17:00:46 <sarob> #startmeeting training-manuals 17:00:47 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jan 20 17:00:46 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sarob. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:48 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:00:50 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'training_manuals' 17:01:05 <sarob> #help 17:02:10 <sarob> #topic moodle 17:02:25 <sarob> morning/evening dude 17:02:55 <sarob> dguitarbite: ping 17:03:51 * sarob drumming fingers 17:04:00 * sarob drumming head 17:04:28 <smemon92> sarob,hello 17:04:30 <sarob> dguitarbite__ 17:04:31 <smemon92> morning 17:04:34 <sarob> hello 17:04:53 <dguitarbite__> hello 17:05:00 <sarob> hello 17:05:43 <sarob> lets talk moodle 17:05:47 <dguitarbite__> we have hosted few sample questions for your reference 17:05:54 <sarob> sweeeet 17:06:01 <sarob> wheres it at 17:06:15 <dguitarbite__> salman is working on making it very easy to for people to contribute 17:06:23 <dguitarbite__> http://os-trainingquiz.aptira.com 17:06:45 <sarob> looking 17:06:48 <dguitarbite__> its a bit slow as its testing server 17:06:50 * sarob thinking 17:09:43 <dguitarbite__> sarob: smemon92 is working with me on Moodle App 17:09:48 <sarob> cool 17:09:48 <dguitarbite__> he is intern at Aptira 17:10:33 <sarob> so the buildout instructions 17:10:48 <sarob> you have notes? 17:12:52 <dguitarbite__> sarob: did you login? 17:13:11 <dguitarbite__> I have sent login credentials via email 17:13:17 <dguitarbite__> last monday 17:13:21 <sarob> trying, i waiting on the new account email 17:13:25 <sarob> oh 17:13:32 <colinmcnamara> sorry guys. brainfart 17:13:34 <dguitarbite__> for some reason the email goes into spam 17:13:49 <dguitarbite__> I guess this domain is not recognized for now 17:14:04 <dguitarbite__> but for admin access I suggest you to use the one I sent, so that you get to experience how to host quiz 17:15:16 <sarob> ill have to look further, but this looks exactly like what we need 17:15:50 <sarob> im thinking beyond 17:16:09 <sarob> our testing needs 17:16:18 <sarob> this is good 17:16:37 <dguitarbite__> we could add a few more modules 17:16:40 <sarob> so the build instructions 17:16:47 <dguitarbite__> re-design the UI, change theme 17:16:47 <sarob> easy? 17:16:54 <dguitarbite__> yep, easy 17:17:28 <sarob> can you write that up in https://docs.google.com/a/yahoo-inc.com/document/d/1w7XhcJzdZi_DMT4eenA9rBY7n3uPieCzIfllaQZkXag/edit?usp=sharing 17:17:32 <dguitarbite__> but I run Arch Linux and Gentoo (so I dont know if you like my easy!) 17:17:45 <sarob> so we can prep to discuss with oss infra 17:18:18 <dguitarbite__> yep, looking forward to porting this to Infra 17:18:24 <sarob> i want to have lots of info on what they will have to do 17:19:23 <dguitarbite__> ok, can we have a list of expected features? because for installing new modules (for features) we will have to tweak infra every time 17:19:33 <sarob> install, restarting process, where does data get stored, who to contact when is goes grey 17:19:59 <sarob> we are going to be partnering with infra 17:20:10 <sarob> so we need to explain as much as possible 17:20:26 <sarob> and be ready to answer as many questions as possible 17:20:53 <dguitarbite__> how much expected time? I guess we decided before 10th Feb 17:20:54 <sarob> this could become the official testing thingy 17:21:06 <sarob> so lets do our homework 17:21:13 <dguitarbite__> ok 17:21:18 <sarob> yup 08 feb 17:21:22 <sarob> week of 17:21:41 <sarob> we should start thinking about the summit next 17:22:30 <dguitarbite__> yes, but I want to finish this by next week, so that I can focus better on Install Gudie 17:22:38 <dguitarbite__> is that possible? 17:22:39 <sarob> any ideas on using launchpad auth? 17:22:52 <sarob> install guide? 17:23:10 <sarob> operations guide you mean? 17:23:10 <dguitarbite__> Havana Install Guide for Operator Training 17:23:41 <dguitarbite__> *operations sorry 17:23:58 <sarob> yup, im eager to dig into that as well 17:24:26 <sarob> #topic commercial training 17:24:38 <sarob> so have you talked to sina? 17:24:42 <dguitarbite__> sarob: need to look into Launchpad Auth for once. But I'm not sure. 17:25:22 <dguitarbite__> sarob: yes, I forwarded your request to him, I guess he is quite busy ... we have a busy start to this year at Aptira. 17:25:24 <sarob> we can figure some on auth 17:25:39 <sarob> sina, busy, understood 17:25:41 <sarob> me too 17:25:55 <sarob> frenetic energy 17:26:12 <dguitarbite__> yeah, same here 17:26:24 <sarob> #topic clean up training guides 17:26:48 <sarob> after we get moodle prepped, 17:27:01 <sarob> you ready to finish the clean up? 17:27:15 <sarob> we should have only 5 books in the set 17:27:42 <sarob> start here, associate, operator, developer, architect 17:27:49 <dguitarbite__> I am going for commercial training next month, we need to do it before hand 17:28:02 <dguitarbite__> is that possible? 17:28:10 <sarob> im ready 17:28:16 <dguitarbite__> colin ? 17:28:26 <sarob> lets schedule a few hours and work on it together 17:28:30 <sarob> bang it out 17:28:43 <sarob> whats your schedule look like this week? 17:29:30 <dguitarbite__> I am quite free this week 17:30:20 <dguitarbite__> infact it overlapps with cleaning training manuals as I need to prepare and update existing manuals for Commercial Training 17:31:08 <sarob> so aptira is going to pull from training guide repo 17:31:15 <sarob> to build commerical version? 17:31:34 <dguitarbite__> just the extra part which is not yet ready in training repo 17:31:37 <sarob> or do maven build 17:31:52 <sarob> eh? 17:32:22 <sarob> meaning one of the books thats not finished? 17:32:24 <dguitarbite__> just the Havana Installation Guide will be added which is not there in training repo 17:32:37 <dguitarbite__> rest all is Associate Guide 17:32:38 <sarob> ah, well lets make it 17:32:45 <sarob> so you can use it 17:33:00 <sarob> then you dont need to do anything special 17:33:07 <dguitarbite__> I'm in, sure thing ... also it can replace basic-install. Thanks 17:33:15 <sarob> yup 17:33:19 <sarob> okay 17:33:30 <sarob> late your time tomorrow 17:34:02 <sarob> or something else 17:34:35 <dguitarbite__> works for me, give me a second I will get precise time 17:36:04 <sarob> im available 9-11am PST, 1-3pm PST tomorrow 17:36:45 <sarob> id rather the early slot 17:37:54 <dguitarbite__> 16:30 (4.30pm) to 20:30 8.30pm) IST 17:38:03 <dguitarbite__> UTC 17:38:16 <dguitarbite__> 16:30 pm to 20:30 pm UTC 17:38:39 <dguitarbite__> I guess its about the 10:30~11 am to 2pm PST 17:38:48 <smemon92> ya, i will also join at 16:30 pm to 20:30 pm UTC 17:40:22 <sarob> 5-7pm utc tuesday is good then? 17:40:30 <dguitarbite__> yes 17:40:56 <sarob> cool, ill book it and invite colin 17:41:13 <sarob> invite anyone else that is interested 17:42:08 <dguitarbite__> ok, sounds good, yes I will try to invite more contributors 17:42:09 <sarob> #action operations guide work session 5-7pm UTC tuesday 21 jan 2014 17:42:23 <sarob> #topic any other business 17:43:42 <sarob> okay, then 17:43:47 <sarob> lets break early 17:43:58 <dguitarbite__> ok, need to get some zzz's ;) 17:44:09 <sarob> cool, thx dude 17:44:19 <sarob> #endmeeting