20:01:52 <lifeless> #startmeeting tripleo 20:01:53 <openstack> Meeting started Mon May 27 20:01:52 2013 UTC. The chair is lifeless. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:01:54 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:01:56 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tripleo' 20:02:15 <lifeless> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TripleO 20:02:32 <lifeless> #topic bugs 20:02:55 <lifeless> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/ 20:04:11 <vbannai> Hi 20:04:15 <lifeless> hi 20:04:32 <lifeless> so - we have 9 criticals 20:04:38 <lifeless> because, we found out how broken things were :) 20:05:24 <lifeless> we need some volunteers to step up and hack 20:06:11 <lifeless> devananda: are we getting you good enough info with the bm specific bugs ? 20:06:40 <devananda> lifeless: largely, yes. 20:06:57 * devananda looks for al ink 20:07:25 <devananda> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1184445 20:07:27 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1184445 in tripleo "deploy / delete fragility" [High,Triaged] 20:07:38 <devananda> i posted a cmment there with several possibly-related-but-vague bugs 20:07:46 <devananda> other than those, i think everything's been pretty clear 20:08:34 <lifeless> cool 20:08:52 <lifeless> the main themes I see are: 20:08:57 <lifeless> - broken trunks in other projects 20:09:09 <lifeless> - too much boot-stack-undercloud hardcoding in our elements (which we knew about) 20:09:15 <lifeless> - baremetal fragility 20:10:50 <lifeless> anything else to say on bugs? Anyone volunteering? 20:12:30 <lifeless> guess not :P 20:12:41 <devananda> nothing more here. I fix 'em when I can :) 20:12:47 <lifeless> ok grizzly test rack POC status 20:13:01 <lifeless> we have a rack, with 21 compute nodes deployed via heat + nova bm 20:13:12 <lifeless> we've had to hand tune the control plane 20:13:17 <lifeless> and manually setup quantum 20:13:25 <lifeless> bugs filed on every manual step. 20:13:39 <lifeless> the 21 compute nodes though were fully automatic 20:13:45 <lifeless> once we got all the bugs hammered out 20:14:00 <lifeless> everyone say \\\o//// 20:14:21 <dkehn> lifeless, \\\o//// 20:14:21 <lifeless> we've found mores issues in heat - in particular the hostname issue 20:14:24 <GheRivero> o/ 20:14:39 <lifeless> diskimage-builder needed a couple of tiny tweaks 20:15:01 <dkehn> lifeless, as far as volunteering https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1174149, can we talk later about it 20:15:02 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1174149 in tripleo "VLANs for bare metal require manual configuration" [High,Triaged] 20:15:20 <lifeless> dkehn: yes, absolutely. 20:15:40 <dkehn> lifeless, I'm assuming this will be in the quantum area? 20:16:11 <dkehn> lifeless, once I get situated in Europe will ping for more info 20:17:35 <lifeless> yes 20:17:45 <lifeless> there's another quantum bug upcoming too 20:18:36 <dkehn> there's always another bug in quantum 20:18:50 <lifeless> ok 20:18:58 <lifeless> #topic Grizzly POC 20:18:59 <lifeless> see above 20:19:05 <lifeless> #topic open discussion 20:19:19 * lifeless opens it to the floor 20:19:31 <dkehn> BTM they want to disscuss another approach for the extra_dhcp_opts using the quantum meta server, or something will get more info in the next meeting 20:19:44 <dkehn> which could spell more delays 20:21:05 <devananda> dkehn: any more info on that besides garyk's one comment on the review? 20:21:17 <dkehn> thats it 20:21:32 <dkehn> jsut concerned that these have a way of boiling over a bit 20:21:38 <devananda> aye 20:21:48 <devananda> i'll stick around for the quantum meeting and say some things 20:22:04 <dkehn> my position will be to got with what we have then deal with other needs as they arrive 20:22:09 <devananda> "lets make this more general" is sometimes the right thing, but not always 20:22:12 <dkehn> cool 20:22:17 <lifeless> yeah 20:22:26 <lifeless> this is already super general. 20:22:31 <lifeless> arbitrary options. 20:22:31 <dkehn> I think its the right thing, but would like to get this moved on 20:22:39 <lifeless> oh god please yes. 20:22:39 <dkehn> no kidding 20:22:49 <lifeless> whats the review url for it ? 20:22:51 <devananda> "This could be useful for all" (quote from his comment) 20:22:58 <devananda> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/30441/ 20:23:00 <dkehn> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/30447/ 20:23:04 <devananda> erm 20:23:10 <dkehn> worng 20:23:23 <devananda> it's 30441 20:23:27 <dkehn> devananda, right https://review.openstack.org/#/c/30441/ 20:23:33 <dkehn> me wrong 20:23:48 <dkehn> the 30447 is the client 20:23:59 <dkehn> python-quantumclient 20:24:02 <dkehn> sorry 20:25:24 <devananda> i dont see dhcpopts on the agenda? 20:25:46 <dkehn> for quantum meeting 20:25:48 <dkehn> ? 20:25:50 <devananda> right 20:26:21 <dkehn> probably not, so two approachs, be quiet it goes away, bring it up and god save us 20:26:42 <devananda> um, it's not going away. this needs to get resolved, so i'm going to bring it up, i guess 20:26:46 <dkehn> I'm wondering if gary will bring it up 20:26:48 <devananda> lifeless: unless you want to? 20:27:22 <dkehn> I can bring it up, during the open discussion I guess 20:27:28 <dkehn> my thingy 20:27:55 <lifeless> devananda: you already have the discussion open with him 20:28:14 <lifeless> devananda: I would say 'dhcp options are generic but specific; hiding them in a metadata thing adds no value 20:28:22 <lifeless> devananda: which I think is roughly what you already said 20:28:31 <devananda> ack 20:28:32 <lifeless> back in a sec 20:28:56 <dkehn> In addition, if they get more completicated, whcih they are not now, they won't get used 20:33:11 <lifeless> right 20:33:47 <lifeless> so key points: DHCP options are highly relevant to ports; no reason to hide it away. Doesn't stop a generic 'metadata' thing later, if that is considered a good idea. 20:34:06 <dkehn> that how I see it 20:34:34 <dkehn> moving forward does preclude the metadata thing 20:35:24 <lifeless> dkehn: does? or does not? 20:35:40 <dkehn> doesn't sorry 20:35:45 <dkehn> does not 20:36:26 <dkehn> once this portion complete, we can move on the metadata, which will require some understanding 20:36:48 <lifeless> yeah; personally I'm skeptical of generic things 20:37:07 <lifeless> because you still need reliability and predictable locations - a well known path - for clients to be written 20:37:13 <lifeless> overly generic is death to APIs 20:40:13 <lifeless> ok 20:40:17 <lifeless> it seems like we're done. 20:40:22 <lifeless> Last call for topics 20:41:16 <lifeless> #endmeeting