17:00:42 <sarob> #startmeeting training-manuals 17:00:42 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jul 28 17:00:42 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sarob. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:44 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:00:46 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'training_manuals' 17:00:55 <sarob> rollcall 17:01:00 <rluethi> hi everyone 17:01:04 <MeganR> Hello 17:01:12 <dbite> helll 17:01:15 <dbite> *hello 17:01:18 <sarob> morning and evening 17:01:30 <sarob> #topic stable update 17:01:56 <dbite> basic-install-guides for Icehouse are ready 17:02:01 <dbite> infact were ready last week 17:02:03 <sarob> sweet 17:02:09 <dbite> the work for Juno is going on, its not re-using anything yet 17:02:17 <dbite> there are multiple issues with xi:include 17:02:21 <dbite> which we are facing for the first time 17:02:29 <dbite> since we are the first project to propose and do this 17:02:42 <dbite> I'm not sure if we could re-use the install guides 17:02:48 <dbite> we may have to maintain basic-install-guides 17:03:01 <dbite> separately 17:03:10 <sarob> dbite: hmm 17:03:33 <sarob> dbite: so explain for everyone what the xi:include prob is 17:03:56 <dbite> mostly the manuals team is re-using content without using xi:include 17:04:05 <dbite> the most common issue I face is 17:04:12 <dbite> URL's being relative 17:04:34 <dbite> they use other way to include docs which puts the ID of the section 17:04:37 <dbite> rather than the file name 17:04:42 <dbite> which is the biggest hurdle 17:05:57 <sarob> dbite: so if we get manuals team to use fqdn urls xi:include would be stable? 17:06:28 <dbite> yes 17:06:35 <dbite> but the other issue is the difference in content 17:06:57 <dbite> install guides is more generic and caters advanced/experienced operators and sys-admins 17:07:05 <dbite> with about 3-5 years of experience 17:07:16 <dbite> and intermediate to advanced knowledge of linux 17:07:21 <dbite> we cannot expect that for training 17:07:27 <dbite> which makes it difficult to include their content 17:07:34 <sarob> dbite: so i have a solution for that 17:07:43 <dbite> tell me 17:08:10 <sarob> dbite: at oscon i met up with a few groups that are doing open source linux sysadmin training 17:08:36 <dbite> yes, the ones included in the tweets right? 17:08:40 <sarob> dbite: they are interested in partnering 17:08:42 <sarob> dbite: yup 17:08:53 <sarob> dbite: they all want openstack training 17:09:05 <dbite> would be great to have them on-board 17:09:22 <sarob> dbite: we can get some real motivated sysadmins on board 17:09:54 <dbite> sounds good 17:10:02 <sarob> dbite: but also practice usage at two diff universities 17:10:18 <sarob> dbite: OSU and RIT 17:10:42 <sarob> dbite: they both have running open source sysadmin training over the past year 17:10:46 <dbite> sorry, not familiar with their short forms 17:11:24 <sarob> dbite: Oregon State Univ 17:11:30 <rockyg> FYI: BayLISA is interested in an OpenStack focused meetup: Senior *nix admin + little to no OpenStack. 17:11:45 <sarob> dbite: Rochester Inst Tech 17:12:05 <dbite> ok, I will take a look, but it is really good news 17:12:14 <sarob> rockyg: meaning what? 17:12:15 <dbite> we get more feedback and have consistent usage 17:12:40 <rockyg> Feedback on that angle of training. What is needed for just OS 17:12:42 <sarob> dbite: i need to get them to start joining our meetings 17:13:26 <rluethi> sarob: can you explain how that is a solution to the problem with training-guides vs. openstack-manuals install guide? 17:13:36 <sarob> http://teachingopensource.com 17:13:39 <dbite> sarob: yes, it would be really good ... also my time zone is changing soon, it would be easier to attend meetings which are later in the day for west coast 17:13:56 <dbite> rluethi: we get more eyes and hands to create and maintain our content 17:13:58 <rockyg> Could help distill down to what is new/different from standard Sysadmin 17:14:05 <sarob> rockyg: ah, okay. well i have a few options #link http://teachingopensource.com 17:14:06 <dbite> so we can tolerte less re-use 17:14:11 <dbite> *tolerate 17:14:23 <fthamura> rluethi: those are my questions also, training guide vs openstack installation guide :) 17:14:49 <fthamura> sarob: here we also create material for univ , school regarding openstack, love can partnering in this segment. 17:14:50 <rluethi> sarob: so we mostly give up on reuse, correct? 17:15:01 <sarob> it may be that we have to give up content reuse 17:15:09 <rluethi> ack 17:15:51 <sarob> rluethi: i would like to keep it as a goal, but i do not want to hamstring our progress 17:16:00 <dbite> fthamura: we need to keep simpler more focused content for training 17:16:03 <rluethi> I think we should aim at staying in sync, maybe it's mostly about adding some explanations. 17:16:12 <dbite> rluethi: mostly yes, but I will be pushing for re-use 17:16:16 <dbite> lets see how it goes 17:16:27 <rluethi> agreed. 17:16:39 <sarob> other sysadmin group here #link https://github.com/devopsbootcamp 17:16:42 <fthamura> dbite: agree, my experience here, we make step-by-step rather 1000 pages book manual, and an exam in every step, which all of you did, we make java education. www.jeni.or.id -> sorry in indonesia lang 17:17:06 <dbite> fthamura: sure, I hope chromium translates it for us 17:17:21 <sarob> fthamura: training experience is critical to understanding how to teach 17:18:19 <fthamura> sarob: that why we need ToT, a certification for instructor, and this can become revenue model, take a look blender foundation with their training model, but this can conflict with openstack member that do training, like redhat, mirantis, but accidently ubuntu doesnt interest with this 17:18:23 <sarob> dbite: so icehouse support, you have the install guide 17:18:37 <dbite> yes thats the current one upstream 17:18:50 <dbite> the juno one is in progress but its stubbed out 17:18:56 <sarob> dbite: how quickly can we make training icehouse 17:19:02 <sarob> dbite: support 17:19:17 <dbite> I think its nearly ready 17:19:20 <dbite> we are working on labs 17:19:22 <fthamura> sarob: will we make a "video" training guide? 17:19:37 <rockyg> Short youtube videos with very focused topics would be good. Could have a number that re generic enough to last a number of releases. 17:19:45 <dbite> I will tell you exact time required for finalizing Icehouse during next meeting 17:19:45 <sarob> fthamura: i could use a volunteer 17:20:15 <sarob> dbite: excellent. we have a few different groups that want to help 17:20:44 <sarob> dbite: lets break down the work into spec/bp and tasks so we can put them to work 17:20:55 <dbite> sarob: also we have new contributor 17:20:57 <dbite> sayalilunkad: ping 17:21:05 <sarob> dbite: coolness 17:21:07 <dbite> she was OPW, and is interested in helping us out 17:21:18 <sayalilunkad> hello :) 17:21:20 <annegent_> hey all, caught up 17:21:31 <sarob> sayalilunkad: welcome 17:21:38 <annegent_> so you really really really really want that basic install guide sounds like? :) 17:21:51 <annegent_> yay sayalilunkad! 17:21:55 <sarob> annegent_: ;) 17:22:01 <sayalilunkad> thanks sarob, annegent_ :D 17:22:09 <dbite> annegent_: sorry I did not understand 17:22:33 <sarob> dbite: lets discuss on the docs ML how to break down the icehouse stable work 17:22:45 <sarob> dbite: today if poss 17:23:21 <dbite> sarob: today would not be possible its already 11:00 pm here 17:23:25 <sarob> dbite: this pattern of work will make it easier for new contributors to start working 17:23:32 <dbite> but you can start the discussion 17:23:54 <sarob> dbite: right, i forget sometimes ;( 17:24:27 <dbite> sarob: no, probs ... I'm caught up with some German Bureaucracy otherwise I would not mind changing time zones ;) 17:24:40 <annegent_> dbite: sarob: I'd love to include your latest accomplishments in the "What's Up Doc?" 17:24:53 <annegent_> sounds like we have a basic install guide, is there a link? 17:25:00 <dbite> annegent_: yes, wait a second 17:25:29 <annegent_> sure (and I don't want to interrupt the agenda, sorry sarob_ 17:25:34 <dbite> code : http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/training-guides/tree/doc/training-guides/basic-install-guide 17:25:47 <sarob> annegent_: np 17:26:16 <dbite> annegent_: it needs some polishing as of how it is presented 17:26:24 <dbite> http://docs.openstack.org/training-guides/content/operator-controller-node-lab.html#operator-basic-install-guide-controller-lab 17:26:25 <dbite> http://docs.openstack.org/training-guides/content/operator-network-node-lab.html#operator-basic-install-guide-network-lab 17:26:25 <dbite> http://docs.openstack.org/training-guides/content/operator-compute-node-lab.html 17:26:36 <dbite> but the same content can be assembled to provide basic-install-guide 17:26:44 <dbite> as well as cater to training books 17:27:10 <dbite> sarob: I think I am done with stable updates, we may move on 17:27:26 <sarob> #topic infra update 17:27:57 <dbite> Roger, want to provide the updates? 17:28:28 <sarob> rluethi: looks like we have another week or two before the icehouse stable work is laid out 17:28:29 <rluethi> well, labs scripts are moving forward. 17:28:53 <rluethi> we are coordinating over etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/training-guides-developing-topics 17:29:04 <dbite> sarob: we need some time, but its gaining good momentum 17:29:21 <dbite> kudos to rluethi, hes created really awesome environment "OSBASH" 17:30:11 <sarob> rluethi: the two RIT and OSU sysadmin teams have been doing very similar build enviroments 17:30:37 <rluethi> very similar in what respects? 17:30:42 <sarob> rluethi: will prob be helpful to collab 17:30:53 <sarob> rluethi: virtualbox scripts 17:31:02 <sarob> rluethi: vagrant 17:31:11 <rluethi> sarob: anything public? 17:31:24 <sarob> rluethi: building on laptops for quick uptime 17:31:44 <sarob> rluethi: i believe all of it, but i havent dug in that far yet 17:32:08 <rluethi> sarob: can you elaborate on the relation of building on laptops and quick uptime? 17:32:25 <sarob> rluethi: they have some limiting public hosted infra as well 17:32:31 <sarob> limited 17:32:39 <dbite> rluethi: may be we arent the only crazy people in the world ;) 17:33:01 <rluethi> dbite: speak for yourself :) 17:33:10 <sarob> rluethi: meaning getting a working trainer environment up on a student's laptop fast 17:33:46 <dbite> rluethi: s/we/I/ :) 17:34:04 <rluethi> sarob: what OS? 17:34:12 <annegent_> rluethi: have you seen Anvil? The python replacement for devstack? http://anvil.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/dev_notes/architecture.html 17:34:27 <sarob> rluethi: they have been focused on what we have been calling the administrative services like kernel, dns, ntp, etc 17:34:35 <rluethi> annegent_: nope. thanks for the link. 17:35:14 <sarob> annegent_: harlowja from yahoo manages that 17:35:21 <annegent_> rluethi: I can add it to the etherpad if you like 17:35:29 <harlowja> sarob where u hiding 17:35:43 <rluethi> annegent_: sure, go ahead, it's a free for all :) 17:35:53 <dbite> anvil sounds good, we were planning to get more of python in our scripts 17:36:01 <sarob> harlowja: off mission by ohlone 17:36:28 <harlowja> sarob sneaky 17:36:44 <rluethi> the part that I considered moving over to Python is host-side, though. 17:36:53 <annegent_> rluethi: ah okay 17:36:53 <harlowja> rluethi feel free to bug me; i can go over what the heck anvil is 17:36:54 <rluethi> devstack is client-side (inside the VMs). 17:37:03 <sarob> rluethi: almost ready to break down into bp? 17:37:13 <dbite> harlowja: I'm interested too 17:37:20 <rluethi> sarob: which part? 17:37:29 <dbite> also we could provide you some really good feedback 17:37:38 <sarob> rluethi: any of the work tbd 17:37:47 <rluethi> harlowja: sounds very interesting. we should probably hammer the scripts into working shape first. 17:38:18 <rluethi> sarob: we can move some of the decided stuff into blueprints. 17:38:27 <sarob> rluethi: harlowja and the new sysadmin peoples can review ideas and work alot easier that way 17:38:35 <sarob> rluethi: coolness 17:38:35 <dbite> rluethi: I think you can take the lead 17:39:02 <rluethi> sarob, dbite: okay, I'll see what I can do. 17:39:24 <sarob> rluethi: so respond to my spec/bp ML thread with your stuff 17:39:24 <dbite> rluethi: thanks :) 17:39:25 <rluethi> ping me if you need any information, please. 17:39:39 <dbite> sarob: initially we want the existing shell scripts based labs to work 17:39:43 <sarob> rluethi: we can think it through for a day and then start the specs 17:40:01 <sarob> dbite: makes sense 17:40:03 <dbite> we will definitely start our work with anvil soon 17:40:32 <sarob> dbite: harlowja can always use a few more eyeballs 17:40:33 <rluethi> sarob: sure. I am working on several issues, so the squeaky wheel often gets the oil :) 17:40:33 <harlowja> dbite there are intereted folks in #openstack-anvil when u get there 17:40:51 <dbite> sarob, harlowja: we would love to have them on our labs secion 17:40:58 <dbite> also I am interested in Anvil 17:40:59 <sarob> rluethi: oh, im squeaky 17:41:01 <harlowja> cool 17:41:14 <dbite> sure 17:41:27 <sarob> aint collaboration grand 17:41:52 <rluethi> sarob: try to squeak as specifically as possible 17:42:09 <dbite> haha 17:42:11 <sarob> rluethi: working on my tonality 17:42:23 <sarob> #topic testing update 17:42:42 <sarob> matjazp: did you sneak in? 17:43:00 <rluethi> sarob: isn't he on vacation? 17:43:20 <sarob> rluethi: my brain is on vacation 17:43:24 <dbite> sarob: he is on vacation 17:43:33 <dbite> he will join us next week 17:43:34 <sarob> #topic any other business 17:43:36 <rluethi> sarob: there was an email from matjazp 17:44:19 <rluethi> sarob: is stable=docs, and if so, why, and if not, what is it? 17:44:46 <sarob> rluethi: lost me 17:44:49 <annegent_> rluethi: good question. I think of stable as icehouse right now 17:45:32 <sarob> rluethi: meaning if we support icehouse then training=stable? 17:45:36 <rluethi> sarob: during meetings, you ask for stable updates. and I wonder what unstable is. 17:45:56 <rluethi> sarob: what else is there other than stable? 17:46:04 <dbite> rluethi: thats more of a philosophical question 17:46:05 * sarob unstable=sarob? 17:46:13 * dbite unstable 17:46:25 <sarob> rluethi: the stuff under development 17:46:27 <rluethi> sarob: it may confuse newcomers. it sure confused me. 17:46:39 <dbite> sarob: rluethi has a point 17:46:41 <sarob> rluethi: is unstable like the dev and arch training guides 17:47:33 <sarob> rluethi: how else should we call the stuff under heavy construction? 17:48:56 <rluethi> I dunno. How about projects/subjects (docs, scripts, slides) and then qualifiers (stable, trunk) or something? 17:49:15 <dbite> rleuthi: we will put docs after the name 17:49:23 <rluethi> What confused me is that "stable" seemed to refer not to a state, but a subject (docs). 17:49:25 <dbite> so it should be stable docs, unstable docs 17:49:30 <annegent_> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Releases 17:49:42 <annegent_> docs for horses~ 17:49:43 <rluethi> dbite: that would make more sense to me, yes. 17:49:59 <sarob> hmm, okey dokey 17:50:14 * sarob you are now stable docs 17:50:15 <dbite> rluethi: so next time you see stable, just add docs by default after it :) 17:50:28 * dbite I concur! 17:50:31 <rluethi> i'll write an IRC bot 17:50:34 <annegent_> I think "stable" should be reserved for release nomenclature. 17:50:47 <sarob> roger that guys 17:50:50 <sarob> and girls 17:50:51 <annegent_> We use "draft" for work-in-progress documents that are targeted to juno 17:51:01 <rockyg> maybe draft? as for horses ;-) 17:51:09 <sarob> draft sounds better than unstable 17:51:10 <annegent_> See the watermark here: http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/install-guide/install/apt/content/ 17:51:14 <dbite> rockyg: lol 17:51:15 <annegent_> DRAFT - Juno - DRAFT - Juno 17:51:30 <dbite> annegent_: I was wondering to put that for training 17:51:34 <dbite> thanks for bringing it up 17:51:35 <dbite> :) 17:51:38 <sarob> #info stable team is now called the stable docs team 17:51:38 <annegent_> dbite: for install sure 17:51:45 <dbite> yeah 17:51:48 <annegent_> sarob: no there is no such thing 17:52:04 <annegent_> sarob: please don't use the term stable that way, it's confusing 17:52:21 <sarob> annegent_: okay, what do you suggest 17:52:27 <annegent_> sarob: draft 17:52:36 <dbite> #info stable team is not called as stable docs team, we need to rename stable 17:52:48 <dbite> sarob: sarob, should we use Docs team as roger suggested? 17:52:57 <dbite> and drafts for the unfinished work? 17:53:17 <sarob> dbite: so stable=training docs 17:53:22 <dbite> yes 17:53:30 <dbite> vote? 17:53:38 <sarob> dbite: and developement=draft docs 17:53:47 <dbite> yeah 17:54:11 <sarob> is there any other ideas or discussion on this? 17:54:15 <dbite> we will also put up the fancy drafts watermark for them 17:54:15 <dbite> ohh yeah, I had one more question 17:54:39 <sarob> dbite: shoot 17:54:39 <dbite> should we publish books as different links under the training-guides on the docs.openstack.org website? 17:55:17 <sarob> dbite: like separate pdfs? 17:55:28 <dbite> yeah, and seperate links under the training guides section 17:55:32 <dbite> like the install 17:55:35 <dbite> and configure sections 17:55:42 <sarob> dbite: could do that 17:55:52 <sarob> dbite: limit trainee confusion? 17:55:56 <dbite> the content is already modular from the XML point of view 17:55:57 <dbite> yes 17:56:00 <dbite> limit confusion 17:56:09 <sarob> im good with that 17:56:15 <dbite> also make it look more shiny, four sections under training 17:56:23 <annegent_> dbite: sarob: I'm not a fan of more books popping up 17:56:42 <annegent_> dbite: sarob: what's your criteria for starting a new book? with the build maintenance and all? 17:56:56 <sarob> annegent_: we already have four books 17:57:01 <annegent_> dbite: sarob: seems like it'd be good to get an overall vision for adding more tho 17:57:14 <dbite> annegent_: I meant sub-sections 17:57:22 <sarob> annegent_: we can discuss on docs ML 17:57:22 <annegent_> dbite: ah ok 17:57:24 <dbite> like the install section has four links 17:57:33 <dbite> annegent_: so it looks like there are more books 17:57:43 <dbite> and keeps it simple for our end users 17:58:14 <sarob> #info discuss how the four training books are visable on docs.openstack.org 17:58:58 <annegent_> dbite: it's always good to revisit the organization 17:58:59 <sarob> #info discuss on docs ML renaming the training stable team to training docs 17:59:18 <sarob> its time to say goodbye for this week 17:59:19 <dbite> annegent_: yes, I need to learn how to do that properly :) 17:59:33 <annegent_> good deal dbite :) 17:59:34 <dbite> bye all 17:59:37 <sarob> thanks all for your contributions! 17:59:42 <annegent_> thanks dbite! 17:59:49 <MeganR> bye 17:59:51 <dbite> annegent_: yeah, welcome ... 18:00:00 <sarob> #endmeeting