19:05:28 <SpamapS> #startmeeting tripleo 19:05:28 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Feb 4 19:05:28 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is SpamapS. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:05:29 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:05:32 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tripleo' 19:05:34 <SpamapS> Take 2.. action 19:05:36 <SpamapS> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TripleO 19:05:49 <jomara> hello again 19:05:54 <jcoufal_> perfectionist... :) 19:05:58 <SpamapS> #topic bugs 19:06:15 <SpamapS> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/ 19:06:15 <SpamapS> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/diskimage-builder/ 19:06:15 <SpamapS> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/os-refresh-config 19:06:15 <SpamapS> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/os-apply-config 19:06:15 <SpamapS> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/os-collect-config 19:06:17 <SpamapS> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/tuskar 19:06:20 <SpamapS> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/tuskar-ui 19:06:22 <SpamapS> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-tuskarclient 19:06:45 <jtomasek> hi 19:06:52 <lsmola_> hello 19:06:53 <SpamapS> _5_ criticals.. ugh 19:07:08 <jrist> o/ 19:07:34 <SpamapS> well at least 1 is fix committed 19:08:18 <SpamapS> We may have somehow broken our integration with the gerrit bot on Launchpad 19:08:34 <SpamapS> because bug 1274846 is merged already 19:09:29 <SpamapS> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New 19:09:36 <SpamapS> two untriaged bugs in tripleo 19:10:27 <SpamapS> greghaynes: for https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1273882 you can self-triage bugs if you can at least assign an importance to them. FYI. :) 19:10:44 <greghaynes> aha 19:11:01 <SpamapS> overall though we seem to be staying ahead of triage. 19:11:05 <SpamapS> Anybody have any other bugs they want to bring up? 19:11:57 <SpamapS> Onward 19:12:01 <SpamapS> #topic reviews 19:12:16 <SpamapS> #link http://russellbryant.net/openstack-stats/tripleo-openreviews.html 19:12:39 <SpamapS> we're just barely keeping wait times at 1 day 19:13:21 <SpamapS> http://russellbryant.net/openstack-stats/tripleo-reviewers-30.txt shows that people are definitely keeping up with "a review a day" 19:13:35 <SpamapS> well, many people are :) 19:13:52 <SpamapS> Does anybody have anything else to bring up regarding reviews? 19:14:39 <slagle> i would like more folks to look at the devtest doc changes in review, but other than that, no. 19:14:51 <slagle> we need more eyes/opinions 19:15:00 <matty_dubs> slagle: Do you have a link handy? 19:15:52 <slagle> matty_dubs: go to https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/tripleo-incubator,n,z 19:15:57 <slagle> look at the open reviews :) 19:16:04 <slagle> that are related to devtest 19:16:44 <SpamapS> alright, good stuff 19:16:59 <SpamapS> #topic Projects needing releases 19:17:41 <SpamapS> I think we have unreleased commits in most of the projects.. so we should probably make a pass to pick them up. 19:17:50 <SpamapS> anybody want to volunteer 19:17:54 <SpamapS> ? 19:18:10 <SpamapS> actually.. I'll do it 19:18:21 <SpamapS> #topic CD Cloud status 19:18:25 <shadower_> how long does it usually take 19:18:26 <shadower_> ? 19:18:45 <SpamapS> shadower_: 10 min or so. You just have to make a signed tag for each repo. 19:19:06 <SpamapS> shadower: good to evaluate the commits and make sure you're being "semver compatible" :) 19:19:15 <shadower> SpamapS: cool, I'll volunteer next week, then 19:19:22 <SpamapS> shadower: sweet 19:19:45 <SpamapS> AFAIK with the CD cloud we're getting some timeouts and lifeless was investigating yesterday 19:19:54 <lifeless> SpamapS: hi yes 19:20:06 <lifeless> heat isn't spawning instances w/nova 19:20:09 <lifeless> its a bit of an issue 19:20:19 <lifeless> also I've been rebuilding the ci-overcloud (with automation) so that consumed me 19:20:25 <lifeless> that and discussing docs :P 19:22:02 <lifeless> I have a hell day of meetings today - need another tripleo-cd-admin to log in and poke 19:22:10 <lifeless> I'll get the ci-overcloud back up after my meetings 19:22:16 <lifeless> so just look to cd-overcloud 19:22:31 <SpamapS> Ok I'll poke at tripleo-cd 19:22:37 <marios> lifeless: does it by any chance look anything like this http://paste.openstack.org/show/62469/ (the timeouts from heat re nova)... wondering if its same issue 19:23:39 <lifeless> marios: broadly yes 19:24:15 <marios> lifeless: ack, thanks. i put the scaling param into my tuskar template generation today and was trying to deploy with your new scale stuff 19:24:52 <SpamapS> At this point we just need to dig into what took longer or didn't happen. :) 19:25:12 <SpamapS> #topic CI virtualized testing progress 19:25:31 <SpamapS> pleia2: dprince lifeless anything? 19:25:38 <lifeless> in the last weeek 19:25:44 <lifeless> we've scaled out the te farm to 10 servers 19:25:58 <lifeless> the redeployed ci-overcloud will also have 10 hypervisors 19:26:23 <lifeless> this should let us keep up w/out queueing for current job definitions 19:26:28 <lifeless> and probably add an overcloud job 19:26:32 <SpamapS> woot 19:26:35 <pleia2> I'm making progress on getting fedora into nodepool (something rh has wanted when they bring up their cloud), being documented here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/fedora-on-gate 19:26:45 <lifeless> and maybe even a stack-update job 19:26:57 <lifeless> pleia2: its independent of the RH cloud 19:27:05 <lifeless> pleia2: we'll run ubuntu and fedora jobs in both clouds to get redundancy 19:27:06 <pleia2> lifeless: right, we'll run it on both 19:27:14 <lifeless> ack ack, tell you stuff you know :) 19:27:18 <pleia2> just mentioning rationale :) 19:27:38 <lifeless> there's not been discussion yet about how we manage jobs 19:27:42 <lifeless> e.g. do we partition across OS's 19:27:46 <lifeless> or duplicate across OS's 19:28:04 <SpamapS> seems like duplicate would find OS-related problems 19:28:06 <lifeless> until we have a good feel on resource usage i'm inclined to suggest partitioning 19:28:25 <lifeless> but trying to get coverage of all the OS bits across the partitions 19:28:43 <SpamapS> if we partition then won't we have a chance of commit 1 breaking commit 2 because 1 passes on Fedora but not Ubuntu? 19:28:44 <lifeless> e.g. seed on Ubuntu, undercloud on fedora, we'll run most tools on both. Or something like that. 19:29:00 <lifeless> SpamapS: no, because what runs on what would be constant 19:29:18 <lifeless> SpamapS: we would have the chance for (using the example above) seed on Fedora to break or undercloud on Ubuntu to break 19:29:35 <SpamapS> lifeless: right thats the worry.. but I agree, not that big. 19:29:43 <lifeless> SpamapS: remembering that seed and undercloud in-instance are identical, so it would be client-side only for those scenarios 19:29:57 <lifeless> overcloud is more tricky, but if we have two configs we can get broad coverage similarly 19:30:06 <SpamapS> Alright, shall we move on? 19:30:17 <pleia2> yeah 19:31:03 <SpamapS> #topic open discussion 19:31:15 <SpamapS> We have a meetup! 19:31:24 <SpamapS> It is planned. You should be RSVP'ing now. :) 19:31:27 <pleia2> yay! 19:31:28 <jamezpolley_> Woo 19:31:29 * matty_dubs RSVPed; is eager to meet many of you folks f2f! 19:31:34 <greghaynes> \O/ 19:31:40 <matty_dubs> (And to enjoy the not-New-England weather) 19:31:43 <SpamapS> In luxurious Sunnyvale, CA 19:31:50 <slagle> y 19:31:56 <lifeless> cody-somerville is organising bulk rates 19:32:01 <jamezpolley_> I assume lifeless has me down as an implicit RSVP 19:32:08 <lifeless> cody-somerville: you'll let us know when we can book, right? 19:32:11 <SpamapS> http://www.weather.com/weather/tenday/Sunnyvale+CA+USCA1116:1:US 19:32:14 <lifeless> jamezpolley_: yes, you and our other new starter 19:32:23 <lifeless> cody-somerville: / and how to :P 19:32:28 <cody-somerville> lifeless: Aye. Will try to get details on that ASAP. 19:32:38 <lifeless> RH and mirantis folk may be able to use the same rate 19:32:49 <lifeless> if you want to hold of a couple days 19:32:56 <SpamapS> ouch.. compared to Boston.. 19:32:57 <SpamapS> http://www.weather.com/weather/tenday/Boston+MA+USMA0046:1:US 19:33:41 <lifeless> I'm chatting with harlowja about using a Yahoo! training rooms - he kindly offered and they are perhaps better equiped for 'crowd of people connecting to internet' 19:34:01 <lifeless> this is also in sunnyvale :) 19:34:01 <harlowja> lifeless correct, we have free-internet :-P 19:34:10 <SpamapS> lifeless: oh, yes, we do always have to deal with HP Corporate Network fun.. ;) 19:34:15 <pleia2> harlowja: near VTA? 19:34:18 <harlowja> ya 19:34:22 <pleia2> cool 19:34:22 <SpamapS> bonus 19:34:31 <lifeless> harlowja: I hope you've got broadband :) 19:34:36 <harlowja> lol 19:34:37 <harlowja> 701 1st Ave, Sunnyvale, California 94089 19:34:40 <cody-somerville> Training rooms are often setup in a way that isn't really meant for collaboration. 19:34:42 <SpamapS> lifeless: I bet they have at least 20Mbit ;) 19:34:45 <cody-somerville> Can the room be reconfigured? 19:34:49 <pleia2> I am care-free, so transiting it down from SF each day (goodie!) 19:34:54 <pleia2> s/care/CAR 19:34:57 <pleia2> care too 19:34:58 <lifeless> SpamapS: I have 70Mbps here 19:35:07 <SpamapS> bragger. ;) 19:35:12 <tchaypo> I've never been inside the yahoo offices, but I've seen the outside. I imagine they have fun views over Lockheed Martin and the nasa base 19:35:16 <harlowja> i hope yahoo has bigger pipes than that, lol 19:35:17 <lifeless> SpamapS: Hey, move to the first world already! 19:35:31 <SpamapS> We have better buffalo wings here. 19:35:40 <lifeless> tchaypo: HP is next door to lockheed :) 19:35:51 <lifeless> HP cloud that is 19:35:52 <lifeless> anyhow 19:36:01 <tchaypo> Hah. I've probably ridden past HP then and not noticed 19:36:03 <lifeless> harlowja: I was mainly referring to policy limits, not physical glue. 19:36:13 <lifeless> tchaypo: its up a dead end street 19:36:17 <SpamapS> tchaypo: right next to Amazon, ironically. ;) 19:36:24 <harlowja> http://media.glassdoor.com/m/2c/78/7f/36/sunnyvale-campus.jpg 19:36:30 <harlowja> *better pictures online somewhere, lol 19:36:35 <matty_dubs> Heh, I Google Mapsed the HP office and was kind of confused to see a bunch of military aircraft. 19:36:39 <SpamapS> cloudy... so its legit 19:37:10 <SpamapS> Ok seems like that is enough for the meeting. 19:37:14 <SpamapS> Anything else? 19:37:32 <SpamapS> Alright, hasta la vista baby. 19:37:34 <SpamapS> #endmeeting