19:02:22 <lifeless> #startmeeting tripleo 19:02:23 <openstack> Meeting started Tue May 6 19:02:22 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is lifeless. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:02:25 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:02:26 <jdob> o/ 19:02:28 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tripleo' 19:02:48 <dshulyak_> o/ 19:03:19 <derekh_> hi 19:04:11 <GheRivero> o/ 19:04:16 <chuckC> hi 19:04:21 <bnemec> o/ 19:04:45 <lifeless> #topic agenda 19:04:46 <lsmola> hola 19:04:49 <lifeless> bugs 19:04:49 <lifeless> reviews 19:04:49 <lifeless> Projects needing releases 19:04:49 <lifeless> CD Cloud status 19:04:49 <lifeless> CI 19:04:51 <lifeless> Insert one-off agenda items here 19:04:53 <lifeless> open discussion 19:04:55 <tchaypo> \o 19:04:56 <lifeless> #topic bugs 19:05:01 <lifeless> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/ 19:05:01 <lifeless> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/diskimage-builder/ 19:05:01 <lifeless> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/os-refresh-config 19:05:01 <lifeless> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/os-apply-config 19:05:01 <lifeless> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/os-collect-config 19:05:03 <lifeless> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/tuskar 19:05:06 <lifeless> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-tuskarclient 19:05:21 <SpamapS> o/ 19:06:49 <shadower> o/ 19:07:26 <SpamapS> lifeless: that new trusty race is nasty 19:07:32 <tchaypo> Progress on #1290486 - mestery was able to reproduce it in a non-tripleo context iff he used vlan flows; it sounds like it's been tracked down to a bit of code that recreates some types of flow but not others 19:07:42 <lifeless> SpamapS: indeed 19:08:15 <derekh_> Patch up for https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1272803 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/91333/ 19:09:01 <SpamapS> Some users have been trying to build on Debian unstable.. and failing because RabbitMQ 3.3 rejects the 'guest' user from non local hosts. 19:09:17 <SpamapS> that is bug 1315474 19:09:26 <lifeless> patch for https://bugs.launchpad.net/diskimage-builder/+bug/1314021 failed CI, I haven't looked why yet 19:09:47 <lifeless> loverly 19:09:54 <SpamapS> anyway, I feel like the bug situation is "meh" right now.. we have some.. we're not falling too far behind.. we're keeping up with triage.. 19:10:05 <SpamapS> most of our bugs are actually out in the other projects really 19:11:26 <lifeless> derekh_: tiny nit in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/91333/ 19:11:48 <lifeless> slagle: any news on https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1287453 ? 19:12:02 <derekh_> lifeless: thanks will fix 19:12:17 <lifeless> derekh_: any news on https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1308407 ? 19:13:20 <SpamapS> lifeless: oh, are we tracking bugs in os-cloud-config at tripleo or do we need to add another bug link? 19:13:30 <derekh_> lifeless: fungi took a look on thrusday and mentioned prefering a deterministic approach over the random shuffly I've proposed , I'm not sure how possible this will be but have tried it yet 19:13:51 <SpamapS> I feel like it should have its own. 19:13:53 <lifeless> SpamapS: I don't think we've made the lp projest for it 19:13:55 <lifeless> SpamapS: we should 19:14:07 <lifeless> SpamapS: volunteering? 19:14:10 <SpamapS> why not 19:15:47 <lifeless> anyone know dougal matthews IRC? https://bugs.launchpad.net/tuskar/+bug/1308172 19:16:09 <bnemec> lifeless: d0ugal I think 19:16:12 <shadower> lifeless: d0ugal 19:16:29 <lifeless> d0ugal: ^ 19:16:32 <Ng> .o/ 19:16:50 <lifeless> Ng: o/ - wondering if you or GheRivero found time to look at the trusty race? 19:18:28 <SpamapS> https://bugs.launchpad.net/os-cloud-config no bugs, \o/ ;) 19:18:37 <Ng> lifeless: I got completely sidetracked by calls and planning of things, sorry :( 19:19:00 <Ng> lifeless: I believe Ghe was going to look at it, but I don't know if he got to it yet 19:19:03 <lifeless> SpamapS: can you link it in the wiki pages too? meeting + tripleo overview; and I guess we need a patch for incubator to describe that we use it :) 19:19:14 <lifeless> ok, moving on with the meeting 19:19:23 <dprince> SpamapS: BTW. just found this w/ heat-api. Would like to do a revert to fix it: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/92439/ 19:19:56 * dprince is apparently the only one using squid lately 19:20:32 <lifeless> dprince: oh wow, classy 19:20:55 <lifeless> dprince: yeah, we no-proxy everything in devtest because of bad ip ranges vs corp proxies 19:22:09 <lifeless> #topic reviews 19:22:51 <lifeless> reviewstats still broken for tripleo at least 19:23:23 <bnemec> lifeless: Should be fixed with https://review.openstack.org/#/c/91173/ 19:23:33 <bnemec> One second, I can paste the current numbers. 19:23:47 <jdob> bnemec: is that going to take into account the specs repo too? 19:23:49 <SpamapS> dprince: instead of revert, maybe just change to X-Forwarded-Host ? 19:24:20 <bnemec> lifeless: http://paste.openstack.org/show/79231/ 19:24:25 <SpamapS> lifeless: http://www.stackalytics.com/report/contribution/tripleo-group/30 still is useful. 19:24:30 <bnemec> jdob: Probably not yet. 19:24:33 <SpamapS> http://www.stackalytics.com/report/reviews/tripleo-group/open too 19:24:38 <bnemec> It needs to be added to the project list. 19:25:03 <dprince> SpamapS: But I feel like this is just wrong. The Blueprint itself is actually all wrong! 19:25:24 <lifeless> SpamapS: no, there are other header folk use 19:25:35 <dprince> SpamapS: I thought about doing that. Simple enough... but this one just seemed to be off beat all around. 19:25:51 <SpamapS> mmkay 19:26:00 <SpamapS> IIRC that patch enabled using stunnel.. but maybe not 19:26:09 <SpamapS> since it is like..dead wrong ;) 19:26:23 <lifeless> huh, no, no impact on stunnel 19:26:41 <bnemec> openreviews: http://paste.openstack.org/show/79232/ 19:27:19 <SpamapS> anyway, let's just leave that for #heat 19:28:59 <lifeless> Median wait time: 5 days, 1 hours, 42 minutes 19:29:00 <lifeless> 3rd quartile wait time: 11 days, 2 hours, 26 minutes 19:29:11 <lifeless> so we're still bad but not getting dramatically worse 19:29:54 <tchaypo> I notice that a lot of the really old ones are still the "make X configurable" ones. Have we -2d all the ones that could be switched to the passthrough model? 19:29:59 <lifeless> looks like a bunch of our core reviewers have dropped down a little in volume 19:30:27 <lifeless> I thought we had 19:30:32 <tchaypo> If so, it sounds like the ones that remain deserve some attention - some are 60 days old 19:30:34 <SpamapS> yeah I've been just barely > 3 per day 19:31:43 <lifeless> tchaypo: clearly :) 19:31:59 <lifeless> tchaypo: good effective non-core reviews to get things into shape can be a great help here 19:32:24 <bnemec> Yeah, I think all those glance "Make X configurable" patches need -2's. 19:32:31 <bnemec> Was on my todo list. :-) 19:32:33 * tchaypo smells some kind of hint 19:32:35 <lifeless> ok another review topic is 19:32:37 <lifeless> specs repo 19:32:39 <SpamapS> I wonder if, as cores, we should focus on those with +1's already. I tend to alternate, picking one with no votes, and then one with +1's 19:32:41 <lifeless> I mailed the list 19:32:58 <slagle> i tend to start with oldest first 19:33:01 <lifeless> but - to reinforce // provoke thought 19:33:18 <bnemec> slagle: +1 19:33:30 <lifeless> My proposal is that -specs starts with PTL only +A 19:33:43 <Ng> +1 19:33:44 <SpamapS> I'm fine w/ that 19:33:45 <lifeless> so cores review it to +2; final ack from me. 19:33:46 <greghaynes> +1 19:33:58 <lifeless> erm 2x+2 I mean 19:34:04 <jdob> i'm fine with that too, as long as you're not worried about getting buried by it 19:34:09 <lifeless> I'm toying with consensus 19:34:15 <jistr> jdob: +1 19:34:16 <bnemec> +1. I think that's the way blueprints work in some projects anyway (only the PTL can approve). 19:34:27 <lifeless> jdob: I'm buried by blueprints atm, this is much more structured and easy to eyeball 19:34:37 <lifeless> so I hope it will be much better 19:34:42 <jdob> excellent 19:34:55 <Ng> lifeless: I'd say let's see how it goes. If you find you're just rubber stamping what the cores have already consensed, then you can devolve the +A to core folks 19:35:02 <lifeless> right 19:35:05 <slagle> sounds good to me if only you can +A, but i'd like to see more input than just 2 other +2's 19:35:07 <derekh_> sounds good to me 19:35:21 <slagle> but i guess that's on folks to make sure they're reviewing 19:35:23 <lifeless> slagle: ideally I'd like every core to be on-board with every spec 19:35:39 <lifeless> slagle: but I suspect thats not scalable 19:35:57 <slagle> yea 19:36:04 <lifeless> slagle: I think we do need every core to follow every specs commit 19:36:11 <lifeless> so they know whats happening in the reiview pipeline 19:36:28 <greghaynes> can that be auto'd somehow? 19:36:46 <SpamapS> I hope not 19:36:47 <lifeless> greghaynes: subscribe to the branch in gerrit ? 19:36:48 <greghaynes> hehe 19:36:59 <jdob> my hesitation against saying every core is that it puts a potential bottleneck 19:36:59 <lifeless> greghaynes: and feed it into your machine-brain interface? 19:37:02 <SpamapS> auto subscribe, sure, but don't enforce that rule ... 19:37:16 <jdob> a good majority makes sense 19:37:16 <SpamapS> one person goes on vacation and we can't approve specs.. bad state 19:37:25 <jdob> SpamapS: exactly what i was just gonna say, vacation 19:37:25 <lifeless> right 19:37:33 <lifeless> I think we'll iterate 19:37:49 <marios> lifeless: btw, neutron has a rule where if it isn't a bugfix, every review must have an associated blueprint in specs repo. are also doing this? 19:37:55 <SpamapS> so just make it a reasonably wide swath of cores and perhaps a mininum amount of time before +A to allow wide review 19:38:01 <jdob> are specs going to be a separate section in this meeting? 19:38:14 <lifeless> the key points are: a) we expect cores to help review specs. b) for now, only PTL +A specs. 19:38:27 <lifeless> jdob: perhaps?! 19:38:47 <jdob> i'd say yes, after reviews treat the specs explicitly and make sure we're on top of them 19:38:57 <lifeless> marios: we haven't so far, and I'm worried about the impact on e.g. refactoring work 19:39:29 <lifeless> marios: also there are IMO many cases where bugfixes need specs 19:39:54 <marios> lifeless: yeah, my question was more rhetorical and along the lines of 'make sure we don't just slow everything down even more with this process and any rules we come up with'... like the all cores discussed above 19:39:57 <lifeless> marios: its the nature of the change, not whether or not it's unbreaking something we thought works, that drives the need for design review 19:40:10 <lifeless> marios: +1 19:40:19 * SpamapS is being pulled AFK by meatspace ... bbiab 19:40:28 <lifeless> #action lifeless to summarise specs stuff and add section to meeting 19:40:39 <lifeless> #topic 19:40:39 <lifeless> Projects needing releases 19:40:44 <lifeless> #topic Projects needing releases 19:42:17 <lifeless> ok so no volunteers ? 19:42:27 <lifeless> [see what I did there :P] 19:43:22 <lifeless> slagle: perhaps you could do a release run 19:43:23 <lifeless> ? 19:43:29 <tchaypo> I think I saw a few weeks ago that the release process is at least fairly documented, right? 19:43:32 <lifeless> slagle: I'm expecting to be totally swamped this week 19:43:33 <slagle> perhaps i could! 19:43:42 <slagle> i can do it 19:43:48 <lifeless> tchaypo: it is indeed 19:44:01 <lifeless> slagle: thankyou, muchly appreciated 19:44:18 <lifeless> #topi 19:44:24 <lifeless> #topic CD Cloud status 19:44:30 <tchaypo> I'll see if I can find the notes and have a dummy run through them 19:45:01 <lifeless> I believe both regions are behaving themselves atm 19:45:05 <jdob> tchaypo: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/TripleO/ReleaseManagement 19:45:08 <lifeless> derekh_: ^ ? 19:45:38 <jdob> tchaypo: i wanted to do the same thing, just haven't had a chance to yet 19:45:38 <derekh_> lifeless: yup, no major outages at the moment 19:46:09 <tchaypo> jdob: You robbed me of the fun of digging for the URL. Thanks :) 19:46:13 <lifeless> #topic CI 19:46:19 <jdob> tchaypo: hehe 19:46:29 <derekh_> lifeless: I did try to bring up a baremetal node to test differences on R1 speeds but it failed, have to get back to it 19:46:30 <lifeless> derekh_: ^ 19:46:48 <lifeless> bwah, wifi jitter here is terrible 19:46:49 <derekh_> so I'm thinking we could do 3 things to help with capacity 19:46:53 <lifeless> 2s local pings 19:47:06 <derekh_> as we get a long backlog pretty much every day 19:47:07 <tchaypo> Where is here? 19:47:11 <lifeless> tchaypo: home 19:47:21 <derekh_> 1. Get rid of the seed job, until such time as its not a subset of the other 2 jobs 19:47:33 <tchaypo> Land of the long white ping? 19:47:34 <derekh_> 2. Move the ironic-undercloud to tripleo-expermental, then when it works swap it for the iron-seed job (assuming its also a subset) 19:47:43 <derekh_> 3. get us back to 8G nodepool instances https://review.openstack.org/#/c/91545/1 19:48:52 <lifeless> derekh_: 3 looks safest to me 19:49:22 <lifeless> derekh_: we can perhaps increase the HP region size a bit now more hardware is online 19:49:40 <lifeless> derekh_: note that we need to make the testenvs substantially bigger soon for HA 19:49:51 <derekh_> lifeless: I was kind of hoping we could do all 3 :-) 19:50:28 <lifeless> derekh_: I think this needs a little list discussion for 1 and 2 19:50:32 <derekh_> lifeless: ok (on testenv increase, how much bigger ? 19:50:44 <derekh_> lifeless: ok, want me to mail list ? 19:50:57 <lifeless> derekh_: well we need 3 nodes for ctl plane, and we'll need nodes for swift and cinder too very soon 19:51:23 <lifeless> derekh_: I'm thinking we perhaps need to oversubscribe the testenv hosts a little (at least on CPU) 19:51:24 <derekh_> lifeless: while we're on the testenv size, should we bring it down to 2G nodes ? as this is what devtest uses ? 19:51:35 <lifeless> derekh_: yeah 19:51:54 <lifeless> derekh_: mailing list - yes please 19:52:33 <derekh_> lifeless: ok on oversubscribing, will at patch to downlize testenvs and will mail list on some of the jobs 19:52:33 <lifeless> I'd like us to find a way to do scale tests as a periodic thing soon 19:53:01 <lifeless> I'm talking to mgmt in HP about getting some more resources to enable that 19:53:16 <derekh_> lifeless: ok, sounds good 19:53:23 <lifeless> e.g. we should run a 200 node job nightly 19:54:05 <lifeless> I'm starting to think we need to prioritise the revamp of testenv stuff to be natively hosted on nova 19:54:18 <lifeless> to be able to more flexibly use resources 19:54:41 <lifeless> I think we need a spec for TripleO that calls out the changes needed to nova/neutron/etc, which we can then seek cross-project buyin on. 19:54:51 <tchaypo> we're getting close to time - is there anything else that anyone wants to raise before we go? 19:54:56 <lifeless> any volunteers to capture such stuff ? 19:55:28 <lifeless> tchaypo: sill in the CI section for a little more :) 19:55:40 <lifeless> *still* 19:55:42 <derekh_> lifeless: if you want to point me the right direction I could have a stab at it 19:55:45 <bnemec> lifeless: Basically the TripleO on OpenStack work? 19:56:20 * derekh_ currently doesn't know what the shortcommings are but could take a educated guees 19:56:23 <lifeless> bnemec: yeah, I am sure we will touch on it at the summit, but basically I'm thinking a spec in the specs repo that identifies all the issues that testenvs let us work around 19:56:28 <lifeless> derekh_: ^ 19:56:43 <lifeless> iif someone gets a draft up we can brainstorm issues on it 19:56:46 <tchaypo> lifeless: sorry, didn't mean to hurry you; I was thinking of quick "please read and comment on X" things 19:56:54 <bnemec> lifeless: Yeah, I've been poking at that this week in prep for the summit discussion. 19:57:34 <lifeless> bnemec: cool; when you have a few minutes, capturing the tripleo-on-openstack aspects into a spec would be mega useful I think 19:57:40 <bnemec> lifeless: Hopefully I can get my environment sorted out and start figuring out what does and doesn't work right now. 19:57:47 <bnemec> lifeless: Yep, will do. 19:57:59 <lifeless> #topic open discussion 19:59:23 <lifeless> 45 seconds.... 19:59:41 <jdob> have fun at summit everyone :) 19:59:46 <lifeless> wooo summit 19:59:51 <lsmola> yaaay 19:59:51 <lifeless> no meeting next week 20:00:00 <lifeless> cause its ALL MEETING ALL WEEK 20:00:16 <lsmola> in person meeting next week 20:00:16 <lifeless> #endmeeting