14:00:47 <EmilienM> #startmeeting tripleo 14:00:47 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Oct 18 14:00:47 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is EmilienM. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:49 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:49 <dtrainor> :) 14:00:51 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tripleo' 14:00:55 <EmilienM> #topic agenda 14:00:56 <adarazs> \o 14:00:57 <ccamacho> xD Hola 14:00:57 <EmilienM> * one off agenda items 14:00:59 <d0ugal> o/ 14:00:59 <EmilienM> * bugs 14:01:01 <EmilienM> * Projects releases or stable backports 14:01:03 <EmilienM> * CI 14:01:05 <EmilienM> * Specs 14:01:07 <EmilienM> * open discussion 14:01:09 <EmilienM> who is here today? 14:01:12 <EmilienM> ccamacho: and also "jajajajajajajaja" 14:01:13 <cdearborn> \o 14:01:15 <akrivoka> \o 14:01:18 <mwhahaha> hola 14:01:18 <mandre> o/ 14:01:19 <beagles> oo/ 14:01:20 <jpich> o/ 14:01:21 <dprince> hey 14:01:22 <EmilienM> which is the thing I usually write after too much beers 14:01:24 <rhallisey> hi 14:01:26 <dtrainor> howdy. 14:01:26 <shadower> hey 14:01:37 <hrybacki> o/ 14:01:37 <trown> o/ 14:01:38 <shardy> o/ 14:01:39 <ccamacho> EmilienM LOL 14:01:52 <marios> \o 14:01:57 <EmilienM> ok let's do a quick meeting today 14:01:59 <panda> no roll call ? ok \o/ 14:02:08 <EmilienM> #topic one off agenda items 14:02:22 <EmilienM> akrivoka: o/ please go ahead 14:02:27 <matbu> o/ 14:02:43 <akrivoka> so, we need post-deployment config for the ui 14:02:59 <EmilienM> do we need a blueprint/specs? 14:03:03 <shardy> akrivoka: I added a comment to the bug, do we know what exactly we're missing? 14:03:07 <akrivoka> we were hoping to have a mistral workflow for this, and not have to manually do it in the ui 14:03:15 <shardy> the plan was always to remove the os-cloud-config postconfig stuff 14:03:19 <EmilienM> oh cool 14:03:29 <shardy> so if possible, it'd be better to do that than perpetuate it in mistral 14:03:39 <akrivoka> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1634505 14:03:40 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1634505 in tripleo "Post-deployment config for UI" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Ana Krivokapić (akrivoka) 14:03:46 <d0ugal> shardy: +1 14:03:47 <saneax> o/ 14:04:24 <EmilienM> ok it sounds like we need a spec to discuss about the problem to solve here 14:04:24 <bandini> \o 14:04:30 <rbrady> shardy: where would the init tasks end up? 14:04:34 <shardy> akrivoka: context is we moved a bunch of stuff e.g endpoint and user creation into puppet, so in theory there shouldn't be a lot of stuff left in the postconfig 14:04:41 <shardy> rbrady: what init tasks? 14:04:54 <akrivoka> shardy: oh, I see, I didn't know that 14:05:04 <shardy> that's my question, exactly what's missing when you don't run the postconfig, and can we do it somewhere else 14:05:07 <rbrady> shardy: https://github.com/openstack/python-tripleoclient/blob/master/tripleoclient/v1/overcloud_deploy.py#L712 14:05:14 <shardy> without wiring os-cloud-config in via mistral 14:05:54 <shardy> rbrady: yeah but we should be hitting https://github.com/openstack/python-tripleoclient/blob/master/tripleoclient/v1/overcloud_deploy.py#L731 14:05:57 <EmilienM> there is no postconfig anymore, we manage endpoints with puppet right? 14:05:58 <shardy> that stuff is deprecated 14:06:03 <shardy> or at least it's supposed to be 14:06:04 <EmilienM> indeed 14:06:21 <EmilienM> we could remove this postconfig i think and see how it works 14:06:31 <shardy> IMO we don't need a spec, but we do need some analysis in the bug about what exactly the CLI post config is still doing 14:06:50 <rbrady> shardy: ack 14:06:52 <shardy> then we can either add it via puppet, heat or mistral 14:07:02 <akrivoka> shardy: +1 14:07:28 <EmilienM> shardy: AFIK it's only about keystone endpoints right? 14:07:50 <shardy> EmilienM: we moved all that into puppet tho didn't we? 14:07:52 <dprince> EmilienM: the keystone endpoints patch got reverted because it broke upgrades initially. Did we add back all that functionality? 14:08:03 <dprince> a long time back... 14:08:07 <shardy> I thought we did but could be mistaken 14:08:12 <EmilienM> shardy: right so we don't need that stuff anymore 14:08:21 <EmilienM> me too 14:08:24 <EmilienM> ok let's check it 14:08:38 <shardy> EmilienM: well, according to akrivoka we do, hence my saying we need to firstly figure out why :) 14:08:51 * dprince thinks this got lost in the revert shuffle 14:09:17 <akrivoka> to be fair, I haven't been able to test it at all still, as I haven't been able to deploy successfully 14:09:18 <shardy> yeah, entirely possible we missed a patch somewhere and that tripleoclient stuff has hidden it 14:09:26 <EmilienM> ok 14:09:28 <marios> i think for the liberty to mitaka upgrade we had to explicitly re-run postconfig fot the keystone endpoints after the (I think) ceilometer migration... but for right now/master I think it is what shardy says we do it but in puppet ... need to check though 14:09:39 <dtrainor> akrivoka, i can help you with deployments today 14:09:56 <shardy> maybe we can push a patch which disables the postconfig in the CLI and see what breaks 14:10:12 <shardy> Doing that testing locally is probably a good first step 14:10:13 <EmilienM> #action investigate if whether or not postconfig actions (keystone endpoints management) is still run in tripleo/master 14:10:17 <akrivoka> dtrainor: thanks, that would be awesome 14:10:19 <EmilienM> shardy: right 14:10:46 <EmilienM> I would rather work on removing those postconfig things rather than moving them 14:10:54 <marios> for the *aodh* migration correction http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tripleo-docs/post_deployment/upgrade.html#upgrading-the-overcloud 14:10:59 <EmilienM> shardy: is that what you thought too? 14:12:36 <shardy> EmilienM: yes, definitely 14:12:45 <EmilienM> ok. akrivoka: good for you too? 14:12:49 <akrivoka> sounds good 14:12:54 <EmilienM> excellent 14:13:08 <EmilienM> I guess, depending on the results we'll have a different set of actions 14:13:37 <EmilienM> 1) if we find out that yes, postconfig is still run and we manage keystone endpoints with tripleoclient, we'll need to work on moving it to puppet like other resources and manage upgrade workflow 14:13:38 <akrivoka> I'll try to get a deployment working and investigate the necessity of post-deploy config 14:13:47 <EmilienM> 2) if no, let's remove this code in tripleoclient and close the bug 14:13:53 <EmilienM> we good? 14:14:00 <akrivoka> EmilienM: sounds good to me 14:14:06 <EmilienM> ok 14:14:10 <EmilienM> dtrainor: go ahead 14:14:11 <akrivoka> thanks guys 14:14:16 <dtrainor> hi EmilienM, thanks. since we now install ui by default, and ui now requires undercloud ssl, i wanted to ask if it's appropriate yet to start enabling ssl on the undercloud by default as well. i believe we'd be safe just defaulting generate_service_certificate to True. 14:15:02 <EmilienM> dtrainor: enabling SSL by default sounds good to me, as long as we provide a good user experience by making things working by default (ie: generate certs, etc) 14:15:04 <dtrainor> ...in the most simple basic case 14:15:21 <EmilienM> do we have objections? 14:15:32 <dtrainor> i've had ample experience working with an ssl-enabled undercloud as a requirement to making ui work and my experience has been pleasant 14:15:35 <dprince> dtrainor: seems to me we'd have to if UI is on by default. We might consider making the UI opt-in though 14:15:50 <dprince> dtrainor: having a lighter weight initial install that you build up seems reasonable too to me 14:15:58 <dtrainor> dprince, worth bringing up as well, yes 14:15:59 <dtrainor> agreed 14:16:01 <EmilienM> to me, enabling SSL improves security and I like being the default 14:16:15 <shardy> Unless it uses a lot of resources, I think we should have the UI enabled by default 14:16:17 <dprince> but if the UI is on by default and it requires SSL we have no choice to enable it too 14:16:23 <EmilienM> shardy: +1 14:16:25 <slagle> i will just grumble about how we keep making everything slower in CI by default 14:16:31 <dtrainor> heh 14:16:36 <shardy> IMO the target audience of the UI will want to do the absolute minimum of customizations to deploy 14:16:45 <EmilienM> afik it's a webservice, I'm not sure how it will make things slower 14:16:46 <dtrainor> shardy++ exactly 14:17:00 <EmilienM> (except the puppet catalog on undercloud that might takes a few seconds longer to configure a single vhost) 14:17:01 <shardy> we could disable it in some CI jobs tho 14:17:02 <slagle> EmilienM: just the addition to the catalog will make things slower 14:17:18 <slagle> we used to be able to install the uc in < 10 minutes 14:17:20 <dprince> my take is, if we enable it in CI we should test it. Otherwise...perhaps it should be off to keep the jobs quicker/leaner 14:17:22 <slagle> now we are 20 14:17:25 <EmilienM> ok 14:17:35 <shardy> yeah, we don't have to test everything in every job tho 14:17:37 <d0ugal> EmilienM: Yeah, given it is entirely client side, unless a browser is viewing the UI it shouldn't do anything 14:17:38 <dtrainor> part of that testing may involve the ui which will break if ssl is disabled 14:17:46 <shardy> like we could apply the scenario model to undercloud testing 14:17:47 <EmilienM> enabling SSL is a good idea though, as we keep testing it. 14:18:05 <EmilienM> shardy: right 14:18:10 <EmilienM> we have a CI job for undercloud-only 14:18:12 <EmilienM> we could use it 14:18:15 <dtrainor> excellent 14:18:18 <EmilienM> and deploy UI on it 14:18:22 <EmilienM> I can help you with details 14:18:45 <dtrainor> it was nice to see this developed and tested btw 14:18:51 <dtrainor> and improved 14:18:55 <dtrainor> ssl on undercloud, that is 14:19:11 <EmilienM> so any objection to use undercloud-only CI job to deploy SSL and UI ? 14:19:12 <dtrainor> *golf clap* 14:19:50 <bnemec> EmilienM: So we would turn off the UI in the regular jobs? 14:19:59 <bnemec> And maybe ceilometer too since we defaulted that to on again? 14:20:03 <EmilienM> bnemec: well, as it is right now, no? 14:20:21 <jpich> It's enabled by default 14:20:27 <EmilienM> bnemec: I would ask pradk about ceilometer, a bit out of topic now 14:20:38 <EmilienM> maybe separate ceilometer & UI topics 14:21:07 <dtrainor> cool, i'll work on enabling ssl on the undercloud by default. thanks EmilienM shardy slagle dprince for your feedback. 14:21:07 <shardy> well it's all part of the same requirement, build a matrix of CI coverage for optional undercloud pieces 14:21:17 <bnemec> Right 14:21:21 <shardy> IMO there's no need to enable UI or ceilometer on all jobs 14:21:24 <EmilienM> I saw lot of moves recently around ceilo on undercloud. I would sync with pradk 14:21:26 <pradk> in master we do yea 14:21:29 <shardy> only one job for each would be OK IMO 14:22:06 <EmilienM> right ^ 14:22:25 <bnemec> Okay, sounds like we all agree. :-) 14:22:35 <EmilienM> good 14:22:48 <EmilienM> #topic CI 14:23:04 <EmilienM> ok so slagle is currently working hard on bringing our multinode jobs alive 14:23:12 <EmilienM> he has a patch here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/387750/ 14:23:27 <EmilienM> other than that, all other CI jobs should be ok 14:23:29 <slagle> i'm not working that hard :) 14:23:31 <EmilienM> OVB is working well 14:23:37 <bandini> lol 14:23:43 <EmilienM> I also have a FYI, thanks to bnemec we now have Mitaka jobs green again 14:23:52 <EmilienM> "makes Mitaka great again" 14:23:56 <EmilienM> ok sorry. 14:23:59 <slagle> EmilienM: i think all jobs are actually failing now 14:23:59 <beagles> :) 14:24:02 <bnemec> EmilienM: You should be. :-P 14:24:09 <slagle> on this pycparse issue 14:24:16 <slagle> pycparser 14:24:16 <EmilienM> anyway, CI is not in its best shape at this time 14:24:24 <EmilienM> I would ask our reviewers to carefuly merge patches 14:24:33 <EmilienM> and we need https://review.openstack.org/#/c/387750/ anyway 14:24:48 <EmilienM> probably it's the best time to go to the beach 14:24:54 <panda> and the strange thing is that periodic job are not that bad at the moment. 14:25:08 <EmilienM> panda: are they failing? 14:25:15 <slagle> https://github.com/eliben/pycparser/issues/151 14:25:20 <EmilienM> panda: why didn't we have a promotion in 6 days? https://dashboards.rdoproject.org/rdo-dev 14:25:23 <panda> EmilienM: only nonha is failing, for that haproxy error 14:25:25 <EmilienM> slagle: thx 14:25:31 <EmilienM> panda: ok the ceilo stuff? 14:25:53 <panda> EmilienM: the ceilo stuff combined with the bug on haproxy 14:26:08 <EmilienM> panda: is it reported somewhere? 14:26:21 <panda> EmilienM: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1634468 14:26:24 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1634468 in tripleo "periodic nonha job fails to install undercloud" [High,Confirmed] 14:27:01 <EmilienM> ok 14:27:10 <EmilienM> panda: seems like you got it covered 14:27:20 <bnemec> Do we have a tag for promotion-blocking bugs? 14:27:22 <EmilienM> the haproxy thing is weird 14:27:41 <panda> EmilienM: yes, but I dont' understand why gates are acting so badly if periodic jobs are good 14:27:56 <EmilienM> panda: did we fix the ceilometer/haproxy thing? 14:28:01 <EmilienM> bnemec: not afik 14:28:04 <bnemec> EmilienM: It sounds like ceilometer needs to bind on a specific ip instead of This has been a common problem. 14:28:15 <bnemec> Okay, I'll add one. 14:28:35 <panda> bnemec: yes, we already have a patch for it 14:28:45 <EmilienM> and we merged it AFIK 14:28:50 <EmilienM> it's even in backport process now, right? 14:28:51 <panda> bnemec: the other problem is haproxy is failing to report failure correctly 14:29:59 <panda> EmilienM: I don't see as backport 14:30:02 <EmilienM> panda: this one right ? https://review.openstack.org/388035 14:30:18 <EmilienM> panda: or was it another patch? 14:30:32 <panda> EmilienM: that one, ye 14:30:35 <panda> s 14:30:36 <EmilienM> panda: please keep the bug updated with the maximum of infos in there 14:30:57 <panda> EmilienM: ok 14:31:02 <bnemec> Ugh, I hate moving services to WSGI this late in the cycle. 14:31:05 <EmilienM> anything else outstanding about bugs? 14:31:09 <bnemec> It has gone badly in the past. 14:31:19 <EmilienM> bnemec: on overcloud right. Undercloud is fine 14:31:24 <panda> I have a request about CI, please comment here http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-October/105934.html 14:31:37 <bnemec> I'm pretty sure it wasn't for ironic. 14:31:42 <EmilienM> about CI I meant 14:31:54 <EmilienM> panda: thanks 14:32:09 <EmilienM> #action team to look at Gabriele's proposal on http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-October/105934.html 14:32:45 <EmilienM> panda: do you want to discuss it here now? 14:33:09 <panda> EmilienM: if there are comment from anyone, sure 14:33:31 <EmilienM> panda: my only comment is about liberty. We don't care much about this release anymore, since it's EOL in less than 2 weeks. 14:34:40 <panda> EmilienM: ok, I think I can remove IPv6 config for that release then 14:34:48 <EmilienM> yep 14:34:54 <EmilienM> anything else about CI? 14:34:57 <panda> EmilienM: great, thanks. 14:35:32 <EmilienM> cool 14:35:36 <EmilienM> #topic bugs 14:35:48 <EmilienM> do we have outstanding bugs that are not in our radar already? 14:36:24 <EmilienM> I guess we have a bunch on ongoing work 14:36:51 <EmilienM> tag bugs *newton-rc-potential* if we want them backported 14:37:00 <EmilienM> err not the right tag 14:37:16 <EmilienM> : newton-backport-potential 14:37:27 <EmilienM> i'll go ahead with next topic if nothing outstanding 14:37:32 <EmilienM> #topic release management 14:37:38 <EmilienM> so we release tripleo RC3 today, it's done 14:37:57 <EmilienM> we still have a bunch of bugs open, but because of CI issues we can't land the fix 14:38:10 <EmilienM> final release in on Thursday 14:38:30 <EmilienM> dhellmann: I won't be here on Thursday, neither shardy 14:38:45 <EmilienM> dhellmann: if you need a point of contact for TripleO, maybe you can ask on #tripleo channel 14:38:51 <EmilienM> trown is also our release contact 14:39:16 <trown> I am? :) wfm 14:39:52 <EmilienM> once we close our current critical bugs that are still ongoing, I'll propose a new subrelease, probably within the next 2 weeks 14:39:59 <EmilienM> trown: you are now. Welcome! 14:40:17 <EmilienM> any question / feedback about release? 14:40:42 <EmilienM> #topic specs 14:40:51 <EmilienM> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/tripleo-specs+status:open 14:41:31 <EmilienM> I'm a little sad to see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/387631/ coming late 14:41:41 <EmilienM> as we already prepare our sessions 14:42:09 <shardy> fultonj: I know you were keen to get feedback on this 14:42:13 <EmilienM> but I hope we can find time at the Summit to discuss about this one 14:42:14 <fultonj> EmilienM: sorry about that 14:42:29 <EmilienM> fultonj: we'll deal with it ;-) 14:42:31 <fultonj> EmilienM: thanks ! 14:42:46 <fultonj> if there's any feedback on it I'd welcome it and be happy to update 14:43:01 <EmilienM> does anyone want to talk about a specs? 14:43:08 <shardy> I think this is part of a broader discussion about how to handle interfacing with external tools, e.g not puppet or heat orchestrated deployments 14:43:19 <EmilienM> a last reminder for people who own specs: make them ready to discuss for the Summit 14:43:37 <EmilienM> shardy: right, that's why i'm a little sad to see it so late, as it might require some time 14:43:57 <EmilienM> shardy, fultonj: also, I would like to see some discussion (maybe on the ML) about it 14:44:10 <fultonj> EmilienM: ok, i'll start a thread. 14:44:17 <EmilienM> cool 14:44:19 <shardy> sounds good, thanks fultonj 14:44:24 <EmilienM> #topic Summit 14:44:39 <EmilienM> so we have an agenda www.openstack.org/summit/barcelona-2016/summit-schedule/global-search?t=TripleO%3A 14:44:40 <EmilienM> #link www.openstack.org/summit/barcelona-2016/summit-schedule/global-search?t=TripleO%3A 14:44:50 <EmilienM> I need to polish it this week 14:45:01 <EmilienM> but mostly done 14:45:22 <EmilienM> please let me know asap if you have a timing conflict 14:45:50 <EmilienM> don't tell me you have conflict in Barcelona, it will be too late. 14:45:51 <shardy> Last time I checked there were two conflicts with heat sessions, but I did request anti-affinity when the initial draft schedule was posted some time ago 14:45:56 <shardy> so I assume there's nothing we can do about it 14:46:01 <EmilienM> shardy: damn 14:46:12 <EmilienM> shardy: there is nothing I can do between tripleo/heat sessions :( 14:46:15 <shardy> we've had worse overlaps in the past, we'll manage it 14:46:24 <EmilienM> shardy: what heat sessions? 14:46:55 <EmilienM> shardy: maybe we can make change our sessions schedule? 14:47:04 <EmilienM> I know containers session was tricky 14:47:10 <EmilienM> I made sure flaper87 and rhallisey can join 14:47:31 <panda> ugh, they're actually on a different building than the main conference :( commute time. 14:47:42 <EmilienM> dprince, trown, marios: you ok with schedule? you are chairs, so... 14:47:55 <marios> EmilienM: unless upgrades on thursday has changed then yeah am good 14:48:00 * marios checks again 14:48:05 <trown> EmilienM: +1 for me 14:48:17 <EmilienM> marios: no change 14:48:24 <EmilienM> excellent 14:48:30 <marios> thanks 14:48:34 <shardy> Fri 28 9:50am-10:30am actually looks to be the only heat->tripleo conflict int he final schedule 14:48:35 <EmilienM> shardy: let me know how can I help but I guess it's late now to change heat sessions 14:48:37 <trown> I am flexible too if things need to be shuffled 14:48:52 <EmilienM> shardy: ok, which topic is in heat session? 14:49:00 <dprince> EmilienM: schedule seems fine to me 14:49:17 <shardy> API microversions, so probably not essential to have all the TripleO folks there 14:49:49 <EmilienM> ok 14:49:56 <EmilienM> sorry for conflict :-( 14:50:06 <EmilienM> any feedback/question about summit? 14:50:30 <saneax> is there a list of folks attending the tripleo sessions? 14:50:59 <EmilienM> saneax: not afik 14:51:07 <shardy> saneax: No, they are open to everyone 14:51:18 <saneax> ok 14:52:21 <EmilienM> #topic open discussion 14:52:30 <EmilienM> fantastic, we have 8 min for open discussion 14:52:43 <EmilienM> please go ahead if you have any question or feedback about anything 14:52:49 <EmilienM> even a joke. Go ahead. 14:52:52 <shardy> I'd appreciate ideas on https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1633090 14:52:53 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1633090 in tripleo "composable roles and network isolation" [Medium,Triaged] - Assigned to Steven Hardy (shardy) 14:53:10 <shardy> mcornea raised the idea of automatically generating the nic templates based on the networks enabled for each role 14:53:16 <shardy> calculated from the ServiceNetMap 14:53:33 <shardy> which is a nice idea, but I don't think we can do it without creating a versioned interface to the nic templates 14:53:42 <shardy> e.g OS::TripleO::Controller::Net::SoftwareConfigv2 14:53:44 <shardy> or something 14:53:57 <shardy> I'll start a ml thread with some ideas, but happy to get feedback on the bug also 14:54:20 <shardy> the problem is we need to pass the list of enabled networks into OS::TripleO::Controller::Net::SoftwareConfig 14:54:32 <shardy> which is not possible without breaking all existing users of that interface 14:54:38 <EmilienM> shardy: right 14:54:54 <EmilienM> we'll need a versioning, indeed 14:55:04 <EmilienM> or an API transition between cycles 14:55:17 <shardy> we could do it via j2 rendering so folks opt in to the new interface on a per-role basis 14:55:22 <shardy> via roles_data.yaml 14:55:36 <shardy> but perhaps there's a cleaner approach 14:56:58 <EmilienM> shardy: good 14:57:06 <EmilienM> I'll close the meeting in 30s 14:57:18 <EmilienM> I'm on PTO from now until Monday 14:57:27 <EmilienM> I'll check emails every day and IRC sometimes. 14:57:29 <shardy> enjoy EmilienM 14:57:34 <jrist> +1 14:57:39 <EmilienM> please don't break CI more than it's broken now :) 14:57:55 <shardy> I'm also out for the rest of this week 14:57:55 <EmilienM> and see you on the other side (don't worry I'm not the pilot) 14:58:02 <EmilienM> shardy: enjoy too 14:58:02 <beagles> lo 14:58:10 <EmilienM> #endmeeting