14:01:18 #startmeeting training-manuals 14:01:19 Meeting started Tue Oct 29 14:01:18 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sarob. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:20 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:22 The meeting name has been set to 'training_manuals' 14:01:24 Hello 14:01:56 is the hackathon on for this week? 14:02:16 Yes 7pm pdt wed 14:02:21 kool 14:02:39 Only topic on my agenda 14:03:36 Is mapping your content to the books 14:03:58 colin is here 14:04:20 Hay 14:04:32 hi colin 14:04:37 hello all 14:05:46 So I want to talk aptira to training guide books mapping 14:06:01 ok 14:06:09 The rest can wait I think 14:06:20 agreed 14:07:12 so what I have pushed to the repo is most of the filtered content which was ready for training 14:07:56 lot of content as of now is in rough form, links and references, and sticky notes 14:08:27 Existing labs goto assoc 14:08:40 yes 14:08:45 Any that go to oper or Dev? 14:09:09 we need to filter it out 14:09:18 some stuff goes to oper and dev 14:09:46 like nova VM Placement, detailed architecture on neutron, swift etc. which 14:09:55 is not needed for Associate is present in there 14:10:28 do you want me to link the PPTs? 14:10:56 Sure 14:11:01 https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BwW8_7qMZvNPb1BiZU9fRG1NSWc&usp=sharing 14:11:27 its not complete, as I said loads of the content is there on my local Sticky Notes app Tomboy 14:13:41 Okay 14:14:17 do you want me to push the slides on the docs once they are completed? 14:14:21 So let focus on the first book and what you have merged 14:14:26 ok 14:14:44 Cause deadline of 14nov 14:15:17 Rest we work on after 14:15:20 so the books for Associate training are already in the manuals repo 14:15:41 the xmls are named modulexx-chapterxx 14:15:44 three modules 14:16:01 1: Overview + OpenStack Keystone,Glance,Cinder,Nova 14:16:04 2. Networking 14:16:06 3. Obj Store 14:16:51 the problem with these modules is that its not designed as per training-manuals breakdown 14:17:06 Okay 14:17:14 Associate, Oper, Dev , Arch 14:17:32 And the labs merged only go with assoc as well 14:18:40 no 14:18:54 in Labs section, only Virtual Box stuff which is unique is merged 14:19:04 rest will be covered by Basic Install guide 14:19:45 Okay 14:21:25 So we had planned overview, install, theory, labs, test 14:21:40 With quizzes throughout 14:21:56 Does this work for you? 14:22:10 yes 14:22:20 Cool 14:23:48 Can you create a patch to redistribute your existing content these areas? 14:24:17 I will clean up what's there now to this org as well 14:24:51 ok, rite now my priority is to finish with slides, so is it ok if I patch by the end of this week? 14:25:12 Sure that timing will be good 14:25:22 when are you guys travelling? 14:25:37 I'm leaving this Friday 14:25:58 I'm leaving on saturday 14:26:16 ok, so i guess by monday you will get time to access 14:26:18 the review 14:26:25 ideally 14:26:37 can't really count on good inet access over the pacific 14:26:45 I'll be working as soon as I get there 14:26:58 al rite ill plan my commits as per that 14:27:22 yes @sarob you will be there by sunday Kong Kong time I guess 14:28:23 Colinmcn_ there are a bunch of no content chapters 14:28:28 Sections 14:28:45 currently/ 14:28:46 Placeholders? 14:28:46 ? 14:28:49 nope 14:28:54 check source content 14:28:57 geting moved 14:29:02 Ah 14:29:10 Right 14:29:22 the basic install guide 14:29:42 I think the rest of the docs team wanted to delete it 14:29:42 yea, one request, can you put the placeholders if possible? it will save loads of my time 14:29:44 we include ab unch 14:29:52 bunch 14:30:02 So they must be missing the image for remote content 14:30:12 I can check the build. 14:30:26 I am going into dental surgery today, and then heads down till I go to sleep 14:30:57 I'll try to take a look 14:31:02 I will work on book structure today 14:31:04 (paying the price for having a day job) 14:31:15 Place quizzes 14:31:31 And the like 14:32:10 I will update and or create the missing content from github 14:32:34 we need to pull an earlier commit / review that was working 14:32:37 and then compare the two 14:32:46 Rough draft 0.1 by the end of the day 14:32:55 Right that's what I will do 14:32:56 can someone put up placeholders? if they are clear on the structure of the docs? 14:33:05 I will 14:33:17 It will be part of my work today 14:33:46 thanks, cuz it will be redundant to restructure them again 14:33:57 Roger that 14:34:25 +1 14:34:52 That's all I have 14:35:02 me too 14:35:08 same here 14:35:33 Cool then 25 min back 14:35:42 thx a bunch everyone 14:35:46 Y'all have a good one 14:36:12 you 2 14:36:23 #endmeeting