20:01:05 <SpamapS> #startmeeting TripleO 20:01:07 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Aug 26 20:01:05 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is SpamapS. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:01:08 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:01:10 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tripleo' 20:01:35 <SpamapS> #topic Roll Call! 20:01:40 <SpamapS> o/ 20:01:43 <dkehn> yo 20:02:09 <dkehn> cue crickets 20:02:12 * SpamapS wonders just how much of TripleO is off to burn the man :) 20:02:28 <dkehn> lol, I alos think its an English holiday 20:02:54 <SpamapS> I do believe if we have but 2 active participants, I may declare this meeting lacking in quorum. 20:03:10 <dkehn> I seconded to motion 20:03:22 <jog0> I third that 20:03:24 <dkehn> s/to/the/ 20:03:37 <dkehn> no say it ain 20:03:47 <dkehn> so say it ain't so 20:03:53 <dkehn> oh crap 20:04:08 <SpamapS> ok lets meet :) 20:04:25 <NobodyCam> o/ 20:04:38 <SpamapS> #topic bugs 20:04:52 <SpamapS> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/ 20:05:10 <SpamapS> https://bugs.launchpad.net/diskimage-builder/ 20:05:16 <SpamapS> https://bugs.launchpad.net/os-refresh-config/ 20:05:22 <SpamapS> https://bugs.launchpad.net/os-apply-config/ 20:05:31 <SpamapS> https://bugs.launchpad.net/os-collect-config/ 20:06:15 <SpamapS> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1213967 seemed rather nasty 20:06:17 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1213967 in nova "Seed VM filtering out compute resources" [Critical,In progress] 20:07:03 <jog0> SpamapS: that was because of me 20:07:15 <jog0> and the lack of tests in the baremetal driver 20:07:39 <SpamapS> are we just waiting on lifeless to respond to reviews? 20:08:14 <jog0> for that bug I don't think so the nova patch was reverted 20:08:52 <SpamapS> so do we just need to mark the bug as fix committed manually in nova, and fix released in tripleo? 20:10:00 <SpamapS> jog0: ^^ ? 20:10:19 <jog0> SpamapS: yes 20:10:27 <jog0> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/43235/ 20:10:44 <jog0> although a related bug should be opened in nova for lack of tests in barematal driver 20:10:46 <SpamapS> Cool. The two criticals assigned to me should be addressed/closed/split/something by end of this week. I've been distracted by Heat issues the last week or so. 20:11:09 <SpamapS> jog0: sounds like an action for you. :) 20:11:26 <SpamapS> (and agreed) 20:11:33 <pleia2> ci currently has a baremetal test bug open 20:11:40 <SpamapS> probably low priority though, as it is an ironic release away from being deprecated :) 20:11:58 <pleia2> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1082795 20:11:59 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1082795 in openstack-ci "Add baremetal testing" [High,Triaged] 20:11:59 <SpamapS> any other bugs people want to bring up? 20:12:37 <SpamapS> the other ones lead to the Grizzly POC we did.. so.. 20:12:42 <SpamapS> #topic Grizzly test rack status 20:13:03 <SpamapS> My plan has been to go after the POC: bugs after I tackle the other two criticals. Still the plan. 20:13:22 <SpamapS> Have not heard anything specific about the test rack lately though. 20:13:35 <SpamapS> so if nobody else has anything 20:13:39 * SpamapS pauses 30s for lag 20:14:28 <SpamapS> #topic CI virtualized testing progress 20:14:31 <jog0> SpamapS: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1217082 20:14:32 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1217082 in nova "baremetal driver needs better tests" [Undecided,New] 20:14:36 <SpamapS> jog0: cripes 20:14:44 <SpamapS> jog0: oh ok that was just "here's the bug" ;) 20:14:48 * SpamapS un-cripes jog0 20:14:52 <pleia2> no updates since last week (I got busy with other infra things) 20:14:53 <jog0> SpamapS: haha yeah 20:14:56 <SpamapS> pleia2: ^^ you're up. 20:15:33 <pleia2> jog0: perhaps you just want to instead add nova to https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1082795 ? 20:15:34 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1082795 in openstack-ci "Add baremetal testing" [High,Triaged] 20:15:50 <SpamapS> pleia2: perhaps you and I should buy a round of beers for the team for every week we get distracted from our TripleO tasks. ;) 20:15:53 <jog0> pleia2: that too but I want unit tests 20:16:01 * jog0 updates bug 20:16:04 <pleia2> jog0: oh ok :) 20:16:07 <pleia2> SpamapS: haha 20:16:23 <SpamapS> #topic open discussion 20:16:43 <jog0> I have one actaully 20:16:48 <jog0> upgrade ordering 20:16:51 <dkehn> few more reviews on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/30441/22/neutron/db/extradhcpopt_db.py after we added the new features 20:17:14 <jog0> so I recently got stuck by the fact that nova has no rpcapi compat testing 20:17:37 <jog0> so a a first pass I am just trying everything trunk and grizzly compute 20:17:57 <jog0> does it seem reasonable to assume nova-compute nodes will be the last step in an upgrade? 20:18:46 <SpamapS> jog0: yes. I've been thinking actually about the fact that we really need something that systematically controls orchestration changes in Heat.. 20:19:21 <jog0> SpamapS: yeah, well for now i am ignoring the actual upgrade and testing the mid-upgrade code path 20:19:29 <jog0> but to do so I need to define what that is 20:19:57 <SpamapS> jog0: I think all of the components should be able to express, at least in documentation, what they need done and when, for an upgrade. 20:20:29 <SpamapS> jog0: so if nova compute needs all other RPC partners to be speaking the "new" RPC, then it should say that in the manual. :) 20:20:30 <jog0> SpamapS: ++, having this docuemnted in triplo will be really helpful 20:21:03 <jog0> SpamapS: well with upgrade_levels the rpc upgrade stuff is a little easier 20:21:06 <jog0> in theory 20:21:15 <SpamapS> Yeah I'd hope all new things can talk to all old things. 20:21:23 <jog0> SpamapS: exactly 20:21:51 <SpamapS> But I would accept that there may be a few special pieces that need ordering. 20:22:05 <jog0> SpamapS: yeah, for example nova-compute should be last 20:22:12 <jog0> I think 20:22:37 <SpamapS> nova-compute may also be one where the nodes are just decomissioned and allowed to die-off through attrition.. so they should be able to stay online for a long, long time. 20:23:11 <jog0> so early testing looks pretty decent for running grizzly nova-compute with trunk 20:23:26 <jog0> after I reverted a patch, tempest only had 10 failures 20:23:33 <SpamapS> only 10! 20:23:36 <SpamapS> :) 20:23:55 <jog0> so just 1% failure rate 20:24:45 <SpamapS> ok, good stuff to keep in mind. 20:24:46 <SpamapS> anything else? 20:25:09 <jog0> nothing over here 20:25:20 <pleia2> thanks SpamapS 20:25:31 <SpamapS> By the power vested in me by the distinguished technologist Robert Collins and the great foundation of OpenStack, I release you all back to productivity. May the code be with you. 20:25:38 <SpamapS> #endmeeting