14:00:07 <shardy> #startmeeting tripleo 14:00:08 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jun 14 14:00:07 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is shardy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:09 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:12 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tripleo' 14:00:14 <shardy> #topic rollcall 14:00:19 <EmilienM> hello ! 14:00:21 <coolsvap> o/ 14:00:25 <marios> o/ 14:00:26 <sshnaidm> o/ 14:00:27 <rhallisey> hi 14:00:27 <ccamacho> Hello guys! 14:00:27 <shardy> Hi all! 14:00:30 <[1]cdearborn> o/ 14:00:33 <mandre> hi 14:00:42 <saneax> Hi folks 14:00:49 <skramaja> hi 14:00:58 <beagles> o/ 14:01:02 <qasims> o/ 14:01:06 <karthiks> Hello 14:01:19 <shadower> hey 14:01:30 <akrivoka> \o 14:01:40 <trown> o/ 14:01:42 <adarazs> \o 14:01:53 <derekh> o/ 14:02:21 <d0ugal> \o/ 14:02:33 <shardy> #topic agenda 14:02:33 <shardy> * one off agenda items 14:02:33 <shardy> * bugs 14:02:33 <shardy> * Projects releases or stable backports 14:02:33 <shardy> * CI 14:02:35 <shardy> * Specs 14:02:38 <shardy> * open discussion 14:02:42 <shardy> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TripleO 14:02:54 <shardy> Does anyone have any one-off items to add this week? 14:03:17 <jtomasek> o/ 14:03:28 <marios> shardy: did you want to bring up composable upgrades a bit if we have time 14:03:42 <marios> i guess open discussion 14:04:05 <shardy> marios: yup, good idea - let's leave that till open discussion, then it can continue on the ML 14:04:15 <marios> s/you/i/we yeah sure 14:04:19 <shardy> I've been meaning to start a thread about it, but working on some examples first 14:04:29 <marios> ok thanks 14:04:56 <shardy> Ok, if there's nothing else, let's get through the recurring items 14:05:03 <shardy> #topic bugs 14:05:09 <weshay> o/ 14:05:26 <shardy> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/ 14:06:03 <jrist> o/ 14:06:03 <shardy> Does anyone have any bugs to mention this week in particular? 14:06:58 <beagles> yes 14:07:05 <shardy> CI looks a bit happier today, but the HA job still looks fairly broken 14:07:15 <beagles> there are a few mtu related bugs that, while we are dealing with on master 14:07:20 <beagles> are going to be a pain in mitaka 14:07:36 <beagles> e.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1590101 14:07:36 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1590101 in tripleo "global_physnet_mtu is set to 1400 instead of ethernet standard 1500" [High,Triaged] 14:07:59 <EmilienM> shardy: HA job looks stable to me 14:08:24 <EmilienM> shardy: do you have logs handy or a LP? 14:08:24 * derekh hit that mtu bug while deploying rh2 14:08:42 <sshnaidm> not critical, but worth to see: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1592284 I think there is a misconfiguration again. 14:08:42 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1592284 in tripleo "Sahara tests fail" [Undecided,New] 14:09:24 <beagles> I'm uncertain what the best way of dealing with this as a fix to mitaka - i.e. is it acceptable to alter the semantics of that configuration in a patch 14:09:24 <shardy> EmilienM: ah, sorry my results were stale :) 14:09:34 <EmilienM> yeah, our CI is currently quite stable 14:10:21 <bnemec> beagles: Given that the current semantics are wrong, I think it would be. 14:10:32 <beagles> fwiw, for mitaka we might be better without mtu configuration altogether, but I haven't tested in yet 14:10:49 <beagles> s/in/it/ 14:11:11 <beagles> bnemec: yeah, that's my thinking 14:11:23 <beagles> I'll submit patches asap and we can discuss more :) 14:11:54 <shardy> beagles: +1, given the current behavior a backport seems justified 14:12:05 <derekh> beagles: I'm setting it to 1500, but leaving unset by default I think would work too 14:12:20 <shardy> Any other bugs to mention before we move on? 14:12:56 <derekh> not sure how common this is 14:13:06 <derekh> but another bug I hit deploying rh2 is https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1587656 14:13:06 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1587656 in tripleo "undercloud install fails if devices exist with no dhcp" [High,Triaged] 14:13:30 <derekh> the undercloud node has 6 nics, all six are wired up but don't have dhcp 14:13:50 <derekh> so undercloud install tries to get dhcp for all interfaces and fails 14:13:55 <bnemec> Really? I deploy underclouds all the time with nics that can't DHCP. 14:14:33 <derekh> bnemec: yup, well that at least the conclusing I came to when deploying rh2 14:14:51 <derekh> bnemec: are your nics connected? 14:15:02 <derekh> bnemec: to a network 14:15:18 <slagle> dhcp_all_interfaces.yaml should only get written out if the actual os-net-config comamnd fails 14:15:21 <slagle> it's a fallback 14:15:44 <slagle> so probably need to trace that back to why it failed in the first place 14:15:55 <bnemec> Oh, yeah. ERROR: configuration of safe defaults failed. 14:16:03 <derekh> slagle: ahh, so my os-net-config failed for some reason? will see if I can find out why 14:16:23 <bnemec> Incidentally, this is the second time I've seen the safe defaults fail when a config was invalid. We should look into that too. 14:16:26 <slagle> yea see if you can find the actual root error earlier up 14:16:40 <slagle> bnemec: yea, the safe defaults i've never seen work tbh 14:16:45 <derekh> slagle: will do 14:17:24 <slagle> bnemec: i dont think it makes sense for the undercloud either 14:17:29 <slagle> for the overcloud, maybe it does 14:17:41 <shardy> Ok, sounds good, lets move on to the next agenda item and follow up in the bug/#tripleo 14:17:55 <shardy> #topic Projects releases or stable backports 14:18:07 <shardy> So, it's only one month until n-2: 14:18:16 <shardy> #link http://releases.openstack.org/newton/schedule.html 14:18:29 <shardy> #link https://launchpad.net/tripleo/+milestone/newton-2 14:18:35 <EmilienM> I hope we can land all composable services by then 14:18:49 <shardy> we need to push hard on landing all the things that are only started on in progress 14:19:03 <shardy> if anyone thinks they will miss the n-2 deadline, please move it to n3 14:19:26 <shardy> also, any "Unknown" delivery status, please change (or I'll bump them to n-3) 14:20:30 <shardy> Does anyone have any questions/comments re the release schedule, or other release related things to mention? 14:21:47 <coolsvap> from the last meeting we needed volunteers with who can help with project releases, any update on that? 14:22:26 <shardy> coolsvap: EmilienM has offered to be the release liason, and anyone can propose patches to openstack/releases too for interim releases that address specific issues 14:22:40 <shardy> coolsvap: IIRC you were interested in keeping track of the stable branch releases? 14:23:02 <coolsvap> shardy, yeah i can help 14:24:15 <shardy> coolsvap: ack, sounds good, well basically it just requires figuring out when a release is required, then pushing the patch to openstack/releases 14:24:40 <EmilienM> coolsvap: we can do next release together 14:24:41 <shardy> then ping me and/or EmilienM and we can review it together 14:24:55 <shardy> sounds good 14:24:56 <coolsvap> shardy, yup EmilienM thx sure 14:25:36 <shardy> I think we agreed to keep stable branch releases as "on demand" and master branch aligned with the milestones (possibly with additional interim releases where needed) 14:25:56 <shardy> the main thing I think is some what more regular releases from the stable branches than we have been doing recently 14:26:11 <shardy> Anything else re releases? 14:26:47 <shardy> #topic CI 14:26:54 <shardy> derekh: care to give us an update? 14:27:45 <derekh> we had a testenv problem from friday evening that we resolvved on monday morning, so CI was out of the weekend 14:28:21 <derekh> I havn't been keeping track of regression breaking trunk deploys, I think EmilienM fixed one yesterday 14:28:52 <EmilienM> yeah we landed one patch to fix HA job 14:29:02 <EmilienM> all CI jobs from master & stable/mitaka are gree 14:29:04 <EmilienM> green* 14:29:11 <slagle> in other ci news, i'm still trying to push the tripleo nodepool multinode work forward 14:29:21 <derekh> on the rh2 front, I'll be redeploying it later(with a few other team members) this evening and should be pushing a patch to add it to infra tomorrow 14:29:30 <EmilienM> slagle: do you have blockers / or/and need review? 14:29:32 <derekh> once that done, I'll be adding an experimenta OVB based job 14:29:44 <slagle> reworking things a bit presently to use the same networking setup as devstack networking (ovs vxlan tunnels), as i think that will be more well received with infra 14:30:04 <slagle> and we can collaborate on that 14:30:31 <slagle> there was also some feedback that if we could start with just 2 nodes instead of 3, it'd be better to help prove things 14:30:40 <slagle> that would require us to deploy an aio overcloud 14:30:56 <slagle> which may be possible when composable nova-compute lands 14:31:11 <shardy> the upgrades job on stable/liberty has been broken since march - is anyone interested in looking into that? 14:31:15 <EmilienM> slagle: we're on it and it should happen soon, we started to land nova composable things today 14:31:59 <shardy> it would be good to get that resolved, as it's stalled a lot of stable/liberty reviews I think 14:32:04 <EmilienM> slagle: I'll work on compute role as a priority tomorrow 14:32:16 <slagle> EmilienM: thx 14:32:21 <EmilienM> shardy: yes, I can look at it 14:32:46 <reduxio> Hello. Can anyone point me to where i need to go to register as a third party driver developer? 14:32:51 <shardy> EmilienM: if you're busy with composable services don't spend too much time on it, perhaps some other folks can help out 14:33:20 <weshay> matbu, ^ 14:33:31 <shardy> reduxio: Hi! There's no registration process as such, you can just show up with patches to our repos 14:33:56 <shardy> reduxio: FYI we're in the process of some major internal refactoring, so you may want to drop into #tripleo to discuss before starting 14:34:02 <EmilienM> shardy: ok I won't spend too much time, just a quick look to see where does it come from 14:34:36 <shardy> reduxio: there are several integration points for vendor drivers, so if you give us more details, we can help you get started 14:34:49 <shardy> (in #tripleo after the meeting is probably best) 14:35:15 <shardy> EmilienM: ack, thanks! 14:35:21 <EmilienM> reduxio: if it's a neutron or cinder driver, please ping me I can also help 14:35:40 <shardy> #topic Specs 14:35:40 <reduxio> shardy: Thanks, i will join tripleo. 14:35:55 <shardy> So, there's been some discussion on the topic of composable upgrades 14:36:08 <shardy> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-composable-upgrades-discussion 14:36:27 <shardy> Basically there's some interest in using ansible to drive the upgrade process (vs the scripts currently used) 14:36:44 <shardy> I'm also looking at enabling rolling updates via SoftwareDeploymentGroup as an alternative 14:37:24 <marios> to clarify, the ansible poc for upgrades is to enable upgrade of specific services. 14:37:36 <shardy> it'd be good to have wider review of the patches referenced, so we can start to gain consensus on whether the proposed approaches are viable, and if they're a good fit for TripleO 14:37:56 <shardy> I'm planning to start a ML thread with more details when I get the alternative heat based approach working 14:38:00 <marios> compared to the current workflow which is to upgrade per node (docs at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/308985/ for current workflow) 14:38:52 <jokke_> quick question of that. I see a lot of "rolling upgrades" been talked around at the moment. Does this mean tripleO components or the services in this specific case? 14:39:12 <shardy> jokke_: it means the services currently running on the controller 14:39:15 <reduxio> EmilienM: It's a cinder driver, and i will appreciate any help since i am new to this and kind of stumbling... 14:39:19 <shardy> and/or upgrading the controllers one by one 14:39:58 <jistr> though one-by-one might not be often possible due to db migrations, at least during major upgrades 14:40:00 <jokke_> shardy: ok, then it might be worth of waiting until the service teams figures out how to do rolling upgrades before widly trying to figure out how we do it in the deployment end ;) 14:40:14 <rhallisey> I don't know if a one by one will work 14:40:15 <jistr> (we already do minor updates in a rolling fashion) 14:40:30 <rhallisey> I'm also skeptical if rolling service by service will work 14:40:33 <marios> jokke_: agree, though this is more about the mechanism at this stage 14:40:49 <marios> jokke_: once we have per version upgrade 'hook' we can do the thing the service teams tell us is the right thing 14:41:11 <marios> s/per version/per service 14:41:14 <jistr> rhallisey: yea the PoC i submitted should allow rolling the service-by-service into one big step if we discover that service-by-service is undoable with RPM dependencies 14:41:27 <jokke_> marios: gotcha 14:41:47 <jistr> rhallisey: s/rolling/conflating/ 14:41:50 <shardy> Yeah, it's about wiring things in to enable per-service definition of what's required to do an upgrade 14:41:51 <jistr> to be more precise 14:42:38 <shardy> perhaps the rolling upgrade thing is a tangent, but it's one of the reasons cited for wanting to use ansible 14:43:03 <jokke_> just thought that it might be worth of raising that seems like most of the services does not know how/if their individual components can be upgraded on the fly or not ;) 14:43:12 <shardy> I'm making SoftwareDeploymentGroup able to do it, so we can compare the approaches 14:43:28 <jistr> shardy: ah ok i see what you mean. Well it depends on the particular service. E.g. for swift storage or probably nova computes, we indeed want a rolling upgrade even when it's a major upgrade. 14:43:47 <jistr> but for others, like many controller services, rolling upgrade isn't possible 14:44:06 <jistr> so flexibility in this is key i think 14:44:11 <shardy> jistr: ack, but we still want/need some method to perform rolling updates where the role and services support it 14:44:45 <shardy> Ok, I guess we can follow up on the ML, but in the meantime pls comment on the patches 14:45:01 <jistr> yea those approaches (rolling vs. non-rolling) could be mixed perhaps, even on a single node 14:45:04 <rhallisey> shardy, right, for that reason I'd argue we use ansible 14:45:06 <shardy> we may have some side-meetings on this topic over the next couple of weeks to gain consensus 14:45:09 <jistr> depends again if we hit issues with RPM deps 14:45:12 <rhallisey> because technially services could be anywhere 14:45:14 <shardy> (location/time tbc) 14:46:13 <rhallisey> there is a bluejeans call tmr for anyone interested 14:46:28 <rhallisey> figured I'd throw out and open invite 14:47:34 <shardy> Anything else on specs to raise this week? 14:47:40 <shadower> The validations spec could use some eyballs. It's stuck waiting for more reviews/feedback 14:47:53 <shardy> shadower: ack, thanks for the reminder 14:48:00 <shadower> I understand there's a ton other work so people don't have time 14:48:05 <shadower> but it's a small spec 14:48:12 <shadower> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/255792/ 14:48:33 <shardy> the new validations repo is setup now, and I didn't see any objections to adding shadower and mandre to tripleo-core so they can approve patches for validations 14:48:47 <shardy> I'll do that later today 14:48:53 <shadower> shardy: thanks! 14:49:09 <shardy> #topic Open Discussion 14:49:21 <shardy> One thing from me 14:49:36 <shardy> I'm going to be travelling next week, so can someone volunteer to run this meeting? 14:50:00 <shardy> I may make it, but likely to be in the airport with uncertain wifi connectivity 14:50:07 <trown> I can run the meeting next week 14:50:19 <shardy> #info trown to run next weeks meeting 14:50:23 <derekh> quick one from me, If people have time, could ye take a look at updating the development environment census http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-June/097284.html 14:50:23 <shardy> trown: thanks! :) 14:50:26 <trown> np 14:51:45 <shardy> Ok, anything else to raise before we wrap up the meeting? 14:52:33 <shardy> Alright then, thanks everyone! 14:52:36 <shardy> #endmeeting