17:03:10 <sarob> #startmeeting training-manuals 17:03:11 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jun 9 17:03:10 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sarob. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:03:12 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:03:14 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'training_manuals' 17:03:23 <dguitarbite> rollcall 17:03:33 <matjazp> hi all 17:03:36 <rluethi> hey 17:03:39 <dguitarbite> hello 17:04:01 <sarob> Morning/evening 17:04:08 <dguitarbite> gday 17:04:29 <sarob> Let's start with the leads and get updates 17:04:45 <sarob> #topic stable update 17:05:27 <sarob> rl or dguitarbite? 17:05:47 <sarob> Wait sorry just 17:05:52 <dguitarbite> I believe I am the lead 17:05:53 <sarob> Dguitarbite 17:05:54 <dguitarbite> sorry my bad 17:06:02 <sarob> Nope I'm 17:06:11 <sarob> Still getting used to change 17:06:28 <sarob> Dguitarbite your floor 17:06:31 <dguitarbite> yep 17:06:40 <dguitarbite> well, I guess we could not work at all because the repo folder is frozen 17:07:01 <dguitarbite> still working on labs and install guide scetion 17:07:02 <dguitarbite> *section 17:07:15 <sarob> annegentle responded to the thread 17:07:19 <dguitarbite> but could not push any changes at al 17:07:20 <dguitarbite> l 17:08:07 <sarob> So I'm hoping to get the stackforge patch through today 17:08:25 <rluethi> that one? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/96334/ 17:08:44 <sarob> First patch will be to move the training content 17:08:48 <sarob> Yup that one 17:08:49 <dguitarbite> kool 17:09:16 <sarob> I have asked annegentle to add to the review 17:09:40 <dguitarbite> nice 17:09:45 <dguitarbite> do you need +1's there? 17:10:04 <sarob> Feel free to add to the review 17:10:24 <dguitarbite> kool 17:10:28 <sarob> Remember this is new ground 17:10:40 <sarob> So infra is a bit wary 17:10:47 <sarob> Understandable 17:10:48 <dguitarbite> yes, I can understand 17:11:10 <dguitarbite> we may touch 3-4 projects atleast for the testing part 17:11:22 <dguitarbite> as we need to validate shell scripts, puppet/python (in near future) 17:11:25 <dguitarbite> n xml 17:11:35 <dguitarbite> may be even vagrant, etc. 17:11:43 <sarob> Right 17:12:08 <sarob> You think we should just use the same tests for our repo? 17:12:13 <sarob> To start 17:13:28 <rluethi> For the manuals, it would make sense. For code, openstack-manuals didn't have much. 17:13:37 <dguitarbite> yep 17:14:01 <dguitarbite> I think we can even plan to update the test-cases for other repos to tweak n add our bits in there 17:14:03 <dguitarbite> if required 17:14:22 <dguitarbite> dont need to re-invent the wheel, and also overburden our tiny set of contributors 17:14:59 <sarob> Go ahead and add in plans to stable subsection of the wiki 17:15:02 <dguitarbite> rluethi: its totally up to us now, how to design n implement n stuff 17:15:07 <sarob> It's your part 17:15:10 <rluethi> Testing in other projects is very much focused on Python. A bit sphinx, docbook, too. 17:15:30 <rluethi> devstack has still an open bug to use the bash8 package. 17:15:31 <dguitarbite> rluethi: yeah, devstack's coming up with bash8 17:15:43 <dguitarbite> we can re-use and help them build that 17:15:46 <dguitarbite> along side 17:15:49 <dguitarbite> what do you think? 17:16:16 <dguitarbite> *along with our usecases 17:16:18 <rluethi> I think we should use the opportunity to try something in our repo. Then we can offer it to others. 17:16:32 <rluethi> Unless they are faster, then we copy them. 17:16:41 <rluethi> Seems unlikely right now. 17:17:04 <rluethi> https://bugs.launchpad.net/devstack/+bug/1320535 17:17:05 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1320535 in devstack "DevStack should use new bash8 pypi package" [Undecided,New] 17:17:08 <dguitarbite> rluethi: if they are faster, I suggest that we should use their stuff instead of copying 17:17:13 <sarob> #action infra team to explore new tests 17:17:17 <dguitarbite> otherwise, I agree 17:17:29 <rluethi> with copying, I mean tox.ini or whatever will be used. 17:17:39 <dguitarbite> sure 17:17:56 <sarob> #action sarob move over content to stackforge training-guides repo 17:18:19 <sarob> So blueprints 17:18:23 <sarob> And spec 17:18:42 <sarob> I'd like to stop using trello 17:18:56 <sarob> And start using spec and blueprints 17:18:58 <dguitarbite> #action dguitarbite update training-manuals wiki with the recent changes, sub-groups and their leads 17:19:05 <dguitarbite> sorry, continue 17:19:20 <dguitarbite> +1 17:19:24 <sarob> Wiki mostly updated, but have at it 17:19:30 <sarob> np 17:19:31 <dguitarbite> ok 17:19:33 <matjazp> sarob: agree 17:19:39 <dguitarbite> sarob: agree 17:19:48 <sarob> Cool 17:20:00 <rluethi> sarob: agree 17:20:24 <sarob> #action sarob will create spec subdir 17:20:55 <sarob> #action training team will start following the spec to blueprints process 17:21:23 <sarob> #action trello use will be discontinued 17:21:50 <sarob> Ready to move on to testing? 17:21:54 <matjazp> sarob: change should be announced to others on Trello 17:22:03 <sarob> Agreed 17:22:34 <dguitarbite> matjazp: +1 17:22:42 <sarob> #action sarob will announced trello discontinue on docs ML and trello 17:23:15 <matjazp> testing: I've been wondering...how is our testing connected to openstack certifications? no connection? 17:23:23 <sarob> #topic testing update 17:23:37 <sarob> Hmm, good question 17:23:48 <sarob> Right now it's not 17:23:57 <matjazp> but we want it to be? 17:24:35 <sarob> Since I'm on the board, I need to tread lightly here 17:25:05 <dguitarbite> matjazp: we may use those tests for providing certificates in future 17:25:17 <dguitarbite> matjazp: not sure as of now, but theres a good chance in future 17:25:20 <sarob> Mark collier is developing the foundation plan 17:25:31 <matjazp> sarob: how far are they 17:25:41 <sarob> It would be great if our work helped that effort 17:25:59 <sarob> I can ask him to join us next week and discuss 17:26:43 <dguitarbite> sarob: ok, we might be able to contribute a few ideas 17:26:43 <sarob> #action sarob invite mark collier to next meeting to discuss status of foundation training certification 17:26:46 <matjazp> sarob: sure... but generally speaking... nothing is decided jet about it, right? not even if there will be certifications? 17:27:09 <sarob> Matjazp probably so 17:27:32 <sarob> Matjazp haven't discussed for about month 17:28:36 <sarob> anything else? 17:28:51 <rluethi> related to testing? 17:28:53 <matjazp> nope 17:28:54 <dguitarbite> well, we need a party this summit 17:29:10 <dguitarbite> sarob: what do you say? 17:29:21 <sarob> umm 17:29:42 <sarob> Anything more about testing? 17:29:49 <rluethi> no. but something else. 17:30:21 <sarob> Matjazp can you update the state and plans for the testing subgroup? 17:30:33 <sarob> On the wiki 17:31:22 <matjazp> sarob: ok.. will do 17:31:35 <sarob> #action dguitarbite update wiki stable state and plans 17:32:10 <sarob> #action matjazp update wiki testing state and plans 17:32:32 <sarob> #topic development update 17:33:13 <sarob> I have a couple of people from comcast 17:33:16 <sarob> Joining 17:33:17 <sarob> Us 17:33:27 <dguitarbite> sarob: sounds really good 17:33:34 <sarob> I'm starting to train them today 17:33:52 <sarob> Intel is slowly coming around 17:34:18 <sarob> It probably will be two weeks before I get a name 17:34:38 <sarob> Redhat, hp, and Rackspace are maybes 17:34:49 <dguitarbite> well, good enough time for us to get comfy on new ground 17:34:52 <sarob> One step at a time 17:34:58 <sarob> True 17:35:52 <sarob> I'm itching to get Dev guide going but the incubation work is priority 17:36:42 <sarob> #info comcast new devs being trained this week. They will join the meeting next week. 17:37:10 <sarob> #topic infrastructure update 17:38:04 <dguitarbite> repo folder locked down, could not get any code pushed, rluethi has done some work on training-labs 17:38:26 <rluethi> so far, scripts used VirtualBox guest additions for installation. 17:38:28 <dguitarbite> we will push it as soon as we get access to the new repo on stackforge (or where ever it will be placed) 17:38:32 <sarob> I moved one blueprint to training-guides 17:38:35 <rluethi> that is necessary on windows; 17:38:40 <sarob> Other I left under devstack 17:38:43 <dguitarbite> sarob: which one? 17:38:51 <dguitarbite> training-labs? 17:39:02 <sarob> Yup, from docs 17:39:17 <sarob> Just organizing 17:39:36 <dguitarbite> sarob: yeah, that time training-labs was incubated. Thanks for moving it 17:39:49 <sarob> np 17:41:34 <dguitarbite> sarob: have another question ... any ground rules for the new repository? 17:42:09 <sarob> #action rluethi, dguitarbite update wiki infra section 17:42:46 <sarob> Dguitarbite like what? 17:43:04 <dguitarbite> like, as core-reviewers 17:43:14 <dguitarbite> any specific guidelines 17:43:32 <dguitarbite> or we gotta design that too? 17:44:34 <sarob> Yeah, our repo, our rules 17:44:54 <sarob> I'd say each lead as core reviewer to start 17:45:16 <sarob> Adding Colin as core reviewer 17:45:40 <dguitarbite> yep 17:45:44 <sarob> Core reviewers get notified of each patch 17:46:10 <rluethi> how do we coordinate? especially in the beginning, a weekly IRC meeting will not be enough. ML? 17:46:33 <sarob> I'd like to use docs ML for now 17:46:38 <rluethi> sarob: ok 17:46:53 <sarob> We can breakout if we create too much noise 17:46:53 <dguitarbite> sarob: can we host our own IRC channel? 17:47:22 <annegentle_> hi sarob dguitarbite rluethi catching up 17:47:32 <rluethi> hey! 17:47:43 <sarob> #openstack-training-guides channel, same as repo sounds good 17:47:49 <annegentle_> dguitarbite: yep, you just patch one of the openstack-infra repos to get your own irc channel 17:48:03 <dguitarbite> annegentle_: hello 17:48:06 <annegentle_> sarob: I wrote back on the review and mailing list threads 17:48:07 <dguitarbite> annegentle_: sure thing 17:48:19 <annegentle_> and agreed on using the openstack-docs ML 17:48:23 <sarob> annegentle_ got it thx 17:48:27 <annegentle_> I think there's plenty of crossover interests 17:48:43 <annegentle_> any questions feel free to ask 17:49:36 <rluethi> One concern I have: how much are the scripts supposed to be training material? 17:49:39 <sarob> #action training infra team patch Openstack infra for creating, logging channel #openstack-training-guides 17:50:15 <rluethi> The doc team doesn't like manuals that use non-core tools (i.e. debian's preseed). 17:50:28 <rluethi> but if we use devstack, that's pretty much what we're doing. 17:50:34 <sarob> dguitarbite have you 17:50:40 <rluethi> the scripts will install, but they won't be readable. 17:50:47 <annegentle_> rluethi: thinking 17:50:54 <sarob> dguitarbite znc before? 17:51:05 <annegentle_> rluethi: I think the idea of having scripts for anyone to set up a training labs is flat-out awesome. 17:51:17 <annegentle_> rluethi: but other training groups haven't used devstack 17:51:18 <dguitarbite> znc? 17:51:20 <annegentle_> and I'm not entirely sure why 17:51:35 <sarob> dguitarbite irc bouncer 17:51:41 <matjazp> rluethi: but scripts can be manuals too... I sometimes read devstack :) 17:51:49 <annegentle_> matjazp: for sure 17:52:01 <rluethi> devstack is hard to read for the uninitiated. 17:52:09 <sarob> dguitarbite I'd like to make required for core reviewers 17:52:12 <annegentle_> rluethi: I think that at Rackspace the "all in one" nature of devstack made it not realistic enough 17:52:17 <rluethi> they have generic commands like install_package. 17:52:36 <annegentle_> rluethi: so I'd lean towards more realistic labs 17:52:36 <dguitarbite> sarob: sure thing 17:52:41 <dguitarbite> sarob: action? 17:53:05 <sarob> dguitarbite you want to take on setting it up? 17:53:13 <dguitarbite> sarob: yep 17:53:27 <dguitarbite> annegentle_: one doubt, is it worthwhile getting devstack tuned to our requirements or just keep our scripts ready to be used? 17:53:30 <rluethi> we are using some of devstack's functions already, but the question is, how far do we want to go? 17:53:41 <dguitarbite> *keep separate copy of our scripts 17:53:50 <sarob> #action infra team set irc bouncer znc for the training team whole 17:54:24 <sarob> #action training team core reviewers need to use irc bouncer 17:54:55 <sarob> Time check 17:55:31 <sarob> you guys keep discussing 17:55:44 <dguitarbite> ok 17:55:46 <sarob> We will need to move it to the docs channel 17:56:07 <sarob> #topic any other business 17:56:08 <annegentle_> dguitarbite: hm, good question 17:56:29 <annegentle_> We can keep chatting in openstack-doc 17:57:30 <matjazp> I'll have to go guys... see you next week... just update wiki with stuff that you decide, and I'll read it later 17:57:36 <dguitarbite> matjazp: see ya 17:57:41 <rluethi> bye 17:57:53 <sarob> Dguitarbite annegentle_ why don't we just use #openstack-docs instead of creating a new training channel? 17:58:11 <sarob> matjazp see you later 17:58:59 <sarob> I'd rather keep the docs team in the loop the maximum amount 17:59:06 <dguitarbite> sarob: lets conti. on docs channel 17:59:20 <annegentle_> sarob: you sure could 17:59:22 <sarob> Until we become too noisy 17:59:26 <annegentle_> sarob: yah 17:59:32 <sarob> Cool 18:00:23 <sarob> #action rescind new channel action above 18:00:31 <sarob> Done 18:00:35 <sarob> And done 18:00:39 <sarob> Good meet 18:00:45 <sarob> Training out 18:00:53 <sarob> #endmeeting