17:00:04 <sarob> #startmeeting training-manuals 17:00:05 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Apr 28 17:00:04 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sarob. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:06 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:00:08 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'training_manuals' 17:00:40 <sarob> Roll call 17:01:58 <sarob> - 17:03:13 <sarob> Roll call 17:04:49 <sarob> - 17:06:45 <sarob> Roll call 17:08:16 <sarob> - 17:09:28 <rl> I'm here. You invited me to attend a few days ago. 17:09:58 <sarob> Great 17:10:37 <sarob> Did you take look at the wiki 17:10:49 <rl> which part? 17:11:07 <sarob> Training manuals wiki 17:11:08 <rl> oh, training-manuals. duh 17:11:12 <rl> :-) 17:11:27 <rl> yes, i did 17:11:44 <sarob> Trello 17:11:56 <rl> that, too. 17:12:15 <sarob> Thoughts 17:12:39 <rl> I am currently mostly interested in the training-labs scripts. 17:12:53 <sarob> Excellent 17:12:57 <rl> one thing I noticed is that IP addresses in the docs are all over the place. 17:13:31 <rl> If you want to reuse the docs, it might help if you had conventions for IP subnets for, say, data networks etc. 17:14:02 <rl> also, I am curious what platform the scripts are supposed to use, going forward. 17:14:18 <rl> ubuntu 12.04 with grizzly won't last forever. 17:14:29 <sarob> Good points all 17:15:02 <sarob> The best way to log your ideas on existing material 17:15:15 <sarob> Is to log a bug 17:15:21 <rl> Some docs have contain special characters: mostly nbsp, some soft-hypen. 17:15:35 <sarob> On each major point 17:15:38 <rl> Maybe we should have some scripts to check for those. 17:15:50 <rl> Okay, can do. 17:15:53 <sarob> Check on IP? 17:16:08 <rl> IP? 17:16:21 <sarob> Once you have a bug and the URL 17:16:52 <sarob> You can use that to get comments and summit a patch on the bug 17:17:32 <sarob> #moodle integration with infra over oauth2 outstanding 17:18:04 <sarob> #info moodle integration with infra over oauth2 outstanding 17:18:32 <sarob> Got any other questions 17:19:15 <sarob> #info LPI and other new partners will be joining the team 17:19:37 <rl> So I file bug reports to do surveys? 17:19:56 <sarob> Hmm survey? 17:20:07 <rl> For instance, which distro to use. 17:20:19 <sarob> Ah 17:20:19 <rl> Whether IP subnets should be standardized. 17:20:45 <dguitarbite> hello 17:20:51 <sarob> On IP I'd say propose a IP standard 17:20:54 <dguitarbite> sorry I drifted out 17:21:01 <sarob> No problem 17:21:19 <annegentle> rl: sarob: one thing I think Matt Kassawara asked on the openstack-docs mailing list is if the training guides could follow install guide conventions 17:21:19 <rl> Okay. 17:21:37 <annegentle> rl: are you familiar enough to take a look at the install guide diagrams and see if that's a fit? 17:21:44 <dguitarbite> rl: we could work on the scripts ... many changes to be made 17:21:57 <sarob> Annegentle: I'll take a look 17:22:07 <rl> dguitarbite: indeed 17:22:20 <dguitarbite> annegentle: I think it would be perfect for training manuals installation section 17:22:33 <rl> annashen: i can take a look, too 17:22:36 <sarob> annegentle: I have been stretched a thin lately 17:23:03 <dguitarbite> may be I could propose some additional changes for Vitual Box conventions there too. 17:23:30 <dguitarbite> also the installation section under Training Manuals can be good replacement for Basic Install Guide 17:23:30 <sarob> annegentle: I'm working on partners so we have better coverage 17:24:03 <sarob> dguitarbite yup, needs some tlc 17:24:37 <annegentle> sarob: rl: Oh, looking at http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-docs/2014-March/003999.html he was actually trying to see if trainees could just use the install guide rather than scripts. 17:25:02 <annegentle> scripts have their place but trainees should definitely use the install guides if they can 17:25:21 <sarob> annegentle scripts are for the trainer not the trainee 17:25:22 <dguitarbite> the scripts are for setting up the lab environment using VirtualBox 17:25:32 <dguitarbite> so the trainer saves time 17:25:54 <annegentle> dguitarbite: ah got it 17:26:16 <annegentle> at Rackspace we didn't find networking robust enough with VMs 17:26:17 <rl> it could also be useful in other cases to have a standardized set up so readers can play along while reading manuals 17:26:27 <dguitarbite> I think the Install Guide is a bit complex for Trainees to start using it. We are talking about people having no experience (freshers) who could be joining the training 17:27:05 <sarob> annegentle: I'd love to get active participation from Rackspace on training project 17:27:09 <annegentle> agreed: it's a balancing act 17:27:10 <dguitarbite> annegentle: Networking works with VMs. DHCP works fine, some issues arise due to Virtualization Over head. 17:27:40 <annegentle> sarob: their trainers tend to rely on the docs and prefer to improve those 17:27:50 <annegentle> sarob: like the Security Guide and Ops Guide 17:27:51 <rl> annegentle: vbox had more networking problems than others, in my experience, but it's cross-platform 17:28:16 <sarob> I thought that's what we are doing too 17:28:29 <annegentle> sarob: and install guide 17:28:37 <sarob> Just structuring 17:28:42 <sarob> As training 17:29:05 <dguitarbite> may be I have to refactor the virtualbox section, but I have the VMs running from Grizzly RC1. At Aptira we have used virtualbox extensively for commercial training. 17:29:20 <annegentle> sarob: agreed, but you're seeing where there are difficulties (VirtualBox refactoring) -- that's all I'm saying, we likely violently agree 17:29:47 <sarob> Annegentle: what's the latest thoughts on training become a separate project? 17:30:07 <sarob> Should I bring up at a TC meet? 17:30:39 <sarob> Do you think we are ready? 17:32:06 <annegentle> sarob: I'd like to get you all into a separate repo and see how you do with reviews 17:32:21 <annegentle> sarob: that's what the TC will look for -- the team deliverables and make-up of team members 17:32:40 <sarob> Okay 17:32:43 <annegentle> sarob: so an interim would be a separate repo if that's amenable to you all 17:33:20 <dguitarbite> ok 17:33:22 <sarob> Sound reasonable 17:33:28 <annegentle> sarob: there may be other considerations but I think that's a good path 17:34:10 <sarob> I'll chk with mark 17:34:17 <annegentle> sarob: then we can look at http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/governance/tree/reference/incubation-integration-requirements -- I still house a bit of a concern with duplication 17:34:22 <sarob> Before pull trigger 17:34:26 <annegentle> house? Not sure that's a term :) 17:34:51 <sarob> ? 17:35:04 <annegentle> sarob: and let's shop the idea further on the TC, since I'm just one pair of eyes 17:35:26 <sarob> Right 17:35:41 <dguitarbite> annegentle: can we reuse material from other repos? Is that possible? 17:36:02 <sarob> If still use includes 17:36:08 <sarob> I'd 17:36:55 <dguitarbite> ok, then I think we can continue reusing and contributing to the common folder under manuals to reduce repetition 17:37:00 <annegentle> dguitarbite: yep we do that with links to the git mirror 17:38:07 <annegentle> dguitarbite: ayup 17:39:07 <sarob> annegentle so we will discussion a new repo and TC incubation req 17:39:46 <annegentle> sarob: I don't have a Summit session left, where/how would you like to shop the idea? 17:40:10 <sarob> #action sarob will discuss a new repo and TC incubation req 17:40:15 <sarob> Hmm 17:40:36 <sarob> Let me talk to mark first 17:41:05 <annegentle> sarob: sure 17:41:05 <sarob> I want to sync his plans with ours 17:41:10 <annegentle> yeah makes sense 17:42:20 <sarob> #action sarob work out training project next steps with mark 17:42:46 <dguitarbite> annegentle: can you guide us to set up Conventions Document and how to get Manuals team to contribute to it? Should I just create a wiki and pass that link around or just add another page inside training manuals? 17:42:47 <sarob> Soooo present team members 17:44:47 <annegentle> dguitarbite: thinking... what are examples of difference between Documentation/Conventions and TrainingManuals/Conventions? 17:45:14 <annegentle> sorry sarob don't want to get off your agenda! 17:45:22 <sarob> Np 17:45:26 <dguitarbite> hmm... we need to Virtual Box section 17:45:35 <annegentle> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/Conventions 17:45:38 <dguitarbite> *add 17:46:02 <rl> dguitarbite: what should be in that section? 17:46:25 <dguitarbite> and also for some conventions for shell scripts 17:46:32 <annegentle> dguitarbite: I'd say just add to the specific "Guide Conventions" section with a Training Manuals section 17:46:39 <dguitarbite> rl: mostly how to present the adapters and ip addresses 17:47:03 <dguitarbite> annegentle: ok 17:47:07 <annegentle> rl: for example, the Operations Guide follows O'Reilly style (the biggest difference being sentence cap for OpenStack and Title Cap for O'Reilly) 17:47:30 <annegentle> dguitarbite: I think that's a good placement, adding to the Conventions wiki page 17:48:15 <sarob> Sounds right to me 17:48:34 <dguitarbite> okey, sounds good 17:49:46 <sarob> Anything else people? 17:50:23 <dguitarbite> we need to identify repeating content 17:50:26 <sarob> I need to catch up on trello activity offline 17:50:54 <sarob> Dguitarbite duplicate? 17:51:01 <dguitarbite> yeah duplicates 17:51:17 <dguitarbite> loads of content can be reused 17:51:50 <dguitarbite> I will also work on some good way to try and re-use install-guide as much as possible 17:51:55 <sarob> True 17:52:12 <sarob> That's our goal 17:52:31 <sarob> Tighter coordination with the install guide team 17:52:40 <dguitarbite> yeah 17:52:42 <sarob> Is what we need to execute on 17:53:09 <dguitarbite> #action dguitarbite work on reusing install guide (tigher coordination with install guide) 17:53:43 <dguitarbite> #action dguitarbite and rl work on Shell Scripts (for IceHouse & Juno) 17:53:54 <rl> ack 17:54:36 <sarob> Good stuff 17:54:39 <dguitarbite> rl: which is the best way to communicate with you? We might need to collaborate a bit more, may be some pair-programming 17:54:55 <dguitarbite> sarob: yeah :) 17:55:28 <rl> dguitarbite: what would you prefer? 17:55:56 <dguitarbite> hangouts or skype? 17:56:35 <rl> I have yet to try hangouts. let's do skype then for now. 17:57:06 <rl> IRC works for me, too, of course. 17:57:23 <sarob> Thx dguitarbite. Teaming up to teach is what this effort is all about 17:58:30 <dguitarbite> sarob: welcome :), I guess I experienced the importance of high bus factor 17:58:40 <sarob> ;) 17:58:46 <dguitarbite> :D 17:58:58 <sarob> Let's wrap this one up 17:59:13 <dguitarbite> yep 17:59:16 <sarob> Tweet me at @sarob or irc for more 17:59:24 <sarob> Before the next meet 17:59:45 <sarob> #endmeeting