15:01:46 #startmeeting training-manuals 15:01:47 Meeting started Tue Nov 12 15:01:46 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sarob. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:48 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:51 The meeting name has been set to 'training_manuals' 15:02:33 who do we have this morning/evening? 15:03:13 hey 15:03:23 morning 15:04:23 i was up late with pranav chatting, so he is prob sleeping 15:04:59 #topic training guides restructuring 15:05:32 #link https://docs.google.com/a/yahoo-inc.com/drawings/d/1ju78O-PjkZIeSbpGkUndIohQeQy06QXseRPbCy2F6F8/edit?usp=sharing 15:06:33 No access, I requested 15:07:41 access granted 15:08:18 got it 15:08:45 i whiteboarded the conversion of install guides and aptira content 15:09:06 along with the actual training schedule 15:09:32 Looks good 15:09:59 i realized we were trying to do too much with the associate guide 15:10:15 This gives some nice context around the actual objective of a class 15:10:29 yeah, i think this is on the right track 15:10:49 How does this change the structure? Does this mean cards need to be refactored to diffferent guides or is it a major re-write ? 15:11:05 i think so 15:11:08 Which ? 15:11:11 Both ? 15:11:12 :) 15:11:33 the content is the same but needs to be across two guides 15:11:49 two days of training 15:12:00 plus quizes and test 15:12:15 means very focused material 15:12:26 That makes sense 15:12:29 we had more like two weeks 15:12:36 to teach 15:12:52 Hmmm yeah the intro course needs to be short 15:13:03 once i wrote out the schedule, it was a head slap 15:13:25 breaks, lunch, quizes, test 15:13:34 all eat into two days 15:14:03 Ok so what's next then? 15:14:16 You need validation of your whiteboard?> 15:14:21 yeah 15:14:30 pranav liked it 15:14:42 Is there a reason we only use one compute node? 15:15:00 it turns out to be very close to what aptira has structured for their training this week 15:15:13 do we need more than one? 15:17:10 alagalah if you can double check and tweak the gdraw 15:17:23 ill feel like we can more forward 15:17:39 id really like to get colin's input too 15:18:00 I shall 15:18:03 i was hoping he'd pop in, but vacation and all 15:18:14 Yeah totally understandable, nfi what the time diff is 15:18:19 very selfish 15:18:40 its in the evening 15:18:44 his time 15:19:09 thats all i have 15:19:22 Well, I guess the real question is what would we gain out of 2 compute nodes? 15:19:46 live migration ? 15:19:52 Or is that out of scope? 15:19:56 im game if you think we them 15:20:02 we need them 15:20:24 Well... I'm just thinking about the sorts of things a VMWare admin might want to see in a course 15:20:25 sure that would be a reason 15:20:34 hmm, right 15:20:55 I mean you can take the stand point of "I know nothing about virtualisation, openstack me" or "We have vmware but want to investigate this openstack stuff" 15:20:57 keeping noodling on it 15:21:17 yeah, we need to service both 15:21:17 I guess the real thing would be to just bang it out as is and then get a final version and market test it 15:21:42 member that the assoc guide is very intro 15:22:09 Ok that's a fair answer should it come up 15:22:15 So I guess that falls under "duly noted" 15:22:18 experienced vmware eng could breeze through assoc, then focus on oper 15:22:29 There ya go! 15:22:31 hold 1 15:22:45 Do we call out pre-reqs for the courses? 15:23:13 ah, right you are 15:23:28 want to add that to the gdraw? 15:24:04 I shall 15:24:13 But I don't want to mess it up 15:24:28 Any thoughts on changing this meeting to a ghangout so we can share information? 15:25:12 it needs to be at least irc 15:25:23 for logging on easedrop 15:25:47 we could add hangout too if you think it has value 15:26:12 share information how? 15:26:35 diagrams, trello etc 15:26:56 I know these things are "real time" and you can follow along if directed but it's easier to see people edit stuff in realtime if they are sharing their screen 15:27:00 Anyway, just a thought. 15:27:06 So I'm working on adding pre-reqs 15:27:08 So far I have: 15:27:22 pre-requisites: 15:27:22 - working knowledge of Linux CLI 15:27:42 - basic networking knowledge (Ethernets, VLAN, IP addressing) 15:28:06 - mysql ????? 15:28:11 That's a stretch 15:28:18 yeah 15:28:40 Virtualisation concepts ? 15:29:07 Can you see my edits? 15:29:57 its off the page 15:30:13 I know that, I didn't want to mess up your formatting 15:30:19 But I wanted to capture it 15:30:48 no formatting here 15:31:03 dig in my son 15:33:16 Ok what else should go in there? 15:34:11 The basic linux sysadmin is very subjective 15:35:21 yeah, i think ability to use vi, ssh, 15:35:49 prob the req 15:36:05 sudo apt-get :) 15:36:31 Do we need to call out what OS it is? Ubuntu I imagine is the leading candidate 15:36:40 i think we need to give them those 15:36:43 Seems to have the highest distribution from the survey 15:37:06 they will be running everything in virtualbox 15:37:16 so ubuntu is the os 15:37:25 Right. 15:37:34 laptop that can run virtualbox 15:37:58 Or just say Virtual box? 15:38:16 I changed it 15:38:29 Normally I just tell people to bring their type2 hypervisor 15:38:44 When doing labs and such but ... if we are doing virtual box that simplifies it, consistent 15:38:45 we should have ubuntu on a stick 15:39:09 as well to minimize overloading the remotes 15:39:23 Ok that would be instructor resources required... right? 15:39:32 hmm, sure 15:40:23 Hack away son, going AFK, saying good bye to daughter 15:40:30 back in 5 15:40:35 righto 15:45:19 back 15:45:32 So we need a gdraw -> trello compiler 15:49:19 hmm, ill get right on that 15:49:42 made change to pre-req 15:49:45 i have a hard stop at 8 15:49:46 for op guide 15:49:48 Same here 15:49:54 in fact I'm doing double duty 15:49:59 OTP working on a report for a client :D 15:50:53 double pay, awesome 15:51:48 if you can double check the ideas, tweak at will 15:52:31 i also need to finalize which online service we use for quizzes and tests 15:52:52 surveymonkey is simplest I think 15:53:32 for quiz? 15:53:37 yeah 15:53:39 Why not? 15:54:01 hmm, i didnt think of that 15:54:28 You could make it faux timed by making the test at the end of the class? 15:54:51 Limit internet access to survey monkey? stop googlefu ? Don't know 15:55:07 well lets bang it around 15:55:18 Action item for discussion 15:55:27 It needs to be documented... you archiving this chat? 15:55:34 moodle.org is another 15:55:45 Never heard of it, I'll check it out 15:56:34 Ok, I have to split and jump on a call 15:56:38 This is great, btw, Sean 15:56:39 later 15:56:43 :) 15:56:49 #endmeeting