14:00:35 #startmeeting training-manuals 14:00:35 Meeting started Tue Nov 26 14:00:35 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sarob. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:36 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:38 The meeting name has been set to 'training_manuals' 14:00:50 Morning 14:00:54 Morning 14:01:03 Waaaaaaay early morning 14:01:28 Who else we got ? 14:01:32 hi 14:01:32 hello 14:01:51 Sweet 14:01:52 Morning 14:02:00 Morning 14:02:00 Hi prahnav 14:02:15 Hi colin sean 14:02:40 Soooo, topics? 14:02:51 Yeah 14:03:09 Cards /.tasks 14:03:32 Yup anyone else? 14:03:33 So I'm back in USA. Log on to burn some cards 14:03:46 Not exactly sure what tasks are next 14:03:46 Well I did say hi 14:03:49 In trello 14:03:50 ??? 14:04:00 Morning Keith 14:04:11 Morning 14:04:14 Hmm uessss 14:04:30 Hey there 14:05:17 I only see one Doing card, is that right? 14:05:56 I've got conversion, restructure, assoc and oper rough draft dates 14:05:57 yes 14:06:13 But specific task 14:06:23 Eg redesign diagram card 14:06:50 Specific card would be. Redesign diagra. 1.1 I gdraw 14:06:52 Etc 14:07:01 #topic cards status 14:07:07 Card#145? 14:07:13 Specific, measurable. Actionable 14:08:29 Are the specific tasks still in the gdoc? 14:08:37 I think so 14:08:50 I dont see a specific card deck here 14:09:59 K, so it sounds like an action item that is open after the restructure is to build the open tasks out of the gdoc into trello so we ca. Track 14:10:15 Sarob is that accurate? 14:10:27 If So I can sign up to do that 14:10:33 Yeah, the gdraw was a good restart 14:10:57 But we have moved way past it being useful 14:11:02 Is the gdoc up to date? 14:11:36 The diagram you speak of? 14:11:44 Does gdoc == gdraw ? 14:11:52 I was just using that as an example 14:11:53 yes 14:11:57 gdoc == gdraw 14:12:01 got the link? 14:12:08 ack, sarob shared 14:12:28 I logged on last night to burn some cards. And could not identify easily specific taks 14:12:31 Hold on 14:13:03 #action colinmcnamara to build trello tasks out of current gdoc 14:13:41 Doh meetbot command ? 14:16:21 I just put that as a task into trello and assigned it to myself 14:16:35 #action colinmcnamara to build trello tasks out of current gdoc 14:16:49 Yup 14:17:15 If someone can post the link in the meeting notes 14:17:30 Or put it on a card in the trello board 14:17:34 But member the diagram was a rough start 14:17:42 I'll post the link 14:18:04 Diagram was just an example 14:18:54 Right the real detail steps need to be in trello 14:19:00 Yup. 14:19:16 That also allows us to measure / estimate progress 14:19:31 Ready to move on? 14:20:00 #topic rough draft due dates 14:20:23 You 14:20:25 Yup 14:20:47 I'd like to publish the associate guide to Havana by Friday 14:21:06 Without quizzes 14:21:34 How do you guys feel about that? 14:21:50 Just for a sanity check, since the is not visibility of remaining tasks in trello 14:22:08 Ehh? 14:22:16 How much is outstanding right now? (Again, only 24 hours back in my office) 14:22:30 The queens English if you please sir 14:22:41 I can't comment on publishing by Friday without w work estimation 14:22:48 Cards? 14:22:59 Yeah how many hours of work left 14:23:06 Ahh okay 14:23:49 Well I see about 8-9 cards referencing assoc guide 14:23:59 In the gdoc? 14:24:10 Where? 14:24:13 But that's diff that ready enuf to publish to Havana 14:24:32 Cards on trello 14:24:40 sarob: 8-9 cards but across what states ? 14:25:07 In the sprint backlog 14:25:15 ah 14:25:17 Ok, have we groomed that? 14:25:28 Eg virtual box for windows. 14:25:40 Is that outstanding. Pushed. Done? 14:26:06 I see 7 cards in the Sprint directly related to Quizzing... .so if you filter those out... 14:26:29 I assume that there are more tasks in the gdoc 14:26:40 virtual box in windows is outstanding 14:27:00 And we basically have one workday left this eek 14:27:02 Week 14:27:10 With the holidays 14:27:45 In. Short, I don't have enough info to say whether we can publish by Friday 14:27:49 Stuff outstanding right but is enough done for the associate guide to be published 14:28:08 K 14:28:11 Firstly, is the gdraw definitive of the course structure? 14:28:19 ie is it finished? 14:28:24 I think so 14:28:48 Ok, comments: 14:29:06 I see references to bk002-Chxxxx and I see references to cardyyy 14:29:40 My assumption is then that anything cardyyy has not been contributed up to the project... is that fair? If so then the immediate task would be to convert cardxxx in gdraw to bkyy-chzzz and merge, right? 14:29:42 Then publish ? 14:30:30 #link https://docs.google.com/a/yahoo-inc.com/drawings/d/1ju78O-PjkZIeSbpGkUndIohQeQy06QXseRPbCy2F6F8/edit 14:30:56 Ack that is the link I am looking at, assume you are putting it in here for the log 14:31:00 Weird. That just asked me for a yahoo corp login 14:31:43 Yeah hold on 14:32:50 Pranav, Colin, Peter, Keith all have access 14:33:02 Rick too 14:33:19 Cool. I'm on my ipad on limechat. I'll log I 14:33:29 On with Mac and check 14:33:30 Yes I didn't have an issue since the original share, still linked in my gdocs account 14:33:45 It's waaay early. In in bed for this meeting 14:33:52 K 14:34:01 I added a bit to the diagram 14:34:05 ha, I got up early to help Florian but he has work work 14:34:22 sarob: Since last I looked, thats an understatement 14:34:38 sarob: So is my assumption correct, cardxxx on diagram needs content merged? 14:35:21 Not neccessarly 14:35:34 Right 14:35:40 Card039 as a prime example 14:35:45 Diagram is a mess of notes and ideas 14:35:55 IT's awesome but.... 14:36:13 If you want to use it as a quasi "What do we have todo" to make trello cards and punch out docs by Fri... 14:36:26 I'm just finding a way of easily seeing what needs to be done 14:36:41 +1 14:37:14 I think we need to start reading the guide to verify if it is readable 14:37:15 Btw, I normally don 14:37:33 Don't put deadlines right after holidays 14:37:39 So should an action be to mark the gdraw in some way, either by "card" in the title needing a card, and bkxx being done, and then burn down cards and punch out a doc for readability ? 14:37:43 They normally slip 14:38:01 Sounds fair 14:38:55 Let's take a step back for a sec 14:39:35 Does everyone think the new structure is goodness? 14:39:54 As on master right now 14:40:11 Breaking the operational tasks out first? 14:40:25 Is that what you are referencing? 14:40:40 The structure I speak of 14:41:23 chapter to sections 14:41:31 As published 14:42:01 ? 14:42:08 From the diagram 14:42:33 I need to head down stairs and hop on my laptop. I'm on my ipad in bed 14:42:41 To reference the diagram 14:43:20 I think everyone needs to take a quick look at the associate and operator guides online 14:43:45 I was busy this last few weeks 14:44:30 I created the chapter to section structure from the diagram 14:44:32 Sarob: see unicast window, issue building since I re-imaged machine 14:45:09 Ehh? 14:46:09 logged on via laptop now 14:46:17 I'm going to need coffee you get all techy 14:46:17 sarbo: nvm I'll work it out 14:46:42 so, associate guide structure 14:46:49 (sorry about the nic change, logged on via laptop) 14:46:57 Right 14:47:05 so in short, associate and operator got split out 14:47:10 associate interacts with openstack 14:47:18 operator instlls / configures 14:47:34 associate is focused on a suer consuming, with tasks and quizes that break down into each functional task 14:47:49 Yup, assoc has admin task, operator has install 14:47:59 yes, concept and structure are sound 14:48:33 Plan was to use scripted virtualbox for both books 14:48:38 yup 14:48:49 though, I think past structure, there are some ops items still in associate 14:49:01 Operator would do separate install tasks on diff VMs 14:49:16 operator is installing openstack on "bare metal" 14:49:31 associate is consuming openstack, launching instances, etc 14:49:34 correct? 14:49:38 Yup 14:49:41 Operator is installing OpnStack 14:49:45 not necessary to be bare metal 14:50:09 Ironic is not clear to me to include either 14:50:12 put quotes around it 14:50:14 sorry 14:50:18 virtual bare metal 14:50:20 Okay 14:50:27 Ahh okay 14:50:36 installing openstack on an operating system 14:50:44 Is this still the right repo? (should there be a link on the wiki?) https://github.com/openstack/openstack-manuals.git 14:50:57 vs instantiating instances, providing access, etc 14:51:08 Alagalah right repo 14:51:08 yes, training-guide subdir 14:51:15 ty 14:52:07 btw, can you repost the link to the gdoc .. I switched computers and want to make sure i'm on the latest 14:52:20 https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1ju78O-PjkZIeSbpGkUndIohQeQy06QXseRPbCy2F6F8/edit 14:53:47 generating-sources now from a clean clone, so I'd love to have a look at all you've restructured, sarob, as that was your original RFC right? 14:54:04 sarob_ 14:54:05 which rfc? 14:54:10 Request For Comment 14:54:29 You requested we comment about your restructure, hence... I'm rebulding now 14:54:30 thx 14:54:36 i know what it means, but what rfc are you referring to? 14:54:45 ahh, right 14:54:47 I do want to propose one topic before 7 14:54:48 btw 14:54:50 moving this back to 7 am pacific. 6am doesn't leave any prep time b4 the meeting 14:55:19 well there is another meeting at 7:30am pst 14:55:31 Crap 14:55:43 schedule is all filled up 14:55:46 Also. Good luck getting more contributors on 14:55:56 6 am meeting is a barrier 14:56:01 My 2 cents 14:56:04 9am pst monday is still open 14:56:08 East Coast :) 14:56:16 and 7am pst friday 14:56:38 9am Monday is better than 6 am any day 14:56:50 probably right 14:57:07 dguitarbyte does 9am pst work for you? 14:57:17 Could always just create openstack-meeting-alt-2 14:57:53 should be 10:30pm in mumbai 14:58:10 k 14:58:18 lets not be guilty of that sin 14:58:26 thats a good time for me 14:58:38 okay cool 14:58:50 anyone else chime in on time? 15:00:45 #topic general free for all 15:01:06 Ok 15:01:10 #action sarob to reset meeting time for monday 9am pst 15:01:16 sweeet! 15:01:18 So I just finished the build, will have a quick look 15:01:31 I'm sure its gorgeous 15:01:41 What are we going to do about the gdraw? 15:01:54 I'm still not clear about how we make a gdraw-> trello compiler? 15:02:00 Meatscript seems simplest :) 15:02:00 its a brainstorming tool 15:02:19 I think its wonderful, it lays it out visually, which is perfect for me 15:02:25 I just want to know what specific thing I can help with 15:02:27 i went through the cloud admin and install guide 15:02:34 meatscripts are the tool to use 15:02:47 dumped what could go where into the digram 15:02:51 diagram 15:03:00 its a good visualization 15:03:09 then roughed out the structure 15:03:24 started making stuff 15:03:25 especially on my 27" monitors vs my 13" laptop 15:03:26 ;) 15:03:36 so the associate guide 15:03:45 it needs some clean up 15:04:06 but i think it is mostly complete for a rough draft 15:04:13 yeah, for rough draft 15:04:21 if rough draft = rc1 15:04:26 sure 15:04:32 I suggest, we do a rc1,2,3 structure 15:04:35 associate is complete for rough draft, I need to put up the install section as per OVS fixes and stuff 15:04:38 and gate bugs / features that way 15:04:52 so, rough draft = feature complete and squashing bugs 15:04:57 so we need some cards on associate guide review for publish 15:05:00 sounds like there are a couple features necessary 15:05:08 and another for publish to havana action 15:05:35 so, do we have concensus on mapping to RC1/2/3 15:05:47 and being strict about adding features vs squashing bugs? 15:05:52 thats a pretty big one 15:05:55 Yep, makes sense 15:06:22 so if rough draft equals feature complete (maybe with errors) 15:06:34 then we need to identify and prioritize any feature work 15:06:37 before we make the call 15:06:38 i am good with that 15:06:39 RC1/2/3 -- in sync with other projects as they are dependent on them 15:06:48 righto 15:06:53 normally the process 15:06:58 dguitarbite: What OVS fixes need to be incorporated? 15:07:01 h1/2/3, rc1/2/3 15:07:30 OVS 1.4 ships with Ubuntu 12.04, OVS 1.9 is needed for getting Neutron working properly 15:07:37 some fixes on that 15:08:12 Ah 15:08:14 The training-manuals team meets weekly on Monday at 1700 UTC on #openstack-meeting 15:08:19 posted 15:08:29 sweet 15:08:30 awesome 15:08:31 note not alt 15:08:35 dguitarbite: Yes, been going thru that hell with OVS on DevStack on Fed18 15:08:37 ahhhh 15:08:38 thank you 15:09:20 sanity check, we are going to lose the channel in 20 min 15:09:58 and I need to hop down to the dentist pretty soon 15:10:11 Sarob_ ... 15:10:14 Pretty 15:10:19 #action colin will rough out release dates 15:10:25 thx 15:10:35 welcome and well deserved... I love it in fact 15:10:50 cool 15:10:53 I will do a walk thru this weekend as if I'm an instructor, and no, I don't want that on the action items 15:11:11 I will report back if I got it done, I have a code freeze I have to meet on another proj 15:11:20 * sarob_ no action items whataaaaa 15:11:33 sigh okay 15:11:41 Sorry mate 15:11:52 sorry sarob, day jobs 15:12:02 lets all read through what is published 15:12:10 But the intention is there, if I can go through this as if I am teaching someone.... then it's a win... that is my goal... 15:12:36 we need to get the associate and operator guide to a point that an instructor and a student can follow them 15:12:40 yup 15:12:46 and that really comes from a dry run 15:12:54 with the students capturing bugs 15:13:05 it's easy to get tunnel vision 15:13:17 the cards should be mostly coming from that experience at this point 15:13:44 cool 15:13:48 lets cut this at that point 15:14:03 any last words of wisdoms 15:14:13 i'm good 15:14:19 Laters 15:14:25 colin needs his teeth drilled 15:14:33 i need coffee 15:14:34 :/ 15:14:36 yup 15:14:37 sux 15:15:01 ive got interviews 15:15:03 time to adjurn 15:15:10 cheers all 15:15:15 endmeeting? 15:15:19 #endmeeting