 20:31:39 <colinmcnamara> in the trello board 20:31:47 <sarob> Okay 20:31:54 <colinmcnamara> and make sure that we are effectively prioritizing 20:32:04 <colinmcnamara> and insert any items that need to be there 20:32:08 <colinmcnamara> Currently under doing 20:32:12 <colinmcnamara> 1. recruit core members 20:32:26 <colinmcnamara> 2. Trevor (new contributor) has a story he is working throuh 20:32:34 <colinmcnamara> 3. create ignite deck - Colin 20:32:39 <colinmcnamara> current priority list 20:32:45 <colinmcnamara> 1. establish eventrbrite site - sean 20:32:52 <colinmcnamara> 2. run through / time basic install guide 20:33:12 <sarob> Right 20:33:15 <colinmcnamara> are there any other items that need to be put int he priority list to support the next two week sprint or the 11th sprint? 20:34:06 <sarob> Email to community list 20:34:25 <sarob> Review sprint progress at next irc meet 20:34:36 <sarob> That's it 20:34:38 <colinmcnamara> k 20:34:41 <colinmcnamara> added 20:34:42 <dachary> it would greatly help to have a short overview for new members like me. Not sure if this is relevant. I'll figure things out. 20:34:59 <colinmcnamara> I am going to have the ignite deck recorded 20:35:05 <colinmcnamara> and post the video / slideshare 20:35:07 <sarob> Read the very first page of the docs 20:35:11 <sarob> Too 20:35:22 <dachary> I'm prepared to spend ~4-8h a week. If it's typically what's expected from a new core member then a short introduction probably does not matter so much. 20:35:37 <dachary> colinmcnamara: great :-) 20:35:42 <sarob> That will be great 20:35:57 <colinmcnamara> Awesome 20:36:08 <colinmcnamara> I have one other topic I want to cover 20:36:13 <sarob> Okay 20:37:02 <colinmcnamara> #topic user-group agenda 20:37:14 <colinmcnamara> I'd like to formally propose and assign leaders to two different tracks in the advanced devops (I think this will be a good structure for others) 20:37:16 * dachary subscribed to https://trello.com/b/XaRTBVGq/openstack-training 20:37:22 <sarob> #topic user group agenda 20:37:32 <colinmcnamara> one leader helping people through git, gerrit, mvn etc 20:37:52 <colinmcnamara> and another leader helping people through pulling stories, submitting, reviewing 20:38:08 <colinmcnamara> basically, divide and conquer 20:38:11 <sarob> Hmm sounds interesting 20:38:13 <sarob> Cool 20:38:18 <colinmcnamara> I know there are a bunch of members who are ready to contribute 20:38:27 <colinmcnamara> want to make sure that they get through the process during the in person sessions 20:38:35 <colinmcnamara> so they can take that momementum offline 20:38:41 <rev> +1 20:38:41 <colinmcnamara> in the two week gaps 20:39:22 <rev> I got really lost trying to install Gerrit workflow on my PC at user-gropu 20:39:30 <rev> by myself 20:39:44 <colinmcnamara> It does take a bit of time 20:39:45 <rev> Too many python dependenies 20:39:48 <sarob> Good 20:39:58 <colinmcnamara> then once we have the associate content ready for beta 20:40:10 <colinmcnamara> going to have to assign a 3rd lead to deliver content 20:40:14 <colinmcnamara> and capture bugs / feeback 20:40:32 <colinmcnamara> I think that structure is something that we can experiment w/ in SFbay 20:40:44 <colinmcnamara> and then rubber stamp to other users group as a proposed structure 20:40:45 <sarob> I'm in 20:41:24 <colinmcnamara> so then the action necessary is to identify who is going to do what before the meetup 20:41:33 <colinmcnamara> so we can structure it, and then communicate clearly through the meetup page 20:41:34 <colinmcnamara> prior 20:41:38 <sarob> That will help 20:41:41 <sarob> Alot 20:41:48 <sarob> Having structure plan 20:42:26 <colinmcnamara> yup, I'm happy to be the org structure nazi 20:42:36 <dachary> :-D 20:42:51 <colinmcnamara> and the Scrum taskmaster ;) 20:43:00 <sarob> I helps 20:43:01 <sarob> A lot 20:43:12 <colinmcnamara> Probably good to reach out on the meetup mailing list and ask for volunteers 20:43:13 <sarob> It helps a lot 20:43:29 <colinmcnamara> :) 20:43:38 <colinmcnamara> Thats all I have 20:43:40 <sarob> Yeah, let's include that in the sprint email 20:44:00 <sarob> I'm done 20:44:05 <colinmcnamara> AOB? 20:44:08 <sarob> Anyone else? 20:44:26 <sarob> Going 20:44:27 <dachary> would someone be willing to mentor me into becoming an effective contributor to this effort ? I could read thru the docs and the archive of these meetings and I will if noone has time :-) 20:44:43 <sarob> Hand up 20:44:50 <dachary> \o/ 20:44:54 <dachary> thanks :-) 20:45:25 <rev> I'd love to help with delivery... but my OpenStack chops are still pretty pathetic. 20:45:39 <colinmcnamara> well, don't feel bad. We all start somewhere 20:45:48 <colinmcnamara> the goal of this project is to lower the barrier to adoption 20:45:54 <sarob> Dachary when start? 20:45:56 <colinmcnamara> and at the same time increase active contribution 20:46:06 <rev> heh. Yeh. but trust me... teaching when you don't know your subject is hell. 20:46:25 <rev> OTOH, teaching is the best way to learn. :-) 20:46:41 <dachary> sarob: tomorrow would be possible for you ? It's late here already and I have a patch to rebase right now ;-) 20:46:49 <sarob> no prob 20:46:58 <sarob> Ping me on time 20:47:14 <sarob> Lets call it 20:47:30 <colinmcnamara> l8ter guys 20:47:35 <sarob> #endmeeting