14:01:25 <dprince> #startmeeting tripleo 14:01:25 <trown> o/ 14:01:25 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jan 12 14:01:25 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dprince. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:27 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:30 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tripleo' 14:01:30 <adarazs> o/ 14:01:30 <jdob> o/ 14:01:37 <eliqiao> o/ 14:01:40 <shardy> o/ 14:01:48 <akrivoka> hello 14:01:50 <dprince> hi everyone 14:02:07 <tzumainn> hiya! 14:02:08 <derekh> hi 14:03:02 <dprince> #topic agenda 14:03:02 <dprince> * bugs 14:03:02 <dprince> * Projects releases or stable backports 14:03:02 <dprince> * CI 14:03:02 <dprince> * Specs 14:03:05 <dprince> * one off agenda items 14:03:07 <dprince> * open discussion 14:03:23 <dprince> any new on-off items to discuss this week? 14:03:44 <dprince> say them now... or just wait until open discussion :) 14:05:45 <dprince> #topic bugs 14:06:18 <dprince> I saw Ben filed this one this week: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1532352 14:06:20 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1532352 in tripleo "Glance on the overcloud with Swift backend is broken" [Critical,Fix released] - Assigned to Ben Nemec (bnemec) 14:06:28 <dprince> nice to have that fixed again 14:07:30 <trown> is swift backend the default? 14:07:38 <dprince> trown: for the overcloud yes 14:07:57 <dprince> trown: and perhaps that explains why this was failing too https://review.openstack.org/#/c/248492/ 14:08:06 <trown> dprince: cool, so again points to needing post install validation 14:08:15 <dprince> trown: Having swift as a default in the undercloud would make sense too I think 14:08:43 <trown> indeed 14:08:52 <dprince> trown: especially w/ IPA which allows you to go directly from Swift => Deployment Ramdisk 14:09:29 <dprince> trown: post install validation is critical 14:09:41 <dprince> trown: we've been without it since we switched to instack :( 14:10:42 <shardy> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/241167/ is the patch marios is working on aiming to reinstate it 14:10:59 <dprince> trown: any other bugs, RDO blockers to make note of? 14:11:25 <d0ugal> Hey all 14:11:38 <trown> dprince: not right now... I was not able to make any time to suss out what all is needed to move up the mitaka pin 14:11:48 <trown> dprince: planning on working on that today 14:11:54 <dprince> trown: okay, thanks 14:12:16 <dprince> one more bug, sort of related to TripleO w/ heatclient I'd mention 14:12:21 <trown> liberty is good... minus issues with IPA that I need to track down 14:12:23 <dprince> https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-heatclient/+bug/1532326 14:12:24 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1532326 in python-heatclient "--template-object doesn't support nested stacks" [High,Fix released] - Assigned to Dan Prince (dan-prince) 14:12:48 <dprince> I was tinkering w/ heatclient to get it to create a stack directly from a Swift container 14:13:34 <dprince> related to some of the workflow stuff we've got in tripleo-common... would like to get feedback on what if we took this approach rather than downloading files in our TripleO libraries first 14:14:30 <dprince> anyways, that is probably not a bugs discussion so lets move on 14:14:52 <dprince> #topic Projects releases or stable backports 14:15:17 <dprince> shardy: should we change this topic to be just "stable branch status updates" or something? 14:15:44 <shardy> dprince: I guess we still have projects which need releases, so seems OK to me? 14:15:57 <shardy> but whatever is fine with me :) 14:16:12 <dprince> shardy: okay, we can leave as is I guess 14:16:20 <shardy> nothing to report re stable except the CI outage caused by a nova regression, which slagle fixed via a pin/revert 14:16:27 <dprince> still lots of stable stuff getting backported 14:16:40 <dprince> I was actually surprised to see the Mistral undercloud stuff in the backports queue 14:16:45 <dprince> is that really needed? 14:17:25 <shardy> bnemec: ^^ 14:18:05 <dprince> shardy: thanks 14:18:07 <slagle> shardy: the removal of the pin is up for review and has passed ci 14:18:15 <slagle> the nova revert landed over the weekend 14:18:22 <dprince> I can follow up w/ bnemec on this later perhaps 14:18:23 <shardy> slagle: ack, thanks for the update 14:18:53 <shardy> dprince: one thing you mentioned last week was the idea of a feature-freeze for stable, moving more to a bugfix mode, so we can make larger changes to master 14:19:02 <shardy> is that worth a ML thread to gain consensus? 14:19:46 <dprince> shardy: yes, I'm just surprised to see almost halfway through Mitaka we are backporting almost everything it seems 14:19:50 <trown> slagle: shardy, ya I can confirm that RDO liberty delorean is back passing 14:20:24 <dprince> shardy: and features like Mistral are really meant for the next release I think... they aren't required and default to disable for now 14:20:41 <trown> do we even have mistral packaged for liberty? 14:20:45 <trown> if not it is too late 14:20:48 <shardy> dprince: yeah, hopefully in future releases we'll be able to switch out of backport-features mode much faster, and adopt a model closer to other projects 14:20:49 <dprince> shardy: would you like me to start the thread? or would you? 14:20:57 <shardy> dprince: I can do it 14:21:05 <slagle> i already chatted with ben about the mistral backport a bit, we dont think it's needed 14:21:12 <slagle> it just got picked up automatically 14:21:18 <dprince> shardy: cool 14:21:20 <slagle> i think he was going to have a go at removing it from that series 14:21:53 <dprince> slagle: ack, automation would it explain it 14:22:15 <dprince> okay, any other stable things to discuss? 14:23:33 <dprince> #topic CI 14:24:02 <shardy> I wanted to ask about network isolation - do we need any changes to the CI rack to enable that on one job? 14:24:09 <dprince> There was some discussion on #tripleo this week about increasing the CPU could for the testenv instances I think 14:24:13 <dprince> slagle: ^^ 14:24:19 <slagle> oh, yes 14:24:20 <shardy> I was hoping we could just enable it via an environment file for one of them, so we get some coverage 14:24:25 <dprince> This is perhaps causing instability in the HA jobs? 14:24:37 <dprince> derekh: thoughts? 14:24:50 <slagle> the theory is that the HA job fails so much b/c the seed vm in the testenvs has only 1 vcpu and 4gb ram 14:25:31 <dprince> shardy: I sort of lean towards just rebuilding the testenv's I think... which would essentially give you a new environment file anyways 14:25:33 <slagle> sbaker has recommended to always use at least 2 vcpu's for heat-engine 14:25:59 <derekh> dprince: slagle its technially possible, we would need to rebuild the test env hosts, 14:26:05 <trown> slagle: I have had way better success in RDOCI since switching to a beefy undercloud, I am using 16G and 4 cpus, but maybe that is overkill 14:26:05 <shardy> slagle: there is also https://review.openstack.org/#/c/259172/ which ensures we always have more than 1 worker, even with 1 CPU 14:26:25 <derekh> any changes in the test env would be for all jobs not just one type 14:26:43 <shardy> >=2 CPU's is probably good, but AIUI the main issue was throwing lots of stacks at a single engine process 14:26:58 <slagle> derekh: i didnt know if we could just script a bunch of virsh edit's or some other manual hack for now 14:27:03 <dprince> derekh: yep, I think 2 CPU's won't hurt the other jobs anyways 14:27:09 <derekh> we also got to be carefull not to overcommit out host CPU 14:27:35 <dprince> derekh: we could get fancy, if we are close to overcommiting 14:27:55 <slagle> shardy: ok cool, that might help as well. 14:27:56 <dprince> derekh: and have each environment contain say 3 "multi-CPU" instances 14:28:09 <derekh> slagle: not easily, but I'm sure it would be possible with a bit of trickery 14:28:10 <dprince> derekh: and a few single-CPU instances for the computes 14:28:36 <slagle> we only need the undercloud to have >1 vcpus 14:28:38 <dprince> derekh: and use either manual tagging, or introspection to select the right ones via flavors 14:28:51 <derekh> I'm not sure if we are close to over committing just something we gotta be aware of 14:28:52 <slagle> it's the undercloud's heat that is the issue 14:29:26 <slagle> so we could just bump the seed_* vm's 14:29:29 <dprince> yeah, if it is just that instance I feel like we can just do it to the see 14:29:29 <derekh> tbh, I would kinnd be tempted to prioritize OVB over this, then we can have any flavors VM instances we want 14:29:32 <dprince> seed 14:30:18 <dprince> derekh: yeah, we are definately due for a rebuild 14:30:42 <dprince> okay, perhaps we ponder these things a bit and sync up on #tripleo later? 14:30:45 <derekh> just upping the CPU for the seed would be doable fairly easilly, maybe a few hour work 14:30:56 <derekh> ok 14:31:19 <dprince> It would be nice to see the HA jobs stablilize if it doesn't cost us too much though 14:31:46 <dprince> any other CI things? 14:32:21 <dprince> #topic Specs 14:33:09 <d0ugal> Is this spec ready to be merged? https://review.openstack.org/239056 14:33:40 <dprince> d0ugal: sure, I will land it if nobody has objection I think 14:33:57 <slagle> it is as far as I'm concerned :) 14:34:01 <dprince> d0ugal: the only thing unclear about it would be which API it talks to: TripleO API vs. say Mistral 14:34:07 <slagle> there are no objections on the spec, i say land it :) 14:34:13 <dprince> d0ugal: but I don't think that blocks this spec... 14:34:34 <d0ugal> dprince: agreed 14:34:47 <d0ugal> akrivoka: ^ 14:35:54 <dprince> d0ugal: +A 14:35:56 <akrivoka> great, thanks d0ugal for bringing that up 14:36:10 <akrivoka> thanks dprince :) 14:37:36 <dprince> related to the TripleO API spec I started a new mailing list thread about Mistral vs. TripleO API 14:37:40 <dprince> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-January/083757.html 14:38:15 <d0ugal> oh, I missed that. Will need to read and reply - thanks 14:38:29 <dprince> d0ugal: yes, please do 14:40:58 <dprince> #topic open discussion 14:41:19 <dprince> plenty of time to talk about whatever this week I think 14:41:54 <dprince> I would put a plug in to review the Sahara patches 14:41:55 <d0ugal> I was going to talk about the swift/workflow/API stuff, but I'll just catch up with the new thread and reply to it 14:41:56 <dprince> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/220863/ 14:42:27 <dprince> Ethan has had sahara and trove patches posted for some time... so it would be nice to get to these 14:42:45 <dprince> d0ugal: we can talk about swift/workflow/API now if you want too, your call 14:45:11 <dprince> d0ugal, jtomasek: I'm working on prototyping a few Mistral actions as a demo of how a swift container -> heat deploy could work 14:45:31 <dprince> seems there are some questions about how that might work... so I'm tinkering 14:45:58 <d0ugal> dprince: The main new thought is: do we need to store the templates at all? Users could use the defailts in /usr/share/... or they could give us a git repo that we can deploy 14:46:25 <d0ugal> dprince: how they give us templates could be pluggable, supporting various sources. 14:46:40 <dprince> d0ugal: Perhaps. I think storing them makes sense in that it would allow end users to upload custom version of templates 14:46:55 <d0ugal> dprince: Basically this would offload the versioning etc. to whatever the user is using 14:47:07 <dprince> d0ugal: and creating a Mistral action that uploads from /usr/share (on the undercloud) if no templates have been provided would be fairly easy I think 14:47:11 <d0ugal> dprince: but wouldn't most users advanced enough to have custom templates store them in git or similar anyway? 14:47:49 <dprince> d0ugal: the git solution still seems a bit fancy to me, in that heatclient doesn't support deploying directly from Git 14:47:53 <d0ugal> and I still don't understand how some of the swift issues are going to be resolved, but I guess I need to read your thread. 14:48:00 <jdob> the biggest reason for storing them is going to be for upgrades 14:48:01 <dprince> d0ugal: but it does (almost) support deploying directly from Swift 14:48:12 <jdob> you're going to need more than one version of the templates available at a time 14:48:26 <d0ugal> jdob: ah, I didn't know about that. 14:48:31 <d0ugal> jtomasek: ^ 14:48:36 <dprince> d0ugal: swifts issues? 14:49:06 <d0ugal> dprince: Mostly what was covered in the previous thread, so I'll no repeat here but I'll add them to your thread if relevant 14:49:50 <dprince> d0ugal: cool. I've taken to trying to get heatclient to deploy directly from Swift 14:50:02 <dprince> d0ugal: this works for me for example: http://paste.openstack.org/show/483595/ 14:50:05 <tzumainn> I think the real question here is whether it makes sense for us to make template storage independent of the deployment process, so that we don't force the user to store the templates in a certain way 14:50:36 <jdob> just make sure it's developer friendly :) 14:50:53 <jdob> having to go through a shit ton of steps to get a one line change to the templates in a usable place really pisses people off :) 14:51:00 <d0ugal> dprince: Right, but that still doesn't guarantee a consistent view of all the files does it? 14:51:01 <jtomasek> o/ 14:51:20 <tzumainn> jdob, right, so I think we're trying to get to a place where we say, "store the templates however you want, we won't deal with it" 14:51:42 <jdob> IMO, what you more want is to say "Here are some options for storing them" 14:51:51 <jdob> and provide adapters to different things 14:51:51 <tzumainn> and behind the scenes, we allow them to specify, say, the file system or git, with potential expansions 14:52:02 <tzumainn> tomato, tomato 14:52:19 <tzumainn> my wording makes it sound like we're being more accommodating : ) 14:52:26 <d0ugal> jdob: We could store templates only for historical purposes 14:52:28 <dprince> tzumainn: we can add to our storage options long term 14:52:29 <jdob> ya, ok; for some reason, I read yours as "we're not doing anything" 14:52:33 <jdob> but we're saying the same thing 14:52:40 <dprince> tzumainn: but I'd like heatclient to be the thing that supports the various backends 14:52:43 <d0ugal> jdob: so, we deploy from git (for example) and always keep a copy of what was just deployed 14:52:43 <dprince> tzumainn: or perhaps Heat 14:52:52 <d0ugal> jdob: The only way to update that copy is to deploy again 14:52:56 <dprince> tzumainn: not some hand-rolled TripleO mechanism we create I think 14:52:59 <jdob> Heat, not heat client IMO 14:53:06 <jdob> we don't want that functionality tied to a python client 14:53:28 <jdob> d0ugal: i'd be curious to see dev feedback on a git option; it seems to work for the OpenShift cases 14:53:36 <dprince> jdob: right, well by wrapping a Client w/ a Mistral action we essentially give ourselves an API 14:53:39 <jdob> people not hating the idea of committing every small change to see what happens 14:53:49 <dprince> jdob: so we can use existing clients... and get an API for freee 14:53:53 <d0ugal> jdob: Yeah, I was saying to jtomasek that we need user feedback for this :) 14:54:37 <dprince> at the end of the day, the new workflow will be no different than using --templates option we have today 14:54:45 <dprince> totally transparent in fact 14:54:50 <jdob> dprince: apples and oranges; I'm not saying mistral or not, i'm saying we shouldn't add new functionality like that that's not available to non-heat client users, much less tripleo users 14:55:09 <jtomasek> d0ugal, jdob: I have the questions ready for john browning when he gets back from POC 14:55:13 <dprince> jdob: right, I'm thinking on the same lines 14:55:21 <jdob> cool 14:55:25 <jdob> jtomasek: i'm not sure who that is :) 14:55:33 <dprince> jdob: just saying that adding support to heatclient for deploying from Swift is really easy 14:55:43 <jdob> and i'm saying that's the wrong place to add it 14:55:47 <dprince> jdob: we already have the --template-object option for quite a while 14:55:49 <jtomasek> jdob: SA who helps us with testing the GUI 14:55:55 <jdob> jtomasek: ah 14:55:59 <dprince> jdob: I'm saying we use it there now, and it doesn't matter to us 14:56:09 <dprince> jdob: and if Heat gets the capability long term then we can switch to it 14:56:18 <dprince> jdob: we can't wait for Heat to add this to its API now 14:56:28 <dprince> jdob: it forces us into a really bad place I think 14:57:40 <dprince> jdob: I would like it in the API I think though, just not willing to wait for that especially when I think it doesn't matter for us right now 14:57:51 <dprince> jdob: see my "alternatives" comments here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/265478/2/specs/mitaka/heatclient-environment-object.rst 14:58:30 <jdob> i might be missing something, isn't this just for your "tinkering"? or is this something super time sensitive? 14:58:45 <jdob> actually, we're pretty grossly off topic from the meeting, we can shelve that if you have other stuff to discuss 14:58:53 <dprince> jdob: to me it is realted to TripleO APi conversation 14:59:12 <dprince> jdob: if we can't create a deployment workflow without TripleO API and or heat API changes we are in trouble 14:59:32 <dprince> jdob: nothing else to discuss 14:59:39 <dprince> and we are out of time 14:59:40 <tzumainn> why are client changes better than api changes... ? 14:59:41 <jdob> isn't that what caused merge.py in the first place? 14:59:51 <dprince> tzumainn: not better, faster 15:00:08 <dprince> jdob: totally different than merge.py 15:00:11 <tzumainn> dprince, I confess that I'm a bit leery of the 'faster' solution 15:00:21 <dprince> times up here more in #tripleo 15:00:26 <dprince> #endmeeting