14:02:00 <colinmcnamara> #startmeeting training-manuals 14:02:01 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Oct 1 14:02:00 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is colinmcnamara. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:02:02 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:02:05 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'training_manuals' 14:03:12 <colinmcnamara> lets give a few minutes for sean and prahnav 14:04:50 <colinmcnamara> good to see you threon 14:05:26 <colinmcnamara> we are waiting for sean and prahnav. I'm giving them a couple minutes (we just changed the meeting time, and there may be some confusion) 14:06:22 <colinmcnamara> ok, time to be a schedule Nazi, starting the meeting 14:06:24 <colinmcnamara> Roll Call 14:06:46 <colinmcnamara> Who is attending, chime in with #info and your name attending 14:06:52 <colinmcnamara> #info colin attending 14:07:25 <alagalah> #info alagalah attending 14:07:36 <colinmcnamara> Theron, did I see you logged in? 14:08:05 <colinmcnamara> Ok, Sean and Prahnav aren't here :/ 14:08:14 <colinmcnamara> I'm going to run down the items 14:08:28 <colinmcnamara> so at least they are logged. And then follow up with Sean and Prahnav later 14:08:36 <colinmcnamara> #topic proposed topics 14:08:47 <colinmcnamara> 1. Progress 14:08:51 <colinmcnamara> 2. Blocking Items 14:08:56 <colinmcnamara> 3. Focus work for next week 14:09:02 <colinmcnamara> any other proposed items? 14:09:35 <colinmcnamara> Keith? 14:10:01 <colinmcnamara> Ok, moving on to topic 1, progress 14:10:05 <colinmcnamara> #topic progress 14:10:29 <colinmcnamara> There was quite a lot of work done last week 14:10:31 <alagalah> Hi, sorry was reading the wiki 14:10:38 <colinmcnamara> no worries 14:10:42 <theron_> #info theron attending 14:10:49 <colinmcnamara> hello threon 14:10:52 <alagalah> Is there a run down on the new XML include format in an etherpad somewhere? 14:10:53 <colinmcnamara> theron 14:11:12 <colinmcnamara> #topic - proposed topics 14:11:37 <colinmcnamara> 1. Progress 14:11:37 <colinmcnamara> 2. Blocking Items 14:11:37 <colinmcnamara> 3. Focus work for next week 14:11:50 <colinmcnamara> any other topics that would like to be added to the list for discussion? 14:12:04 <colinmcnamara> alagalah: it sounds like you want to discus xml include location? 14:12:27 <colinmcnamara> Theron: any topics that you want to add to the list to discuss? 14:12:35 <alagalah> Yes please, and also (I was waiting for blocking) how to include content that I don't think appears in the XML docs 14:12:54 <theron> colinmcnamara, not today. I'm in watch and learn mode today. 14:13:10 <colinmcnamara> ok, adding xml include location in wiki / and including non xml content to the topic list 14:13:15 <alagalah> i.e. how would I include content for card018 from http://docs.openstack.org/developer/keystone/ 14:13:36 <colinmcnamara> Topics 14:13:36 <colinmcnamara> Progress 14:13:36 <colinmcnamara> Blocking Items 14:13:37 <colinmcnamara> Focus work for next week 14:13:39 <colinmcnamara> xml include location 14:13:41 <colinmcnamara> including non xml content 14:13:46 <colinmcnamara> sounds good. let's hit them in order 14:13:53 <colinmcnamara> #topic progress 14:13:53 <alagalah> #aqgree 14:14:02 <alagalah> #agree 14:14:15 <alagalah> #agreed 14:14:18 <alagalah> 3rd times the charm 14:14:29 <colinmcnamara> Most of the progress this week has been accomplished by Prahnav 14:14:44 <colinmcnamara> though his work is waiting to be merged. Let me dig up the repo he is working in 14:15:24 <colinmcnamara> #info - aptira repo location - https://github.com/aptira/openstack-training-labs 14:16:10 <colinmcnamara> he is teaching a class in india this week, but churned out a serious amount of scripts for base configuration, to assist in in person training 14:16:45 <colinmcnamara> also, the CTO of Aptira Sean and I met last week, and we are getting access to the indian user groups (1500 employees) 14:16:51 <colinmcnamara> errr 1500 people 14:17:10 <colinmcnamara> other then that, work inside the training-manuals repo has been very light, only one card completed 14:17:25 <colinmcnamara> Total Cards: 135 14:17:25 <colinmcnamara> Remaining Cards: 75 14:17:25 <colinmcnamara> Done Cards: 60 14:17:26 <colinmcnamara> Percent of cards done: 44.44% 14:17:28 <colinmcnamara> Hours at start: 80 14:17:30 <colinmcnamara> Hours est total: 135 14:17:32 <colinmcnamara> Hours remaining: 75 14:17:34 <colinmcnamara> Hours done: 60 14:17:36 <colinmcnamara> Percent of hours done: 44.44% 14:17:38 <colinmcnamara> ---- ---- 14:17:40 <colinmcnamara> Days Elapsed 61 14:17:42 <colinmcnamara> Daily Burndown 0.98 14:17:44 <colinmcnamara> Est. Days Left 76 14:17:46 <colinmcnamara> Est. Completion Date 12/16/13 14:17:48 <colinmcnamara> https://BurndownForTrello.com/share/9c3rfd2fu9 14:18:02 <colinmcnamara> This puts our estimated completion date at 12/16. 14:18:29 <colinmcnamara> to continue to bring that date in, we need to focus on getting our average cards per contributor to 4 a week 14:18:35 <colinmcnamara> any discussion about progress? 14:19:17 <alagalah> I can do that, it's process that's holding me up 14:19:43 <colinmcnamara> so, lets make a target to coach you on progress 14:19:57 <colinmcnamara> I'm working out of the san jose office on Thursday. (offsite for lunch) 14:20:16 <colinmcnamara> if you want to also work out of that office, we can coach you through the process 14:20:21 <colinmcnamara> maybe do a screencast 14:20:31 <alagalah> That's perfect, I'm in meetings in the general locale, and plan to be in the office that afternoon before the meetup 14:20:34 <colinmcnamara> ok 14:20:40 <colinmcnamara> #topic blocking items 14:21:03 <colinmcnamara> The biggest blocking item that I see is conversion of restructuredText (rst) to docbook XML 14:21:18 <colinmcnamara> this ties into alagalah's proposed topic of how to import dev docs 14:22:01 <alagalah> Would it be useful to use the above URL I messaged as a reference? 14:22:12 <alagalah> And card018? Or shall we table specifics until our 1:1 ? 14:22:34 <colinmcnamara> Sean and I agreed that if there was no progress on a conversion tool by Thursday, that we would copy content directly into xml sections of training-manuals 14:22:51 <colinmcnamara> let's keep discussions in the channel 14:23:20 <alagalah> Ok, so let's look at https://trello.com/c/Sid6xiQu/18-as-an-associate-trainee-i-need-to-be-able-to-understand-the-role-of-openstack-identity-service-in-the-controller-node 14:23:48 <colinmcnamara> so, I'm assuming you found relevant docs in the dev docs tree 14:23:54 <colinmcnamara> outside of the repo, correct? 14:23:55 <alagalah> Most of the XML based docs are great on the install side, and I'm having trouble finding descriptive content for the "role" based cards 14:24:06 <colinmcnamara> most of that is in developers docs 14:24:15 <alagalah> http://docs.openstack.org/developer/keystone/ and http://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-identity-service/2.0/content/ 14:24:19 <colinmcnamara> exactly 14:24:39 <colinmcnamara> my proposal is to continue work the translation tool. with a cut off of thursday at the meetup 14:24:41 <alagalah> So I should plan to copy/paste into a card018 file and move from there 14:24:49 <alagalah> #agreed 14:24:52 <colinmcnamara> if we can't finish the conversion tool by thursday 14:24:56 <alagalah> I have another question then. 14:24:59 <colinmcnamara> then we need to create a sub section / article file 14:25:05 <colinmcnamara> with the copied text / content 14:25:09 <colinmcnamara> and include that into the card file 14:25:40 <alagalah> It seems we have changed card naming convention from cardxxx.xml to cardxxx-descriptivetext.xml ... is this something we should continue? 14:25:46 <colinmcnamara> basically need to easily see the difference between included information from source docs, vs copied in 14:26:00 <colinmcnamara> yes, cardxxx-description.xml 14:26:25 <alagalah> Can you cite a card example that uses the "(07:24:59 AM) colinmcnamara: then we need to create a sub section / article file 14:26:26 <alagalah> (07:25:04 AM) colinmcnamara: with the copied text / content 14:26:26 <alagalah> (07:25:09 AM) colinmcnamara: and include that into the card file" 14:26:40 <alagalah> So I can use it as a "template" of sorts 14:27:19 <colinmcnamara> #action if we can't get the rst conversion process down by Thursday evening then I will check in an example file with that structure 14:27:31 <colinmcnamara> #action colinmcnamara if we can't get the rst conversion process down by Thursday evening then I will check in an example file with that structure 14:28:00 <colinmcnamara> that make sense? 14:28:09 <alagalah> #agreed 14:28:41 <colinmcnamara> so, after you get the process down. If you could coach Sam and Cindy through the process and try to get them contributing 1-2 cards a week 14:28:46 <colinmcnamara> I think that would be a huge help 14:29:17 <colinmcnamara> Cindy's goal is to get contributing to Neutron also, which I think aligns with your goals alagalah 14:29:22 <alagalah> Yes 14:29:29 <colinmcnamara> cool 14:29:41 <colinmcnamara> that ends our active topics. 14:29:45 <alagalah> Well, more python based contribution yes 14:29:46 <colinmcnamara> #topic any other business? 14:30:12 <alagalah> I think it may be useful to "ratify" (?) the various etherpads 14:30:18 <colinmcnamara> ? 14:30:23 <colinmcnamara> can you explain 14:30:36 <colinmcnamara> or, expand on that statement 14:30:55 <alagalah> Maybe it's just me but I find it hard to find process information from the various etherpads, it seems some are linked to others and you have to do a tree walk ... e.g. 14:31:55 <colinmcnamara> etherpads are great for informal discussion and alignment 14:32:05 <colinmcnamara> but stuff that persists needs to make it into the wiki 14:32:19 <colinmcnamara> change control alone on etherpad is lacking (anyone can delete anything) 14:32:46 <alagalah> I see, ok thanks that helps. 14:32:59 <colinmcnamara> so, if there is content that you find valuable 14:33:06 <alagalah> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Training-manuals ? 14:33:20 <colinmcnamara> yes 14:33:28 <alagalah> Perfect, thanks 14:33:40 <colinmcnamara> if there is info that is valuable, find the appropriate section, or add it 14:33:44 <colinmcnamara> and get it into the wiki 14:33:49 <alagalah> Ack 14:33:54 <alagalah> #agreed 14:33:57 <colinmcnamara> I agree that etherpad sprawl is a limiter for a new commiter 14:34:15 <alagalah> Use Trello to document any ideas for the wiki ? 14:34:34 <colinmcnamara> ummm 14:34:36 <colinmcnamara> good question 14:34:42 <alagalah> That way someone else can take the work on or comment on it 14:34:54 <alagalah> Or you can come up with something you want done and delegate it etc 14:34:55 <colinmcnamara> ideally yes 14:35:00 <colinmcnamara> so we can track the work 14:35:04 <colinmcnamara> it will show up in the burn down chart 14:35:05 <alagalah> That too 14:35:29 <colinmcnamara> I do want to get a bit more strict about work showing up in the todo queue that isn't a strict priority 14:35:36 <colinmcnamara> but stuff like that is project core that needs to get done 14:35:45 <alagalah> The current labels are : Project core, Content, Graphics, (red label default), Noob contrib, Infra 14:35:46 <colinmcnamara> so, yes. throw it in the doing queue when you are doing it 14:35:56 <colinmcnamara> wiki work would be project core 14:36:05 <alagalah> ty 14:36:08 <colinmcnamara> side note, Turkeys are making a racket outside of my window 14:36:18 <colinmcnamara> makes me want to grab my bow ;) 14:36:26 <alagalah> I have Fur Elise and Moonlight Sonata playing at varying speeds :) 14:37:02 <alagalah> (mornings are the only time my daughter can practice piano regularly with the sports/homework in the evenings) 14:37:07 <colinmcnamara> awesome 14:37:10 <colinmcnamara> Any other business? 14:37:13 <alagalah> It is actually 14:37:22 <alagalah> I have none that a dose of face to face won't fix 14:37:29 <colinmcnamara> cool 14:37:36 <alagalah> Actually one more thing 14:37:40 <colinmcnamara> ok 14:38:06 <alagalah> Not openstack-training related but something I'd like to cover on Thu meetup, appropriate here ?> 14:38:14 <colinmcnamara> sure 14:38:20 <colinmcnamara> well, actually 14:38:30 <alagalah> I'd like to get started on understanding the "assign a bug" / "work a bug" process. 14:38:31 <colinmcnamara> we can talk later. this is logged so let's keep it on topic 14:38:37 <alagalah> #agreed 14:38:43 <colinmcnamara> we can cover that in a 1:1 14:38:46 <colinmcnamara> or at the meetup 14:38:54 <alagalah> Then I'm good 14:39:06 <colinmcnamara> Ok, I'll hunt sean and prahnav down, as well as document the status 14:39:10 <colinmcnamara> #endmeeting