08:04:09 <tchaypo> #startmeeting tripleo 08:04:10 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Nov 26 08:04:09 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tchaypo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:04:11 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:04:13 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tripleo' 08:04:17 * marios_ dejavu 08:04:41 <tchaypo> Did someone do that earlier and I didn’t notice? 08:04:44 <tchaypo> I’m very confuse 08:04:58 <GheRivero> let me check the logs.. 08:05:08 <gfidente> tchaypo, I joined at .55 and topic was already set to it 08:05:26 <marios_> 06:19 < jiangfei> #startmeeting tripleo 08:05:33 <GheRivero> someone two hours ago started the meeting 08:05:36 <marios_> jiangfei had a tripleo meeting couple hours ago 08:05:42 <tchaypo> I noticed this morning that https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings said the meeting started at 0700UTC 08:05:44 <d0ugal> lol 08:05:47 <tchaypo> while the ical said 0800 UTC 08:05:51 <StevenK> And he didn't even invite us 08:05:54 <tchaypo> so I was going to raise that as the first issue in the meeting 08:06:17 <StevenK> It's now 7pm, I'd prefer the meeting be two hours earlier 08:06:19 <tchaypo> I’ve fixed the wiki to match the iCal which matches https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TripleO which matches the email sent in september 08:06:27 <gfidente> yeah I think we should strip the part where it says: 'Next meeting scheduled for' from wiki as that is never accurate 08:06:46 <tchaypo> stevenk: it’s now 9am CET, 8AM GMT 08:06:47 <marios_> StevenK: 2 hrs is a bit harsh for EU though, would make it 0700 for them 08:06:58 <marios_> StevenK: which is kinda the point of having this meeting (eu friendly) 08:07:03 <d0ugal> marios_: or 0600 for the UK 08:07:13 <marios_> d0ugal: right, thx 08:07:18 <tchaypo> that said - I think we used to have better attendance when this meeting was an hour earlier 08:07:39 <StevenK> Just makes it difficult to organise anything on Wednesday night every fortnight 08:07:56 <StevenK> Since I'm effectively blocked from 7pm until 8pm 08:07:56 <gfidente> well if I can spare mine, 9am is not good even though it is supposedly to help people in EU 08:07:58 <d0ugal> StevenK: That's the issue we have on Tuesday nights :) 08:08:11 <tchaypo> StevenK: so don’t, attend the other meeting instead 08:08:22 <gfidente> and the alternating schedule always makes me miss some meetings 08:08:25 <marios_> StevenK: heh yeah, my tripleo alternate is at 2100 and neutron is at 2300 :/ 08:08:36 <gfidente> if we were to vote again, I'd drop the alternating schedule 08:08:44 <tchaypo> How about we kick this off on the list again? 08:08:50 <d0ugal> =1 08:08:51 <d0ugal> +1 08:08:55 <tchaypo> or even perhaps 08:08:56 <marios_> +=1 08:09:03 <tchaypo> revisit what the meeting is for? 08:09:04 <shardy> fwiw we've been through this multiple times with heat, and it's impossible to please everyone 08:09:24 <shardy> at least with an alternating schedule you're not permanently excluding some tz's 08:09:26 <StevenK> Indeed 08:09:31 <StevenK> We cover most of the world 08:09:35 <shardy> My .02 GPB FWIW ;) 08:09:37 <tchaypo> a lot of what we do seem to be simple status updates - perhaps we could just delegate one person to give a weekly report to the list, and save the meeting for something more focused like hitting the top priority reviews? 08:09:48 <StevenK> tchaypo: +2 +A 08:09:53 <GheRivero> +1 08:09:58 <greghaynes> Maybe even make a doodle :) 08:10:12 <gfidente> I had some one-off topic though 08:10:16 <StevenK> tchaypo: Bring that up on the list too, it could also make meetings quicker 08:10:17 <tchaypo> at my second-last job we solved this problem by splitting the team in 13 pieces, each separated by no more than ~10 hours, so that it was possible for each team to find one single weekly meeting time 08:10:17 <gfidente> at least today 08:10:26 <tchaypo> unfortunately that doesn’t work for this kind of team :) 08:10:33 <tchaypo> okay 08:10:43 <tchaypo> #action tchaypo to raise meeting time and purpose on list 08:10:51 <tchaypo> now let’s get started 08:10:59 <d0ugal> \o/ 08:11:12 <tchaypo> #topic agenda 08:11:12 <tchaypo> * bugs 08:11:12 <tchaypo> * reviews 08:11:12 <tchaypo> * Projects needing releases 08:11:12 <tchaypo> * CD Cloud status 08:11:12 <tchaypo> * CI 08:11:12 <tchaypo> * Tuskar 08:11:13 <tchaypo> * Specs 08:11:13 <tchaypo> * open discussion 08:11:14 <tchaypo> Remember that anyone can use the link and info commands, not just the moderator - if you have something worth noting in the meeting minutes feel free to tag it 08:11:14 <tchaypo> #topic bugs 08:11:26 <tchaypo> I’ve noticed the untriaged bot has been very noisy lately 08:11:43 <tchaypo> I think it would be valuable if we could tidy that up right now 08:11:52 <marios_> tchaypo: apologies I will hopefully have more time to look at +bug/1188067 later today 08:13:22 <tchaypo> I was about to say something similar - I think the dnsmasq issue i saw in hp2 may have been me manually misconfiguring something. If so I think we can drop that back to high 08:13:48 <marios_> tchaypo: (sure, i meant more generally think about it and then we can discuss, perhaps we need a spec(s)) 08:14:06 <tchaypo> +bug/1374626 - changing uids - owned by spamaps - 08:15:06 <GheRivero> we never discuss that in the summit. It's a hard topic 08:15:56 <tchaypo> Yeah. I’ll ping spamaps and ask for an update on the bug 08:16:13 <greghaynes> We had a good ml discussion about that a while back, im not sure if any progress was made on implementing it 08:16:47 <greghaynes> but yes, clint or ng would probably know that 08:16:53 <tchaypo> https://review.openstack.org/136894 just landed which should close off https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1394956 08:16:57 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1394956 in tripleo "ConfigFileValueError: IP address cannot be an empty string" [Critical,Fix committed] 08:17:17 <StevenK> \o/ 08:18:23 <tchaypo> Switching tracks slightly - I’m looking at the list of things the bot is complaining about 08:18:24 <tchaypo> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1391218 08:18:26 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1391218 in tripleo "Configuration Dependent on HAProxy" [High,In progress] 08:18:37 <tchaypo> had no importance, so I’ve set it to high 08:19:15 <greghaynes> hrm, I dont think thats a high, I think thats just an issue where were bad at naming things 08:19:15 <StevenK> Yes, triage involves *both* Importance and Status 08:19:50 <StevenK> greghaynes: Then fix it, dear Henry? 08:19:50 * greghaynes will comment on bug 08:20:52 <tchaypo> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1387061 is unassigned and has no priority 08:20:53 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1387061 in tripleo "deploy under cloud failure due to pacemaker " [Undecided,New] 08:22:07 <tchaypo> I’m not sure what to do with that. 08:22:12 <tchaypo> any suggestions? 08:22:41 <GheRivero> I can take a look to it after the meeting 08:23:29 <tchaypo> thanks ghe 08:23:40 <tchaypo> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1393643 had an assignee but no priority, I’ve set it to high 08:23:41 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1393643 in tripleo "haproxy start failed loop with 'Starting proxy horizon: cannot bind socket'" [High,New] 08:24:50 <StevenK> tchaypo: You need to move it from New as well 08:24:52 <tchaypo> same with https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1391412 - i wish jiangfei was still around, because i think i hit the same issue myself this morning. I’ll follow up on that 08:24:53 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1391412 in tripleo "devtest deploy overcloud successfully,but there have one baremetal in Maintenance state" [Undecided,New] 08:25:14 <StevenK> If they stay New, the untriaged bot will keep bringing it up 08:25:37 <tchaypo> thanks StevenK 08:26:28 <tchaypo> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1387487 seems to be tuskar, so I’m changing the component 08:26:30 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1387487 in tripleo "tripleo-image-elements/elements/tuskar-ui /os-refresh-config /post-configure.d/101-tuskar-ui needs authentication from Keystone" [Undecided,New] 08:27:05 <StevenK> tchaypo: But it talks about t-i-e? 08:28:12 <tchaypo> *hand-waggle* I dunno. I’m open to other suggestions. 08:28:53 <tchaypo> d0ugal: any comments? 08:29:42 <d0ugal> tchaypo: hmm, I can take a look into it 08:29:59 <StevenK> So, the metting is half over, can haz moving on? 08:30:11 <marios_> d0ugal: yeah so i think this isn't a tuskar one 08:30:18 <marios_> StevenK: err sorry i meant tchaypo ^^ 08:30:26 <StevenK> Hah 08:30:29 <marios_> lol 08:30:33 * marios_ puts keyboard down, enough 08:30:55 <d0ugal> lol 08:31:03 <marios_> tchaypo: i mean sounds like this could be about the tuskar-ui element 08:31:12 <d0ugal> marios_: Yeah, that's what I thought 08:32:11 <tchaypo> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1393304 - I’ve given it an assignee and a priority 08:32:12 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1393304 in tripleo "create-nodes failure for customised pool" [High,Confirmed] 08:32:33 <marios_> tchaypo: will try and circle back to +bug/1387487 later this week 08:32:45 <StevenK> tchaypo: Looks good, re that bug 08:32:45 <tchaypo> yes, let’s move on. Do we have any other criticals that need to be discussed? 08:33:33 <tchaypo> #info There's a new dashboard linked from https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/TripleO#Review_team - look for "TripleO Inbox Dashboard" 08:33:33 <tchaypo> #link http://russellbryant.net/openstack-stats/tripleo-openreviews.html 08:33:33 <tchaypo> #link http://russellbryant.net/openstack-stats/tripleo-reviewers-30.txt 08:33:33 <tchaypo> #link http://russellbryant.net/openstack-stats/tripleo-reviewers-90.txt 08:33:48 <tchaypo> Stats since the last revision without -1 or -2 : 08:33:48 <tchaypo> Average wait time: 6 days, 15 hours, 58 minutes 08:33:48 <tchaypo> 1st quartile wait time: 0 days, 19 hours, 58 minutes 08:33:48 <tchaypo> Median wait time: 4 days, 20 hours, 39 minutes 08:33:48 <tchaypo> 3rd quartile wait time: 7 days, 6 hours, 53 minutes 08:34:10 <tchaypo> which is great. 08:34:11 <tchaypo> Queue growth in the last 30 days: 49 (1.6/day) 08:34:14 <tchaypo> not so great. 08:35:01 <tchaypo> As per discussion at mid-cycle, we’re planning to find 5 reviews that need help and assign them to people for action, whether that’s shepherding them to completion or marking them as abandoned. 08:35:08 <StevenK> tchaypo: Change the meeting topic? 08:35:15 <StevenK> Since it's still bugs, but you've moved on 08:36:44 <tchaypo> #topic reviews 08:36:52 <tchaypo> whee. 08:37:12 <tchaypo> I can’t find the link we used two weeks ago to find reviews to assign, and it seems like last week they brushed past it 08:37:48 <StevenK> hashaction tchaypo to bookmark a link on the wiki ... ? 08:38:37 <tchaypo> #action tchaypo to follow up to list about finding old reviews 08:38:52 <tchaypo> I think we used the “based on latest revision” on http://russellbryant.net/openstack-stats/tripleo-openreviews.html 08:39:51 <tchaypo> 19 days, 14 hours, 43 minutes https://review.openstack.org/133094 (Specify a signal transport for the SwiftStorageDeployment) 08:39:51 <tchaypo> 15 days, 21 hours, 6 minutes https://review.openstack.org/133435 (Don't replace OS::Neutron::Port on update of undercloud) 08:39:51 <tchaypo> 15 days, 18 hours, 43 minutes https://review.openstack.org/118220 (Added a MySQL logrotate configuration) 08:39:51 <tchaypo> 14 days, 14 hours, 56 minutes https://review.openstack.org/133755 (Tuskar role components spec) 08:39:51 <tchaypo> 13 days, 14 hours, 53 minutes https://review.openstack.org/133554 (Add Overview subsection to Proposed Change section) 08:40:04 <tchaypo> Could we get some volunteers to push those along? 08:40:21 <marios_> tchaypo: just landed the #/c/133435/ 08:41:26 <tchaypo> woo 08:41:34 <StevenK> tchaypo: /133094 has been rechecked 08:42:01 <marios_> re the logrotate one, alexis comments are outstanding (graham are those suggestions required?) 08:42:07 <marios_> #/c/118220/ 08:42:29 <tchaypo> Given the time I think we need to move on 08:42:33 <tchaypo> #topic Projects needing releases 08:42:35 <tchaypo> volunteer? 08:42:49 <marios_> o/ i can do it, though i'd prefer someone new to learn 08:42:54 <marios_> (and I can help them) 08:43:36 <tchaypo> i believe StevenK has been wanting to do it for a while, but would need to be given permissions so he can do it 08:43:54 <marios_> i can give perms if he wanted to do so this week 08:44:31 <StevenK> Sure, why not 08:44:51 <greghaynes> its super easy, you can also ping me if you need info on how 08:44:56 <tchaypo> #topic CD Cloud status 08:45:08 <StevenK> I can look at it tomorrow if marios_ grants access tonight 08:45:11 <marios_> StevenK: exactly what greghaynes said, you will wonder what the issue was about 08:45:16 <marios_> StevenK: feel free to ping 08:45:31 <tchaypo> hp2 is an ongoing hamster wheel, every time I work around one bug I find another. 08:46:14 <StevenK> I'm not sure if hp1 is being used yet 08:47:13 <tchaypo> This is an example of something where I feel like a weekly update email would give us more value - there’s really nothing to discuss in the meeting 08:47:25 <tchaypo> Same for CI, so I’m going to jump to 08:47:28 <tchaypo> #topic Tuskar 08:48:04 <tchaypo> marios_: I here tripleo people have been shoving bugs that have nothing to do with you over the fence and trying to make them your problem. how do you feel about that? 08:48:25 <marios_> tchaypo: sorry was distracted momentarily, reads back 08:48:41 <marios_> tchaypo: heh, what do you mean? 08:49:06 <marios_> oh you mean with the tie one :) 08:49:12 <tchaypo> yes :) 08:49:23 <marios_> i've only had 3 shots of espresso so forgive me 08:50:14 <marios_> StevenK: you should now have the necessary perms for release 08:50:24 <StevenK> \o/ 08:50:30 * marios_ imagines what he would look like with a perm 08:50:57 <tchaypo> Any other tuskar news? :p 08:51:00 <StevenK> marios_: The 80's are calling 08:51:49 <shardy> tuskar-api support is coming to devstack https://review.openstack.org/#/c/131218/ 08:52:04 <shardy> If anyone's interested in hacking on it via devstack ;) 08:52:14 <tchaypo> Huzzah! 08:52:14 <marios_> shardy: that's excellent 08:52:36 <d0ugal> Awesome 08:52:38 <tchaypo> Sorry to rush things along, but I know gfidente has a one-off item and we’re running out of time 08:52:41 <shardy> personally I found it more convenient for quick tests and hacking vs devtest 08:52:58 <StevenK> But devtest is fast 08:53:01 <gfidente> not a very long one though, no worries 08:53:04 <tchaypo> #topic specs 08:53:07 <tchaypo> Anything? 08:53:10 <StevenK> Mind you, I have eight cores and 24GiB of RAM 08:53:14 <gfidente> yes on specs 08:53:37 <gfidente> the cinder/ha stuff, I started pushing some template/tie changes 08:53:47 <gfidente> I updated the spec too after summit but isn't approved yet, 08:54:10 <gfidente> so please leave there your comments or upvote it 08:54:26 <gfidente> (the spec) 08:54:39 <gfidente> https://review.openstack.org/101237 08:54:40 <tchaypo> link? 08:54:43 <tchaypo> thanks 08:54:49 <StevenK> #link https://review.openstack.org/101237 08:54:56 <StevenK> ... I think? 08:55:03 <tchaypo> #info https://review.openstack.org/101237 (spec for cinder/ha stuff) desperately needs reviews 08:55:28 <tchaypo> #topic open discussion 08:56:05 <gfidente> the one-off topic I had is, again cinder/ha, but this time I'm talking about my actual code submissions 08:56:44 <gfidente> do we want cinder/ceph be the default for controlscale>1 ? to test it in CI ? with an isolated ceph-osd node or with ceph-osd running on controllers too ? 08:57:13 <StevenK> I think that should be on the list for a wider audience 08:57:15 <gfidente> better to send email to the list maybe ? 08:57:24 <gfidente> okay :) 08:58:12 <gfidente> so for people interested, you could track progress here https://blueprints.launchpad.net/tripleo/+spec/tripleo-kilo-cinder-ha 09:00:47 <StevenK> Hmm, where has tchaypo gone 09:01:11 <tchaypo> #endmeeting