07:00:54 <tchaypo> #startmeeting tripleo 07:00:56 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Aug 20 07:00:54 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tchaypo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 07:00:57 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 07:00:59 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tripleo' 07:01:04 <tchaypo> Greetings! 07:01:15 <tchaypo> #topic agenda 07:01:16 <tchaypo> * bugs 07:01:18 <tchaypo> * reviews 07:01:20 <tchaypo> * Projects needing releases 07:01:22 <tchaypo> * CD Cloud status 07:01:24 <tchaypo> * CI 07:01:26 <tchaypo> * Tuskar 07:01:28 <tchaypo> * Specs 07:01:30 <tchaypo> * open discussion 07:01:32 <tchaypo> Remember that anyone can use the link and info commands, not just the moderator - if you have something worth noting in the meeting minutes feel free to tag it 07:01:34 <tchaypo> #topic bugs 07:01:46 <tchaypo> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/ 07:01:48 <tchaypo> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/diskimage-builder/ 07:01:50 <tchaypo> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/os-refresh-config 07:01:52 <tchaypo> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/os-apply-config 07:01:54 <tchaypo> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/os-collect-config 07:01:56 <tchaypo> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/os-cloud-config 07:01:58 <tchaypo> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/tuskar 07:02:00 <tchaypo> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-tuskarclient 07:02:02 <tchaypo> tripleo has been pretty red the last few weeks 07:02:43 <tchaypo> this week we're down to only 4 criticals, all assigned 07:03:01 <tchaypo> GheRivero: Are you around to talk about 1316985 ? 07:03:18 <GheRivero> hi there 07:03:23 <GheRivero> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/104115/ 07:03:30 <GheRivero> just waiting for it to land 07:04:00 <tchaypo> #info GheRivero has https://review.openstack.org/#/c/104115/ waiting to land to solve https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1316985 07:04:03 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1316985 in tripleo "set -eu may spuriously break dkms module" [Critical,In progress] 07:04:50 <tchaypo> gfidente and rpodoliaka don't seem to be around 07:06:15 <tchaypo> #info Looks like 248 total open bugs for tripleo - I wonder how that changes over time 07:06:35 <tchaypo> I don't know michael kerrin's nick so I'm not sure if he's around 07:07:12 <tchaypo> the only other critical on the other projects that I'm seeing is https://bugs.launchpad.net/tuskar/+bug/1357525 - but that's fix-committed 07:07:13 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1357525 in tuskar "tuskar-api fails with "no such option: config_file"" [Critical,Fix committed] 07:07:26 <tchaypo> So unless anyone else has something to add I'm going to move on 07:07:36 <lxsli> MK's not on hipchat 07:07:54 <tchaypo> thanks lxsli 07:08:24 <tchaypo> #topic reviews 07:08:27 <tchaypo> #info There's a new dashboard linked from https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/TripleO#Review_team - look for "TripleO Inbox Dashboard" 07:08:29 <tchaypo> #link http://russellbryant.net/openstack-stats/tripleo-openreviews.html 07:08:31 <tchaypo> #link http://russellbryant.net/openstack-stats/tripleo-reviewers-30.txt 07:08:33 <tchaypo> #link http://russellbryant.net/openstack-stats/tripleo-reviewers-90.txt 07:08:54 <tchaypo> Stats since the last revision without -1 or -2 : 07:08:56 <tchaypo> Average wait time: 11 days, 20 hours, 50 minutes 07:08:58 <tchaypo> 1st quartile wait time: 3 days, 15 hours, 20 minutes 07:09:00 <tchaypo> Median wait time: 7 days, 9 hours, 26 minutes 07:09:02 <tchaypo> 3rd quartile wait time: 20 days, 4 hours, 15 minutes 07:10:24 <lsmola2> o/ 07:10:32 <tchaypo> lo lsmola2 07:11:16 <tchaypo> average and median are about the same as last week, 1st and 3rd quartiles are about 2 days higher each. 07:11:46 <tchaypo> Last week there was a bunch of talk that maybe we're measuring the wrong thing; I kicked off a mailing list thread but we haven't had much there 07:12:21 <tchaypo> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-August/042960.html 07:15:17 <tchaypo> Does anyone have any reviews they'd like to talk about? 07:15:40 <d0ugal> Reviews to help this land would be awesome :) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/104548/ 07:15:46 <lxsli> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/86316/ 07:16:08 <tchaypo> Could you mention them with the info or link hashtags so they hit the meeting log? 07:16:28 <lxsli> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/86316 07:16:57 <lxsli> I've had a lot of feedback that it should do what's necessary to obtain the software it's meant to install 07:16:59 <StevenK> #link https://review.openstack.org/108689 07:17:06 <d0ugal> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/104548/ 07:17:30 <lxsli> Whereas AFAIC it's the job of tripleo-incubator (or an operator's replacement thereof) to provide appropriate package repos 07:17:44 <StevenK> lxsli: What? It so isn't 07:17:55 <lxsli> I'd appreciate your illustrious opinions :) 07:18:00 <lxsli> StevenK: to which statement? 07:18:03 * tchaypo gets popcorn 07:18:14 <StevenK> "to provide appropriate package repositories" 07:18:47 <StevenK> It is not required at all. It's highly recommended, but by default -incubator and elements will happy reach out to the Internet to pull things down 07:19:15 <lxsli> WHat I mean is, the dpkg + apt-sources elements can do this, so if t-i wants to include elasticsearch it can configure those elements to provide a repo 07:19:32 <lxsli> Yeah that didn't work out so well with the PErcona tarball imo 07:19:57 <StevenK> The Percona stuff has been working fine for a while? 07:20:13 <StevenK> Keep in mind cloud images are also downloaded from the internet 07:20:34 <StevenK> And the default behavior is to download all requirements from pypi directly 07:22:16 <lxsli> OK message received. So should we just remove the support from dpkg + apt-sources since we're not allowed to use it? 07:22:43 <StevenK> You are allowed to use it. 07:23:07 <StevenK> I quite liked greghaynes's suggestion of DIB_REPOLOCATION_elasticsearch if you use source-repositories 07:23:36 <lxsli> I need to read up about that 07:24:00 <lxsli> I've probably consumed my share of meeting time now, thanks 07:24:16 <StevenK> Okay, so my patch is pretty special 07:24:25 * tchaypo already has popcorn 07:24:45 <StevenK> It's os-cloud-config, and it's +450 lines, but it's been up since the 22nd of July and in that time it's had one +1 07:25:03 <StevenK> Well, 2. Since Jenkins likes it 07:25:09 <tchaypo> StevenK: any chance you can break it into something smaller? 07:25:15 <StevenK> tchaypo: Not easily 07:25:41 <StevenK> It adds support for setup-neutron to os-cloud-config 07:26:11 <lxsli> the lack of even a project description at https://github.com/openstack/os-cloud-config isn't helping 07:26:32 <lsmola2> StevenK, cool, I will look on that 07:26:48 <StevenK> lxsli: Blah, I keep meaning to fix that 07:27:18 <lxsli> StevenK: sweet :) 07:27:35 <tchaypo> StevenK: I'll try to take a look as well 07:28:06 <tchaypo> d0ugal: did you want to say anyhting about https://review.openstack.org/#/c/104548/ ? 07:28:08 <StevenK> lxsli: See #tripleo, I've pushed up a very WIP branch for that 07:28:27 <lxsli> Great will do 07:28:30 <d0ugal> tchaypo: nothing specific - I'm just looking for reviewers as I keep needing to rebase since it touches a bunch of files 07:28:50 <tchaypo> d0ugal: yeah, that's massive 07:29:02 <StevenK> lxsli: But since it will keep staring at me in the face when I look at my dashboard, I'll probably finish it off soon 07:29:11 <lxsli> #link https://review.openstack.org/115523 07:29:16 <tchaypo> is tuskar-knowledge required to be useful reviewing that? 07:29:22 <d0ugal> tchaypo: Indeed, mostly deletes thankfully but hard to break up. 07:29:31 <d0ugal> tchaypo: not really, oslo.db knowledge is probably the most useful 07:31:14 <tchaypo> Anything else before we move on? 07:31:47 <tchaypo> #topic Projects needing releases 07:32:10 <tchaypo> Do we have a victimeer this week? 07:32:18 <lifeless> hi, sorry for awolness. 07:34:01 <tchaypo> hrm. this is a problem. 07:34:17 <tchaypo> StevenK: were you still looking for a chance to do a release? 07:34:22 <StevenK> I can not 07:34:39 <lifeless> I can do a release 07:34:51 <StevenK> It requires membership in the tripleo-ptl group 07:35:01 <tchaypo> #info lifeless to do this weeks' round of releases 07:35:09 <tchaypo> #topic CD Cloud status 07:36:03 <derekh> hp1 is up and running again 07:36:07 <tchaypo> #info hp2 is making progress, slowed down by me doing a bunch of learning as I go 07:36:12 <derekh> ci tests arn't yet passing at a rate thats high enough, currently investigating 07:36:21 <tchaypo> I'm going to tentatively say hp2 might perhaps be ready for some testing early next week 07:37:19 <tchaypo> #info derekh reports that hp1 is up and running, but has a higher-than-acceptable error rate - investigations are continuing 07:37:45 <StevenK> tchaypo: That probably refers to both hp1 and the redhat ci cloud 07:38:04 <tchaypo> #undo 07:38:05 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x294c9d0> 07:38:27 <tchaypo> #info derekh reports hp1 is up and running. 07:38:35 <derekh> StevenK: no rh1 is ok 07:38:46 <tchaypo> #info derekh further reports that he's investigating why ci tests aren't passing at a high enough rate in hp1 07:39:17 <StevenK> Ah, right 07:39:40 <derekh> tchaypo: #info is correct 07:40:19 <tchaypo> Anything else? 07:41:11 <derekh> nothing from me 07:41:17 <tchaypo> #topic ci 07:41:35 <derekh> tripleo ci was reporting incorrect results since friday, iirc that's fixed now but anything thats passed since then can't be trusted 07:42:04 <tchaypo> derekh: could you hashtag-info that? 07:42:24 <tchaypo> also, are we doing anythign systematic to find bad commits and revert/fix, or are we just reacting as we find breakage? 07:42:39 <tchaypo> also, could you @link anywhere we can find out more about root-cause/remediation? 07:42:50 <derekh> #info tripleo ci tests that have passed since friday last can't be trusted, lots of false positives 07:43:55 <lifeless> well 07:43:58 <derekh> tchaypo: looks like the commits that were breaking ci are now reverted 07:43:59 <lifeless> if CI is passing right now 07:44:02 <lifeless> its fine 07:44:19 <derekh> lifeless: it is 07:44:50 <derekh> anybody know if there was there a bug for it 07:44:58 <tchaypo> so... the things that passed since friday... can be trusted, on account of being tested since we fixed CI? 07:45:15 <lifeless> yes 07:45:22 <lifeless> just don't deploy from within that window:) 07:45:41 <derekh> tchaypo: can -> can't 07:45:58 <lifeless> ah 07:46:17 <lifeless> derekh means 'unmerged stuff with a CI run from before today-after-fixing cannot be +A'd' 07:46:41 <tchaypo> #info lifeless> derekh means 'unmerged stuff with a CI run from before today-after-fixing cannot be +A'd' 07:46:42 <lifeless> tchaypo means 'is trunk ok' 07:47:03 <tchaypo> indeed 07:47:12 <derekh> lifeless: yup, 07:47:43 <tchaypo> okay. ready to move on? 07:47:57 <tchaypo> #topic Tuskar 07:48:01 <derekh> Here is a bug I noticed on monday https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1358397 , would be great if somebody had the time to take a peak 07:48:02 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1358397 in tripleo "overcloud stack-create takes > 30 minutes" [High,Triaged] 07:48:16 <tchaypo> We already had a review from d0ugal that needs to be looked at 07:48:29 <derekh> basically overcloud test is taking about 30 minutes longer then it should 07:48:56 <derekh> I've filed whats there but havn't poked into it at all, so no other info 07:49:34 <tchaypo> I'm going to start rushing along since we're running out of time 07:49:56 <tchaypo> #topic one-off items 07:50:01 <tchaypo> #info thoughts about separate CI jobs to test BLOCKSTORAGESCALE and SWIFTSTORAGESCALE? (gfidente) 07:50:32 * tchaypo pokes gfidente 07:50:59 <gfidente> doh, sorry, was late, thanks tchaypo 07:51:17 <tchaypo> gfidente: I just mentioned your item, can you expand on it? 07:51:59 <gfidente> yeah I just wanted to see if other people was interested in having jobs testing the block storage and swift storage scaling 07:52:21 <gfidente> as that part of code is not tested by the jobs I saw in derekh'l spreadsheet 07:53:05 <jp_at_hp> it makes sense to me, if there will e capacity to do so. 07:53:08 <derekh> gfidente: they sound to me like its something worth testing, if it was acceptable we could them to 2 of the existing jobs (1 each) 07:53:30 <lsmola> gfidente: +1, that part was often broken AFAIK, we should test it 07:53:41 <tchaypo> gfidente: you have an answer, make it so! 07:53:43 * tchaypo rushes forward 07:53:55 <tchaypo> #topic specs 07:53:57 <derekh> gfidente: we could try it at least, if thats not going to work we could try an extra job 07:54:20 <gfidente> derekh, I see what you mean, agreed 07:54:24 <tchaypo> We've had some discussion on the mailing list about specs/approval, I propose we continue the discussion there 07:54:34 <tchaypo> which leaves us 5 minutes... 07:54:37 <tchaypo> #topic open discussion 07:54:55 <lsmola> so what is the number of spec reviews we should do per week? 07:54:56 <tchaypo> My question is: Are these alternate-time meetings useful? 07:55:12 <StevenK> tchaypo: Yes 07:55:19 <d0ugal> tchaypo: yes! 07:55:23 <tchaypo> lsmola: I believe the numbers being suggested at the mid-cycle were around 1/2 per week 07:55:44 <d0ugal> tchaypo: (I can rarely make the other meeting time) 07:55:46 <lsmola> tchaypo: yes 07:55:54 <lsmola> tchaypo: ok, thanks 07:55:58 <tchaypo> You don't find that the smaller number of attendees here makes it less useful? 07:56:15 <d0ugal> less useful, sure, but better than nothing for me :) 07:56:18 <tchaypo> (it sounds like the answer is "but the smaller number includes me, which makes it awesome!") 07:56:23 <d0ugal> ha 07:56:46 <d0ugal> tchaypo: I guess the question is, how many people do we get at this meeting that otherwise can't make the other one? 07:56:49 <StevenK> tchaypo: I'd much rather be sleeping at 0500 rather than meeting, which means this meeting is excellent 07:56:58 <d0ugal> That's the real purpose of an alternative time IIUC 07:57:16 <lsmola> tchaypo: hehe 07:58:09 <tchaypo> okay, I'm going to bring this meeting to an end a few minutes early so I can run to my german class. 07:58:27 <gfidente> too bad 07:58:48 * gfidente joking 07:58:51 <derekh> both meeting are equally outside of my working day, this one is an hour befor I usually start and the other 2 hours after I leave so ... meh 07:59:08 <lxsli> same 07:59:19 <d0ugal> same 07:59:25 <d0ugal> but I have more plans after work than before work :) 07:59:27 <gfidente> tchaypo, but overall I think the problem raised by tchaypo is real 07:59:38 <jp_at_hp> which is fine till winter kicks in and its 2 hours before work :-( 07:59:44 <gfidente> maybe we can try to find a different timeframe for a single meeting time? 07:59:44 <tchaypo> gfidente: which problem is that? 07:59:52 <gfidente> (not many people) 07:59:57 <StevenK> We effectively cover the world 08:00:04 <StevenK> Which means one meeting time is *hard* 08:00:07 <tchaypo> ah right. 08:00:08 <derekh> jp_at_hp: ahhh, I hadn't thought of that 08:00:45 <tchaypo> One of the reasons for this time was to enable people in eastern APAC to join, but it seems like most people are actually from western europe (ie, the areas where it's an hour or so before their normal workday) 08:00:58 <d0ugal> jp_at_hp: +1, moving this meeting a little later before the time change would be handy. 08:01:11 <tchaypo> maybe moving it an hour later would be useful? And almost certainly we need ot adjust once DST flips over 08:01:32 <StevenK> I'm happy with 1700AEST. I'm less happy with 1800AEST 08:01:34 <tchaypo> d0ugal/jp_at_hp/gfidente/derekh - could you suggest this on the list? 08:01:57 <derekh> tchaypo: can do 08:02:00 <tchaypo> thanks 08:02:07 <tchaypo> #endmeeting